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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# pod2cpanhtml - A utility to convert Pod to style HTML.
# reverse('©'), November 2009, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__

use strict;
use App::Pod2CpanHtml;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;

my $man      = 0;
my $help     = 0;
my $whine    = 1;
my $errata   = 1;
my $complain = 0;
my $index    = 1;
my $version  = 0;

    'help|?'    => \$help,
    'man'       => \$man,
    'whine!'    => \$whine,
    'errata!'   => \$errata,
    'complain!' => \$complain,
    'index|i!'  => \$index,
    'version|v' => \$version,
) or pod2usage(2);

die "pod2cpanhtml, version $App::Pod2CpanHtml::VERSION\n" if $version;

pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man;

# From the Pod::Usage pod:
pod2usage() if @ARGV == 0 && -t STDIN;

my $parser = App::Pod2CpanHtml->new();

if ( defined $ARGV[0] ) {
    open IN, $ARGV[0] or die "Couldn't open $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
else {
    *IN = *STDIN;

if ( defined $ARGV[1] ) {
    open OUT, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "Couldn't open $ARGV[1]: $!\n";
else {
    *OUT = *STDOUT;




=head1 NAME

pod2cpanhtml - A utility to convert Pod to style HTML.


pod2cpanhtml [options] podfile [outfile]

        --index    Generate a HTML index in output doc (the default).
        --help     Print a brief help message.
        --man      Print the full manpage.
        --version  Print the version of the program.
        --errata   Flag any Pod errors at the end of the doc (the default).

        pod2cpanhtml > some_module.html


This program is used for converting Pod documents to L<> style HTML.

Pod is Perl's I<Plain Old Documentation> format, see L<perlpod>.

The C<pod2cpanhtml> utility produces HTML output similar to by using the same conversion module, L<Pod::Simple::HTML> and the same CSS, L<>.

It should be noted that this utility isn't the actual program used to create the HTML for However, the output should visually be the same.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<podfile>

The input file that contains the Pod file to be converted.

=item B<outfile>

The converted output file in HTML format. Defaults to stdout if not specified.

=item B<--index or -i>

Generate a HTML index in the output document. This is the default. To turn the index off use C<--no-index> or C<-no-i>.

=item B<--help or -h>

Print a brief help message and exit.

=item B<--man or -m>

Prints the manpage and exit.

=item B<--version or -v>

Prints the version of the program.

=item B<--errata or -e>

Generate a "Pod Errors" section at the end of the document if there are Pod errors. This is the default. To turn this feature off use C<--no-errata> or C<-no-e>. Equivalent to the L<Pod::Simple> C<no_errata_section()> method.


=head1 AUTHOR

John McNamara


© MMIX, John McNamara.

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
