package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart;

# Chart - A class for writing Excel Charts.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX.
# Copyright 2000-2012, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__

# perltidy with the following options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola

use 5.008002;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility qw(xl_cell_to_rowcol
  xl_col_to_name xl_range
  xl_range_formula );

our @ISA     = qw(Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter);
our $VERSION = '0.60';

# factory()
# Factory method for returning chart objects based on their class type.
sub factory {

    my $current_class  = shift;
    my $chart_subclass = shift;

    $chart_subclass = ucfirst lc $chart_subclass;

    my $module = "Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::" . $chart_subclass;

    eval "require $module";

    # TODO. Need to re-raise this error from Workbook::add_chart().
    die "Chart type '$chart_subclass' not supported in add_chart()\n" if $@;

    my $fh = undef;
    return $module->new( $fh, @_ );

# new()
# Default constructor for sub-classes.
sub new {

    my $class = shift;
    my $fh    = shift;
    my $self  = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter->new( $fh );

    $self->{_subtype}           = shift;
    $self->{_sheet_type}        = 0x0200;
    $self->{_orientation}       = 0x0;
    $self->{_series}            = [];
    $self->{_embedded}          = 0;
    $self->{_id}                = '';
    $self->{_series_index}      = 0;
    $self->{_style_id}          = 2;
    $self->{_axis_ids}          = [];
    $self->{_axis2_ids}         = [];
    $self->{_cat_has_num_fmt}   = 0;
    $self->{_requires_category} = 0;
    $self->{_legend_position}   = 'right';
    $self->{_cat_axis_position} = 'b';
    $self->{_val_axis_position} = 'l';
    $self->{_formula_ids}       = {};
    $self->{_formula_data}      = [];
    $self->{_horiz_cat_axis}    = 0;
    $self->{_horiz_val_axis}    = 1;
    $self->{_protection}        = 0;
    $self->{_chartarea}         = {};
    $self->{_plotarea}          = {};
    $self->{_x_axis}            = {};
    $self->{_y_axis}            = {};
    $self->{_y2_axis}           = {};
    $self->{_x2_axis}           = {};
    $self->{_chart_name}        = '';
    $self->{_show_blanks}       = 'gap';
    $self->{_show_hidden_data}  = 0;
    $self->{_show_crosses}      = 1;

    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

# _assemble_xml_file()
# Assemble and write the XML file.
sub _assemble_xml_file {

    my $self = shift;


    # Write the c:chartSpace element.

    # Write the c:lang element.

    # Write the c:style element.

    # Write the c:protection element.

    # Write the c:chart element.

    # Write the c:spPr element for the chartarea formatting.
    $self->_write_sp_pr( $self->{_chartarea} );

    # Write the c:printSettings element.
    $self->_write_print_settings() if $self->{_embedded};

    # Close the worksheet tag.
    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:chartSpace' );

    # Close the XML writer filehandle.

# Public methods.

# add_series()
# Add a series and it's properties to a chart.
sub add_series {

    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;

    # Check that the required input has been specified.
    if ( !exists $arg{values} ) {
        croak "Must specify 'values' in add_series()";

    if ( $self->{_requires_category} && !exists $arg{categories} ) {
        croak "Must specify 'categories' in add_series() for this chart type";

    # Convert aref params into a formula string.
    my $values     = $self->_aref_to_formula( $arg{values} );
    my $categories = $self->_aref_to_formula( $arg{categories} );

    # Switch name and name_formula parameters if required.
    my ( $name, $name_formula ) =
      $self->_process_names( $arg{name}, $arg{name_formula} );

    # Get an id for the data equivalent to the range formula.
    my $cat_id  = $self->_get_data_id( $categories,   $arg{categories_data} );
    my $val_id  = $self->_get_data_id( $values,       $arg{values_data} );
    my $name_id = $self->_get_data_id( $name_formula, $arg{name_data} );

    # Set the line properties for the series.
    my $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $arg{line} );

    # Allow 'border' as a synonym for 'line' in bar/column style charts.
    if ( $arg{border} ) {
        $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $arg{border} );

    # Set the fill properties for the series.
    my $fill = $self->_get_fill_properties( $arg{fill} );

    # Set the marker properties for the series.
    my $marker = $self->_get_marker_properties( $arg{marker} );

    # Set the trendline properties for the series.
    my $trendline = $self->_get_trendline_properties( $arg{trendline} );

    # Set the labels properties for the series.
    my $labels = $self->_get_labels_properties( $arg{data_labels} );

    # Set the "invert if negative" fill property.
    my $invert_if_neg = $arg{invert_if_negative};

    # Set the secondary axis properties.
    my $x2_axis = $arg{x2_axis};
    my $y2_axis = $arg{y2_axis};

    # Add the user supplied data to the internal structures.
    %arg = (
        _values        => $values,
        _categories    => $categories,
        _name          => $name,
        _name_formula  => $name_formula,
        _name_id       => $name_id,
        _val_data_id   => $val_id,
        _cat_data_id   => $cat_id,
        _line          => $line,
        _fill          => $fill,
        _marker        => $marker,
        _trendline     => $trendline,
        _labels        => $labels,
        _invert_if_neg => $invert_if_neg,
        _x2_axis       => $x2_axis,
        _y2_axis       => $y2_axis,

    push @{ $self->{_series} }, \%arg;

# set_x_axis()
# Set the properties of the X-axis.
sub set_x_axis {

    my $self = shift;

    my $axis = $self->_convert_axis_args( $self->{_x_axis}, @_ );

    $self->{_x_axis} = $axis;

# set_y_axis()
# Set the properties of the Y-axis.
sub set_y_axis {

    my $self = shift;

    my $axis = $self->_convert_axis_args( $self->{_y_axis}, @_ );

    $self->{_y_axis} = $axis;

# set_x2_axis()
# Set the properties of the secondary X-axis.
sub set_x2_axis {

    my $self = shift;

    my $axis = $self->_convert_axis_args( $self->{_x2_axis}, @_ );

    $self->{_x2_axis} = $axis;

# set_y2_axis()
# Set the properties of the secondary Y-axis.
sub set_y2_axis {

    my $self = shift;

    my $axis = $self->_convert_axis_args( $self->{_y2_axis}, @_ );

    $self->{_y2_axis} = $axis;

# set_title()
# Set the properties of the chart title.
sub set_title {

    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;

    my ( $name, $name_formula ) =
      $self->_process_names( $arg{name}, $arg{name_formula} );

    my $data_id = $self->_get_data_id( $name_formula, $arg{data} );

    $self->{_title_name}    = $name;
    $self->{_title_formula} = $name_formula;
    $self->{_title_data_id} = $data_id;

    # Set the font properties if present.
    $self->{_title_font} = $self->_convert_font_args( $arg{name_font} );

# set_legend()
# Set the properties of the chart legend.
sub set_legend {

    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;

    $self->{_legend_position} = $arg{position} || 'right';
    $self->{_legend_delete_series} = $arg{delete_series};

# set_plotarea()
# Set the properties of the chart plotarea.
sub set_plotarea {

    my $self = shift;

    # Convert the user defined properties to internal properties.
    $self->{_plotarea} = $self->_get_area_properties( @_ );

# set_chartarea()
# Set the properties of the chart chartarea.
sub set_chartarea {

    my $self = shift;

    # Convert the user defined properties to internal properties.
    $self->{_chartarea} = $self->_get_area_properties( @_ );

# set_style()
# Set on of the 42 built-in Excel chart styles. The default style is 2.
sub set_style {

    my $self = shift;
    my $style_id = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 2;

    if ( $style_id < 0 || $style_id > 42 ) {
        $style_id = 2;

    $self->{_style_id} = $style_id;

# show_blanks_as()
# Set the option for displaying blank data in a chart. The default is 'gap'.
sub show_blanks_as {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $option = shift;

    return unless $option;

    my %valid = (
        gap  => 1,
        zero => 1,
        span => 1,


    if ( !exists $valid{$option} ) {
        warn "Unknown show_blanks_as() option '$option'\n";

    $self->{_show_blanks} = $option;

# show_hidden_data()
# Display data in hidden rows or columns.
sub show_hidden_data {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->{_show_hidden_data} = 1;

# Internal methods. The following section of methods are used for the internal
# structuring of the Chart object and file format.

# _convert_axis_args()
# Convert user defined axis values into private hash values.
sub _convert_axis_args {

    my $self = shift;
    my $axis = shift;
    my %arg  = ( %{ $axis->{_defaults} }, @_ );

    my ( $name, $name_formula ) =
      $self->_process_names( $arg{name}, $arg{name_formula} );

    my $data_id = $self->_get_data_id( $name_formula, $arg{data} );

    $axis = {
        _defaults          => $axis->{_defaults},
        _name              => $name,
        _formula           => $name_formula,
        _data_id           => $data_id,
        _reverse           => $arg{reverse},
        _min               => $arg{min},
        _max               => $arg{max},
        _minor_unit        => $arg{minor_unit},
        _major_unit        => $arg{major_unit},
        _minor_unit_type   => $arg{minor_unit_type},
        _major_unit_type   => $arg{major_unit_type},
        _log_base          => $arg{log_base},
        _crossing          => $arg{crossing},
        _position          => $arg{position},
        _label_position    => $arg{label_position},
        _num_format        => $arg{num_format},
        _num_format_linked => $arg{num_format_linked},
        _visible           => defined $arg{visible} ? $arg{visible} : 1,

    # Map major_gridlines properties.
    if ( $arg{major_gridlines} && $arg{major_gridlines}->{visible} ) {
        $axis->{_major_gridlines} =
          $self->_get_gridline_properties( $arg{major_gridlines} );

    # Map minor_gridlines properties.
    if ( $arg{minor_gridlines} && $arg{minor_gridlines}->{visible} ) {
        $axis->{_minor_gridlines} =
          $self->_get_gridline_properties( $arg{minor_gridlines} );

    # Only use the first letter of bottom, top, left or right.
    if ( defined $axis->{_position} ) {
        $axis->{_position} = substr lc $axis->{_position}, 0, 1;

    # Set the font properties if present.
    $axis->{_num_font}  = $self->_convert_font_args( $arg{num_font} );
    $axis->{_name_font} = $self->_convert_font_args( $arg{name_font} );

    return $axis;

# _convert_fonts_args()
# Convert user defined font values into private hash values.
sub _convert_font_args {

    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    return unless $args;

    my $font = {
        _name         => $args->{name},
        _color        => $args->{color},
        _size         => $args->{size},
        _bold         => $args->{bold},
        _italic       => $args->{italic},
        _underline    => $args->{underline},
        _pitch_family => $args->{pitch_family},
        _charset      => $args->{charset},
        _baseline     => $args->{baseline} || 0,

    # Convert font size units.
    $font->{_size} *= 100 if $font->{_size};

    return $font;

# _aref_to_formula()
# Convert and aref of row col values to a range formula.
sub _aref_to_formula {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    # If it isn't an array ref it is probably a formula already.
    return $data if !ref $data;

    my $formula = xl_range_formula( @$data );

    return $formula;

# _process_names()
# Switch name and name_formula parameters if required.
sub _process_names {

    my $self         = shift;
    my $name         = shift;
    my $name_formula = shift;

    # Name looks like a formula, use it to set name_formula.
    if ( defined $name && $name =~ m/^=[^!]+!\$/ ) {
        $name_formula = $name;
        $name         = '';

    return ( $name, $name_formula );

# _get_data_type()
# Find the overall type of the data associated with a series.
# TODO. Need to handle date type.
sub _get_data_type {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    # Check for no data in the series.
    return 'none' if !defined $data;
    return 'none' if @$data == 0;

    # If the token isn't a number assume it is a string.
    for my $token ( @$data ) {
        next if !defined $token;
        return 'str'
          if $token !~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;

    # The series data was all numeric.
    return 'num';

# _get_data_id()
# Assign an id to a each unique series formula or title/axis formula. Repeated
# formulas such as for categories get the same id. If the series or title
# has user specified data associated with it then that is also stored. This
# data is used to populate cached Excel data when creating a chart.
# If there is no user defined data then it will be populated by the parent
# workbook in Workbook::_add_chart_data()
sub _get_data_id {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $formula = shift;
    my $data    = shift;
    my $id;

    # Ignore series without a range formula.
    return unless $formula;

    # Strip the leading '=' from the formula.
    $formula =~ s/^=//;

    # Store the data id in a hash keyed by the formula and store the data
    # in a separate array with the same id.
    if ( !exists $self->{_formula_ids}->{$formula} ) {

        # Haven't seen this formula before.
        $id = @{ $self->{_formula_data} };

        push @{ $self->{_formula_data} }, $data;
        $self->{_formula_ids}->{$formula} = $id;
    else {

        # Formula already seen. Return existing id.
        $id = $self->{_formula_ids}->{$formula};

        # Store user defined data if it isn't already there.
        if ( !defined $self->{_formula_data}->[$id] ) {
            $self->{_formula_data}->[$id] = $data;

    return $id;

# _get_color()
# Convert the user specified colour index or string to a rgb colour.
sub _get_color {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $color = shift;

    # Convert a HTML style #RRGGBB color.
    if ( defined $color and $color =~ /^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/ ) {
        $color =~ s/^#//;
        return uc $color;

    my $index = &Excel::Writer::XLSX::Format::_get_color( $color );

    # Set undefined colors to black.
    if ( !$index ) {
        $index = 0x08;
        warn "Unknown color '$color' used in chart formatting. "
          . "Converting to black.\n";

    return $self->_get_palette_color( $index );

# _get_palette_color()
# Convert from an Excel internal colour index to a XML style #RRGGBB index
# based on the default or user defined values in the Workbook palette.
# Note: This version doesn't add an alpha channel.
sub _get_palette_color {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $index   = shift;
    my $palette = $self->{_palette};

    # Adjust the colour index.
    $index -= 8;

    # Palette is passed in from the Workbook class.
    my @rgb = @{ $palette->[$index] };

    return sprintf "%02X%02X%02X", @rgb;

# _get_swe_line_pattern()
# Get the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel line pattern for backward compatibility.
sub _get_swe_line_pattern {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $value   = lc shift;
    my $default = 'solid';
    my $pattern;

    my %patterns = (
        0              => 'solid',
        1              => 'dash',
        2              => 'dot',
        3              => 'dash_dot',
        4              => 'long_dash_dot_dot',
        5              => 'none',
        6              => 'solid',
        7              => 'solid',
        8              => 'solid',
        'solid'        => 'solid',
        'dash'         => 'dash',
        'dot'          => 'dot',
        'dash-dot'     => 'dash_dot',
        'dash-dot-dot' => 'long_dash_dot_dot',
        'none'         => 'none',
        'dark-gray'    => 'solid',
        'medium-gray'  => 'solid',
        'light-gray'   => 'solid',

    if ( exists $patterns{$value} ) {
        $pattern = $patterns{$value};
    else {
        $pattern = $default;

    return $pattern;

# _get_swe_line_weight()
# Get the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel line weight for backward compatibility.
sub _get_swe_line_weight {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $value   = lc shift;
    my $default = 1;
    my $weight;

    my %weights = (
        1          => 0.25,
        2          => 1,
        3          => 2,
        4          => 3,
        'hairline' => 0.25,
        'narrow'   => 1,
        'medium'   => 2,
        'wide'     => 3,

    if ( exists $weights{$value} ) {
        $weight = $weights{$value};
    else {
        $weight = $default;

    return $weight;

# _get_line_properties()
# Convert user defined line properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_line_properties {

    my $self = shift;
    my $line = shift;

    return { _defined => 0 } unless $line;

    my %dash_types = (
        solid               => 'solid',
        round_dot           => 'sysDot',
        square_dot          => 'sysDash',
        dash                => 'dash',
        dash_dot            => 'dashDot',
        long_dash           => 'lgDash',
        long_dash_dot       => 'lgDashDot',
        long_dash_dot_dot   => 'lgDashDotDot',
        dot                 => 'dot',
        system_dash_dot     => 'sysDashDot',
        system_dash_dot_dot => 'sysDashDotDot',

    # Check the dash type.
    my $dash_type = $line->{dash_type};

    if ( defined $dash_type ) {
        if ( exists $dash_types{$dash_type} ) {
            $line->{dash_type} = $dash_types{$dash_type};
        else {
            warn "Unknown dash type '$dash_type'\n";

    $line->{_defined} = 1;

    return $line;

# _get_fill_properties()
# Convert user defined fill properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_fill_properties {

    my $self = shift;
    my $fill = shift;

    return { _defined => 0 } unless $fill;

    $fill->{_defined} = 1;

    return $fill;

# _get_marker_properties()
# Convert user defined marker properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_marker_properties {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $marker = shift;

    return unless $marker;

    my %types = (
        automatic  => 'automatic',
        none       => 'none',
        square     => 'square',
        diamond    => 'diamond',
        triangle   => 'triangle',
        x          => 'x',
        star       => 'start',
        dot        => 'dot',
        short_dash => 'dot',
        dash       => 'dash',
        long_dash  => 'dash',
        circle     => 'circle',
        plus       => 'plus',
        picture    => 'picture',

    # Check for valid types.
    my $marker_type = $marker->{type};

    if ( defined $marker_type ) {
        if ( $marker_type eq 'automatic' ) {
            $marker->{automatic} = 1;

        if ( exists $types{$marker_type} ) {
            $marker->{type} = $types{$marker_type};
        else {
            warn "Unknown marker type '$marker_type'\n";

    # Set the line properties for the marker..
    my $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $marker->{line} );

    # Allow 'border' as a synonym for 'line'.
    if ( $marker->{border} ) {
        $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $marker->{border} );

    # Set the fill properties for the marker.
    my $fill = $self->_get_fill_properties( $marker->{fill} );

    $marker->{_line} = $line;
    $marker->{_fill} = $fill;

    return $marker;

# _get_trendline_properties()
# Convert user defined trendline properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_trendline_properties {

    my $self      = shift;
    my $trendline = shift;

    return unless $trendline;

    my %types = (
        exponential    => 'exp',
        linear         => 'linear',
        log            => 'log',
        moving_average => 'movingAvg',
        polynomial     => 'poly',
        power          => 'power',

    # Check the trendline type.
    my $trend_type = $trendline->{type};

    if ( exists $types{$trend_type} ) {
        $trendline->{type} = $types{$trend_type};
    else {
        warn "Unknown trendline type '$trend_type'\n";

    # Set the line properties for the trendline..
    my $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $trendline->{line} );

    # Allow 'border' as a synonym for 'line'.
    if ( $trendline->{border} ) {
        $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $trendline->{border} );

    # Set the fill properties for the trendline.
    my $fill = $self->_get_fill_properties( $trendline->{fill} );

    $trendline->{_line} = $line;
    $trendline->{_fill} = $fill;

    return $trendline;

# _get_gridline_properties()
# Convert user defined gridline properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_gridline_properties {

    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    my $gridline;

    # Set the visible property for the gridline..
    $gridline->{_visible} = $args->{visible};

    # Set the line properties for the gridline..
    $gridline->{_line} = $self->_get_line_properties( $args->{line} );

    return $gridline;

# _get_labels_properties()
# Convert user defined labels properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_labels_properties {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $labels = shift;

    return undef unless $labels;

    # Map user defined label positions to Excel positions.
    if ( my $position = $labels->{position} ) {

        my %positions = (
            center      => 'ctr',
            right       => 'r',
            left        => 'l',
            top         => 't',
            above       => 't',
            bottom      => 'b',
            below       => 'b',
            inside_end  => 'inEnd',
            outside_end => 'outEnd',
            best_fit    => 'bestFit',

        if ( exists $positions{$position} ) {
            $labels->{position} = $positions{$position};
        else {
            carp "Unknown label position '$position'";
            $labels->{position} = $positions{$position};

    return $labels;

# _get_area_properties()
# Convert user defined area properties to the structure required internally.
sub _get_area_properties {

    my $self = shift;
    my %arg  = @_;
    my $area = {};

    # Map deprecated Spreadsheet::WriteExcel fill colour.
    if ( $arg{color} ) {
        $arg{fill}->{color} = $arg{color};

    # Map deprecated Spreadsheet::WriteExcel line_weight.
    if ( $arg{line_weight} ) {
        my $width = $self->_get_swe_line_weight( $arg{line_weight} );
        $arg{border}->{width} = $width;

    # Map deprecated Spreadsheet::WriteExcel line_pattern.
    if ( $arg{line_pattern} ) {
        my $pattern = $self->_get_swe_line_pattern( $arg{line_pattern} );

        if ( $pattern eq 'none' ) {
            $arg{border}->{none} = 1;
        else {
            $arg{border}->{dash_type} = $pattern;

    # Map deprecated Spreadsheet::WriteExcel line colour.
    if ( $arg{line_color} ) {
        $arg{border}->{color} = $arg{line_color};

    # Handle Excel::Writer::XLSX style properties.

    # Set the line properties for the chartarea.
    my $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $arg{line} );

    # Allow 'border' as a synonym for 'line'.
    if ( $arg{border} ) {
        $line = $self->_get_line_properties( $arg{border} );

    # Set the fill properties for the chartarea.
    my $fill = $self->_get_fill_properties( $arg{fill} );

    $area->{_line} = $line;
    $area->{_fill} = $fill;

    return $area;

# _get_primary_axes_series()
# Returns series which use the primary axes.
sub _get_primary_axes_series {

    my $self = shift;
    my @primary_axes_series;

    for my $series ( @{ $self->{_series} } ) {
        push @primary_axes_series, $series unless $series->{_y2_axis};

    return @primary_axes_series;

# _get_secondary_axes_series()
# Returns series which use the secondary axes.
sub _get_secondary_axes_series {

    my $self = shift;
    my @secondary_axes_series;

    for my $series ( @{ $self->{_series} } ) {
        push @secondary_axes_series, $series if $series->{_y2_axis};

    return @secondary_axes_series;

# _add_axis_ids()
# Add unique ids for primary or secondary axes
sub _add_axis_ids {

    my $self       = shift;
    my %args       = @_;
    my $chart_id   = 1 + $self->{_id};
    my $axis_count = 1 + @{ $self->{_axis2_ids} } + @{ $self->{_axis_ids} };

    my $id1 = sprintf '5%03d%04d', $chart_id, $axis_count;
    my $id2 = sprintf '5%03d%04d', $chart_id, $axis_count + 1;

    push @{ $self->{_axis_ids} },  $id1, $id2 if $args{primary_axes};
    push @{ $self->{_axis2_ids} }, $id1, $id2 if !$args{primary_axes};

# _get_font_style_attributes.
# Get the font style attributes from a font hashref.
sub _get_font_style_attributes {

    my $self = shift;
    my $font = shift;

    return () unless $font;

    my @attributes;
    push @attributes, ( 'sz' => $font->{_size} )   if $font->{_size};
    push @attributes, ( 'b'  => $font->{_bold} )   if defined $font->{_bold};
    push @attributes, ( 'i'  => $font->{_italic} ) if defined $font->{_italic};
    push @attributes, ( 'u' => 'sng' ) if defined $font->{_underline};

    push @attributes, ( 'baseline' => $font->{_baseline} );

    return @attributes;

# _get_font_latin_attributes.
# Get the font latin attributes from a font hashref.
sub _get_font_latin_attributes {

    my $self = shift;
    my $font = shift;

    return () unless $font;

    my @attributes;
    push @attributes, ( 'typeface' => $font->{_name} ) if $font->{_name};

    push @attributes, ( 'pitchFamily' => $font->{_pitch_family} )
      if defined $font->{_pitch_family};

    push @attributes, ( 'charset' => $font->{_charset} )
      if defined $font->{_charset};

    return @attributes;

# Config data.

# _set_default_properties()
# Setup the default properties for a chart.
sub _set_default_properties {

    my $self = shift;

    # Set the default axis properties.
    $self->{_x_axis}->{_defaults} = {
        num_format      => 'General',
        major_gridlines => { visible => 0 }

    $self->{_y_axis}->{_defaults} = {
        num_format      => 'General',
        major_gridlines => { visible => 1 }

    $self->{_x2_axis}->{_defaults} = {
        num_format     => 'General',
        label_position => 'none',
        crossing       => 'max',
        visible        => 0

    $self->{_y2_axis}->{_defaults} = {
        num_format      => 'General',
        major_gridlines => { visible => 0 },
        position        => 'right',
        visible         => 1



# _set_embedded_config_data()
# Setup the default configuration data for an embedded chart.
sub _set_embedded_config_data {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->{_embedded} = 1;

# XML writing methods.

# _write_chart_space()
# Write the <c:chartSpace> element.
sub _write_chart_space {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $schema  = '';
    my $xmlns_c = $schema . 'drawingml/2006/chart';
    my $xmlns_a = $schema . 'drawingml/2006/main';
    my $xmlns_r = $schema . 'officeDocument/2006/relationships';

    my @attributes = (
        'xmlns:c' => $xmlns_c,
        'xmlns:a' => $xmlns_a,
        'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:chartSpace', @attributes );

# _write_lang()
# Write the <c:lang> element.
sub _write_lang {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 'en-US';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:lang', @attributes );

# _write_style()
# Write the <c:style> element.
sub _write_style {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $style_id = $self->{_style_id};

    # Don't write an element for the default style, 2.
    return if $style_id == 2;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $style_id );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:style', @attributes );

# _write_chart()
# Write the <c:chart> element.
sub _write_chart {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:chart' );

    # Write the chart title elements.
    my $title;
    if ( $title = $self->{_title_formula} ) {
        $self->_write_title_formula( $title, $self->{_title_data_id},
            undef, $self->{_title_font} );
    elsif ( $title = $self->{_title_name} ) {
        $self->_write_title_rich( $title, undef, $self->{_title_font} );

    # Write the c:plotArea element.

    # Write the c:legend element.

    # Write the c:plotVisOnly element.

    # Write the c:dispBlanksAs element.

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:chart' );

# _write_disp_blanks_as()
# Write the <c:dispBlanksAs> element.
sub _write_disp_blanks_as {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = $self->{_show_blanks};

    # Ignore the default value.
    return if $val eq 'gap';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:dispBlanksAs', @attributes );

# _write_plot_area()
# Write the <c:plotArea> element.
sub _write_plot_area {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:plotArea' );

    # Write the c:layout element.

    # Write the subclass chart type elements for primary and secondary axes.
    $self->_write_chart_type( primary_axes => 1 );
    $self->_write_chart_type( primary_axes => 0 );

    # Write c:catAx and c:valAx elements for series using primary axes.
        x_axis   => $self->{_x_axis},
        y_axis   => $self->{_y_axis},
        axis_ids => $self->{_axis_ids}
        x_axis   => $self->{_x_axis},
        y_axis   => $self->{_y_axis},
        axis_ids => $self->{_axis_ids}

    # Write c:valAx and c:catAx elements for series using secondary axes.
        x_axis   => $self->{_x2_axis},
        y_axis   => $self->{_y2_axis},
        axis_ids => $self->{_axis2_ids}
        x_axis   => $self->{_x2_axis},
        y_axis   => $self->{_y2_axis},
        axis_ids => $self->{_axis2_ids}

    # Write the c:spPr element for the plotarea formatting.
    $self->_write_sp_pr( $self->{_plotarea} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:plotArea' );

# _write_layout()
# Write the <c:layout> element.
sub _write_layout {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:layout' );

# _write_chart_type()
# Write the chart type element. This method should be overridden by the
# subclasses.
sub _write_chart_type {

    my $self = shift;

# _write_grouping()
# Write the <c:grouping> element.
sub _write_grouping {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:grouping', @attributes );

# _write_series()
# Write the series elements.
sub _write_series {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $series = shift;

    $self->_write_ser( $series );

# _write_ser()
# Write the <c:ser> element.
sub _write_ser {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $series = shift;
    my $index  = $self->{_series_index}++;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:ser' );

    # Write the c:idx element.
    $self->_write_idx( $index );

    # Write the c:order element.
    $self->_write_order( $index );

    # Write the series name.
    $self->_write_series_name( $series );

    # Write the c:spPr element.
    $self->_write_sp_pr( $series );

    # Write the c:marker element.
    $self->_write_marker( $series->{_marker} );

    # Write the c:invertIfNegative element.
    $self->_write_c_invert_if_negative( $series->{_invert_if_neg} );

    # Write the c:dLbls element.
    $self->_write_d_lbls( $series->{_labels} );

    # Write the c:trendline element.
    $self->_write_trendline( $series->{_trendline} );

    # Write the c:cat element.
    $self->_write_cat( $series );

    # Write the c:val element.
    $self->_write_val( $series );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:ser' );

# _write_idx()
# Write the <c:idx> element.
sub _write_idx {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:idx', @attributes );

# _write_order()
# Write the <c:order> element.
sub _write_order {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:order', @attributes );

# _write_series_name()
# Write the series name.
sub _write_series_name {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $series = shift;

    my $name;
    if ( $name = $series->{_name_formula} ) {
        $self->_write_tx_formula( $name, $series->{_name_id} );
    elsif ( $name = $series->{_name} ) {
        $self->_write_tx_value( $name );


# _write_cat()
# Write the <c:cat> element.
sub _write_cat {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $series  = shift;
    my $formula = $series->{_categories};
    my $data_id = $series->{_cat_data_id};
    my $data;

    if ( defined $data_id ) {
        $data = $self->{_formula_data}->[$data_id];

    # Ignore <c:cat> elements for charts without category values.
    return unless $formula;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:cat' );

    # Check the type of cached data.
    my $type = $self->_get_data_type( $data );

    if ( $type eq 'str' ) {

        $self->{_cat_has_num_fmt} = 0;

        # Write the c:numRef element.
        $self->_write_str_ref( $formula, $data, $type );
    else {

        $self->{_cat_has_num_fmt} = 1;

        # Write the c:numRef element.
        $self->_write_num_ref( $formula, $data, $type );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:cat' );

# _write_val()
# Write the <c:val> element.
sub _write_val {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $series  = shift;
    my $formula = $series->{_values};
    my $data_id = $series->{_val_data_id};
    my $data    = $self->{_formula_data}->[$data_id];

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:val' );

    # Unlike Cat axes data should only be numeric.

    # Write the c:numRef element.
    $self->_write_num_ref( $formula, $data, 'num' );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:val' );

# _write_num_ref()
# Write the <c:numRef> element.
sub _write_num_ref {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $formula = shift;
    my $data    = shift;
    my $type    = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:numRef' );

    # Write the c:f element.
    $self->_write_series_formula( $formula );

    if ( $type eq 'num' ) {

        # Write the c:numCache element.
        $self->_write_num_cache( $data );
    elsif ( $type eq 'str' ) {

        # Write the c:strCache element.
        $self->_write_str_cache( $data );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:numRef' );

# _write_str_ref()
# Write the <c:strRef> element.
sub _write_str_ref {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $formula = shift;
    my $data    = shift;
    my $type    = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:strRef' );

    # Write the c:f element.
    $self->_write_series_formula( $formula );

    if ( $type eq 'num' ) {

        # Write the c:numCache element.
        $self->_write_num_cache( $data );
    elsif ( $type eq 'str' ) {

        # Write the c:strCache element.
        $self->_write_str_cache( $data );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:strRef' );

# _write_series_formula()
# Write the <c:f> element.
sub _write_series_formula {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $formula = shift;

    # Strip the leading '=' from the formula.
    $formula =~ s/^=//;

    $self->xml_data_element( 'c:f', $formula );

# _write_axis_ids()
# Write the <c:axId> elements for the primary or secondary axes.
sub _write_axis_ids {

    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    # Generate the axis ids.
    $self->_add_axis_ids( %args );

    if ( $args{primary_axes} ) {
        # Write the axis ids for the primary axes.
        $self->_write_axis_id( $self->{_axis_ids}->[0] );
        $self->_write_axis_id( $self->{_axis_ids}->[1] );
    else {
        # Write the axis ids for the secondary axes.
        $self->_write_axis_id( $self->{_axis2_ids}->[0] );
        $self->_write_axis_id( $self->{_axis2_ids}->[1] );

# _write_axis_id()
# Write the <c:axId> element.
sub _write_axis_id {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:axId', @attributes );

# _write_cat_axis()
# Write the <c:catAx> element. Usually the X axis.
sub _write_cat_axis {

    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $x_axis   = $args{x_axis};
    my $y_axis   = $args{y_axis};
    my $axis_ids = $args{axis_ids};

    # if there are no axis_ids then we don't need to write this element
    return unless $axis_ids;
    return unless scalar @$axis_ids;

    my $position = $self->{_cat_axis_position};
    my $horiz    = $self->{_horiz_cat_axis};

    # Overwrite the default axis position with a user supplied value.
    $position = $x_axis->{_position} || $position;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:catAx' );

    $self->_write_axis_id( $axis_ids->[0] );

    # Write the c:scaling element.
    $self->_write_scaling( $x_axis->{_reverse} );

    $self->_write_delete( 1 ) unless $x_axis->{_visible};

    # Write the c:axPos element.
    $self->_write_axis_pos( $position, $y_axis->{_reverse} );

    # Write the c:majorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_major_gridlines( $x_axis->{_major_gridlines} );

    # Write the c:minorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_minor_gridlines( $x_axis->{_minor_gridlines} );

    # Write the axis title elements.
    my $title;
    if ( $title = $x_axis->{_formula} ) {

        $self->_write_title_formula( $title, $x_axis->{_data_id}, $horiz,
            $x_axis->{_name_font} );
    elsif ( $title = $x_axis->{_name} ) {
        $self->_write_title_rich( $title, $horiz, $x_axis->{_name_font} );

    # Write the c:numFmt element.
    $self->_write_cat_number_format( $x_axis );

    # Write the c:majorTickMark element.
    $self->_write_major_tick_mark( $x_axis->{_major_tick_mark} );

    # Write the c:tickLblPos element.
    $self->_write_tick_label_pos( $x_axis->{_label_position} );

    # Write the axis font elements.
    $self->_write_axis_font( $x_axis->{_num_font} );

    # Write the c:crossAx element.
    $self->_write_cross_axis( $axis_ids->[1] );

    if ( $self->{_show_crosses} || $x_axis->{_visible} ) {

        # Note, the category crossing comes from the value axis.
        if ( !defined $y_axis->{_crossing} || $y_axis->{_crossing} eq 'max' ) {

            # Write the c:crosses element.
            $self->_write_crosses( $y_axis->{_crossing} );
        else {

            # Write the c:crossesAt element.
            $self->_write_c_crosses_at( $y_axis->{_crossing} );

    # Write the c:auto element.
    $self->_write_auto( 1 );

    # Write the c:labelAlign element.
    $self->_write_label_align( 'ctr' );

    # Write the c:labelOffset element.
    $self->_write_label_offset( 100 );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:catAx' );

# _write_val_axis()
# Write the <c:valAx> element. Usually the Y axis.
# TODO. Maybe should have a _write_cat_val_axis() method as well for scatter.
sub _write_val_axis {

    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $x_axis   = $args{x_axis};
    my $y_axis   = $args{y_axis};
    my $axis_ids = $args{axis_ids};
    my $position = $args{position} || $self->{_val_axis_position};
    my $horiz    = $self->{_horiz_val_axis};

    return unless $axis_ids && scalar @$axis_ids;

    # Overwrite the default axis position with a user supplied value.
    $position = $y_axis->{_position} || $position;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:valAx' );

    $self->_write_axis_id( $axis_ids->[1] );

    # Write the c:scaling element.
        $y_axis->{_reverse}, $y_axis->{_min},
        $y_axis->{_max},     $y_axis->{_log_base}

    $self->_write_delete( 1 ) unless $y_axis->{_visible};

    # Write the c:axPos element.
    $self->_write_axis_pos( $position, $x_axis->{_reverse} );

    # Write the c:majorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_major_gridlines( $y_axis->{_major_gridlines} );

    # Write the c:minorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_minor_gridlines( $y_axis->{_minor_gridlines} );

    # Write the axis title elements.
    my $title;
    if ( $title = $y_axis->{_formula} ) {
        $self->_write_title_formula( $title, $y_axis->{_data_id}, $horiz,
            $y_axis->{_name_font} );
    elsif ( $title = $y_axis->{_name} ) {
        $self->_write_title_rich( $title, $horiz, $y_axis->{_name_font} );

    # Write the c:numberFormat element.
    $self->_write_number_format( $y_axis );

    # Write the c:majorTickMark element.
    $self->_write_major_tick_mark( $y_axis->{_major_tick_mark} );

    # Write the c:tickLblPos element.
    $self->_write_tick_label_pos( $y_axis->{_label_position} );

    # Write the axis font elements.
    $self->_write_axis_font( $y_axis->{_num_font} );

    # Write the c:crossAx element.
    $self->_write_cross_axis( $axis_ids->[0] );

    # Note, the category crossing comes from the value axis.
    if ( !defined $x_axis->{_crossing} || $x_axis->{_crossing} eq 'max' ) {

        # Write the c:crosses element.
        $self->_write_crosses( $x_axis->{_crossing} );
    else {

        # Write the c:crossesAt element.
        $self->_write_c_crosses_at( $x_axis->{_crossing} );

    # Write the c:crossBetween element.

    # Write the c:majorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_major_unit( $y_axis->{_major_unit} );

    # Write the c:minorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_minor_unit( $y_axis->{_minor_unit} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:valAx' );

# _write_cat_val_axis()
# Write the <c:valAx> element. This is for the second valAx in scatter plots.
# Usually the X axis.
sub _write_cat_val_axis {

    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $x_axis   = $args{x_axis};
    my $y_axis   = $args{y_axis};
    my $axis_ids = $args{axis_ids};
    my $position = $args{position} || $self->{_val_axis_position};
    my $horiz    = $self->{_horiz_val_axis};

    return unless $axis_ids && scalar @$axis_ids;

    # Overwrite the default axis position with a user supplied value.
    $position = $x_axis->{_position} || $position;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:valAx' );

    $self->_write_axis_id( $axis_ids->[0] );

    # Write the c:scaling element.
        $x_axis->{_reverse}, $x_axis->{_min},
        $x_axis->{_max},     $x_axis->{_log_base}

    $self->_write_delete( 1 ) unless $x_axis->{_visible};

    # Write the c:axPos element.
    $self->_write_axis_pos( $position, $y_axis->{_reverse} );

    # Write the c:majorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_major_gridlines( $x_axis->{_major_gridlines} );

    # Write the c:minorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_minor_gridlines( $x_axis->{_minor_gridlines} );

    # Write the axis title elements.
    my $title;
    if ( $title = $x_axis->{_formula} ) {
        $self->_write_title_formula( $title, $y_axis->{_data_id}, $horiz,
            $x_axis->{_name_font} );
    elsif ( $title = $x_axis->{_name} ) {
        $self->_write_title_rich( $title, $horiz, $x_axis->{_name_font} );

    # Write the c:numberFormat element.
    $self->_write_number_format( $x_axis );

    # Write the c:majorTickMark element.
    $self->_write_major_tick_mark( $x_axis->{_major_tick_mark} );

    # Write the c:tickLblPos element.
    $self->_write_tick_label_pos( $x_axis->{_label_position} );

    # Write the axis font elements.
    $self->_write_axis_font( $x_axis->{_num_font} );

    # Write the c:crossAx element.
    $self->_write_cross_axis( $axis_ids->[1] );

    # Note, the category crossing comes from the value axis.
    if ( !defined $y_axis->{_crossing} || $y_axis->{_crossing} eq 'max' ) {

        # Write the c:crosses element.
        $self->_write_crosses( $y_axis->{_crossing} );
    else {

        # Write the c:crossesAt element.
        $self->_write_c_crosses_at( $y_axis->{_crossing} );

    # Write the c:crossBetween element.

    # Write the c:majorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_major_unit( $x_axis->{_major_unit} );

    # Write the c:minorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_minor_unit( $x_axis->{_minor_unit} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:valAx' );

# _write_date_axis()
# Write the <c:dateAx> element. Usually the X axis.
sub _write_date_axis {

    my $self     = shift;
    my %args     = @_;
    my $x_axis   = $args{x_axis};
    my $y_axis   = $args{y_axis};
    my $axis_ids = $args{axis_ids};

    return unless $axis_ids && scalar @$axis_ids;

    my $position = $self->{_cat_axis_position};

    # Overwrite the default axis position with a user supplied value.
    $position = $x_axis->{_position} || $position;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:dateAx' );

    $self->_write_axis_id( $axis_ids->[0] );

    # Write the c:scaling element.
        $x_axis->{_reverse}, $x_axis->{_min},
        $x_axis->{_max},     $x_axis->{_log_base}

    $self->_write_delete( 1 ) unless $x_axis->{_visible};

    # Write the c:axPos element.
    $self->_write_axis_pos( $position, $y_axis->{_reverse} );

    # Write the c:majorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_major_gridlines( $x_axis->{_major_gridlines} );

    # Write the c:minorGridlines element.
    $self->_write_minor_gridlines( $x_axis->{_minor_gridlines} );

    # Write the axis title elements.
    my $title;
    if ( $title = $x_axis->{_formula} ) {
        $self->_write_title_formula( $title, $x_axis->{_data_id}, undef,
            $x_axis->{_name_font} );
    elsif ( $title = $x_axis->{_name} ) {
        $self->_write_title_rich( $title, undef, $x_axis->{_name_font} );

    # Write the c:numFmt element.
    $self->_write_number_format( $x_axis );

    # Write the c:majorTickMark element.
    $self->_write_major_tick_mark( $x_axis->{_major_tick_mark} );

    # Write the c:tickLblPos element.
    $self->_write_tick_label_pos( $x_axis->{_label_position} );

    # Write the axis font elements.
    $self->_write_axis_font( $x_axis->{_num_font} );

    # Write the c:crossAx element.
    $self->_write_cross_axis( $axis_ids->[1] );

    if ( $self->{_show_crosses} || $x_axis->{_visible} ) {

        # Note, the category crossing comes from the value axis.
        if ( !defined $y_axis->{_crossing} || $y_axis->{_crossing} eq 'max' ) {

            # Write the c:crosses element.
            $self->_write_crosses( $y_axis->{_crossing} );
        else {

            # Write the c:crossesAt element.
            $self->_write_c_crosses_at( $y_axis->{_crossing} );

    # Write the c:auto element.
    $self->_write_auto( 1 );

    # Write the c:labelOffset element.
    $self->_write_label_offset( 100 );

    # Write the c:majorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_major_unit( $x_axis->{_major_unit} );

    # Write the c:majorTimeUnit element.
    if ( defined $x_axis->{_major_unit} ) {
        $self->_write_c_major_time_unit( $x_axis->{_major_unit_type} );

    # Write the c:minorUnit element.
    $self->_write_c_minor_unit( $x_axis->{_minor_unit} );

    # Write the c:minorTimeUnit element.
    if ( defined $x_axis->{_minor_unit} ) {
        $self->_write_c_minor_time_unit( $x_axis->{_minor_unit_type} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:dateAx' );

# _write_scaling()
# Write the <c:scaling> element.
sub _write_scaling {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $reverse  = shift;
    my $min      = shift;
    my $max      = shift;
    my $log_base = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:scaling' );

    # Write the c:logBase element.
    $self->_write_c_log_base( $log_base );

    # Write the c:orientation element.
    $self->_write_orientation( $reverse );

    # Write the c:max element.
    $self->_write_c_max( $max );

    # Write the c:min element.
    $self->_write_c_min( $min );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:scaling' );

# _write_c_log_base()
# Write the <c:logBase> element.
sub _write_c_log_base {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:logBase', @attributes );

# _write_orientation()
# Write the <c:orientation> element.
sub _write_orientation {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $reverse = shift;
    my $val     = 'minMax';

    $val = 'maxMin' if $reverse;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:orientation', @attributes );

# _write_c_max()
# Write the <c:max> element.
sub _write_c_max {

    my $self = shift;
    my $max  = shift;

    return unless defined $max;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $max );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:max', @attributes );

# _write_c_min()
# Write the <c:min> element.
sub _write_c_min {

    my $self = shift;
    my $min  = shift;

    return unless defined $min;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $min );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:min', @attributes );

# _write_axis_pos()
# Write the <c:axPos> element.
sub _write_axis_pos {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $val     = shift;
    my $reverse = shift;

    if ( $reverse ) {
        $val = 'r' if $val eq 'l';
        $val = 't' if $val eq 'b';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:axPos', @attributes );

# _write_number_format()
# Write the <c:numberFormat> element. Note: It is assumed that if a user
# defined number format is supplied (i.e., non-default) then the sourceLinked
# attribute is 0. The user can override this if required.
sub _write_number_format {

    my $self           = shift;
    my $axis           = shift;
    my $format_code    = $axis->{_num_format};
    my $source_linked  = 1;

    # Check if a user defined number format has been set.
    if ( $format_code ne $axis->{_defaults}->{num_format} ) {
        $source_linked  = 0;

    # User override of sourceLinked.
    if ( $axis->{_num_format_linked} ) {
        $source_linked = 1;

    my @attributes = (
        'formatCode'   => $format_code,
        'sourceLinked' => $source_linked,

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:numFmt', @attributes );

# _write_cat_number_format()
# Write the <c:numFmt> element. Special case handler for category axes which
# don't always have a number format.
sub _write_cat_number_format {

    my $self           = shift;
    my $axis           = shift;
    my $format_code    = $axis->{_num_format};
    my $source_linked  = 1;
    my $default_format = 1;

    # Check if a user defined number format has been set.
    if ( $format_code ne $axis->{_defaults}->{num_format} ) {
        $source_linked  = 0;
        $default_format = 0;

    # User override of linkedSource.
    if ( $axis->{_num_format_linked} ) {
        $source_linked = 1;

    # Skip if cat doesn't have a num format (unless it is non-default).
    if ( !$self->{_cat_has_num_fmt} && $default_format ) {

    my @attributes = (
        'formatCode'   => $format_code,
        'sourceLinked' => $source_linked,

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:numFmt', @attributes );

# _write_major_tick_mark()
# Write the <c:majorTickMark> element.
sub _write_major_tick_mark {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:majorTickMark', @attributes );

# _write_tick_label_pos()
# Write the <c:tickLblPos> element.
sub _write_tick_label_pos {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = shift || 'nextTo';

    if ( $val eq 'next_to' ) {
        $val = 'nextTo';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:tickLblPos', @attributes );

# _write_cross_axis()
# Write the <c:crossAx> element.
sub _write_cross_axis {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:crossAx', @attributes );

# _write_crosses()
# Write the <c:crosses> element.
sub _write_crosses {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = shift || 'autoZero';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:crosses', @attributes );

# _write_c_crosses_at()
# Write the <c:crossesAt> element.
sub _write_c_crosses_at {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:crossesAt', @attributes );

# _write_auto()
# Write the <c:auto> element.
sub _write_auto {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:auto', @attributes );

# _write_label_align()
# Write the <c:labelAlign> element.
sub _write_label_align {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 'ctr';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:lblAlgn', @attributes );

# _write_label_offset()
# Write the <c:labelOffset> element.
sub _write_label_offset {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:lblOffset', @attributes );

# _write_major_gridlines()
# Write the <c:majorGridlines> element.
sub _write_major_gridlines {

    my $self      = shift;
    my $gridlines = shift;

    return unless $gridlines;
    return unless $gridlines->{_visible};

    if ( $gridlines->{_line}->{_defined} ) {
        $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:majorGridlines' );

        # Write the c:spPr element.
        $self->_write_sp_pr( $gridlines );

        $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:majorGridlines' );
    else {
        $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:majorGridlines' );

# _write_minor_gridlines()
# Write the <c:minorGridlines> element.
sub _write_minor_gridlines {

    my $self      = shift;
    my $gridlines = shift;

    return unless $gridlines;
    return unless $gridlines->{_visible};

    if ( $gridlines->{_line}->{_defined} ) {
        $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:minorGridlines' );

        # Write the c:spPr element.
        $self->_write_sp_pr( $gridlines );

        $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:minorGridlines' );
    else {
        $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:minorGridlines' );

# _write_cross_between()
# Write the <c:crossBetween> element.
sub _write_cross_between {

    my $self = shift;

    my $val = $self->{_cross_between} || 'between';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:crossBetween', @attributes );

# _write_c_major_unit()
# Write the <c:majorUnit> element.
sub _write_c_major_unit {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:majorUnit', @attributes );

# _write_c_minor_unit()
# Write the <c:minorUnit> element.
sub _write_c_minor_unit {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:minorUnit', @attributes );

# _write_c_major_time_unit()
# Write the <c:majorTimeUnit> element.
sub _write_c_major_time_unit {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = shift || 'days';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:majorTimeUnit', @attributes );

# _write_c_minor_time_unit()
# Write the <c:minorTimeUnit> element.
sub _write_c_minor_time_unit {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = shift || 'days';

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:minorTimeUnit', @attributes );

# _write_legend()
# Write the <c:legend> element.
sub _write_legend {

    my $self          = shift;
    my $position      = $self->{_legend_position};
    my @delete_series = ();
    my $overlay       = 0;

    if ( defined $self->{_legend_delete_series}
        && ref $self->{_legend_delete_series} eq 'ARRAY' )
        @delete_series = @{ $self->{_legend_delete_series} };

    if ( $position =~ s/^overlay_// ) {
        $overlay = 1;

    my %allowed = (
        right  => 'r',
        left   => 'l',
        top    => 't',
        bottom => 'b',

    return if $position eq 'none';
    return unless exists $allowed{$position};

    $position = $allowed{$position};

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:legend' );

    # Write the c:legendPos element.
    $self->_write_legend_pos( $position );

    # Remove series labels from the legend.
    for my $index ( @delete_series ) {

        # Write the c:legendEntry element.
        $self->_write_legend_entry( $index );

    # Write the c:layout element.

    # Write the c:overlay element.
    $self->_write_overlay() if $overlay;

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:legend' );

# _write_legend_pos()
# Write the <c:legendPos> element.
sub _write_legend_pos {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:legendPos', @attributes );

# _write_legend_entry()
# Write the <c:legendEntry> element.
sub _write_legend_entry {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $index = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:legendEntry' );

    # Write the c:idx element.
    $self->_write_idx( $index );

    # Write the c:delete element.
    $self->_write_delete( 1 );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:legendEntry' );

# _write_overlay()
# Write the <c:overlay> element.
sub _write_overlay {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:overlay', @attributes );

# _write_plot_vis_only()
# Write the <c:plotVisOnly> element.
sub _write_plot_vis_only {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    # Ignore this element if we are plotting hidden data.
    return if $self->{_show_hidden_data};

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:plotVisOnly', @attributes );

# _write_print_settings()
# Write the <c:printSettings> element.
sub _write_print_settings {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:printSettings' );

    # Write the c:headerFooter element.

    # Write the c:pageMargins element.

    # Write the c:pageSetup element.

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:printSettings' );

# _write_header_footer()
# Write the <c:headerFooter> element.
sub _write_header_footer {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:headerFooter' );

# _write_page_margins()
# Write the <c:pageMargins> element.
sub _write_page_margins {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $b      = 0.75;
    my $l      = 0.7;
    my $r      = 0.7;
    my $t      = 0.75;
    my $header = 0.3;
    my $footer = 0.3;

    my @attributes = (
        'b'      => $b,
        'l'      => $l,
        'r'      => $r,
        't'      => $t,
        'header' => $header,
        'footer' => $footer,

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:pageMargins', @attributes );

# _write_page_setup()
# Write the <c:pageSetup> element.
sub _write_page_setup {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:pageSetup' );

# _write_title_rich()
# Write the <c:title> element for a rich string.
sub _write_title_rich {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;
    my $horiz = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:title' );

    # Write the c:tx element.
    $self->_write_tx_rich( $title, $horiz, $font );

    # Write the c:layout element.

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:title' );

# _write_title_formula()
# Write the <c:title> element for a rich string.
sub _write_title_formula {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $title   = shift;
    my $data_id = shift;
    my $horiz   = shift;
    my $font    = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:title' );

    # Write the c:tx element.
    $self->_write_tx_formula( $title, $data_id );

    # Write the c:layout element.

    # Write the c:txPr element.
    $self->_write_tx_pr( $horiz, $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:title' );

# _write_tx_rich()
# Write the <c:tx> element.
sub _write_tx_rich {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;
    my $horiz = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:tx' );

    # Write the c:rich element.
    $self->_write_rich( $title, $horiz, $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:tx' );

# _write_tx_value()
# Write the <c:tx> element with a simple value such as for series names.
sub _write_tx_value {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:tx' );

    # Write the c:v element.
    $self->_write_v( $title );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:tx' );

# _write_tx_formula()
# Write the <c:tx> element.
sub _write_tx_formula {

    my $self    = shift;
    my $title   = shift;
    my $data_id = shift;
    my $data;

    if ( defined $data_id ) {
        $data = $self->{_formula_data}->[$data_id];

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:tx' );

    # Write the c:strRef element.
    $self->_write_str_ref( $title, $data, 'str' );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:tx' );

# _write_rich()
# Write the <c:rich> element.
sub _write_rich {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;
    my $horiz = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:rich' );

    # Write the a:bodyPr element.
    $self->_write_a_body_pr( $horiz );

    # Write the a:lstStyle element.

    # Write the a:p element.
    $self->_write_a_p_rich( $title, $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:rich' );

# _write_a_body_pr()
# Write the <a:bodyPr> element.
sub _write_a_body_pr {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $horiz = shift;
    my $rot   = -5400000;
    my $vert  = 'horz';

    my @attributes = (
        'rot'  => $rot,
        'vert' => $vert,

    @attributes = () if !$horiz;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:bodyPr', @attributes );

# _write_a_lst_style()
# Write the <a:lstStyle> element.
sub _write_a_lst_style {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:lstStyle' );

# _write_a_p_rich()
# Write the <a:p> element for rich string titles.
sub _write_a_p_rich {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:p' );

    # Write the a:pPr element.
    $self->_write_a_p_pr_rich( $font );

    # Write the a:r element.
    $self->_write_a_r( $title, $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:p' );

# _write_a_p_formula()
# Write the <a:p> element for formula titles.
sub _write_a_p_formula {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:p' );

    # Write the a:pPr element.
    $self->_write_a_p_pr_formula( $font );

    # Write the a:endParaRPr element.

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:p' );

# _write_a_p_pr_rich()
# Write the <a:pPr> element for rich string titles.
sub _write_a_p_pr_rich {

    my $self = shift;
    my $font = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:pPr' );

    # Write the a:defRPr element.
    $self->_write_a_def_rpr( $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:pPr' );

# _write_a_p_pr_formula()
# Write the <a:pPr> element for formula titles.
sub _write_a_p_pr_formula {

    my $self = shift;
    my $font = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:pPr' );

    # Write the a:defRPr element.
    $self->_write_a_def_rpr( $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:pPr' );

# _write_a_def_rpr()
# Write the <a:defRPr> element.
sub _write_a_def_rpr {

    my $self      = shift;
    my $font      = shift;
    my $has_color = 0;

    my @style_attributes = $self->_get_font_style_attributes( $font );
    my @latin_attributes = $self->_get_font_latin_attributes( $font );

    $has_color = 1 if $font && $font->{_color};

    if ( @latin_attributes || $has_color ) {
        $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:defRPr', @style_attributes );

        if ( $has_color ) {
            $self->_write_a_solid_fill( { color => $font->{_color} } );

        if ( @latin_attributes ) {
            $self->_write_a_latin( @latin_attributes );

        $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:defRPr' );
    else {
        $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:defRPr', @style_attributes );

# _write_a_end_para_rpr()
# Write the <a:endParaRPr> element.
sub _write_a_end_para_rpr {

    my $self = shift;
    my $lang = 'en-US';

    my @attributes = ( 'lang' => $lang );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:endParaRPr', @attributes );

# _write_a_r()
# Write the <a:r> element.
sub _write_a_r {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:r' );

    # Write the a:rPr element.
    $self->_write_a_r_pr( $font );

    # Write the a:t element.
    $self->_write_a_t( $title );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:r' );

# _write_a_r_pr()
# Write the <a:rPr> element.
sub _write_a_r_pr {

    # my $self = shift;
    # my $font  = shift;
    # my $lang = 'en-US';

    # my @attributes = ( 'lang' => $lang, );

    # my @font_attrs = $self->_get_font_style_attributes($font);

    # push @attributes, @font_attrs;

    # $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:rPr', @attributes );

    my $self      = shift;
    my $font      = shift;
    my $has_color = 0;
    my $lang      = 'en-US';

    my @style_attributes = $self->_get_font_style_attributes( $font );
    my @latin_attributes = $self->_get_font_latin_attributes( $font );

    $has_color = 1 if $font && $font->{_color};

    # Add the lang type to the attributes.
    @style_attributes = ( 'lang' => $lang, @style_attributes );

    if ( @latin_attributes || $has_color ) {
        $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:rPr', @style_attributes );

        if ( $has_color ) {
            $self->_write_a_solid_fill( { color => $font->{_color} } );

        if ( @latin_attributes ) {
            $self->_write_a_latin( @latin_attributes );

        $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:rPr' );
    else {
        $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:rPr', @style_attributes );


# _write_a_t()
# Write the <a:t> element.
sub _write_a_t {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $title = shift;

    $self->xml_data_element( 'a:t', $title );

# _write_tx_pr()
# Write the <c:txPr> element.
sub _write_tx_pr {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $horiz = shift;
    my $font  = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:txPr' );

    # Write the a:bodyPr element.
    $self->_write_a_body_pr( $horiz );

    # Write the a:lstStyle element.

    # Write the a:p element.
    $self->_write_a_p_formula( $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:txPr' );

# _write_marker()
# Write the <c:marker> element.
sub _write_marker {

    my $self = shift;
    my $marker = shift || $self->{_default_marker};

    return unless $marker;
    return if $marker->{automatic};

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:marker' );

    # Write the c:symbol element.
    $self->_write_symbol( $marker->{type} );

    # Write the c:size element.
    my $size = $marker->{size};
    $self->_write_marker_size( $size ) if $size;

    # Write the c:spPr element.
    $self->_write_sp_pr( $marker );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:marker' );

# _write_marker_value()
# Write the <c:marker> element without a sub-element.
sub _write_marker_value {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $style = $self->{_default_marker};

    return unless $style;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => 1 );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:marker', @attributes );

# _write_marker_size()
# Write the <c:size> element.
sub _write_marker_size {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:size', @attributes );

# _write_symbol()
# Write the <c:symbol> element.
sub _write_symbol {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:symbol', @attributes );

# _write_sp_pr()
# Write the <c:spPr> element.
sub _write_sp_pr {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $series = shift;

    if ( !$series->{_line}->{_defined} and !$series->{_fill}->{_defined} ) {

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:spPr' );

    # Write the fill elements for solid charts such as pie and bar.
    if ( $series->{_fill}->{_defined} ) {

        if ( $series->{_fill}->{none} ) {

            # Write the a:noFill element.
        else {
            # Write the a:solidFill element.
            $self->_write_a_solid_fill( $series->{_fill} );

    # Write the a:ln element.
    if ( $series->{_line}->{_defined} ) {
        $self->_write_a_ln( $series->{_line} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:spPr' );

# _write_a_ln()
# Write the <a:ln> element.
sub _write_a_ln {

    my $self       = shift;
    my $line       = shift;
    my @attributes = ();

    # Add the line width as an attribute.
    if ( my $width = $line->{width} ) {

        # Round width to nearest 0.25, like Excel.
        $width = int( ( $width + 0.125 ) * 4 ) / 4;

        # Convert to internal units.
        $width = int( 0.5 + ( 12700 * $width ) );

        @attributes = ( 'w' => $width );

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:ln', @attributes );

    # Write the line fill.
    if ( $line->{none} ) {

        # Write the a:noFill element.
    elsif ( $line->{color} ) {

        # Write the a:solidFill element.
        $self->_write_a_solid_fill( $line );

    # Write the line/dash type.
    if ( my $type = $line->{dash_type} ) {

        # Write the a:prstDash element.
        $self->_write_a_prst_dash( $type );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:ln' );

# _write_a_no_fill()
# Write the <a:noFill> element.
sub _write_a_no_fill {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:noFill' );

# _write_a_solid_fill()
# Write the <a:solidFill> element.
sub _write_a_solid_fill {

    my $self = shift;
    my $line = shift;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:solidFill' );

    if ( $line->{color} ) {

        my $color = $self->_get_color( $line->{color} );

        # Write the a:srgbClr element.
        $self->_write_a_srgb_clr( $color );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:solidFill' );

# _write_a_srgb_clr()
# Write the <a:srgbClr> element.
sub _write_a_srgb_clr {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:srgbClr', @attributes );

# _write_a_prst_dash()
# Write the <a:prstDash> element.
sub _write_a_prst_dash {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:prstDash', @attributes );

# _write_trendline()
# Write the <c:trendline> element.
sub _write_trendline {

    my $self      = shift;
    my $trendline = shift;

    return unless $trendline;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:trendline' );

    # Write the c:name element.
    $self->_write_name( $trendline->{name} );

    # Write the c:spPr element.
    $self->_write_sp_pr( $trendline );

    # Write the c:trendlineType element.
    $self->_write_trendline_type( $trendline->{type} );

    # Write the c:order element for polynomial trendlines.
    if ( $trendline->{type} eq 'poly' ) {
        $self->_write_trendline_order( $trendline->{order} );

    # Write the c:period element for moving average trendlines.
    if ( $trendline->{type} eq 'movingAvg' ) {
        $self->_write_period( $trendline->{period} );

    # Write the c:forward element.
    $self->_write_forward( $trendline->{forward} );

    # Write the c:backward element.
    $self->_write_backward( $trendline->{backward} );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:trendline' );

# _write_trendline_type()
# Write the <c:trendlineType> element.
sub _write_trendline_type {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:trendlineType', @attributes );

# _write_name()
# Write the <c:name> element.
sub _write_name {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    return unless defined $data;

    $self->xml_data_element( 'c:name', $data );

# _write_trendline_order()
# Write the <c:order> element.
sub _write_trendline_order {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 2;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:order', @attributes );

# _write_period()
# Write the <c:period> element.
sub _write_period {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 2;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:period', @attributes );

# _write_forward()
# Write the <c:forward> element.
sub _write_forward {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:forward', @attributes );

# _write_backward()
# Write the <c:backward> element.
sub _write_backward {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    return unless $val;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:backward', @attributes );

# _write_hi_low_lines()
# Write the <c:hiLowLines> element.
sub _write_hi_low_lines {

    my $self = shift;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:hiLowLines' );

# _write_overlap()
# Write the <c:overlap> element.
sub _write_overlap {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 100;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:overlap', @attributes );

# _write_num_cache()
# Write the <c:numCache> element.
sub _write_num_cache {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $data  = shift;
    my $count = @$data;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:numCache' );

    # Write the c:formatCode element.
    $self->_write_format_code( 'General' );

    # Write the c:ptCount element.
    $self->_write_pt_count( $count );

    for my $i ( 0 .. $count - 1 ) {
        my $token = $data->[$i];

        # Write non-numeric data as 0.
        if ( defined $token
            && $token !~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ )
            $token = 0;

        # Write the c:pt element.
        $self->_write_pt( $i, $token );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:numCache' );

# _write_str_cache()
# Write the <c:strCache> element.
sub _write_str_cache {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $data  = shift;
    my $count = @$data;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:strCache' );

    # Write the c:ptCount element.
    $self->_write_pt_count( $count );

    for my $i ( 0 .. $count - 1 ) {

        # Write the c:pt element.
        $self->_write_pt( $i, $data->[$i] );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:strCache' );

# _write_format_code()
# Write the <c:formatCode> element.
sub _write_format_code {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    $self->xml_data_element( 'c:formatCode', $data );

# _write_pt_count()
# Write the <c:ptCount> element.
sub _write_pt_count {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:ptCount', @attributes );

# _write_pt()
# Write the <c:pt> element.
sub _write_pt {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $idx   = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    return if !defined $value;

    my @attributes = ( 'idx' => $idx );

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:pt', @attributes );

    # Write the c:v element.
    $self->_write_v( $value );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:pt' );

# _write_v()
# Write the <c:v> element.
sub _write_v {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;

    $self->xml_data_element( 'c:v', $data );

# _write_protection()
# Write the <c:protection> element.
sub _write_protection {

    my $self = shift;

    return unless $self->{_protection};

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:protection' );

# _write_d_lbls()
# Write the <c:dLbls> element.
sub _write_d_lbls {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $labels = shift;

    return unless $labels;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:dLbls' );

    # Write the c:dLblPos element.
    $self->_write_d_lbl_pos( $labels->{position} ) if $labels->{position};

    # Write the c:showVal element.
    $self->_write_show_val() if $labels->{value};

    # Write the c:showCatName element.
    $self->_write_show_cat_name() if $labels->{category};

    # Write the c:showSerName element.
    $self->_write_show_ser_name() if $labels->{series_name};

    # Write the c:showPercent element.
    $self->_write_show_percent() if $labels->{percentage};

    # Write the c:showLeaderLines element.
    $self->_write_show_leader_lines() if $labels->{leader_lines};

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:dLbls' );

# _write_show_val()
# Write the <c:showVal> element.
sub _write_show_val {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:showVal', @attributes );

# _write_show_cat_name()
# Write the <c:showCatName> element.
sub _write_show_cat_name {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:showCatName', @attributes );

# _write_show_ser_name()
# Write the <c:showSerName> element.
sub _write_show_ser_name {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:showSerName', @attributes );

# _write_show_percent()
# Write the <c:showPercent> element.
sub _write_show_percent {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:showPercent', @attributes );

# _write_show_leader_lines()
# Write the <c:showLeaderLines> element.
sub _write_show_leader_lines {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = 1;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:showLeaderLines', @attributes );

# _write_d_lbl_pos()
# Write the <c:dLblPos> element.
sub _write_d_lbl_pos {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:dLblPos', @attributes );

# _write_delete()
# Write the <c:delete> element.
sub _write_delete {

    my $self = shift;
    my $val  = shift;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:delete', @attributes );

# _write_c_invert_if_negative()
# Write the <c:invertIfNegative> element.
sub _write_c_invert_if_negative {

    my $self   = shift;
    my $invert = shift;
    my $val    = 1;

    return unless $invert;

    my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'c:invertIfNegative', @attributes );

# _write_axis_font()
# Write the axis font elements.
sub _write_axis_font {

    my $self = shift;
    my $font = shift;

    return unless $font;

    $self->xml_start_tag( 'c:txPr' );
    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:bodyPr' );
    $self->xml_start_tag( 'a:p' );

    $self->_write_a_p_pr_rich( $font );

    $self->xml_end_tag( 'a:p' );
    $self->xml_end_tag( 'c:txPr' );

# _write_a_latin()
# Write the <a:latin> element.
sub _write_a_latin {

    my $self       = shift;
    my @attributes = @_;

    $self->xml_empty_tag( 'a:latin', @attributes );



=head1 NAME

Chart - A class for writing Excel Charts.


To create a simple Excel file with a chart using Excel::Writer::XLSX:


    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Excel::Writer::XLSX;

    my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'chart.xlsx' );
    my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

    # Add the worksheet data the chart refers to.
    my $data = [
        [ 'Category', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ],
        [ 'Value',    1, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5 ],


    $worksheet->write( 'A1', $data );

    # Add a worksheet chart.
    my $chart = $workbook->add_chart( type => 'column' );

    # Configure the chart.
        categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7',
        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7',



The C<Chart> module is an abstract base class for modules that implement charts in L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>. The information below is applicable to all of the available subclasses.

The C<Chart> module isn't used directly. A chart object is created via the Workbook C<add_chart()> method where the chart type is specified:

    my $chart = $workbook->add_chart( type => 'column' );

Currently the supported chart types are:


=item * C<area>

Creates an Area (filled line) style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Area>.

=item * C<bar>

Creates a Bar style (transposed histogram) chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Bar>.

=item * C<column>

Creates a column style (histogram) chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Column>.

=item * C<line>

Creates a Line style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Line>.

=item * C<pie>

Creates a Pie style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Pie>.

=item * C<scatter>

Creates a Scatter style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Scatter>.

=item * C<stock>

Creates a Stock style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Stock>.

=item * C<radar>

Creates a Radar style chart. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart::Radar>.


Chart subtypes are also supported in some cases:

    $workbook->add_chart( type => 'bar', subtype => 'stacked' );

The currently available subtypes are:






More charts and sub-types will be supported in time. See the L</TODO> section.


Methods that are common to all chart types are documented below. See the documentation for each of the above chart modules for chart specific information.

=head2 add_series()

In an Excel chart a "series" is a collection of information such as values, X axis labels and the formatting that define which data is plotted.

With an Excel::Writer::XLSX chart object the C<add_series()> method is used to set the properties for a series:

        categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$10', # Optional.
        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$10', # Required.
        line       => { color => 'blue' },

The properties that can be set are:


=item * C<values>

This is the most important property of a series and must be set for every chart object. It links the chart with the worksheet data that it displays. A formula or array ref can be used for the data range, see below.

=item * C<categories>

This sets the chart category labels. The category is more or less the same as the X axis. In most chart types the C<categories> property is optional and the chart will just assume a sequential series from C<1 .. n>.

=item * C<name>

Set the name for the series. The name is displayed in the chart legend and in the formula bar. The name property is optional and if it isn't supplied it will default to C<Series 1 .. n>.

=item * C<line>

Set the properties of the series line type such as colour and width. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<border>

Set the border properties of the series such as colour and style. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<fill>

Set the fill properties of the series such as colour. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<marker>

Set the properties of the series marker such as style and colour. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<trendline>

Set the properties of the series trendline such as linear, polynomial and moving average types. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<data_labels>

Set data labels for the series. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<invert_if_negative>

Invert the fill colour for negative values. Usually only applicable to column and bar charts.


The C<categories> and C<values> can take either a range formula such as C<=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7> or, more usefully when generating the range programmatically, an array ref with zero indexed row/column values:

     [ $sheetname, $row_start, $row_end, $col_start, $col_end ]

The following are equivalent:

    $chart->add_series( categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7'      ); # Same as ...
    $chart->add_series( categories => [ 'Sheet1', 1, 6, 0, 0 ] ); # Zero-indexed.

You can add more than one series to a chart. In fact, some chart types such as C<stock> require it. The series numbering and order in the Excel chart will be the same as the order in which they are added in Excel::Writer::XLSX.

    # Add the first series.
        categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7',
        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7',
        name       => 'Test data series 1',

    # Add another series. Same categories. Different range values.
        categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7',
        values     => '=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$7',
        name       => 'Test data series 2',

=head2 set_x_axis()

The C<set_x_axis()> method is used to set properties of the X axis.

    $chart->set_x_axis( name => 'Quarterly results' );

The properties that can be set are:


These are explained below. Some properties are only applicable to value or category axes, as indicated. See L<Value and Category Axes> for an explanation of Excel's distinction between the axis types.


=item * C<name>

Set the name (title or caption) for the axis. The name is displayed below the X axis. The C<name> property is optional. The default is to have no axis name. (Applicable to category and value axes).

    $chart->set_x_axis( name => 'Quarterly results' );

The name can also be a formula such as C<=Sheet1!$A$1>.

=item * C<name_font>

Set the font properties for the axis title. (Applicable to category and value axes).

    $chart->set_x_axis( name_font => { name => 'Arial', size => 10 } );

See the L</CHART FONTS> section below.

=item * C<num_font>

Set the font properties for the axis numbers. (Applicable to category and value axes).

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { bold => 1, italic => 1 } );

See the L</CHART FONTS> section below.

=item * C<num_format>

Set the number format for the axis. (Applicable to category and value axes).

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_format => '#,##0.00' );
    $chart->set_y_axis( num_format => '0.00%'    );

The number format is similar to the Worksheet Cell Format C<num_format> apart from the fact that a format index cannot be used. The explicit format string must be used as show above. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX/set_num_format()> for more information.

=item * C<min>

Set the minimum value for the axis range. (Applicable to value axes only.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( min => 20 );

=item * C<max>

Set the maximum value for the axis range. (Applicable to value axes only.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( max => 80 );

=item * C<minor_unit>

Set the increment of the minor units in the axis range. (Applicable to value axes only.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( minor_unit => 0.4 );

=item * C<major_unit>

Set the increment of the major units in the axis range. (Applicable to value axes only.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( major_unit => 2 );

=item * C<crossing>

Set the position where the y axis will cross the x axis. (Applicable to category and value axes.)

The C<crossing> value can either be the string C<'max'> to set the crossing at the maximum axis value or a numeric value.

    $chart->set_x_axis( crossing => 3 );
    # or
    $chart->set_x_axis( crossing => 'max' );

B<For category axes the numeric value must be an integer> to represent the category number that the axis crosses at. For value axes it can have any value associated with the axis.

If crossing is omitted (the default) the crossing will be set automatically by Excel based on the chart data.

=item * C<reverse>

Reverse the order of the axis categories or values. (Applicable to category and value axes.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( reverse => 1 );

=item * C<log_base>

Set the log base of the axis range. (Applicable to value axes only.)

    $chart->set_x_axis( log_base => 10 );

=item * C<label_position>

Set the "Axis labels" position for the axis. The following positions are available:

    next_to (the default)

=item * C<major_gridlines>

Configure the major gridlines for the axis. The available properties are:


For example:

        major_gridlines => {
            visible => 1,
            line    => { color => 'red', width => 1.25, dash_type => 'dash' }

The C<visible> property is usually on for the X-axis but it depends on the type of chart.

The C<line> property sets the gridline properites such as colour and width. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<minor_gridlines>

This takes the same options as C<major_gridlines> above.

The minor gridline C<visible> property is off by default for all chart types.

=item * C<visible>

Configure the visibility of the axis.

    $chart->set_x_axis( visible => 0 );


More than one property can be set in a call to C<set_x_axis()>:

        name => 'Quarterly results',
        min  => 10,
        max  => 80,

=head2 set_y_axis()

The C<set_y_axis()> method is used to set properties of the Y axis. The properties that can be set are the same as for C<set_x_axis>, see above.

=head2 set_x2_axis()

The C<set_x2_axis()> method is used to set properties of the secondary X axis.
The properties that can be set are the same as for C<set_x_axis>, see above.
The default properties for this axis are:

    label_position => 'none',
    crossing       => 'max',
    visible        => 0,

=head2 set_y2_axis()

The C<set_y2_axis()> method is used to set properties of the secondary Y axis.
The properties that can be set are the same as for C<set_x_axis>, see above.
The default properties for this axis are:

    major_gridlines => { visible => 0 }

=head2 set_title()

The C<set_title()> method is used to set properties of the chart title.

    $chart->set_title( name => 'Year End Results' );

The properties that can be set are:


=item * C<name>

Set the name (title) for the chart. The name is displayed above the chart. The name can also be a formula such as C<=Sheet1!$A$1>. The name property is optional. The default is to have no chart title.

=item * C<name_font>

Set the font properties for the chart title. See the L</CHART FONTS> section below.


=head2 set_legend()

The C<set_legend()> method is used to set properties of the chart legend.

    $chart->set_legend( position => 'none' );

The properties that can be set are:


=item * C<position>

Set the position of the chart legend.

    $chart->set_legend( position => 'bottom' );

The default legend position is C<right>. The available positions are:


=item * delete_series

This allows you to remove 1 or more series from the the legend (the series will still display on the chart). This property takes an array ref as an argument and the series are zero indexed:

    # Delete/hide series index 0 and 2 from the legend.
    $chart->set_legend( delete_series => [0, 2] );


=head2 set_chartarea()

The C<set_chartarea()> method is used to set the properties of the chart area.

        border => { none  => 1 },
        fill   => { color => 'red' }

The properties that can be set are:


=item * C<border>

Set the border properties of the chartarea such as colour and style. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<fill>

Set the fill properties of the chartarea such as colour. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.


=head2 set_plotarea()

The C<set_plotarea()> method is used to set properties of the plot area of a chart.

        border => { color => 'yellow', width => 1, dash_type => 'dash' },
        fill   => { color => '#92D050' }

The properties that can be set are:


=item * C<border>

Set the border properties of the plotarea such as colour and style. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.

=item * C<fill>

Set the fill properties of the plotarea such as colour. See the L</CHART FORMATTING> section below.


=head2 set_style()

The C<set_style()> method is used to set the style of the chart to one of the 42 built-in styles available on the 'Design' tab in Excel:

    $chart->set_style( 4 );

The default style is 2.

=head2 show_blanks_as()

The C<show_blanks_as()> method controls how blank data is displayed in a chart.

    $chart->show_blanks_as( 'span' );

The available options are:

        gap    # Blank data is shown as a gap. The default.
        zero   # Blank data is displayed as zero.
        span   # Blank data is connected with a line.

=head2 show_hidden_data()

Display data in hidden rows or columns on the chart.



The following chart formatting properties can be set for any chart object that they apply to (and that are supported by Excel::Writer::XLSX) such as chart lines, column fill areas, plot area borders, markers, gridlines and other chart elements documented above.


Chart formatting properties are generally set using hash refs.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { color => 'blue' },

In some cases the format properties can be nested. For example a C<marker> may contain C<border> and C<fill> sub-properties.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { color => 'blue' },
        marker     => {
            type    => 'square',
            size    => 5,
            border  => { color => 'red' },
            fill    => { color => 'yellow' },

=head2 Line

The line format is used to specify properties of line objects that appear in a chart such as a plotted line on a chart or a border.

The following properties can be set for C<line> formats in a chart.


The C<none> property is uses to turn the C<line> off (it is always on by default except in Scatter charts). This is useful if you wish to plot a series with markers but without a line.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { none => 1 },

The C<color> property sets the color of the C<line>.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { color => 'red' },

The available colours are shown in the main L<Excel::Writer::XLSX> documentation. It is also possible to set the colour of a line with a HTML style RGB colour:

        line       => { color => '#FF0000' },

The C<width> property sets the width of the C<line>. It should be specified in increments of 0.25 of a point as in Excel.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { width => 3.25 },

The C<dash_type> property sets the dash style of the line.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => { dash_type => 'dash_dot' },

The following C<dash_type> values are available. They are shown in the order that they appear in the Excel dialog.


The default line style is C<solid>.

More than one C<line> property can be specified at a time:

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        line       => {
            color     => 'red',
            width     => 1.25,
            dash_type => 'square_dot',

=head2 Border

The C<border> property is a synonym for C<line>.

It can be used as a descriptive substitute for C<line> in chart types such as Bar and Column that have a border and fill style rather than a line style. In general chart objects with a C<border> property will also have a fill property.

=head2 Fill

The fill format is used to specify filled areas of chart objects such as the interior of a column or the background of the chart itself.

The following properties can be set for C<fill> formats in a chart.


The C<none> property is used to turn the C<fill> property off (it is generally on by default).

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        fill       => { none => 1 },

The C<color> property sets the colour of the C<fill> area.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        fill       => { color => 'red' },

The available colours are shown in the main L<Excel::Writer::XLSX> documentation. It is also possible to set the colour of a fill with a HTML style RGB colour:

        fill       => { color => '#FF0000' },

The C<fill> format is generally used in conjunction with a C<border> format which has the same properties as a C<line> format.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        border     => { color => 'red' },
        fill       => { color => 'yellow' },

=head2 Marker

The marker format specifies the properties of the markers used to distinguish series on a chart. In general only Line and Scatter chart types and trendlines use markers.

The following properties can be set for C<marker> formats in a chart.


The C<type> property sets the type of marker that is used with a series.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        marker     => { type => 'diamond' },

The following C<type> properties can be set for C<marker> formats in a chart. These are shown in the same order as in the Excel format dialog.


The C<automatic> type is a special case which turns on a marker using the default marker style for the particular series number.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        marker     => { type => 'automatic' },

If C<automatic> is on then other marker properties such as size, border or fill cannot be set.

The C<size> property sets the size of the marker and is generally used in conjunction with C<type>.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        marker     => { type => 'diamond', size => 7 },

Nested C<border> and C<fill> properties can also be set for a marker. These have the same sub-properties as shown above.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        marker     => {
            type    => 'square',
            size    => 5,
            border  => { color => 'red' },
            fill    => { color => 'yellow' },

=head2 Trendline

A trendline can be added to a chart series to indicate trends in the data such as a moving average or a polynomial fit.

The following properties can be set for C<trendline> formats in a chart.

    order       (for polynomial trends)
    period      (for moving average)
    forward     (for all except moving average)
    backward    (for all except moving average)

The C<type> property sets the type of trendline in the series.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline  => { type => 'linear' },

The available C<trendline> types are:


A C<polynomial> trendline can also specify the C<order> of the polynomial. The default value is 2.

        values    => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline => {
            type  => 'polynomial',
            order => 3,

A C<moving_average> trendline can also specify the C<period> of the moving average. The default value is 2.

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline  => {
            type   => 'moving_average',
            period => 3,

The C<forward> and C<backward> properties set the forecast period of the trendline.

        values    => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline => {
            type     => 'linear',
            forward  => 0.5,
            backward => 0.5,

The C<name> property sets an optional name for the trendline that will appear in the chart legend. If it isn't specified the Excel default name will be displayed. This is usually a combination of the trendline type and the series name.

        values    => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline => {
            type => 'linear',
            name => 'Interpolated trend',

Several of these properties can be set in one go:

        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        trendline  => {
            type     => 'linear',
            name     => 'My trend name',
            forward  => 0.5,
            backward => 0.5,
            line     => {
                color     => 'red',
                width     => 1,
                dash_type => 'long_dash',

Trendlines cannot be added to series in a stacked chart or pie chart, radar chart or (when implemented) to 3D, surface, or doughnut charts.

=head2 Data Labels

Data labels can be added to a chart series to indicate the values of the plotted data points.

The following properties can be set for C<data_labels> formats in a chart.


The C<value> property turns on the I<Value> data label for a series.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { value => 1 },

The C<category> property turns on the I<Category Name> data label for a series.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { category => 1 },

The C<series_name> property turns on the I<Series Name> data label for a series.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { series_name => 1 },

The C<position> property is used to position the data label for a series.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { value => 1, position => 'center' },

Valid positions are:

    above           # Same as top
    below           # Same as bottom
    inside_end      # Pie chart mainly.
    outside_end     # Pie chart mainly.
    best_fit        # Pie chart mainly.

The C<percentage> property is used to turn on the display of data labels as a I<Percentage> for a series. It is mainly used for pie charts.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { percentage => 1 },

The C<leader_lines> property is used to turn on  I<Leader Lines> for the data label for a series. It is mainly used for pie charts.

        values      => '=Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5',
        data_labels => { value => 1, leader_lines => 1 },

Note: Even when leader lines are turned on they aren't automatically visible in Excel or Excel::Writer::XLSX. Due to an Excel limitation (or design) leader lines only appear if the data label is moved manually or if the data labels are very close and need to be adjusted automatically.

=head2 Other formatting options

Other formatting options will be added in time. If there is a feature that you would like to see included drop me a line.


The following font properties can be set for any chart object that they apply to (and that are supported by Excel::Writer::XLSX) such as chart titles, axis labels and axis numbering. They correspond to the equivalent Worksheet cell Format object properties. See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX/FORMAT_METHODS> for more information.


The following explains the available font properties:


=item * C<name>

Set the font name:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { name => 'Arial' } );

=item * C<size>

Set the font size:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { name => 'Arial', size => 10 } );

=item * C<bold>

Set the font bold property, should be 0 or 1:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { bold => 1 } );

=item * C<italic>

Set the font italic property, should be 0 or 1:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { italic => 1 } );

=item * C<underline>

Set the font underline property, should be 0 or 1:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { underline => 1 } );

=item * C<color>

Set the font color property. Can be a color index, a color name or HTML style RGB colour:

    $chart->set_x_axis( num_font => { color => 'red' } );
    $chart->set_y_axis( num_font => { color => '#92D050' } );


Here is an example of Font formatting in a Chart program:

    # Format the chart title.
        name      => 'Sales Results Chart',
        name_font => {
            name  => 'Calibri',
            color => 'yellow',

    # Format the X-axis.
        name      => 'Month',
        name_font => {
            name  => 'Arial',
            color => '#92D050'
        num_font => {
            name  => 'Courier New',
            color => '#00B0F0',

    # Format the Y-axis.
        name      => 'Sales (1000 units)',
        name_font => {
            name      => 'Century',
            underline => 1,
            color     => 'red'
        num_font => {
            bold   => 1,
            italic => 1,
            color  => '#7030A0',


In Excel a chartsheet (i.e, a chart that isn't embedded) shares properties with data worksheets such as tab selection, headers, footers, margins, and print properties.

In Excel::Writer::XLSX you can set chartsheet properties using the same methods that are used for Worksheet objects.

The following Worksheet methods are also available through a non-embedded Chart object:



See L<Excel::Writer::XLSX> for a detailed explanation of these methods.

=head1 EXAMPLE

Here is a complete example that demonstrates some of the available features when creating a chart.


    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Excel::Writer::XLSX;

    my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'chart.xlsx' );
    my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
    my $bold      = $workbook->add_format( bold => 1 );

    # Add the worksheet data that the charts will refer to.
    my $headings = [ 'Number', 'Batch 1', 'Batch 2' ];
    my $data = [
        [ 2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7 ],
        [ 10, 40, 50, 20, 10, 50 ],
        [ 30, 60, 70, 50, 40, 30 ],


    $worksheet->write( 'A1', $headings, $bold );
    $worksheet->write( 'A2', $data );

    # Create a new chart object. In this case an embedded chart.
    my $chart = $workbook->add_chart( type => 'column', embedded => 1 );

    # Configure the first series.
        name       => '=Sheet1!$B$1',
        categories => '=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$7',
        values     => '=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$7',

    # Configure second series. Note alternative use of array ref to define
    # ranges: [ $sheetname, $row_start, $row_end, $col_start, $col_end ].
        name       => '=Sheet1!$C$1',
        categories => [ 'Sheet1', 1, 6, 0, 0 ],
        values     => [ 'Sheet1', 1, 6, 2, 2 ],

    # Add a chart title and some axis labels.
    $chart->set_title ( name => 'Results of sample analysis' );
    $chart->set_x_axis( name => 'Test number' );
    $chart->set_y_axis( name => 'Sample length (mm)' );

    # Set an Excel chart style. Blue colors with white outline and shadow.
    $chart->set_style( 11 );

    # Insert the chart into the worksheet (with an offset).
    $worksheet->insert_chart( 'D2', $chart, 25, 10 );


=begin html

<p>This will produce a chart that looks like this:</p>

<p><center><img src="" width="527" height="320" alt="Chart example." /></center></p>

=end html

=head1 Value and Category Axes

Excel differentiates between a chart axis that is used for series B<categories> and an axis that is used for series B<values>.

In the example above the X axis is the category axis and each of the values is evenly spaced. The Y axis (in this case) is the value axis and points are displayed according to their value.

Since Excel treats the axes differently it also handles their formatting differently and exposes different properties for each.

As such some of C<Excel::Writer::XLSX> axis properties can be set for a value axis, some can be set for a category axis and some properties can be set for both.

For example the C<min> and C<max> properties can only be set for value axes and C<reverse> can be set for both. The type of axis that a property applies to is shown in the C<set_x_axis()> section of the documentation above.

Some charts such as C<Scatter> and C<Stock> have two value axes.

=head1 TODO

The chart feature in Excel::Writer::XLSX is under active development. More chart types and features will be added in time.

Features that are on the TODO list and will be added are:


=item * Add more chart sub-types.

=item * Additional formatting options.

=item * More axis controls.

=item * 3D charts.

=item * Additional chart types such as Bubble or Doughnut.


If you are interested in sponsoring a feature to have it implemented or expedited let me know.

=head1 AUTHOR

John McNamara


Copyright MM-MMXII, John McNamara.

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.