#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# A test for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
# Tests for the token parsing methods used to parse autofilter expressions.
# reverse('©'), August 2007, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org

use strict;

use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use Test::More tests => 24;

# Tests setup
my $test_file = "temp_test_file.xls";
my $workbook   = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($test_file);
my $worksheet  = $workbook->add_worksheet();

# Test cases structured as [$input, [@expected_output]]
my @tests = (

        'x =  2000',
        [2, 2000],

        'x == 2000',
        [2, 2000],

        'x =~ 2000',
        [2, 2000],

        'x eq 2000',
        [2, 2000],

        'x <> 2000',
        [5, 2000],

        'x != 2000',
        [5, 2000],

        'x ne 2000',
        [5, 2000],

        'x !~ 2000',
        [5, 2000],

        'x >  2000',
        [4, 2000],

        'x <  2000',
        [1, 2000],

        'x >= 2000',
        [6, 2000],

        'x <= 2000',
        [3, 2000],

        'x >  2000 and x <  5000',
        [4,  2000, 0, 1, 5000],

        'x >  2000 &&  x <  5000',
        [4,  2000, 0, 1, 5000],

        'x >  2000 or  x <  5000',
        [4,  2000, 1, 1, 5000],

        'x >  2000 ||  x <  5000',
        [4,  2000, 1, 1, 5000],

        'x =  Blanks',
        [2, 'blanks'],

        'x =  NonBlanks',
        [2, 'nonblanks'],

        'x <> Blanks',
        [2, 'nonblanks'],

        'x <> NonBlanks',
        [2, 'blanks'],

        'Top 10 Items',
        [30, 10],

        'Top 20 %',
        [31, 20],

        'Bottom 5 Items',
        [32, 5],

        'Bottom 101 %',
        [33, 101],


# Run the test cases.
for my $aref (@tests) {
    my $expression  = $aref->[0];
    my $expected    = $aref->[1];
    my @tokens      = $worksheet->_extract_filter_tokens($expression);
    my @results     = $worksheet->_parse_filter_expression($expression, @tokens);

    my $testname    = $expression || 'none';

    is_deeply(\@results, $expected, " \t" . $testname);

# Cleanup
unlink $test_file;