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package Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Format;

# Format - A class for defining Excel formatting.
# Used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML
# Copyright 2000-2010, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__

use Exporter;
use strict;
use Carp;

use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

$VERSION = '0.13';

# new()
# Constructor
sub new {

    my $class  = shift;

    my $self   = {
                    _xf_index       => shift || 0,
                    _palette        => shift,

                    _font_index     => 0,
                    _font           => 'Arial',
                    _size           => 10,
                    _bold           => 0,
                    _italic         => 0,
                    _color          => 0x0,
                    _underline      => 0,
                    _font_strikeout => 0,
                    _font_outline   => 0,
                    _font_shadow    => 0,
                    _font_script    => 0,
                    _font_family    => 0,
                    _font_charset   => 0,

                    _num_format     => undef,

                    _hidden         => 0,
                    _locked         => 1,

                    _text_h_align   => 0,
                    _text_wrap      => 0,
                    _text_v_align   => -1,
                    _text_justlast  => 0,
                    _rotation       => 0,
                    _text_vertical  => 0,

                    _fg_color       => 0x00,
                    _bg_color       => 0x00,

                    _pattern        => 0,

                    _bottom         => 0,
                    _top            => 0,
                    _left           => 0,
                    _right          => 0,

                    _bottom_color   => 0x0,
                    _top_color      => 0x0,
                    _left_color     => 0x0,
                    _right_color    => 0x0,

                    _indent         => 0,
                    _shrink         => 0,
                    _merge_range    => 0,
                    _reading_order  => 0,

                    _diag_type      => 0,
                    _diag_color     => 0x0,
                    _diag_border    => 0,

                    _just_distrib   => 0,


    bless  $self, $class;

    # Set properties passed to Workbook::add_format()
    $self->set_properties(@_) if @_;

    return $self;

# copy($format)
# Copy the attributes of another Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML::Format object.
sub copy {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $other = $_[0];

    return unless defined $other;
    return unless (ref($self) eq ref($other));

    my $xf      = $self->{_xf_index}; # Store XF index assigned by
    my $palette = $self->{_palette};  # Store palette assigned by
    %$self = %$other;                 # Copy properties
    $self->{_xf_index} = $xf;         # Restore XF index
    $self->{_palette}  = $palette;    # Restore palette

# convert_to_html_color()
# Convert from an Excel internal colour index to a Html style #RRGGBB index
# based on the default or user defined values in the Workbook palette.
sub convert_to_html_color {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $index    = $_[0];

    return 0 unless $index;

    $index -=8; # Adjust colour index

    # _palette is a reference to the colour palette in the Workbook module
    my @rgb = @{${$self->{_palette}}->[$index]}[0,1,2];

    return sprintf "#%02X%02X%02X", @rgb;

# get_align_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Alignment> element.
# Excels handling of the vertical align "Bottom" property is different from
# other properties. It is on by default if any non-vertical property is set.
# Therefore we set the undefined _text_v_align value to -1 so that we can
# detect if it has been set by the user. If it hasn't been set then we supply
# the default "Bottom" value.
sub get_align_properties {

    my $self  = shift;

    my @align; # Attributes to return

    # Check if any alignment options in the format have been changed.
    my $changed = (
                    $self->{_text_h_align}   != 0  ||
                    $self->{_text_v_align}   != -1 ||
                    $self->{_indent}         != 0  ||
                    $self->{_rotation}       != 0  ||
                    $self->{_text_vertical}  != 0  ||
                    $self->{_text_wrap}      != 0  ||
                    $self->{_shrink}         != 0  ||
                    $self->{_reading_order}  != 0) ? 1 : 0;

    return unless $changed;

    # Excel sets 'ss:Vertical="Bottom"' even when it is the default.
    $self->{_text_v_align} = 2 if $self->{_text_v_align} == -1;

    # Check for properties that are mutually exclusive.
    $self->{_rotation}      = 0 if $self->{_text_vertical};
    $self->{_shrink}        = 0 if $self->{_text_wrap};
    $self->{_shrink}        = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 4; # Fill
    $self->{_shrink}        = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 5; # Justify
    $self->{_shrink}        = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} == 7; # Distributed
    $self->{_just_distrib}  = 0 if $self->{_text_h_align} != 7; # Distributed TODO

    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Left'        if $self->{_text_h_align} == 1;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Center'      if $self->{_text_h_align} == 2;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Right'       if $self->{_text_h_align} == 3;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Fill'        if $self->{_text_h_align} == 4;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Justify'     if $self->{_text_h_align} == 5;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'CenterAcrossSelection'
                                                if $self->{_text_h_align} == 6;
    push @align, 'ss:Horizontal', 'Distributed' if $self->{_text_h_align} == 7;

    push @align, 'ss:Vertical',   'Top'         if $self->{_text_v_align} == 0;
    push @align, 'ss:Vertical',   'Center'      if $self->{_text_v_align} == 1;
    push @align, 'ss:Vertical',   'Bottom'      if $self->{_text_v_align} == 2;
    push @align, 'ss:Vertical',   'Justify'     if $self->{_text_v_align} == 3;
    push @align, 'ss:Vertical',   'Distributed' if $self->{_text_v_align} == 4;

    push @align, 'ss:Indent',      $self->{_indent}   if $self->{_indent};
    push @align, 'ss:Rotate',      $self->{_rotation} if $self->{_rotation};

    push @align, 'ss:VerticalText',1                if $self->{_text_vertical};
    push @align, 'ss:WrapText',    1                if $self->{_text_wrap};
    push @align, 'ss:ShrinkToFit', 1                if $self->{_shrink};

    # 'Context' is default property for ReadingOrder.
    push @align, 'ss:ReadingOrder','LeftToRight' if $self->{_reading_order}==1;
    push @align, 'ss:ReadingOrder','RightToLeft' if $self->{_reading_order}==2;

    # TODO
    #    ss:Horizontal="JustifyDistributed" ss:Vertical="Bottom"

    return @align;

# get_border_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Border> element.
sub get_border_properties {

    my $self  = shift;

    my @border; # Attributes to return

    my %linetypes =(
                     1 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Continuous',   'ss:Weight' => 1],
                     2 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Continuous',   'ss:Weight' => 2],
                     3 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Dash',         'ss:Weight' => 1],
                     4 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Dot',          'ss:Weight' => 1],
                     5 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Continuous',   'ss:Weight' => 3],
                     6 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Double',       'ss:Weight' => 3],
                     7 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Continuous'                    ],
                     8 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'Dash',         'ss:Weight' => 2],
                     9 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'DashDot',      'ss:Weight' => 1],
                    10 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'DashDot',      'ss:Weight' => 2],
                    11 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'DashDotDot',   'ss:Weight' => 1],
                    12 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'DashDotDot',   'ss:Weight' => 2],
                    13 => ['ss:LineStyle' => 'SlantDashDot', 'ss:Weight' => 2],

    for my $position ('_bottom', '_left', '_right', '_top') {

        (my $type = $position)  =~ s/^_//;
        my @attribs             = ('ss:Position', ucfirst $type);
        my $position_color      = $position . '_color';

        if (exists $linetypes{$self->{$position}}) {

            push @attribs, @{$linetypes{$self->{$position}}};

            if (my $color = $self->{$position_color}) {
                $color = $self->convert_to_html_color($color);
                push @attribs, 'ss:Color', $color;

            push @border, [@attribs];

    # Handle diagonal borders. Note that in Excel it is only possible to have
    # one line type and one colour when both diagonals are in use.
    if (my $diag_type = $self->{_diag_type}) {

        # Set a default diagonal border style if none was specified.
        $self->{_diag_border} = 1 if not $self->{_diag_border};

        my @attribs = @{$linetypes{$self->{_diag_border}}};

        if (my $color = $self->{_diag_color}) {
            $color = $self->convert_to_html_color($color);
            push @attribs, 'ss:Color', $color;

        if ($diag_type == 1 or $diag_type == 3) {
            push @border, ["ss:Position", "DiagonalLeft",  @attribs];

        if ($diag_type == 2 or $diag_type == 3) {
            push @border, ["ss:Position", "DiagonalRight", @attribs];

    return @border;

# get_font_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Font> element.
sub get_font_properties {

    my $self = shift;

    my @font; # Attributes to return

    my $color =  $self->convert_to_html_color($self->{_color});

    push @font, 'ss:FontName', $self->{_font}     if $self->{_font}  ne 'Arial';
    push @font, 'ss:Size',     $self->{_size}     if $self->{_size}  != 10;
    push @font, 'ss:Color',    $color             if $self->{_color};
    push @font, 'ss:Bold',     1                  if $self->{_bold};
    push @font, 'ss:Italic',   1                  if $self->{_italic};

    push @font, 'ss:StrikeThrough', 1             if $self->{_font_strikeout};
    push @font, 'ss:Outline',       1             if $self->{_font_outline};
    push @font, 'ss:Shadow',        1             if $self->{_font_shadow};

    push @font, 'ss:VerticalAlign', 'Superscript' if $self->{_font_script} == 1;
    push @font, 'ss:VerticalAlign', 'Subscript'   if $self->{_font_script} == 2;

    push @font, 'ss:Underline', 'Single'          if $self->{_underline} == 1;
    push @font, 'ss:Underline', 'Double'          if $self->{_underline} == 2;
    push @font, 'ss:Underline', 'SingleAccounting'if $self->{_underline} == 33;
    push @font, 'ss:Underline', 'DoubleAccounting'if $self->{_underline} == 34;

    push @font, 'x:Family',  $self->{_font_family}   if $self->{_font_family};
    push @font, 'x:CharSet', $self->{_font_charset}  if $self->{_font_charset};

    return @font;

# get_interior_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Interior> element.
sub get_interior_properties {

    my $self  = shift;

    # Return undef if the background and foreground colours haven't been set
    # and the pattern hasn't been set or if it has only been set to solid.
    # Other patterns will be handled with the default colours.
    return if $self->{_fg_color} == 0x00  and
              $self->{_bg_color} == 0x00  and
              $self->{_pattern}  <= 0x01;

    # Note for XML:
    #               ss:Color        = _bg_color
    #               ss:PatternColor = _fg_color

    # The following logical statements take care of special cases in relation
    # to cell colours and patterns:
    # 1. For a solid fill (_pattern == 1) Excel reverses the role of foreground
    #    and background colours.
    # 2. If the user specifies a foreground or background colour without a
    #    pattern they probably wanted a solid fill, so we fill in the defaults.
    if ($self->{_pattern} <= 0x01) {
        if ($self->{_bg_color}) {
            return  'ss:Color',
        else {
            return  'ss:Color',

    # Set default colours if they haven't been set.
    $self->{_bg_color} = 0x09 if $self->{_bg_color} == 0x00; # 0x09 = white
    $self->{_fg_color} = 0x08 if $self->{_fg_color} == 0x00; # 0x08 = black

    my %patterns = (
                     1 => 'Solid',
                     2 => 'Gray50',
                     3 => 'Gray75',
                     4 => 'Gray25',
                     5 => 'HorzStripe',
                     6 => 'VertStripe',
                     7 => 'ReverseDiagStripe',
                     8 => 'DiagStripe',
                     9 => 'DiagCross',
                    10 => 'ThickDiagCross',
                    11 => 'ThinHorzStripe',
                    12 => 'ThinVertStripe',
                    13 => 'ThinReverseDiagStripe',
                    14 => 'ThinDiagStripe',
                    15 => 'ThinHorzCross',
                    16 => 'ThinDiagCross',
                    17 => 'Gray125',
                    18 => 'Gray0625',

    return unless exists $patterns{$self->{_pattern}};

    return  'ss:Color',

# get_num_format_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <NumberFormat> element.
sub get_num_format_properties {

    my $self = shift;

    return unless defined $self->{_num_format};

    # This hash is here mainly to cater for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel programs
    # and Excel files that use the in-built format codes. ExcelXML users
    # should specify the format explicitly.
    my %num_format = (
                    1  => '0',
                    2  => 'Fixed',
                    3  => '#,##0',
                    4  => 'Standard',
                    5  => '$#,##0;\-$#,##0',
                    6  => '$#,##0;[Red]\-$#,##0',
                    7  => '$#,##0.00;\-$#,##0.00',
                    8  => 'Currency',
                    9  => '0%',
                    10 => 'Percent',
                    11 => 'Scientific',
                    12 => '#\ ?/?',
                    13 => '#\ ??/??',
                    14 => 'Short Date',
                    15 => 'Medium Date',
                    16 => 'dd\-mmm',
                    17 => 'mmm\-yy',
                    18 => 'Medium Time',
                    19 => 'Long Time',
                    20 => 'Short Time',
                    21 => 'hh:mm:ss',
                    22 => 'General Date',
                    37 => '#,##0;\-#,##0',
                    38 => '#,##0;[Red]\-#,##0',
                    39 => '#,##0.00;\-#,##0.00',
                    40 => '#,##0.00;[Red]\-#,##0.00',
                    41 => '_-* #,##0_-;\-* #,##0_-;_-* "-"_-;_-@_-',
                    42 => '_-$* #,##0_-;\-$* #,##0_-;_-$* "-"_-;_-@_-',
                    43 => '_-* #,##0.00_-;\-* #,##0.00_-;_-* "-"??_-;_-@_-',
                    44 => '_-$* #,##0.00_-;\-$* #,##0.00_-;_-$* "-"??_-;_-@_-',
                    45 => 'mm:ss',
                    46 => '[h]:mm:ss',
                    47 => 'mm:ss.0',
                    48 => '##0.0E+0',
                    49 => '@',

    my $num_format;

    # Num_format is either a built-in code or a user specified string.
    if (exists $num_format{$self->{_num_format}}) {
        $num_format = $num_format{$self->{_num_format}};
    else {
        $num_format = $self->{_num_format};

    return 'ss:Format', $num_format;

# get_protection_properties()
# Return properties for an Excel XML <Protection> element.
sub get_protection_properties {

    my $self = shift;

    my @attribs; # Attributes to return

    push @attribs, 'x:HideFormula', 1 if     $self->{_hidden};
    push @attribs, 'ss:Protected',  0 if not $self->{_locked};

    return @attribs;

# get_xf_index()
# Returns the index used by Worksheet->_XF()
sub get_xf_index {
    my $self   = shift;

    return $self->{_xf_index};

# _get_color()
# Used in conjunction with the set_xxx_color methods to convert a color
# string into a number. Color range is 0..63 but we will restrict it
# to 8..63 to comply with Gnumeric. Colors 0..7 are repeated in 8..15.
sub _get_color {

    my %colors = (
                    aqua    => 0x0F,
                    cyan    => 0x0F,
                    black   => 0x08,
                    blue    => 0x0C,
                    brown   => 0x10,
                    magenta => 0x0E,
                    fuchsia => 0x0E,
                    gray    => 0x17,
                    grey    => 0x17,
                    green   => 0x11,
                    lime    => 0x0B,
                    navy    => 0x12,
                    orange  => 0x35,
                    purple  => 0x14,
                    red     => 0x0A,
                    silver  => 0x16,
                    white   => 0x09,
                    yellow  => 0x0D,

    # Return the default color if undef,
    return 0x00 unless defined $_[0];

    # or the color string converted to an integer,
    return $colors{lc($_[0])} if exists $colors{lc($_[0])};

    # or the default color if string is unrecognised,
    return 0x00 if ($_[0] =~ m/\D/);

    # or an index < 8 mapped into the correct range,
    return $_[0] + 8 if $_[0] < 8;

    # or the default color if arg is outside range,
    return 0x00 if $_[0] > 63;

    # or an integer in the valid range
    return $_[0];

# set_align()
# Set cell alignment.
sub set_align {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $location = $_[0];

    return if not defined $location;  # No default
    return if $location =~ m/\d/;     # Ignore numbers

    $location = lc($location);

    $self->set_text_h_align(1) if ($location eq 'left');
    $self->set_text_h_align(2) if ($location eq 'centre');
    $self->set_text_h_align(2) if ($location eq 'center');
    $self->set_text_h_align(3) if ($location eq 'right');
    $self->set_text_h_align(4) if ($location eq 'fill');
    $self->set_text_h_align(5) if ($location eq 'justify');
    $self->set_text_h_align(6) if ($location eq 'center_across');
    $self->set_text_h_align(6) if ($location eq 'centre_across');
    $self->set_text_h_align(6) if ($location eq 'merge');        # S:WE name
    $self->set_text_h_align(7) if ($location eq 'distributed');
    $self->set_text_h_align(7) if ($location eq 'equal_space');  # ParseExcel

    $self->set_text_v_align(0) if ($location eq 'top');
    $self->set_text_v_align(1) if ($location eq 'vcentre');
    $self->set_text_v_align(1) if ($location eq 'vcenter');
    $self->set_text_v_align(2) if ($location eq 'bottom');
    $self->set_text_v_align(3) if ($location eq 'vjustify');
    $self->set_text_v_align(4) if ($location eq 'vdistributed');
    $self->set_text_v_align(4) if ($location eq 'vequal_space'); # ParseExcel

# set_valign()
# Set vertical cell alignment. This is required by the set_properties() method
# to differentiate between the vertical and horizontal properties.
sub set_valign {

    my $self = shift;

# set_center_across()
# Implements the Excel5 style "merge".
sub set_center_across {

    my $self     = shift;


# set_merge()
# This was the way to implement a merge in Excel5. However it should have been
# called "center_across" and not "merge".
# This is now deprecated. Use set_center_across() or better merge_range().
sub set_merge {

    my $self     = shift;


# set_bold()
# Unlike the binary format in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel bold cannot have a
# "weight". In the XML format it is either on or off.
sub set_bold {

    my $self = shift;
    my $bold = shift;

    $bold = 1 if not defined $bold;

    $self->{_bold} = $bold ? 1 : 0;

# set_border($style)
# Set cells borders to the same style
sub set_border {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $style = $_[0];


# set_border_color($color)
# Set cells border to the same color
sub set_border_color {

    my $self  = shift;
    my $color = $_[0];


# set_rotation($angle)
# Set the rotation angle of the text. An alignment property.
sub set_rotation {

    my $self     = shift;
    my $rotation = $_[0];

    # Argument should be a number
    return if $rotation !~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;

    # The arg type can be a double but the Excel dialog only allows integers.
    $rotation = int $rotation;

    if ($rotation == 270) {
        # Special case inherited from the S::WE interface.
        $self->{_text_vertical} = 1;
        $self->{_rotation}      = 0;
    elsif ($rotation < -90 or $rotation > 90) {
        carp "Rotation $rotation outside range: -90 <= angle <= 90";
        $self->{_rotation} = 0;

    # Rotation and vertical text are mutually exclusive
    $self->{_text_vertical} = 0;
    $self->{_rotation}      = $rotation;

# set_properties()
# Convert hashes of properties to method calls.
sub set_properties {

    my $self = shift;

    my %properties = @_; # Merge multiple hashes into one

    while (my($key, $value) = each(%properties)) {

        # Strip leading "-" from Tk style properties eg. -color => 'red'.
        $key =~ s/^-//;

        # Make sure method names are alphanumeric characters only, in case
        # tainted data is passed to the eval().
        die "Unknown method: \$self->set_$key\n" if $key =~ /\W/;

        # Evaling $value as a string gets around the problem of some
        # numerical format strings being evaluated as numbers, for example
        # "00000" for a zip code.
        if (defined $value) {
            eval "\$self->set_$key('$value')";
        else {
            eval "\$self->set_$key(undef)";

        die $@ if $@; # Re-throw the eval error.

# AUTOLOAD. Deus ex machina.
# Dynamically create set methods that aren't already defined.

    my $self = shift;

    # Ignore calls to DESTROY
    return if $AUTOLOAD =~ /::DESTROY$/;

    # Check for a valid method names, ie. "set_xxx_yyy".
    $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set(\w+)/ or die "Unknown method: $AUTOLOAD\n";

    # Match the attribute, ie. "_xxx_yyy".
    my $attribute = $1;

    # Check that the attribute exists
    exists $self->{$attribute}  or die "Unknown method: $AUTOLOAD\n";

    # The attribute value
    my $value;

    # There are two types of set methods: set_property() and
    # set_property_color(). When a method is AUTOLOADED we store a new anonymous
    # sub in the appropriate slot in the symbol table. The speeds up subsequent
    # calls to the same method.
    no strict 'refs'; # To allow symbol table hackery

    if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::set\w+color$/) {
        # For "set_property_color" methods
        $value =  _get_color($_[0]);

        *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
                             my $self  = shift;

                             $self->{$attribute} = _get_color($_[0]);
    else {

        $value = $_[0];
        $value = 1 if not defined $value; # The default value is always 1

        *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
                             my $self  = shift;
                             my $value = shift;

                             $value = 1 if not defined $value;
                             $self->{$attribute} = $value;

    $self->{$attribute} = $value;



=head1 NAME

Format - A class for defining Excel formatting.


See the documentation for Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML


This module is used in conjunction with Spreadsheet::WriteExcelXML.

=head1 AUTHOR

John McNamara


Software programs that read or write files that comply with the Microsoft specifications for the Office Schemas must include the following notice:

"This product may incorporate intellectual property owned by Microsoft Corporation. The terms and conditions upon which Microsoft is licensing such intellectual property may be found at"


© MM-MMXI, John McNamara.

All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.