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#	$Id : 2.125 2010-07-08 JMG$
#	Created and maintained by Jean-Marie Gouarne
#	Copyright 2010 by Genicorp, S.A. (

use OpenOffice::OODoc::File		2.203;
use OpenOffice::OODoc::Meta		2.017;
use OpenOffice::OODoc::Document		2.023;
use OpenOffice::OODoc::Manifest		2.007;


package	OpenOffice::OODoc;
use 5.008_000;
use strict;
our $VERSION				= '2.125';

require Exporter;
our @ISA    = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw
	ooXPath ooText ooMeta ooManifest ooImage ooStyles
	odfXPath odfText odfMeta odfManifest odfImage odfStyles
	odfConnector odfDocument ooDocument odfPackage odfContainer ooFile
	odfLocalEncoding localEncoding ooLocalEncoding
	odfEncodeText odfDecodeText ooEncodeText ooDecodeText
	ooLocaltime ooTimelocal odfLocaltime odfTimelocal
	odfTemplatePath ooTemplatePath
	odfWorkingDirectory workingDirectory ooWorkingDirectory
	odfReadConfig readConfig ooReadConfig


# config loader

sub	odfReadConfig
	my $filename = shift;
	unless ($filename)
		$filename = $INSTALLATION_PATH . '/config.xml'
	unless ($filename)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::odfReadConfig] "	.
			"Missing configuration file\n";
		return undef;
	my $config = XML::Twig->new->safe_parsefile($filename);
	unless ($config)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::odfReadConfig] "	.
			"Syntax error in configuration file $filename\n";
		return undef;
	my $root = $config->get_xpath('//OpenOffice-OODoc', 0);
	unless ($root && $root->isElementNode)
		return undef;
	foreach my $node ($root->getChildNodes)
		next unless $node->isElementNode;
		my $name = $node->getName; $name =~ s/-/::/g;
		my $varname = 'OpenOffice::OODoc::' . $name;
                no strict;
		$$varname = $node->string_value;
		$$varname = odfDecodeText($$varname);
		use strict;
	return 1;

# accessor for local character set control

sub	odfLocalEncoding
	my $newcharset = shift;
	if ($newcharset)
	    	if (Encode::find_encoding($newcharset))
		    $OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::LOCAL_CHARSET = $newcharset;
		    warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::odfLocalEncoding] " .
				"Unsupported encoding\n";
	return $OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::LOCAL_CHARSET;

# accessor for default XML templates for document creation

sub	odfTemplatePath
	return OpenOffice::OODoc::File::templatePath(@_);

# accessor for default working directory control

sub	odfWorkingDirectory
	my $path = shift;

	$OpenOffice::OODoc::File::WORKING_DIRECTORY = $path
		if defined $path;

	return $OpenOffice::OODoc::File::WORKING_DIRECTORY;
# shortcuts for low-level local/utf8 code conversion 

sub	odfEncodeText
	return OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::encode_text(@_);

sub	odfDecodeText
	return OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::decode_text(@_);

# constructors

sub     odfDocument
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Document->new(@_);

sub     odfContainer
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::File->new(@_);

sub     odfXPath
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath->new(@_);
sub     odfText
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Text->new(@_);

sub     odfStyles
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles->new(@_);

sub     odfImage
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Image->new(@_);

sub     odfMeta
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Meta->new(@_);

sub     odfManifest
        return OpenOffice::OODoc::Manifest->new(@_);

# initialization

	*ooDocument		= *odfDocument;
	*odfConnector		= *odfDocument;
	*odfFile                = *odfContainer;
	*odfPackage		= *odfContainer;
	*ooFile			= *odfContainer;
	*ooXPath		= *odfXPath;
	*ooText			= *odfText;
	*ooStyles		= *odfStyles;
	*ooImage		= *odfImage;
	*ooMeta			= *odfMeta;
	*ooManifest		= *odfManifest;
	*localEncoding		= *odfLocalEncoding;
	*workingDirectory	= *odfWorkingDirectory;
	*readConfig		= *odfReadConfig;
	*ooLocalEncoding	= *odfLocalEncoding;
	*ooWorkingDirectory	= *odfWorkingDirectory;
	*ooReadConfig		= *odfReadConfig;
	*ooEncodeText		= *odfEncodeText;
	*ooDecodeText		= *odfDecodeText;
	*ooTemplatePath		= *odfTemplatePath;
	*odfLocaltime		= *OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::odfLocaltime;
	*odfTimelocal		= *OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath::odfTimelocal;
	*ooLocaltime		= *odfLocaltime;
	*ooTimelocal		= *odfTimelocal;
	my $module_path = $INC{"OpenOffice/"};
	$module_path =~ s/\.pm$//;
	$INSTALLATION_PATH = $module_path;
	odfReadConfig() if ( -e "$INSTALLATION_PATH/config.xml" );
