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#	$Id : 2.027 2010-07-12 JMG$
#	Created and maintained by Jean-Marie Gouarne
#	Copyright 2010 by Genicorp, S.A. (

package OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles;
use	5.008_000;
use     strict;
our	$VERSION	= '2.027';

use	OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath	2.237;
use	File::Basename;
require	Exporter;
our	@ISA	= qw ( Exporter OpenOffice::OODoc::XPath );
our	@EXPORT	= qw
		odfLoadColorMap ooLoadColorMap
		oo2rgb rgb2oo rgbColor odfColor


our	$COLORMAP		= undef;
our	%COLORMAP		=
	'red'			=> '255,0,0',
	'green'			=> '0,255,0',
	'blue'			=> '0,0,255',
	'white'			=> '255,255,255',
	'black'			=> '0,0,0',
	'brown'			=> '165,42,42',
	'cyan'			=> '0,255,255',
	'grey'			=> '190,190,190',
	'magenta'		=> '255,0,255',
	'orange'		=> '255,165,0',
	'pink'			=> '255,192,203',
	'violet'		=> '238,130,238',
	'yellow'		=> '255,255,0'


	*odfLoadColorMap		= *ooLoadColorMap;
	*rgbColor			= *oo2rgb;
	*odfColor			= *rgb2oo;
	*getMasterPageElement           = *getMasterPage;
	*getPageMasterElement		= *getPageLayoutElement;
	*getPageMasterAttributes	= *getPageLayoutAttributes;
	*createPageMaster		= *createPageLayout;
	*updatePageMaster		= *updatePageLayout;
	*pageMasterStyle		= *pageLayout;
# loading a color map from an external file
# the file format must be "%d %d %d %s"
sub	ooLoadColorMap
	my $filename = shift || $COLORMAP or return undef;
	unless ( -e $filename && -r $filename )
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::ooLoadColorMap] "	.
			"Color map file non existent or unreadable\n";
		return undef;
	my $r = open COLORS, "<", $filename;
	unless ($r)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::ooLoadColorMap] "	.
			"Error opening $filename\n";
		return undef;
	while (my $line = <COLORS>)
		$line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//;
		next unless $line =~ /^[0-9]/;
		$line =~ /(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/;
		my $name = $4;
		$COLORMAP{$name} = "$1,$2,$3" if $name;
	close COLORS;
	return 1;

# converting an hexadecimal OOo color code to decimal RGB

sub	oo2rgb
	my $hexcolor = shift; return undef unless $hexcolor;
	return undef unless $hexcolor =~ /^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/;
	$hexcolor =~ /#(..)(..)(..)/;
	my ($red, $green, $blue) = ($1, $2, $3);
	my @rgb = (hex($red), hex($green), hex($blue));
	if (wantarray)
		return @rgb;
		my $color = join(",", @rgb);
		foreach my $k (keys %COLORMAP)
			return $k if ($COLORMAP{$k} eq $color);
		return $color;

# converting a decimal RGB expression to an hexadecimal OOo color 

sub	rgb2oo
	my $colour = shift;
	my ($red, $green, $blue);
	if ($colour =~ /,/)
		$colour =~ s/ //g;
		($red, $green, $blue) = split(",", $colour);
	elsif ($colour =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/)
		if (defined $COLORMAP{$colour})
			($red, $green, $blue) = split(",", $COLORMAP{$colour});
			return undef;
	elsif ($colour =~ /^#/)
		my $rgb		= oo2rgb($colour);
		return undef unless $rgb;
		my $hexrgb	= rgb2oo($rgb);
		return undef unless $hexrgb;
		return (lc $hexrgb eq lc $colour) ? $colour : undef;
		$red = $colour; ($green, $blue) = @_;
	return sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $red, $green, $blue);
package	OpenOffice::OODoc::Element;
sub	isStyle
	my $element	= shift;
	my $fullname	= $element->getName;
	my ($prefix, $name)	= split ':', $fullname;
			(($prefix eq 'style') || ($prefix eq 'number'))
			($name ne 'properties')
	 	?	1 : undef;

sub	isOutlineStyle
	my $element	= shift;
	return $element->hasTag('text:outline-level-style');

sub	isMasterPage
	my $element	= shift;
	return	(
		$element->getName eq 'style:master-page'
		?	1 : undef;
package OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles;
# constructor

sub	new
	my $caller	= shift;
	my $class	= ref($caller) || $caller;
	my %options	=
		part			=> 'styles',	# XML member
	my $object	= $class->SUPER::new(%options);
	return	$object	?
		bless $object, $class	:

# get the tag name of the "properties" style sub-element

sub	_properties_tagname
	my $self	= shift;
	my $element	= shift;
	my $part	= shift;

	my $prefix	= $element->getPrefix;
	if ($prefix eq 'number')
		return 'number:number';
	elsif ($self->{'opendocument'})
		unless ($part)
			$part = $element->att('style:family');
		return $part ?
			$prefix . ':' . $part . '-properties'	:
			$element->name() . '-properties';
		return 'style:properties';

# get the path of an individual style property node

sub	_get_property_path
	my $self	= shift;
	my $element	= shift;
	my $nodename	= shift;
	my $part	= shift;

	if (($nodename eq 'header') || ($nodename eq 'footer'))
		return 'style:' . $nodename . '-style/style:properties';
	my $path = $self->_properties_tagname($element, $part);
	$path .= ('/style:' . $nodename)	if $nodename;
	return $path;

# get a particular node in a main style element

sub	getStyleNode
	my $self	= shift;
	my $element	= shift;
	my $nodename	= shift;
	my $xpath	= $self->_get_property_path($element, $nodename);
	return $self->getNodeByXPath($element, $xpath);

# create the path for a particular node in a main style element

sub	setStyleNode
	my $self	= shift;
	my $element	= shift;
	my $nodename	= shift;
	my $xpath	= $self->_get_property_path($element, $nodename);
	return $self->makeXPath($element, $xpath);	

# get named styles root element

sub	getNamedStyleRoot
	my $self	= shift;
	return	$self->getElement($self->{'named_style_path'}, 0);

# get automatic styles root element

sub	getAutoStyleRoot
	my $self	= shift;
	return	$self->getElement($self->{'auto_style_path'}, 0);

# get master styles root element

sub	getMasterStyleRoot
	my $self	= shift;
	return	$self->getElement($self->{'master_style_path'}, 0);

# get the root of font declarations

sub	getFontDeclarationBody
	my $self	= shift;
	my $path = $self->{'opendocument'} ?
		'//office:font-face-decls' : '//office:font-decls';
	return $self->getElement($path, 0);

# get a font declaration element

sub	getFontDeclaration
	my $self	= shift;
	my $font	= shift		or return undef;
	my $tag		= $self->{'opendocument'} ?
			"style:font-face" : "style:font-decl";
	if (ref $font)
		my $n = $font->name;
		if ($n && ($n eq $tag))
			return $font;
			warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::getFontDeclaration] " .
				"Invalid font declaration element\n";
			return undef;
		my $context = $self->getFontDeclarationBody;
		my $path = "//$tag\[\@style:name=\"$font\"]";
		return $self->getNodeByXPath($context, $path);


sub	getFontDeclarations
	my $self	= shift;
	my $context	= $self->getFontDeclarationBody;
	my $path	= $self->{'opendocument'}	?
				'//style:font-face' : 'style:font-decl';
	return $self->getNodesByXPath($context, $path);


sub	getFontName
	my $self	= shift;
	my $fd		= $self->getFontDeclaration(@_)
		or return undef;
	return $self->getAttribute($fd, 'style:name');

# imports a copy of an existing font declaration

sub	importFontDeclaration
	my $self	= shift;
	my $p1		= shift		or return undef;
	my $font_element = undef;
	if (ref $p1)
		my $e = undef;
		if ($p1->isa('OpenOffice::OODoc::Styles'))
			{		# copy from another document
			my $font_name = shift;
			$e = $p1->getFontDeclaration($font_name);
			{		# replicate from the same document
			$e = $self->getFontDeclaration($p1);
		$font_element = $e->copy if $e;
		{			# from anything (we hope XML)
		$font_element =
					# check the element type
	$font_element = $self->getFontDeclaration($font_element);
	return $font_element;

# select a list of style elements matching a given attribute, value pair
# $path may be 'auto' or 'named' to search only in automatic or named styles
# without args, returns the full style list

sub	selectStyleElementsByAttribute
	my $self	= shift;
	my $attribute	= shift;
	my $value	= shift;
	my %opt		=
			namespace	=> 'style',
			type		=> 'style',
	my $path	= $opt{'category'};

	return	$self->getStyleList	unless ($attribute && $value);

	unless ($path)
		return	($self->selectElementsByAttribute
				$self->{'named_style_path'}	.
				$attribute, $value
				$self->{'auto_style_path'} 	.
				$attribute, $value
		$path	= lc $path;
		if	($path =~ /^named/)
			$path	= $self->{'named_style_path'};
		elsif	($path =~ /^auto/)
			$path	= $self->{'auto_style_path'};
			return undef;
		return	$self->selectElementsByAttribute
				$attribute, $value

# select a style element by name
# $path may be 'auto' or 'named' to search only in automatic or named styles

sub	selectStyleElementByAttribute
	my $self	= shift;
	my $attribute	= shift;
	my $value	= shift;
	my %opt		=
			namespace	=> 'style',
			type		=> 'style',

	unless ($attribute)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ .
			"::selectStyleElementByAttribute] Missing attribute\n";
		return undef;

	my $path	= $opt{'category'};
	unless ($path)
		return	$self->selectElementByAttribute
				$self->{'named_style_path'} . '/style:style',
				$attribute, $value
				$self->{'auto_style_path'} . '/style:style',
				$attribute, $value
		$path	= lc $path;
		if	($path =~ /^named/)
			$path	= $self->{'named_style_path'};
		elsif	($path =~ /^auto/)
			$path	= $self->{'auto_style_path'};
			return undef;
		return	$self->selectElementByAttribute
				$attribute, $value


sub	selectStyleElementByName
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->selectStyleElementByAttribute('style:name', @_);


sub	selectStyleElementByFamily
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->selectStyleElementByAttribute('style:family', @_);


sub	selectStyleElementsByName
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->selectStyleElementsByAttribute('style:name', @_);


sub	selectStyleElementsByFamily
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->selectStyleElementsByAttribute('style:family', @_);

# get style element by exact internal name or display name 

sub	getStyleElement
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= shift;
	return	undef	unless $style;
	return	$style->isStyle ? $style : undef	if ref $style;
	$style		= $self->inputTextConversion($style);
	my %opt		= (retry => 1, @_);
	if ($opt{'retry'})
		delete $opt{'retry'}
			(($opt{'retry'} eq 1) || ($opt{'retry'} eq 'true'));

	my $root	= undef;
	my $type	= $opt{'type'}		|| 'style';
	my $namespace	= $opt{'namespace'}	|| 'style';

	if ($opt{'category'})
		my $path	= '//office:' ;
		if	($opt{'category'} =~ /^auto/)
				{ $path .= 'automatic-styles';	}
		elsif	($opt{'category'} =~ /^named/)
				{ $path .= 'styles';		}
				{ $path = $opt{'category'};		}
		$root	= $self->getElement($path, 0);
		unless ($root)
			warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::getStyleElement] " .
				"Unknown search space\n";
			return undef;
	my $attr 	= $self->{'retrieve_by'} || 'name';
	my $xpath	=	"//$namespace" . ':' .
	my $e = $self->getNodeByXPath($xpath, $root);
	return $e if ((defined $e) || !$opt{'retry'});
	if ($attr eq 'name')
		$attr	= 'display-name';
	elsif ($attr eq 'display-name')
		$attr	= 'name';
		return undef;
	$xpath	=	"//$namespace" . ':' .
	return $self->getNodeByXPath($xpath, $root);


sub	getOutlineStyleElement
	my $self	= shift;
	my $level	= shift		or return undef;
	if (ref $level)
		return $level->isOutlineStyle ? $level : undef;
	my $xpath = "//text:outline-level-style\[\@text:level\=\"$level\"\]";
	return $self->getNodeByXPath($xpath);

sub	updateOutlineStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= $self->getOutlineStyleElement(shift)
				or return undef;
	my %attr	= @_;
	foreach my $k (keys %attr)
		unless ($k =~ /:/)
			my $v = $attr{$k}; delete $attr{$k};
			$k = 'style:' . $k;
			$attr{$k} = $v;
	return $self->setAttributes($style, %attr);

# get the name of the parent style, if any

sub	getParentStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= $self->getStyleElement(@_);
	unless ($style)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ .
			"::getParentStyle] Unknown style\n";
		return undef;
	return $self->getAttribute($style, 'style:parent-style-name');

# get the name of the primary ancestor
# (returns the style name if it doesn't have any ancestor)

sub	getAncestorStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= $self->getStyleElement(@_);
	unless ($style)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ .
			"::getAncestorStyle] Unknown style\n";
		return undef;
	my $name	= $self->styleName($style);
	my $parent_name	= $self->getParentStyle($style);

	while ($parent_name)
		$name 		= $parent_name;
		$style		= $self->getStyleElement($name);
		$parent_name	= $style	?
					$self->getParentStyle($style)	:

	return $name;


sub	styleName
	my $self	= shift;
	my $p1		= shift;
	my $style	= undef;
	my $newname	= undef;
	if (ref $p1)
		$style = $self->getStyleElement($p1) or return undef;
		$newname = shift;
		my %opt = @_;
		$style = $self->getStyleElement($p1, %opt) or return undef;
		$newname = $opt{'newname'};
	$self->setAttribute($style, 'style:name', $newname) if $newname;
	return $self->getAttribute($style, 'style:name');


sub	getAutoStyleList
	my $self	= shift;
	my %opt		=
		namespace	=> 'style',
		type		=> 'style',
	my $path =	$self->{'auto_style_path'} . '/' .
			$opt{'namespace'} . ':' . $opt{'type'};
	return $self->getElementList($path);


sub	getNamedStyleList
	my $self	= shift;
	my %opt		=
		namespace	=> 'style',
		type		=> 'style',
	my $path =	$self->{'named_style_path'} . '/' .
			$opt{'namespace'} . ':' . $opt{'type'};
	return $self->getElementList($path);


sub	getMasterStyleList
	my $self	= shift;
	my %opt		=
		namespace	=> 'style',
		type		=> 'master-page',
	my $path =	$self->{'master_style_path'} . '/' .
			$opt{'namespace'} . ':' . $opt{'type'};
	return $self->getElementList($path);


sub	getStyleList
	my $self	= shift;
	return ($self->getNamedStyleList(@_), $self->getAutoStyleList(@_));


sub	styleProperties
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= shift;
	my %opt		= @_;
	my $namespace	= $opt{'namespace'};
	my $type	= $opt{'type'};
	my $path	= $opt{'path'};
	my $part_name	= $opt{'-area'} || $opt{'area'};
	my $element	= $self->getStyleElement
					namespace	=> $namespace,
					type		=> $type,
					category	=> $path
	return undef	unless $element;
	delete	$opt{'namespace'};
	delete	$opt{'type'};
	delete	$opt{'path'};
	delete	$opt{'-area'};
	delete	$opt{'area'};

	my $change	= undef;
	my $e_prefix	= $element->getPrefix;
	my $tag_name	= undef;

	unless ($part_name)
		if ($e_prefix eq 'number')
			$tag_name = 'number:number';
		elsif ($self->{'opendocument'})
			my $family = $element->att('style:family');
			$tag_name = $family ?
				$e_prefix . ':' . $family . '-properties' :
				$element->name() . '-properties';
			$tag_name = 'style:properties';
		$tag_name = $self->{'opendocument'} ?
			$e_prefix . ':' . $part_name . '-properties'	:
	my $properties	= $self->getChildElementByName($element, $tag_name);
	my %attr	= ();
	foreach my $k (keys %opt)
		my $a = $k =~ /:/ ? $k : $e_prefix . ':' . $k;
		$attr{$a} = $opt{$k}; $change = 1;
	if ($change)
		$properties = $self->appendElement($element, $tag_name)
				unless $properties;
		$self->setAttributes($properties, %attr); 
	return	$properties ? $self->getAttributes($properties) : undef;


sub	getStyleAttributes
	my $self	= shift;
	my $name	= shift;
	my %style	= ();
	my $element	= $self->getStyleElement($name, @_);
	unless ($element)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ .
			"::getStyleAttributes] Unknown style\n";
		return %style;
	%{$style{'properties'}}	= $self->styleProperties($element)
					if $self->styleProperties($element);
	%{$style{'references'}} = $self->getAttributes($element);
	return %style;


sub	getDefaultStyleElement
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= shift;
	if (ref $style)
		return ($style->getName eq 'style:default-style') ?
			$style	: undef;
		return $self->getNodeByXPath
		  ("//style:default-style\[\@style:family=\"$style\"\]", @_);


sub	getDefaultStyleAttributes
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= $self->getDefaultStyleElement(@_);
	unless ($style)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::getDefaultStyleAttributes] "	.
			"No available default style in the context\n";
		return undef;
	return $self->getStyleAttributes($style, @_);

# create a new style with given $name and %options
# by default, the style is regarded as an 'named style' if $self is
# 'styles.xml'but if $opt{path} or $opt{category} is 'auto', then
# the style is inserted as an automatic style
# if $self is a 'content.xml' object, the style is automatic

sub	createStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $name	= shift;

	unless ($name)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createStyle] "	.
			"Missing style name\n";
		return	undef;
	my %opt = (check => 'false', @_);
	my $check = lc $opt{'check'} eq 'true'; delete $opt{'check'};
	my $replace = lc $opt{'replace'} eq 'true'; delete $opt{'replace'};	 
	if ($check || $replace)
		my $old = $self->getStyleElement($name, %opt);
		if (defined $old)
			unless ($replace)
			    warn "[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createStyle] " .
				 "Style $name exists\n";
				return	undef;

	my $element	= undef;
	my $path	= undef;
	my $type	= $opt{'type'} || 'style';
	my $namespace	= $opt{'namespace'} || 'style';
	my $context     = $self->{'xpath'};
	my $part_name   = $self->getPartName;
	if	($part_name eq 'content')
		$path = $self->{'auto_style_path'};
	elsif	($part_name eq 'styles')
		$path	=
			($opt{'path'}		&& $opt{'path'} =~ /auto/)
			($opt{'category'}	&& $opt{'category'} =~ /auto/)
			$self->{'auto_style_path'}	:
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createStyle] "	.
			"Style creation is not allowed in the area\n";
		return undef;

	if ($opt{'prototype'} || $opt{'source'})
		my $p = $opt{'prototype'} || $name;
		delete $opt{'prototype'};
		my $source = $opt{'source'} || $self;
		delete $opt{'source'};
		my $proto = $source->getStyleElement($p, %opt);
		unless ($proto)
			warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createStyle] "	.
				"Unknown prototype style\n";
			return	undef;
		$element = $proto->copy;
		$element = $self->createElement($namespace . ':' . $type);
	my $attachment	= $self->getElement($path, 0);
	if 	($type eq 'default-style')
		{ $opt{'family'}			= $name; }
	elsif	($type eq 'number-style')
		$opt{'references'}{'style:name'}	= $name;
		$opt{'family'}			= 'data-style';
		{ $opt{'references'}{'style:name'}	= $name; }
	delete $opt{'type'};
	delete $opt{'namespace'};
	delete $opt{'path'};
	delete $opt{'category'};	
	$self->updateStyle($element, %opt);
	return $element;

# set style attributes

sub	updateStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= shift;
	my %opt		= @_;
	my $namespace	= $opt{'namespace'};
	my $type	= $opt{'type'};
	my $path	= $opt{'path'} || $opt{'category'};
	my $element	= $self->getStyleElement
					namespace	=> $namespace,
					type		=> $type,
					category	=> $path

	unless ($element)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::updateStyle] "	.
			"Unknown style\n";
		return undef;

	if ($opt{'prototype'})
		my $sv_name = $self->getAttribute($element, 'style:name');
		my %proto = $self->getStyleAttributes($opt{'prototype'});
		while (my ($key, $value) = each %proto)
			if (ref $value)
				while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$value})
					$opt{$key}{$k} = $v
						unless $opt{$key}{$k};
				$opt{$key} = $value unless $opt{$key};
		delete $opt{'prototype'};
		$opt{'references'}{'style:name'} = $sv_name if $sv_name;
	$opt{'references'}{'style:family'}	= $opt{'family'}
				if $opt{'family'};
	$opt{'references'}{'style:class'}	= $opt{'class'}
				if $opt{'class'};
	$opt{'references'}{'style:display-name'} = $opt{'display-name'}
				if $opt{'display-name'};
	if ($opt{'next'})
		$opt{'references'}{'style:next-style-name'} =
			ref $opt{'next'} ?
				$self->styleName($opt{'next'})	:
	if ($opt{'parent'})
		$opt{'references'}{'style:parent-style-name'} =
			ref $opt{'parent'} ?
				$self->styleName($opt{'parent'}) :
	$self->setAttributes($element, %{$opt{'references'}});
	$self->styleProperties($element, %{$opt{'properties'}})
				if ($opt{'properties'});

	return $self->getStyleAttributes($element);

# get a page layout descriptor (pagemaster) element.
# the argument $page could be already a page layout;
# if $page appears to be a master page (or master page name), the method
# tries to get the linked page layout.

sub	getPageLayoutElement
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= shift;
	my $name	= undef;
	my $pagemaster	= undef;

	my $l = $self->{'opendocument'} ?  'layout' : 'master';
	my $layout_tag_name	= 'style:page-' . $l;
	my $layout_key		= $layout_tag_name . '-name';
	my $layout_path		= '//' . $layout_tag_name;

	if (ref $page)
		{	# it is an element
		$name	= $page->getName || "";
			# is it pagemaster element ?
		if	($name eq $layout_tag_name)
			{	# OK, return it
			return $page;
			# is it a master page element ?
		elsif	($name eq 'style:master-page')
			{	# yes, get the page master name
			$page = $self->getAttribute($page, $layout_key)
				or return undef;
		# here we have a name
	$pagemaster = $self->selectElementByAttribute
			($layout_path, 'style:name', $page);
	return $pagemaster if $pagemaster;
		# it's not a page master name,
		# so we try it as a master page name
	my $masterpage = $self->selectElementByAttribute
			('//style:master-page', 'style:name', $page)
			or return undef;
		# great! we got the master page, so get the page master name
	$name	= $self->getAttribute($masterpage, $layout_key);
		# and cross the fingers
	return $self->selectElementByAttribute
			($layout_path, 'style:name', $name);


sub	getPageLayoutAttributes
	my $self	= shift;
	my %attributes	= ();
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement(shift);
	unless ($pagemaster)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::getPageLayoutAttributes] " .
			"Unknown page master\n";
		return	%attributes;
	my $node	= undef;
	%{$attributes{'references'}}	= $self->getAttributes($pagemaster);
	%{$attributes{'properties'}}	= $self->styleProperties($pagemaster);
	$node	= $self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'background-image');
	%{$attributes{'background-image'}} = $node ?
		$self->getAttributes($node) : ();
	$node	= $self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'footnote-sep');
	%{$attributes{'footnote-sep'}} = $node ?
		$self->getAttributes($node) : ();
	$node	= $self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'header');
	%{$attributes{'header'}} = $node ?
		$self->getAttributes($node) : ();
	$node	= $self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'footer');
	%{$attributes{'footer'}} = $node ?
		$self->getAttributes($node) : ();
	return %attributes;


sub	createPageLayout
	my $self	= shift;
	my $name	= shift;
	my $layout_name	= $self->{'opendocument'} ?
			'page-layout' : 'page-master';
	my %opt		=
			category	=> 'auto',
			namespace	=> 'style',
			type		=> $layout_name,
	my $pagemaster	= undef;

	if ($opt{'prototype'})
		my $proto = $self->getStyleElement
				($opt{'prototype'}, type => $layout_name);
		unless ($proto)
			warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createPageMaster] " .
				"Improper prototype style\n";
			return	undef;
		my $attachment	= $self->getAutoStyleRoot;
		$pagemaster = $self->replicateElement($proto, $attachment);
		$self->setAttribute($pagemaster, 'style:name', $name);
		delete $opt{'prototype'};
		$pagemaster = $self->createStyle($name, %opt) or return undef;
	delete $opt{'namespace'};
	delete $opt{'type'};
	delete $opt{'category'};

	$self->updatePageMaster($pagemaster, %opt);
	return $pagemaster;


sub	updatePageLayout
	my $self	= shift;
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement(shift) or return undef;
	my %opt		= @_;
	if ($opt{'prototype'})
		my $sv_name = $self->getAttribute($pagemaster, 'style:name');
		my %proto = $self->getPageLayoutAttributes($opt{'prototype'});
		while (my ($key, $value) = each %proto)
			if (ref $value)
				while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$value})
					$opt{$key}{$k} = $v
						unless $opt{$key}{$k};
				$opt{$key} = $value unless $opt{$key};
		delete $opt{'prototype'};
		$opt{'references'}{'style:name'} = $sv_name if $sv_name;
	$self->setAttributes($pagemaster, %{$opt{'references'}});
	delete $opt{'references'};
	$self->styleProperties($pagemaster, %{$opt{'properties'}});
	delete $opt{'properties'};
	my %p		= ();
	$p{'background-image'}	=
		$self->setStyleNode($pagemaster, 'background-image');
	$p{'footnote-sep'}	=
		$self->setStyleNode($pagemaster, 'footnote-sep');
	$p{'header'}		=
		$self->setStyleNode($pagemaster, 'header');
	$p{'footer'}		=
		$self->setStyleNode($pagemaster, 'footer');

	foreach my $k (keys %opt)
		my $node = $p{$k} or next;
		my %parm = %{$opt{$k}}; my %attr = ();
		foreach my $name (keys %parm)
			if	($name eq 'link')
				$attr{'xlink:href'} = $parm{'link'};
			elsif	(! ($name =~ /:/))
				$attr{"style:$name"} = $parm{$name};
				$attr{$name} = $parm{$name};
		$self->setAttributes($node, %attr);

	return $self->getPageLayoutAttributes($pagemaster);

# switch page orientation (portrait -> landscape or landscape -> portrait)

sub	switchPageOrientation
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= $self->getPageLayoutElement(shift);
	my %op		= $self->styleProperties($page);
	my %np		= ();
	$np{'fo:page-width'}	= $op{'fo:page-height'};
	$np{'fo:page-height'}	= $op{'fo:page-width'};
	my $o		= $op{'style:print-orientation'};
	if ($o)
		if	($o eq 'portrait')
			$np{'style:print-orientation'} = 'landscape';
		elsif	($o eq 'landscape')
			$np{'style:print-orientation'} = 'portrait';
	return $self->styleProperties($page, %np);

# get the page content for a given page style

sub	getMasterPage
	my $self	= shift;
	my $name	= shift;
	if (ref $name)
		return	$name->getName eq 'style:master-page'	?
			$name : undef;
		$name = $self->inputTextConversion($name);
		return $self->getNodeByXPath

# get/set the page master name of a given master page

sub	pageLayout
	my $self	= shift;
	my $masterpage	= $self->getMasterPageElement(shift) or return undef;
	my $pagemaster	= shift;
	my $ln		= $self->{'opendocument'} ?  'layout' : 'master';
	my $layout_key	= 'style:page-' . $ln . '-name';
	unless ($pagemaster)
		return $self->getAttribute($masterpage, $layout_key);
		my $pm_name = ref $pagemaster ?
			$self->getAttribute($pagemaster, 'style:name')	:
		$self->setAttribute($masterpage, $layout_key => $pm_name);
		return $pm_name;

# get the background image node in a given page master

sub	getBackgroundImageElement
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= shift;
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($page);
	unless ($pagemaster)
		my $masterpage = $self->getMasterPageElement($page)
			or return undef;
		my $name = $self->pageLayout($masterpage);
		$pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($name)
			or return undef;
	return	$self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'background-image');

# get/set a background image link

sub	backgroundImageLink
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= shift;
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($page);
	unless ($pagemaster)
		my $masterpage = $self->getMasterPageElement($page)
			or return undef;
		my $name = $self->pageLayout($masterpage);
		$pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($name)
			or return undef;
	my $newlink = shift;
	my $node = $self->getStyleNode($pagemaster, 'background-image');
	unless (defined $newlink)
		return $node ?
			$self->getAttribute($node, 'xlink:href')	:
		my $xpath = $self->_get_property_path
				($pagemaster, 'background-image')		.
				'[@xlink:href="' . $newlink . '"]';

		return $self->makeXPath($pagemaster, $xpath);


sub	getBackgroundImageAttributes
	my $self	= shift;
	my $node	= $self->getBackgroundImageElement(@_)
				or return undef;
	return $self->getAttributes($node);

# create or update a backgound image element associated to a given pagemaster

sub	setBackgroundImage
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= shift;
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($page);
	unless ($pagemaster)
		my $masterpage = $self->getMasterPageElement($page)
			or return undef;
		my $name = $self->pageLayout($masterpage);
		$pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($name)
			or return undef;
	my %opt		=
			'style:position'	=> 'center center',
			'style:repeat'		=> 'no-repeat',
			'xlink:type'		=> 'simple',
			'xlink:actuate'		=> 'onLoad',
	my $node = $self->makeXPath
					($pagemaster, 'background-image')
				or return undef;
	if ($opt{'link'})
		$opt{'xlink:href'}	= $opt{'link'};
		delete $opt{'link'};
	if ($opt{'import'})
		$self->importBackgroundImage($pagemaster, $opt{'import'});
		delete $opt{'import'};
	$self->setAttributes($node, %opt);
	return $node;


sub	exportBackgroundImage
	my $self	= shift;
	my $source	= $self->backgroundImageLink(shift)
				or return undef;
	$self->raw_export($source, @_);


sub	importBackgroundImage
	my $self	= shift;
	my $page	= shift;
	my $pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($page);
	unless ($pagemaster)
		my $masterpage = $self->getMasterPageElement($page)
			or return undef;
		my $name = $self->pageLayout($masterpage);
		$pagemaster	= $self->getPageLayoutElement($name)
			or return undef;
	my $filename	= shift;
	unless ($filename)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::importBackgroundImage] "	.
			"No source file name\n";
		return undef;
	my ($base, $path, $suffix) =
		File::Basename::fileparse($filename, '\..*');

	my $link	= shift;
	my $fpath	= $self->{'image_fpath'};
	if ($link)
		$link = $fpath . $link unless $link =~ /^$fpath/;
		$self->backgroundImageLink($pagemaster, $link);
		$link	= $self->backgroundImageLink($pagemaster);
		unless ($link && $link =~ /^$fpath/)
			$link = $fpath . $base . $suffix;
			$self->backgroundImageLink($pagemaster, $link);
	$self->raw_import($link, $filename);
	return $link;


sub	createMasterPage
	my $self	= shift;
	my $name	= shift;
	my $element	= $self->getMasterPageElement($name);
	if ($element)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createMasterPage] "	.
			"Master page $name exists\n";
		return	undef;
	my %opt		= @_;
	my $root	= $self->getElement('//office:master-styles', 0);
	unless ($root)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::createMasterPage] "	.
			"No master styles space in the document\n";
		return	undef;

	$opt{'style:name'} = $name;
	my $page_layout	=	$opt{'layout'}		||
				$opt{'page-layout'}	||
	if ($page_layout)
		my $ln = $self->{'opendocument'} ? 'layout' : 'master';
		my $layout_key = 'style:page-' . $ln . '-name';
		$opt{$layout_key}	= $page_layout;
		delete $opt{'layout'};
		delete $opt{'page-layout'};
		delete $opt{'page-master'};
	if ($opt{'next'})
		$opt{'style:next-style-name'}	= $opt{'next'};
		delete $opt{'next'};
	return $self->appendElement
				attribute	=> { %opt }


sub	masterPageExtension
	my $self	= shift;
	my $masterpage	= $self->getMasterPageElement(shift) or return undef;
	my $position	= shift or return undef;
	my $element	= shift;
	my $tag		= 'style:' . $position;
	unless ($element)
		return $self->getNodeByXPath($masterpage, "//$tag");
		my $node = $self->makeXPath($masterpage, "/$tag");
		return $self->appendElement($node, $element, @_);


sub	masterPageHeader
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->masterPageExtension(shift, 'header', @_);

sub	masterPageFooter
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->masterPageExtension(shift, 'footer', @_);

sub	masterPageHeaderLeft
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->masterPageExtension(shift, 'header-left', @_);

sub	masterPageFooterLeft
	my $self	= shift;
	return $self->masterPageExtension(shift, 'footer-left', @_);


sub	getHeaderParagraph
	my $self	= shift;
	my $root	= $self->masterPageHeader(shift) or return undef;
	my $n		= shift;
	return $self->getElement('text:p', $n, $root);


sub	getFooterParagraph
	my $self	= shift;
	my $root	= $self->masterPageFooter(shift) or return undef;
	my $n		= shift;
	return $self->getElement('text:p', $n, $root);


sub	updateDefaultStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $style	= $self->getDefaultStyleElement(shift);
	unless ($style)
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::updateDefaultStyle] "	.
			"Unavailable default style in the context\n";
		return undef;
	return $self->updateStyle($style, @_);

# remove a given style element (with element type checking)

sub	removeStyle
	my $self	= shift;
	my $element	= $self->getStyleElement(@_);
	if ($element && $element->isStyle)
		return $self->removeElement($element);
		warn	"[" . __PACKAGE__ . "::removeStyle] "	.
			"Unknown style or non-style element\n";
		return undef;
