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## Name: CGI::FastTemplate
##        Copyright (c) 1998-99 Jason Moore <>.  All rights
##        reserved.
##        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##        modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
##        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##        Artistic License for more details.
## Credits:
##        - fancy regexp taken from article by Brian Slesinsky <>
##        - modified regexp to support ${VAR} and $VAR styles suggested by Eric L. Brine 
##          <> 
## Documentation:
##        See 
##        'perldoc CGI::FastTemplate'
##        or
##        'perldoc ./FastTemplate'
## History:
##        See 'README'
## $Id:,v 1.2 1999/06/27 02:12:23 jmoore Exp $

package CGI::FastTemplate;

use strict;

$CGI::FastTemplate::VERSION     = '1.09';
$CGI::FastTemplate::ROOT        = undef;

$CGI::FastTemplate::VAR_ID          = '$';
$CGI::FastTemplate::DELIM_LEFT      = '{';
$CGI::FastTemplate::DELIM_RIGHT     = '}';

## define indexes for object attributes

sub STRICT          () {0};
sub namespace       () {1};
sub namespaces      () {2};
sub last_parse      () {3};
sub template_name   () {4};
sub template_data   () {5};
sub ROOT            () {6};

sub new
##   - instantiates FastTemplate
   my($class,$root) = @_;
   my $self = [];
   bless $self, $class;


   $self->[STRICT]   = 1;

   if (defined($root))

sub strict
   my($self) = shift;
   $self->[STRICT] = 1;

sub no_strict
   my($self) = shift;
   $self->[STRICT] = undef;

sub clear_all
##   - initializes (or clears!) variables
   my($self) = shift;

   if (!ref($self))
      print STDERR "FastTemplate: Unable to call init without instance.\n";

   $self->[namespace]   = {};   ## main hash where we resolve variables 
   $self->[namespaces]   = [];   ## array of hash refs 

   $self->[last_parse]   = undef;   ## remember where we stored the last parse so print()
                  ## will have a default

   $self->[template_name]   = {};   ## template name: template file
   $self->[template_data]   = {};   ## template name: template content/data 
*init = \&clear_all;      ## alias to 'clear' : 'init' 

sub clear_define
##   - clears values entered with define() 
   my($self) = shift;
   $self->[template_name]   = {};

sub clear_tpl
##   - clears hash that holds loaded templates. 
##   - if passed an array of names, clears only those loaded templates
   my($self) = shift;
   my @args = @_;

   if (@args == 0)         ## clear entire cache
      $self->[template_data]   = {};

   ## clear just a selection of entries

   for (@args)
      delete( ${$self->[template_data]}{$_} );


sub clear_href
##   - removes from the end, a given number of hash references
##     from the namespace list.
##   - 1: number of hash references to erase
   my($self, $number) = @_;

   if (!defined($number))
      $self->[namespaces] = [];

   for (1..$number)
      pop(@{$self->[namespaces]});   ## toss it away


sub clear_parse
##   - clears hash which holds parsed variables
##   - if called with a scalar only clears that key/element in the namespace.
##     so, $tpl->clear("ROWS") which is almost the same as,
##     $tpl->assign(ROWS => "");
##   - if called with an array, all keys in the array are deleted
##     e.g. $tpl->clear("ROWS", "COLS"); has the same effect as 
##          $tpl->assign(ROWS => "",
##                       COLS => "");
        my $self = shift; 

        if (@_ == 0)                                    ## clear everything
                $self->[namespace]      = {};           ## main hash where we resolve variables 
                $self->[last_parse]     = undef;        ## remember where we stored the last parse so print()
        for (@_)        

*clear = \&clear_parse;            ## alias clear -> clear_parse 

sub set_root
##   - sets template root directory.
    my($self, $root) = @_;

    ## set object default root directory

    $CGI::FastTemplate::ROOT = $root;

    ## set instance template dir
    ## - no needed

    if (ref($self))
        $self->[ROOT] = $root;


sub define
##   - sets alias/name to associate with template filenames
##   - note: names are relative to ROOT directory (set with set_root)
##   - e.g. the following works
##       $tpl->set_root("/tmp/docs");
##       $tpl->define( main => "../dev_docs");
##       (assuming you have templates in /tmp/dev_docs)
##   - files are not loaded until used, so go nuts when defining.  each line
##     only costs a wee bit of memory and compile time.
##   - note: define is cumulative
    my($self, %define) = @_;

    for (keys(%define))
        $self->[template_name]->{$_} = $define{$_};


sub assign
##   - assigns values of a HASH directly to internal namespace
##     HASH
##   Args:
##   - 1: hash reference (to add to array of namespaces)
##   - 1: hash (to merge with main namespace hash)
##   - returns: 1 on success
    my $self = shift;
    if (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH")
        push(@{$self->[namespaces]}, $_[0]);
    my %assign = @_;

    while ( ($name,$value) = each(%assign) )
        $self->[namespace]->{$name} = $value;


sub parse
##   - parses a scalar to resolve/interpolate any variables
##     it finds.
##   - 1: hash of what we are parse in TARGET:SOURCE form
##        NOTE: SOURCE with a "." as the first character get appended
##        to existing TARGET
    my($self, %parse) = @_;

    my $target;
    for $target (keys(%parse))
        ## make all sources an array...

        if (ref($parse{$target}) ne "ARRAY")
            $parse{$target} = [$parse{$target}];

        my($p, $append);

        for $p (@{$parse{$target}})
            if (substr($p,0,1) eq ".")   ## detect append
                $append = 1;
                $p = substr($p, 1);

            if (!exists($self->[template_name]{$p}))
                print STDERR "FastTemplate: Template alias: $p does not exist.\n";      

            ## load template if we need to

            if (!exists($self->[template_data]{$p}))
                $self->slurp($self->[template_name]->{$p}, \$self->[template_data]->{$p} );

            ## copy SOURCE (template_data) to temp variable
            ## (can't use namespace, since we might be appending to it.)

            my $temp_parse = $self->[template_data]->{$p};

            ## parse 

            $temp_parse =~ s/\$(?:([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)|\{([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)\})/   

            my $v = $self->[namespace]->{$+};

            if (!defined($v))
                ## look in array of hash refs for value of variable
                my $r;               
                for $r (@{$self->[namespaces]})
                    if (exists($$r{$+}))   ## found it
                        $v = $$r{$+};
            if (!defined($v))       ## $v should be empty not undef, to prevent
            {                       ## warnings under -w
                if ($self->[STRICT])
                    print STDERR "[CGI::FastTemplate] Warning: no value found for variable: $+\n";
                    $v = '$' . $+;      ## keep original variable name in output
                    $v = "";      ## remove variable name

            $self->[last_parse] = $target;
            ## assign temp to final TARGET

            if ($append)
                $self->[namespace]->{$target} .= $temp_parse;
                $self->[namespace]->{$target} = $temp_parse;

sub slurp
##  - slurps (loads) in file into a scalar.  
##  - cool trick to undef the end of line character
##    grabbed from some usenet posting.  (don't remember)
##  - i think the maximum file size is (2**32-1) approx. 2 megs.
##  - 1: filename (minus path)
##  - 2: reference to put result in [optional]
##  returns: scalar
    my($self, $filename, $ref) = @_;
    my $temp;

    if (ref($self) && defined($self->[ROOT]))               ## use instance ROOT
        $filename = $self->[ROOT] . "/" . $filename;
    elsif (defined($CGI::FastTemplate::ROOT))               ## use object ROOT
        $filename = $CGI::FastTemplate::ROOT . "/" . $filename;

    if (!open(TEMPLATE, $filename))
        print STDERR "FastTemplate: slurp: cannot open: $filename ($!)";

    ## cool trick!

    local($/) = undef;
    $temp = <TEMPLATE>;

    if (defined($ref))      ## fill reference 
        $$ref = $temp;


sub define_nofile
## - allows caller to bypass storing templates in files and
##   using define() to map aliased to the file
## 1: hash (or hash ref) {template name => raw template data} 
##        e.g. $raw_tpl = 'Hello $NAME.';
##   define_nofile(greeting   => $raw_tpl);
## Note: single ticks (literal) in the above example are required when
##       constructing templates to prevent the variables from being 
##       evalualted/interpolated _before_ being passed into the templating
##       module. 
## returns: 1 on success, undef on failure
    my $self = shift;

    my $href;

    if (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH")
        $href = $_[0];          
        my %h = @_;
        $href = \%h;   

    my $k;
    for $k (keys(%$href))
        $self->[template_name]->{$k} = 1;         ## exists will now be true (loading skipped)
        $self->[template_data]->{$k} = $$href{$k};   ## 

*define_raw = \&define_nofile;

sub print
##   - calls built in perl function "print" on given
##     hash key.
    my($self, $var) = @_;

    if (!defined($var))
        if (!defined($self->[last_parse]))
            print STDERR "FastTemplate: Nothing has been parsed.  Nothing to print.\n";
        print $self->[namespace]->{$self->[last_parse]};

    print $self->[namespace]->{$var};

sub fetch
##   - returns a scalar ref to a value in the namespace
##   - 1: value to fetch
##   - returns: scalar ref
    my($self, $what) = @_;

    if (!exists($self->[namespace]->{$what}))
        print STDERR "Unable to fetch $what from FastTemplate object.  Doesn't exist.\n"; 

    return( \$self->[namespace]->{$what} );

## sub DESTROY () {}
##   - null function 
##   - this is not required, so it should probably be removed completely in
##     the next version. 


=head1 NAME

CGI::FastTemplate - Perl extension for managing templates, and performing variable interpolation.


  use CGI::FastTemplate;

  $tpl = new CGI::FastTemplate();
  $tpl = new CGI::FastTemplate("/path/to/templates");

  CGI::FastTemplate->set_root("/path/to/templates");    ## all instances will use this path
  $tpl->set_root("/path/to/templates");                 ## this instance will use this path

  $tpl->define( main    => "main.tpl",
                row     => "table_row.tpl",
                all     => "table_all.tpl",

  $tpl->assign(TITLE => "I am the title.");

  my %defaults = (  FONT   => "<font size=+2 face=helvetica>",
                    EMAIL   => '',

  $tpl->parse(ROWS      => ".row");      ## the '.' appends to ROWS
  $tpl->parse(CONTENT   => ["row", "all"]);
  $tpl->parse(CONTENT   => "main");

  $tpl->print();            ## defaults to last parsed
  $tpl->print("CONTENT");   ## same as print() as "CONTENT" was last parsed

  $ref = $tpl->fetch("CONTENT");        


=head2 What is a template?

A template is a text file with variables in it.  When a template is
parsed, the variables are interpolated to text.  (The text can be a few
bytes or a few hundred kilobytes.)  Here is a simple template with one
variable ('$NAME'):

  Hello $NAME.  How are you?

=head2 When are templates useful?

Templates are very useful for CGI programming, because adding HTML to your
perl code clutters your code and forces you to do any HTML modifications.
By putting all of your HTML in separate template files, you can let
a graphic or interface designer change the look of your application
without having to bug you, or let them muck around in your perl code.

=head2 There are other templating modules on CPAN, what makes FastTemplate 

CGI::FastTemplate has the following attributes:


FastTemplate doesn't use eval, and parses with a single regular
expression.  It just does simple variable interpolation (i.e. there is
no logic that you can add to templates - you keep the logic in the code).
That's why it's has 'Fast' in it's name!


FastTemplate functions accept and return references whenever possible, which saves
needless copying of arguments (hashes, scalars, etc).


The API is robust and flexible, and allows you to build very complex HTML
documents or HTML interfaces.  It is 100% perl and works on Unix or NT.
Also, it isn't restricted to building HTML documents -- it could be used
to build any ascii based document (e.g. postscript, XML, email).

The similar modules on CPAN are: 

  Module          HTML::Template  (S/SA/SAMTREGAR/HTML-Template-0.04.tar.gz)
  Module          Taco::Template  (KWILLIAMS/Taco-0.04.tar.gz)
  Module          Text::BasicTemplate (D/DC/DCARRAWAY/Text-BasicTemplate-0.9.8.tar.gz)
  Module          Text::Template  (MJD/Text-Template-1.20.tar.gz)
  Module          HTML::Mason     (J/JS/JSWARTZ/HTML-Mason-0.5.1.tar.gz)

=head2 What are the steps to use FastTemplate?

The main steps are:

    1. define
    2. assign 
    3. parse
    4. print

These are outlined in detail in CORE METHODS below.


=head2 define(HASH)

The method define() maps a template filename to a (usually shorter) name. e.g.

    my $tpl = new FastTemplate();
    $tpl->define(   main   => "main.tpl",
                    footer   => "footer.tpl",

This new name is the name that you will use to refer to the templates.  Filenames
should not appear in any place other than a define().

(Note: This is a required step!  This may seem like an annoying extra
step when you are dealing with a trivial example like the one above,
but when you are dealing with dozens of templates, it is very handy to
refer to templates with names that are indepandant of filenames.)

TIP: Since define() does not actually load the templates, it is faster
and more legible to define all the templates with one call to define().

=head2 define_nofile(HASH)   alias: define_raw(HASH)

Sometimes it is desireable to not have to create a separate template file
for each template (though in the long run it is usually better to do so).
The method define_nofile() allows you to do this.  For example, if you
were writing a news tool where you wanted to bold an item if it was
"new" you could do something like the following:

    my $tpl = new FastTemplate();

    $tpl->define_nofile(    new   => '<b>$ITEM_NAME</b> <BR>',
                            old   => '$ITEM_NAME <BR>');

    if ($new)
        $tpl->parse($ITEM   => "new");
        $tpl->parse($ITEM   => "old");

Of course, now you, the programmer has to update how new items are
displayed, whereas if it was in a template, you could offload that task
to someone else.

=head2 define_nofile(HASH REF)   alias: define_raw(HASH REF)

A more efficient way of passing your arguments than using a real hash.
Just pass in a hash reference instead of a real hash.

=head2 assign(HASH) 

The method assign() assigns values for variables.  In order for a variable
in a template to be interpolated it must be assigned.  There are two forms
which have some important differences.  The simple form, is to accept
a hash and copy all the key/value pairs into a hash in FastTemplate.
There is only one hash in FastTemplate, so assigning a value for the
same key will overwrite that key.


    $tpl->assign(TITLE   => "king kong");
    $tpl->assign(TITLE   => "godzilla");    ## overwrites "king kong"

=head2 assign(HASH REF)

A much more efficient way to pass in values is to pass in a hash
reference.  (This is particularly nice if you get back a hash or hash
reference from a database query.)  Passing a hash reference doesn't copy
the data, but simply keeps the reference in an array.  During parsing if
the value for a variable cannot be found in the main FastTemplate hash,
it starts to look through the array of hash references for the value.
As soon as it finds the value it stops.  It is important to remember to
remove hash references when they are no longer needed.


    my %foo = ("TITLE" => "king kong");
    my %bar = ("TITLE" => "godzilla");

    $tpl->assign(\%foo);   ## TITLE resolves to "king kong"
    $tpl->clear_href(1);   ## remove last hash ref assignment (\%foo)
    $tpl->assign(\%bar);   ## TITLE resolves to "godzilla"

    $tpl->clear_href();    ## remove all hash ref assignments

    $tpl->assign(\%foo);   ## TITLE resolves to "king kong"
    $tpl->assign(\%bar);   ## TITLE _still_ resolves to "king kong"

=head2 parse(HASH)

The parse function is the main function in FastTemplate.  It accepts
a hash, where the keys are the TARGET and the values are the SOURCE
templates.  There are three forms the hash can be in:

    $tpl->parse(MAIN => "main");                ## regular

    $tpl->parse(MAIN => ["table", "main"]);     ## compound

    $tpl->parse(MAIN => ".row");                ## append

In the regular version, the template named "main" is loaded if it hasn't
been already, all the variables are interpolated, and the result is
then stored in FastTemplate as the value MAIN.  If the variable '$MAIN'
shows up in a later template, it will be interpolated to be the value of
the parsed "main" template.  This allows you to easily nest templates,
which brings us to the compound style.

The compound style is designed to make it easier to nest templates.
The following are equivalent:

    $tpl->parse(MAIN => "table");      
    $tpl->parse(MAIN => "main");

    ## is the same as:

    $tpl->parse(MAIN => ["table", "main"]);     ## this form saves function calls
                                                ## (and makes your code cleaner)

It is important to note that when you are using the compound form,
each template after the first, must contain the variable that you are
parsing the results into.  In the above example, 'main' must contain
the variable '$MAIN', as that is where the parsed results of 'table'
is stored.  If 'main' does not contain the variable '$MAIN' then the
parsed results of 'table' will be lost.

The append style is a bit of a kludge, but it allows you to append
the parsed results to the target variable.  This is most useful when
building tables that have an dynamic number of rows - such as data from
a database query.

=head2 strict()

When strict() is on (it is on by default) all variables found during
template parsing that are unresolved have a warning printed to STDERR.

   [CGI::FastTemplate] Warning: no value found for variable: SOME_VARIABLE

Also, new as of version 1.04 the variables will be left in the output
document.  This was done for two reasons: to allow for parsing to be done
in stages (i.e. multiple passes), and to make it easier to identify
undefined variables since they appear in the parsed output.
If you have been using an earlier version of FastTemplate and you want
the old behavior of replacing unknown variables with an empty string,
see: no_strict().

Note: version 1.07 adds support for two styles of variables, so that the
following are equivalent: $VAR and ${VAR} However, when using strict(),
variables with curly brackets that are not resolved are outputted as
plain variables.  e.g. if ${VAR} has no value assigned to it, it would
appear in the output as $VAR.  This is a slight inconsistency -- ideally
the unresolved variable would remain unchanged.

Note: STDERR output should be captured and logged by the webserver so you
can just tail the error log to see the output.


    tail -f /etc/httpd/logs/error_log

=head2 no_strict()

Turns off warning messages about unresolved template variables.
As of version 1.04 a call to no_strict() is required to replace unknown
variables with an empty string.  By default, all instances of FastTemplate
behave as is strict() was called.  Also, no_strict() must be set for
each instance of CGI::FastTemplate. e.g.

   CGI::FastTemplate::no_strict;        ## no 
   my $tpl = CGI::FastTemplate;
   $tpl->no_strict;                     ## yes

=head2 print(SCALAR)

The method print() prints the contents of the named variable.  If no
variable is given, then it prints the last variable that was used in a
call to parse which I find is a reasonable default.  


    $tpl->parse(MAIN => "main");
    $tpl->print();         ## prints value of MAIN
    $tpl->print("MAIN");   ## same

This method is provided for convenience.  

If you need to print other than STDOUT (e.g. socket, file handle) see fetch().


=head2 fetch(SCALAR)

Returns a scalar reference to parsed data.  

    $tpl->parse(CONTENT   => "main");
    my $content = $tpl->fetch("CONTENT");   

    print $$content;        ## print to STDOUT
    print FILE $$content;   ## print to filehandle or pipe

=head2 clear()

Note: All of 'clear' functions are for use under mod_perl (or anywhere
where your scripts are persistant).  They generally aren't needed if
you are writing CGI scripts.

Clears the internal hash that stores data passed from calls to assign() and parse().

Often clear() is at the end of a mod_perl script:


=head2 clear(ARRAY)

With no arguments, all assigned or parsed variables are cleared, but if passed an ARRAY of variable names, then only
those variables will be cleared.


  $tpl->assign(TITLE => "Welcome"); 
  $tpl->clear("TITLE");                 ## title is now empty 

Another way of achieving the same effect of clearnign variables is to just assign an empty string.


  $tpl->assign(TITLE => '');           ## same as: $tpl->clear("TITLE");

=head2 clear_parse()

See: clear()

=head2 clear_href(NUMBER)

Removes a given number of hash references from the list of hash refs that is built using:

    $tpl->assign(HASH REF);

If called with no arguments, it removes all hash references
from the array.  This is often used for database queries where each row from the query
is a hash or hash reference.

    while($hash_row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
        $tpl->parse(ROW => ".row");

=head2 clear_define()

Clears the internal hash that stores data passed to:


Note: The hash that holds the loaded templates is not touched with
this method.  See: clear_tpl

=head2 clear_tpl() clear_tpl(NAME)

The first time a template is used, it is loaded and stored in a hash
in memory.  clear_tpl() removes all the templates being held in memory.
clear_tpl(NAME) only removes the one with NAME.  This is generally not
required for normal CGI programming, but if you have long running scripts
(e.g. mod_perl) and have very large templates that a re infrequently
used gives you some control over how memory is being used.

=head2 clear_all()

Cleans the module of any data, except for the ROOT directory.  Equivalent to:


=head2 Variables

A variable is defined as:


This means, that a variable must begin with a dollar sign '$'.
The second character must be an uppercase letter or digit 'A-Z0-9'.
Remaining characters can include an underscore.

As of version 1.07 variables can also be delimited by curly brackets.


For example, the following are valid variables:


=head2 Variable Interpolation (Template Parsing)

When the a template is being scanned for variables, pattern matching
is greedy. (For more info on "greediness" of regexps see L<perlre>.)
This is important, because if there are valid variable characters after
your variable, FastTemplate will consider them to be part of the variable.
As of version 1.07 you can use curly brackets as delimiters for your
variable names.  e.g. ${VARIABLE}  You do not need to use curly brackets
if the character immediately after your variable name is not an uppercase
letter, digit or underscore.  ['A-Z0-9_']

If a variable cannot be resolved to a value then there are two
possibilities.  If strict() has been called (it is on by default) then
the variable remains and a warning is printed to STDERR.   If no_strict()
has been called then the variables is converted to an empty string [''].

See L<strict()> and L<no_strict()> for more info.

Some examples will make this clearer.


    $FOO = "foo";
    $BAR = "bar";
    $ONE = "1";
    $TWO = "2";   
    $UND = "_";
    Variable        Interpolated/Parsed
    $FOO            foo   
    $FOO-$BAR       foo-bar
    $ONE_$TWO       2             ## $ONE_ is undefined!
    $ONE_$TWO       $ONE_2        ## assume: strict()
    $ONE$UND$TWO    1_2           ## kludge!
    ${ONE}_$TWO     1_2           ## much better
    $$FOO           $foo
    $25,000         $25,000


This example will build an HTML page that will consist of a table.
The table will have 3 numbered rows.  The first step is to decide what
templates we need.  In order to make it easy for the table to change to
a different number of rows, we will have a template for the rows of the
table, another for the table, and a third for the head/body part of the
HTML page.

Below are the templates. (Pretend each one is in a separate file.) 

  <!-- NAME: main.tpl -->
  <!-- END: main.tpl -->
  <!-- NAME: table.tpl -->
  <!-- END: table.tpl -->
  <!-- NAME: row.tpl -->
  <!-- END: row.tpl -->

Now we can start coding...

  ## START ##

  use CGI::FastTemplate;
  my $tpl = new CGI::FastTemplate("/path/to/template/files");
  $tpl->define(     main    => "main.tpl",
                    table   => "table.tpl",
                    row     => "row.tpl",

  $tpl->assign(TITLE => "FastTemplate Test");

  for $n (1..3) 
        $tpl->assign(   NUMBER      => $n,   
        BIG_NUMBER   => $n*10);
        $tpl->parse(ROWS   => ".row"); 

  $tpl->parse(MAIN => ["table", "main"]); 

  ## END ##
  When run it returns:

  <!-- NAME: main.tpl -->
  <head><title>FastTemplate Test</title>
  <!-- NAME: table.tpl -->
  <!-- NAME: row.tpl -->
  <!-- END: row.tpl -->
  <!-- NAME: row.tpl -->
  <!-- END: row.tpl -->
  <!-- NAME: row.tpl -->
  <!-- END: row.tpl -->
  <!-- END: table.tpl -->

  <!-- END: main.tpl -->

If you're thinking you could have done the same thing in a few lines
of plain perl, well yes you probably could.  But, how would a graphic
designer tweak the resulting HTML?  How would you have a designer editing
the HTML while you're editing another part of the code?  How would
you save the output to a file, or pipe it to another application
(e.g. sendmail)?  How would you make your application multi-lingual?
How would you build an application that has options for high graphics,
or text-only?  FastTemplate really starts to shine when you are building
mid to large scale web applications, simply because it begins to separate
the application's generic logic from the specific implementation.


        Copyright (c) 1998-99 Jason Moore <>.  All rights

        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        Artistic License for more details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jason Moore <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

