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#!/u0/perl/perl580/bin/perl -w

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Solaris::Procfs;
use Solaris::Procfs::Filesystem;
use Data::Dumper;
use lib '.';

my $debuglevel = shift @ARGV;
$Solaris::Procfs::DEBUG = defined $debuglevel ? $debuglevel : 1;

use strict;


my (%funcs,@funcs);

@funcs = qw(

	auxv cwd fd lpsinfo lstatus lusage lwp map xmap 
	prcred psinfo status rmap root sigact status usage
foreach (@funcs) { $funcs{$_} = 1; }

local($,) = ' ';
my $helpmsg = (sprintf(<<EOM));

This is a demo script for Solaris::Procfs.  Enter one of the following
function names plus a pid to see the demo.  Enter 'h' or 'help' to 
display this message again.  Enter 'q' or 'quit' to quit. 

So, for example, enter 'cwd 250' to get the current working directory
of process id 250.

my $prompt = (sprintf(<<EOM));


Enter now ("function pid"):  


print $helpmsg;
print $prompt;

my $p = new Solaris::Procfs::Filesystem;

COMMAND: while (<>) {

	next COMMAND unless defined($_) and $_ =~ /\S/;

	exit(0) if /(quit|exit|^q)/;

	if ( /(help|^h)/ ) { print $helpmsg; next; }

	my @in = split /\s+/, $_, 2;

	$in[0] = $$ if defined $in[0] and $in[0] eq '$$';
	$in[1] = $$ if defined $in[1] and $in[1] eq '$$';

	if ($in[0] =~ /TTY/) {

		print Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%Solaris::Procfs::TTYDEVS ] );
		next COMMAND;

	if (scalar @in > 2) { print $helpmsg; next; }

	unless ( 
		$in[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and defined $funcs{$in[1]} or 
		$in[1] =~ /^\d+$/ and defined $funcs{$in[0]} 
	) { print $helpmsg; next; }

	my ($pid,$func);

	if ($in[0] =~ m/^\d+$/) {

		($pid,$func) = @in;
	} else {
		($pid,$func) = reverse @in;

	print "Dumping $func($pid):\n";
	print Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $p->{$pid}->{$func} ] );

} continue {

	print $prompt;
