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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# text/x-shellscript unpack helper
# A shell script may or may not contain an extractable payload.
# Actually multiple payloads are possible.
# This unpack helper scans through a shell script (without actually 
# executing anything) and tries to find suspicious looking payloads.
# If nothing could be found, we signal this to our caller by symlinking 
# destfile to src, (meaning "take it as it is")
# Scanning is done line by line, looking for a range of potential archive starts:
# a) well known begin lines, such as those produced by shar, uuencode, or any here-document.
#      sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'zypper' &&
#      ...
#      SHAR_EOF
#      begin \d\d\d name
#      end
#      begin-base64 \d\d\d name
#      ====
# b) suspicious repetitive patterns (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED):
#    Lines of same length, without any whitespace
#    -> this might be base64, we can only try and see if it works.
#       charset [A-Za-z0-9+/=], length is a multiple of 4.
#    -> in this case, we save it with one additional header line
#	begin-base64 \d\d\d name
#       and a trailer line "====" so that the mime type engine can
#       do its header magic.
#    One trailing shorter line with the same charset and lenght conditions
#    is accepted at the end, otherwise any non-conforming line ends it.
# c) binary data in a line.
#    whenever a line has characters with 8th bit set, we 
#    pass an open filedescriptor seeked to the start of the line
#    to mime(fd => \*FD), and see if it says something interesting.
#    -> this mode copies until end of file, as we never know.
#    but a series of 5 typical shell script lines restarts the scanner.
#    (typical shell script lines only have 7bit ascii, 
#    and are shorter than 200 bytes.)
#   $1      $2           $3          $4       $5        $6
# %(src)s %(destfile)s %(destdir)s %(mime)s %(descr)s %(configdir)s
# 2010-08-31, jw V0.1, initial draft...
# FIXME: if not is_ascii, and could not find a nice mimetype, we should
#  still dump lines somewhere. Either cleansed lines to OUT, if there were only 
#  few non_ascii chars, or small individual _$lnr.bin files, if there were many.

  eval "use File::Unpack;";
  eval "use File::LibMagic;";
#use Data::Dumper;

my $verbose = 0;
my $fu = eval "File::Unpack->new(logfile => '/dev/null', verbose => 0);";
my $flm = File::LibMagic->new() unless defined $fu;

my $input_file = shift;
my $suggested_name = shift;
my $output_file = $suggested_name||'_out.txt';
die "$0: need at least one parameter: input_file\n" unless defined $input_file;

open IN, "<", $input_file or die "$0: open($input_file) failed: $!\n";
my $offset = tell IN;
my $lnr = 0;
my $ascii_count = 4; # how many consecutive lines of ascii did we see?
my $components_found = 0;

open OUT, ">", $output_file;
print OUT qq{#
## left over shell code from shell archive $input_file
## parsed by $0 }. scalar(localtime) . qq{

while (defined(my $line = <IN>))
    # >= DEL	none of these should occur in pure ASCII
    my $is_ascii = ($line =~ m{[\000-\006\016-\032\177-\377]}s) ? 0 : 1;

    if (!$is_ascii and $ascii_count > 4)
        my $new_off = tell IN;
	seek IN, $offset, 0;
	die "$0: use File::Unpack failed. Fallback to File::LibMagic not impl." unless $fu;

	if (my $m = $fu->mime(fd => \*IN))
	    # print "$lnr: $m->[0], ascii_count=$ascii_count\n" if $verbose;
	    if ($m->[0] ne 'application/octet-stream')
		seek IN, $new_off, 0;
		open BIN, ">", "_$lnr.bin";
		print BIN $line;
		while (defined(my $bin = <IN>))
		    # We have no sane way to learn where this might end. 
		    # Pump it all.
		    print BIN $bin;
		close BIN or die "$0: could not write '_$lnr.bin': $!\n";
	seek IN, $new_off, 0;

    if ($is_ascii)
        # print "$lnr: ascii_count=$ascii_count\n";
        my $redirect = $1 if $line =~ m{>\s*(.*)};
	if (defined $redirect)
	    if ($redirect =~ s{^'}{}s)
	        $redirect =~ s{'[^']*$}{}s;	# toss trailing "' && stuff"
	        $redirect =~ s{\s+.*$}{}s;	# toss trailing " && stuff"
	    $redirect =~ s{.*/}{}s;		# toss any directories
	    $redirect =~ s{[\\'\s]+}{_}gs;	# toss any fancy chars
	# print "$lnr: redirect='$redirect': $line" if $line =~ m{SHAR_EOF};

        if ($line =~ m{^begin [0-7]{3} (.*)}s)
	    $redirect = $1;
	    $redirect =~ s{.*/}{}s;
	    $redirect =~ s{\s*$}{}s;
	    $redirect =~ s{[\s\\']+}{_}gs;
	    print OUT $line . "###################### see $redirect.uu\n";

	    # pump to file, until 'end'
	    open O, ">", "$redirect.uu";
	    print O "begin 644 $redirect\n";
	    my $linelength;
	    my $component_offset = tell IN;
	    my $uu;
	    while (defined($uu = <IN>))
	        $linelength = length($uu) unless defined $linelength;
	        print O $uu;
		last if $uu =~ m{^end\s+$}s;
		last if length($uu) != $linelength;
	        $component_offset = tell IN;
	    unless (($uu||'') =~ m{^end\s+$}s)	# usually a single '`' missing.
	        $uu = <IN>;
		print O $uu;
	    # put the end there, if still missing.
	    print O "end\n" unless (($uu||'') =~ m{^end\s+$}s);	
	    close O or die "$0: failed to write $redirect.uu: $!\n";
	    seek IN, $component_offset, 0;
	elsif ($line =~ m{^begin-base64 [0-7]{3} (.*)}s)
	    $redirect = $1;
	    $redirect =~ s{.*/}{}s;
	    $redirect =~ s{\s*$}{}s;
	    $redirect =~ s{[\s\\']+}{_}gs;
	    print OUT $line . "###################### see $redirect.b64\n====\n";
	    # pump to file, until '===='
	    open O, ">", "$redirect.b64";
	    print O "begin-base64 644 $redirect\n";
	    my $linelength;
	    my $component_offset = tell IN;
	    my $uu;
	    while (defined($uu = <IN>))
	        $linelength = length($uu) unless defined $linelength;
	        print O $uu;
		last if $uu =~ m{^====\s+$}s;
		last if length($uu) != $linelength;
	        $component_offset = tell IN;
	    print O "====\n" unless (($uu||'') =~ m{^====\s+$}s);
	    close O or die "$0: failed to write $redirect.b64: $!\n";
	    seek IN, $component_offset, 0;
	elsif (defined($redirect) and $line =~ m{^\s*sed 's/\^X//'\s*<<\s*'SHAR_EOF'\s*>}s)
	    # ${echo} 'x - extracting ''zypper'' (text)'
	    #   sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'zypper' &&
	    # X                       jw, Thu Aug 12 20:41:31 CEST 2010
	    # pump to file, until 'SHAR_EOF'
	    $redirect = "_$" unless defined $redirect;
	    print OUT $line . "###################### see $redirect\n";
	    open O, ">", $redirect;
	    my $component_offset = tell IN;
	    while (defined(my $shar = <IN>))
	        $shar =~ s{^X}{}s;
		last if $shar =~ m{^SHAR_EOF\s+$}s;
	        print O $shar;
	        $component_offset = tell IN;
	    close O or die "$0: failed to write $redirect: $!\n";
	    seek IN, $component_offset, 0;
	elsif (defined($redirect) and $line =~ m{\b<<\s*(\'?\w+\'?)\b})
	    my $end_here = $1;
	    $end_here =~ s{^'(.*)'$}{$1};
	    $redirect = "_$" unless defined $redirect;
	    print OUT $line . "###################### see $redirect\n";
	    # pump to file, until '$end_here'
	    open O, ">", $redirect;
	    my $component_offset = tell IN;
	    while (defined(my $here = <IN>))
		last if $here =~ m{^\Q$end_here\E\s+$}s;
	        print O $here;
	        $component_offset = tell IN;
	    close O or die "$0: failed to write $redirect: $!\n";
	    seek IN, $component_offset, 0;
	    $line =~ s{[^\s[:print:]]+}{}sg;
	    print OUT $line;

    # epilog;
    $ascii_count = $is_ascii ? ($ascii_count+1) : 0;
    $offset = tell IN;
close IN;
close OUT or die "$0: could not write $output_file: $!\n";

if (defined $suggested_name and !$components_found)
    # signal to caller to stop recursion.
    unlink $suggested_name;
    symlink $input_file, $suggested_name;
exit 0;