The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

;; See the instructions at:

;; (require 'cl-seq)  ;; find-if

(require 'pc-select)  ;; next-line-nomark
(require 'gud)        ;; perldb

;;;; Utilities
;(message "%s" (prin1-to-string thing))
(load "async-shell-command-to-string" nil t)

(load "shell-command-pool" nil t)

(defun alist-value (alist key)
  "Return the value of KEY in ALIST" ;; Surely there must be an existing defun to do this that I haven't found...
  (cdr (assoc key alist)))

(defun alist-num-value (alist key)
  "Return the numeric value of KEY in ALIST"
  (string-to-number (alist-value alist key)))

(require 'elp) ;; Benchmarking
(defmacro with-timing (&rest body)
  "Execute the forms in BODY while measuring the time.
Print the elapsed time in the echo area.

The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY."
     (let* ((begin-time (current-time))
            (response ,@body)
            (elapsed-time (elp-elapsed-time begin-time (current-time))))
       (message "Elapsed time (%s)" elapsed-time)

(defun find-buffer-name-match (match-name)
  "Return the first buffer found matching 'string-match',
or nil if none exists"
  (find-if (lambda (x) (string-match match-name (buffer-name x))) (buffer-list)))

(defun ps/switch-to-buffer (buffer)
  "Switch to BUFFER (buffer object, or buffer name). If the
buffer is already visible anywhere, re-use that visible buffer."
  (let* ((buffer-window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
    (when buffer-window
      (select-window buffer-window)
    (switch-to-buffer buffer)

;; Probably reinventing the wheel here
(defmacro ps/with-default-directory (dir &rest body)
  "Execute the forms in BODY with the current
directory (default-directory) temporarily set to 'dir'.

The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY."
  (let ((original-dir default-directory)
        (original-buffer (current-buffer)))
         (cd ,dir)
       (with-current-buffer ,original-buffer
         (cd ,original-dir)))))

(defun ps/active-region-string ()
  "Return the string making up the active region, or nil if no
region is active"
  (if mark-active
      (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))

;;;; Other modules

;; Regex Tool
(load "regex-tool" nil t)
(load "dropdown-list" nil t)

;; Test::Class specific stuff
(load "perly-sense-test-class" nil t)

(defun regex-render-perl (regex sample)
        ((g-statement      ;; If /g modifier, loop over all matches
          (if (string-match "[|#!?\"'/)>}][cimosx]*?g[cimosxg]*$" regex) "while" "if"))
         (regex-line (format "%s ($line =~
) {" g-statement regex)))  ;; Insert regex spec on a separate line so it can contain Perl comments
      (insert (format "@lines = <DATA>;
$line = join(\" \", @lines);
print \"(\";
  print \"(\", length($`), \" \", length($&), \" \";
  for $i (1 .. 20) {
    if ($$i) {
      print \"(\", $i, \" . \\\"\", $$i, \"\\\") \";
  print \")\";
print \")\";
%s" regex-line sample))
      (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "perl" t t)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (read (current-buffer)))))

;; For their faces
(require 'compile)
(require 'cperl-mode)
(require 'cus-edit)

;;;; Configuration

(defgroup perly-sense nil
  "PerlySense Perl IDE."
  :prefix "ps/"
  :group 'languages
  :version "1.0")

(defcustom ps/dropdown-max-items-to-display '30
  "The maximum number of items to display in a dropdown menu. Any
more items than that, use completing read instead."
  :type 'integer
  :group 'perly-sense)

(defcustom ps/use-prepare-shell-command nil
  "Whether to use prepare-shell-command (experimental, but please
  try it) to speed things up."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'perly-sense)

(defcustom ps/flymake-prefer-errors-in-minibuffer nil
  "Whether to display compilation error messages in the
minibuffer instead of as a popup (if your display can't display
popups, they'll always be displayed in the minibuffer).

See the POD docs for how to enable flymake."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'perly-sense)

(defgroup perly-sense-faces nil
  :link '(custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces)
  :prefix "ps/"
  :group 'perly-sense)

(defcustom ps/here-face 'font-lock-string-face
  "*Face for here-docs highlighting."
  :type 'face
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)

(defface ps/heading
  `((t (:inherit 'custom-face-tag)))
;  `((t (:inherit 'bold)))  ;
  "Face for headings."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/heading-face 'ps/heading
  "Face for headings.")

(defface ps/module-name
  `((((class grayscale) (background light))
     (:background "Gray90"))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark))
     (:foreground "Gray80" :weight bold))
    (((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "Blue" :background "lightyellow2"))
    (((class color) (background dark))
     (:foreground "yellow" :background ,cperl-dark-background))
    (t (:weight bold)))
  "Face for module names."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/module-name-face 'ps/module-name
  "Face for module names.")

(defface ps/highlighted-module-name
  `((((class grayscale) (background light))
     (:background "Gray90" :weight bold))
    (((class grayscale) (background dark))
     (:foreground "Gray80" :weight bold))
    (((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "Blue" :background "lightyellow2" :weight bold))
    (((class color) (background dark))
     (:foreground "Blue" :background, cperl-dark-background :weight bold))
    (t (:weight bold)))
  "Face for highlighted module names."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/highlighted-module-name-face 'ps/highlighted-module-name
  "Face for highlighted module names.")

(defvar ps/bookmark-file-face compilation-info-face
  "Face for Bookmark file names.")

(defvar ps/bookmark-line-number-face 'compilation-line-number
  "Face for Bookmark line numbers.")

(defface ps/current-class-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-function-name-face)))
  "Face for methods in the current class."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/current-class-method-face 'ps/current-class-method
  "Face for methods in the current class.")

(defface ps/current-new-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-function-name-face :weight bold)))
  "Face for new in the current class."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/current-new-method-face 'ps/current-new-method
  "Face for new in the current class.")

(defface ps/base-class-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face)))
  "Face for methods in the base class."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/base-class-method-face 'ps/base-class-method
  "Face for methods in the base class.")

(defface ps/base-new-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face :weight bold)))
  "Face for new in the base class."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/base-new-method-face 'ps/base-new-method
  "Face for new in the base class.")

(defface ps/cpan-base-class-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face)))
  "Face for methods in base classes outside the Project."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/cpan-base-class-method-face 'ps/cpan-base-class-method
  "Face for methods in base classes outside the Project.")

(defface ps/cpan-base-new-method
  `((t (:inherit 'font-lock-keyword-face :weight bold)))
  "Face for new in base classes outside the Project."
  :group 'perly-sense-faces)
(defvar ps/cpan-base-new-method-face 'ps/cpan-base-new-method
  "Face for new in base classes outside the Project.")

;;;; Defuns

(defun ps/log (msg)
  "log msg in a message and return msg"
;;  (message "LOG(%s)" msg)

(defun ps/current-line ()
  "Return the vertical position of point"
  (+ (count-lines 1 (point))
     (if (= (current-column) 0) 1 0)


(defun ps/find-source-for-module (module)
  (let ((file (shell-command-to-string (format "perly_sense find_module_source_file --module=%s" module))))
    (if (not (string-equal file ""))
        (find-file file)
      (message "Module (%s) source file not found" module)

(defun ps/find-source-for-module-at-point ()
  "Find the source file for the module at point."
  (let ((module (cperl-word-at-point)))
    (if module
          (message "Going to module %s..." module)
          (ps/find-source-for-module module)

; should use something that fontifies
(defun ps/display-pod-for-module (module)
  (let* ((result-alist
           (format "--module=%s" module)))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (pod            (alist-value result-alist "pod"))
    (if (not (string= pod ""))
        (ps/display-text-in-buffer "POD" module pod))
    (message "Nothing found")
    (when message-string
      (message "%s" message-string))

(defun ps/display-pod-for-module-at-point ()
  "Display POD for the module at point."
  (let ((module (cperl-word-at-point)))
    (if module
        (ps/display-pod-for-module module)

(defun ps/display-text-in-buffer (type name text)
  (let ((buffer-name (format "*%s %s*" type name)))
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
      (insert text)
      (goto-char 1)
      (ps/fontify-pod-buffer buffer-name)
      (display-buffer (current-buffer))

(defun ps/display-doc-message-or-buffer (doc-type name text)
  (cond ((string= doc-type "hint")
         (message "%s" text))
        ((string= doc-type "document")
         (ps/display-text-in-buffer "POD" name text)
         (message nil)

(defun ps/fontify-pod-buffer (buffer-name)
  "Mark up a buffer with text from pod2text."
    (set-buffer buffer-name)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "
 \\{4,\\}" nil t)
      (let* ((point-start (point)))
        (search-forward-regexp "
        (put-text-property point-start (point) 'face '(:foreground "Gray50"))   ;;TODO: Move to config variable

(defun ps/run-file ()
  "Run the current file"

  ;;If it's the compilation buffer, recompile, else run file
  (if (string= (buffer-name) "*compilation*")
        (message "Recompile file...")
    (message "Run File...")

    (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "run_file"))
           (dir-run-from (alist-value result-alist "dir_run_from"))
           (command-run (alist-value result-alist "command_run"))
           (type-source-file (alist-value result-alist "type_source_file"))
           (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message")))
      (if command-run
            ;; Test::Class integration
            (setenv "TEST_METHOD"
                    (if ps/tc/current-method
                        (format "^%s$" ps/tc/current-method)
             ;;             (ps/run-file-get-command command-run type-source-file)
      (if message-string
          (message message-string)

(defun ps/debug-file ()
  "Debug the current file"

  (if (not (buffer-file-name))
      (message "No file to debug")
    (message "Debug File...")
    (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "debug_file"))
           (dir-debug-from (alist-value result-alist "dir_debug_from"))
           (command-debug (alist-value result-alist "command_debug"))
           (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message")))
      (if command-debug
            (let ((command-debug-without-quotes
                   (replace-regexp-in-string "[\"']" "" command-debug)))
      (if message-string
          (message message-string)))))

(defun ps/run-file-run-command (command dir-run-from)
  "Run command from dir-run-from using the compiler function"
    (cd dir-run-from)
    (compile command)

(defun ps/rerun-file ()
  "Rerun the current compilation buffer"
  (let* ((compilation-buffer (get-buffer "*compilation*")))
    (if compilation-buffer
        (let* ((compilation-window (get-buffer-window compilation-buffer "visible")))
            (if compilation-window (select-window compilation-window))
            (switch-to-buffer "*compilation*")
      (message "Can't re-run: No Run File in progress.")

;; Copy-paste job from gud.el:perldb (shoulders of giants, etc)
(defun ps/debug-file-debug-command (command dir-debug-from)
  "Run perldb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*."
  (let ((command-line (ps/gud-query-cmdline command))
        (gud-chdir-before-run nil)
        (gud-perldb-command-name command))
     (gud-common-init command-line 'gud-perldb-massage-args 'gud-perldb-marker-filter)
     (set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode) 'perldb)

     (gud-def gud-break  "b %l"         "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
     (gud-def gud-remove "B %l"         "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
     (gud-def gud-step   "s"            "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
     (gud-def gud-next   "n"            "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
     (gud-def gud-cont   "c"            "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
                                        ;  (gud-def gud-finish "finish"       "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
                                        ;  (gud-def gud-up     "up %p"        "<" "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
                                        ;  (gud-def gud-down   "down %p"      ">" "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
     (gud-def gud-print  "p %e"          "\C-p" "Evaluate perl expression at point.")
     (gud-def gud-until  "c %l"          "\C-u" "Continue to current line.")

     (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^  DB<+[0-9]+>+ ")
     (setq paragraph-start comint-prompt-regexp)
     (run-hooks 'perldb-mode-hook))))

(defun ps/gud-query-cmdline (command)
  (let* ((minor-mode 'perldb)
         (hist-sym (gud-symbol 'history nil minor-mode))
         (cmd-name (gud-val 'command-name minor-mode)))
    (unless (boundp hist-sym) (set hist-sym nil))
     (format "Run %s (like this): " minor-mode)
     gud-minibuffer-local-map nil

(defun ps/smart-docs-at-point ()
  "Display documentation for the code at point."
   "Smart docs..."
   '(lambda ()
      (ps/command-on-current-file-location "smart_doc"))))

(defun ps/class-method-docs (class-name method)
  "Display documentation for the 'method' of 'class-name'."
   (format "Finding docs for method (%s)..." method)
   '(lambda ()
       (format "--class_name=%s --method_name=%s --dir_origin=." class-name method)))))

(defun ps/display-docs-from-command (message command)
  "Message `message`, and call `command`.
Display documentation returned by the result-alist returned by
calling command."
  (message message)
  (let* ((result-alist (funcall command))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (found          (alist-value result-alist "found"))
         (name           (alist-value result-alist "name"))
         (doc-type       (alist-value result-alist "doc_type"))
         (text           (alist-value result-alist "text"))
    (if (not (string= text ""))
        (ps/display-doc-message-or-buffer doc-type name text)
      (message "Nothing found")
    (when message-string
      (message "%s" message-string))

(defun ps/inheritance-docs-at-point ()
  "Display the Inheritance structure for the current Class"
  (message "Document Inheritance...")
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "inheritance_doc"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (class-inheritance (alist-value result-alist "class_inheritance"))
    (if (not class-inheritance)
        (message "No Base Class found")
      (message "%s" class-inheritance)
    (if message-string
        (message message-string)

(defun ps/use-docs-at-point ()
  "Display the used modules for the current Class"
  (message "Document Uses...")
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "use_doc"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (class-use (alist-value result-alist "class_use"))
    (if (not class-use)
        (message "No use statements found")
      (message "%s" class-use)
    (if message-string
        (message message-string)

(defun ps/project-dir ()
  "Return the project dir of the current buffer, or nil of no
project was found"
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command "project_dir"))
         (project-dir (alist-value result-alist "project_dir")))
    (if (string= project-dir "")

(defmacro ps/with-project-dir (&rest body)
  "Execute the forms in BODY with the current directory
temporarily set to the project dir of the current buffer.

The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY."

(defun ps/find-project-ack-thing-at-point ()
  "Run ack from the project dir. Default to a sensible ack command line.

If there is an active region, search for that.

if there is a word at point, search for that (with -w word boundary).

If not, search for an empty string.
   (let* ((word-only-flag "")
          (search-term (or
                        (let ((word-at-point (find-tag-default)))
                          (if (not word-at-point)
                            (setq word-only-flag "-w ")
          (escaped-search-term (shell-quote-argument search-term))

          ;; If the string is quoted, put the cursor just inside the
          ;; quote, else at the start of the string
          (quote-offset (if (string-match "^[\"']" escaped-search-term) 1 0))

          (ack-base-command (format "ack --nogroup --nocolor --perl %s-Q -- " word-only-flag))
          (ack-command (format "%s%s" ack-base-command escaped-search-term))
          (grep-find-command   ;; For Emacs <= 22
           (cons               ;; Second item sets the initial position
            ack-command (+ 1 quote-offset (length ack-base-command))))
          (grep-host-defaults-alist  ;; For Emacs > 22, also set this
           `((localhost (grep-find-command ,grep-find-command))))
   (call-interactively 'grep-find))))

(defun ps/find-project-sub-declaration-at-point ()
  "Run ack from the project dir, looking for the method/word/sub
at point. Default to a sensible ack command line.
  (ps/find-project-method-regex-at-point "^\\s*sub\\s+%s\\b")

(defun ps/find-project-method-callers-at-point ()
  "Run ack from the project dir, looking for method calls of the
method/word/sub at point. Default to a sensible ack command line."
  (ps/find-project-method-regex-at-point "->\\s*%s\\b")

(defun ps/find-project-method-regex-at-point (regex_template)
  "Run ack from the project dir, looking for methods matching
'regex_template' of the method/word/sub at point. Default to a
sensible ack command line.

If there is a method name ->like_t|his at point, search for that method.

 (If there is a method call $lik|e->this at point, search for
that method.)

If not, search for the word at point.
   (let* ((method-name (or
          (ack-base-command (format "ack --nogroup --nocolor --perl -- "))
          (search-term (shell-quote-argument (format regex_template method-name)))
          (ack-command (format "%s%s" ack-base-command search-term))
     (if (not (string= search-term ""))
         (grep-find ack-command)
       (message "No method found at point")))))

(defun ps/method-of-method-or-object-at-point ()
  "Find name of method of method call at point. This can be:


Return the method name, or nil.
   (and  ;; $ob|ject->method
     (and (looking-back "$[a-zA-Z0-9_]*") (looking-at "[a-zA-Z0-0_]*->\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)"))
     (looking-at "$[a-zA-Z0-9_]*->\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)"))
    (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
   (ps/class-method-at-point)  ;; ->me|thod

(defun ps/find-file-location (file row col)
  "Find the file and go to the row/col location. If row and/or
col is 0, the point isn't moved in that dimension."
  (push-mark nil t)
  (when file (find-file file))
  (when (> row 0) (goto-line row))
  (when (> col 0)
    (forward-char (- col 1))

(defun ps/smart-go-to-at-point ()
  "Go to the original symbol in the code at point."
  (message "Smart goto...")
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "smart_go_to"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (file (alist-value result-alist "file"))
         (row (alist-value result-alist "row"))
         (col (alist-value result-alist "col"))
    (if file
          (ps/find-file-location file (string-to-number row) (string-to-number col))
          (message "Went to: %s:%s" file row))
      (message "Nothing found")
    (when message-string
      (message "%s" message-string))

(defun ps/go-to-base-class-at-point ()
  "Go to the Base Class of the Class at point. If ambigous, let
the the user choose a Class."
  (message "Goto Base Class...")
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "base_class_go_to"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (class-list (alist-value result-alist "class_list"))
         (first-class-alist (car class-list))
         (second-class-alist (cdr class-list))
    (if (not first-class-alist)
        (message "No Base Class found")
      (if (not second-class-alist)
          (ps/go-to-class-alist first-class-alist)
        (let ((chosen-class-alist
               (ps/choose-class-alist-from-class-list "Base Class" class-list)))
          (if chosen-class-alist
              (ps/go-to-class-alist chosen-class-alist)
    (if message-string
        (message message-string)

(defun ps/go-to-use-section ()
  "Set mark and go to the end of the 'use Module' section."
  (message "Goto the 'use Module' section...")
  (let* ((use-position (ps/find-use-module-section-position)))
    (if (not use-position)
        (message "No 'use Module' section found")
      (goto-char use-position)

(defun ps/find-use-module-section-position ()
  "Return the position of the end of the last use Module
statement in the file, or nil if none was found."
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (if (search-backward-regexp "^ *use +[a-zA-Z][^;]+;" nil t)
          (search-forward-regexp ";")

;; Almost identical to recompile, remove duplication
(defun ps/goto-run-buffer ()
  "Go to the current *compilation* buffer, if any."
  (let* ((compilation-buffer (get-buffer "*compilation*")))
    (if compilation-buffer
        (let* ((compilation-window (get-buffer-window compilation-buffer "visible")))
            (if compilation-window (select-window compilation-window))
            (switch-to-buffer "*compilation*")
      (message "There is no *compilation* buffer to go to.")

(defun ps/goto-test-other-files ()
  "Go to other test files. When in a Perl module, let user choose
amongst test files to go to. When in a test file, let user choose
amongst source files to go to.

You must have Devel::CoverX::Covered installed and have a
'covered' db for your project in the project dir."
  (let* ((sub-name
            (and (search-forward-regexp " *sub +\\([_a-z0-9]+\\)" (point-at-eol) t)
                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
          (if sub-name (format "--sub=%s" sub-name) ""))
          (ps/command-on-current-file-location "test_other_files" sub-name-option))
         (message (alist-value result-alist "message")))
    (if message
        (message "%s" message)
      (let* ((other-files-list (alist-value result-alist "other_files"))
             (project-dir (alist-value result-alist "project_dir"))
             (chosen-file (ps/choose-from-strings-alist "File: " other-files-list)))
        (if chosen-file
            (find-file (expand-file-name chosen-file project-dir)))

(defun ps/goto-project-other-files ()
  "Go to other Project files. Let user choose amongst files
corresponding to the current one to go to.

You must have a File::Corresponding config file (called
.corresponding_file) in the .PerlySenseProject dir (by default).
  (let* ((result-alist
          (ps/command-on-current-file-location "project_other_files"))
         (message (alist-value result-alist "message")))
    (if message
        (message "%s" message)
      (let* ((other-files-list (alist-value result-alist "other_files"))
             (project-dir (alist-value result-alist "project_dir"))
             (chosen-file (ps/choose-from-strings-alist "File: " other-files-list)))
        (if chosen-file
            (find-file (expand-file-name chosen-file project-dir)))

(defun ps/choose-from-strings-alist (prompt items-alist)
  "Let user choose amongst the strings in items-alist.

If appropriate (given the number of items in items-alist), use a
dropdown-list, otherwise a completing read with 'prompt'.

Return the chosen string, or nil if the user canceled.
  (if (< (length items-alist) ps/dropdown-max-items-to-display)
      (let* ((n (dropdown-list items-alist)))
        (if n
            (nth n items-alist)
     (format "%s: " prompt)
     (car items-alist)

(defun ps/go-to-vc-project ()
  "Go to the project view of the current Version Control, or the
project dir if there is no vc."
  (message "Goto Version Control...")
  (let ((vc-buffer (or
                    (get-buffer "*svn-status*")
                    )))  ;; (or *cvs-status*, etc)
    (if vc-buffer
        (ps/switch-to-buffer vc-buffer)
      (let* ((result-alist (ps/command "vcs_dir"))
             (project-dir (alist-value result-alist "project_dir"))
             (vcs-name (alist-value result-alist "vcs_name"))
        (if (not (string= project-dir ""))
            (ps/vc-project vcs-name project-dir)
          (message "No Project dir found"))))))

(defun ps/vc-project (vcs project-dir)
  "Display the Project view for the VCS (e.g. 'svn', 'none') for
the PROJECT-DIR, e.g. run svn-status for PROJECT-DIR."
   ((string= vcs "svn")
    (message "SVN status...")
    (svn-status project-dir))
   ((string= vcs "git")
    ;; For other git modes, introduce a customization var and branch here
    (message "Magit status...")
    (condition-case nil
        (magit-status project-dir)
       (message "A Git repository was found, but the Magit mode isn't loaded"))))
    (message "No VCS...")
    (dired project-dir))

(defun ps/get-first-magit-status-buffer-refreshed ()
  "Return the first buffer found that is a Magit status buffer,
or nil if none exists.

If a Magit buffer is found, magit-refresh it before returning it.
  (let ((magit-buffer (find-buffer-name-match "^\\*magit: ")))
    (if magit-buffer
        (with-current-buffer magit-buffer (magit-refresh))

(defun ps/edit-move-use-statement ()
  "If point is on a line with a single 'use Module' statement,
set mark and move that statement to the end of the 'use
Module' section at the top of the file."
  (let ((message
         (catch 'message
             (if (not (search-backward-regexp "^ *use +[a-zA-Z][^\n]*?; *?$" (point-at-bol) t))
                 (throw 'message "No 'use Module' statement on this line.")
               (kill-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
               (delete-char 1)
           (let* ((use-position (ps/find-use-module-section-position)))
             (if (not use-position)
                 (throw 'message "No 'use Module' section found, nowhere to put the killed use statement.")
               (goto-char use-position)
               (yank) (pop-mark)
           "Set mark and moved use statement. Hit C-u C-m to return."
    (if message (message "%s" message))

;; Thanks to Jonathan Rockway at
(defun ps/edit-test-count (&optional amount)
  "Increase the Test::More test count by AMOUNT"
  (interactive "p")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (if (re-search-forward "tests\\s-+=>\\s-*[0-9]+" nil t)
          (let ((inc-response (ps/increment-number-at-point amount)))
            (message "Test count: %s + %s = %s" (nth 0 inc-response) (nth 1 inc-response) (nth 2 inc-response))
      (message "Could not find a test count"))))

(defun ps/set-test-count (current-count new-count)
  "Set the Test::More test count from CURRENT-COUNT to NEW-COUNT."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (if (re-search-forward "tests\\s-+=>\\s-*[0-9]+" nil t)
        (let ((amount (- new-count current-count)))
          (let ((inc-response (ps/increment-number-at-point amount)))
            (message "Test count: %s + %s = %s" (nth 0 inc-response) (nth 1 inc-response) (nth 2 inc-response))
      (message "Could not find a test count"))))

;; Thanks to Phil Jackson at
(defun ps/increment-number-at-point (&optional amount)
  "Increment the number under point by AMOUNT.

Return a list with the items (original number, amount, new
number), or nil if there was no number at point."
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((num (number-at-point)))
    (if (numberp num)
      (let ((newnum (+ num amount))
            (p (point)))
          (skip-chars-backward "-.0123456789")
          (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length (number-to-string num))))
          (insert (number-to-string newnum)))
        (goto-char p)
        (list num amount newnum)

(defun ps/assist-sync-test-count ()
  "Synchronize Test::More test count with the one reported by the
current test run, if any"
        (catch 'message
            (let ((expected-count (ps/expected-test-count))
                  (current-count (ps/current-test-count)))
              (if (eq expected-count nil)
                  (throw 'message "No *compilation* buffer with a test run found."))
              (if (eq current-count nil)
                  (throw 'message "No test count found in the current buffer"))
              (if (= expected-count current-count)
                  (throw 'message
                          "Current test count is the same as the expected count (%s)"
                (ps/set-test-count current-count expected-count)
    (if message (message "%s" message))))

(defun ps/expected-test-count ()
  "Return the expected number of tests, or nil if that couldn't be deduced."
  (if (not (get-buffer "*compilation*"))
    (catch 'count-string
        (set-buffer "*compilation*")
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (if (re-search-forward "Files=[0-9]+, Tests=\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
            (throw 'count-string (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
        (if (re-search-forward "Looks like you planned \\([0-9]+\\) tests? but ran \\([0-9]+\\) extra" nil t)
            (let* ((planned-count (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
                   (extra-count (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
                   (actual-count (+ planned-count extra-count))
              (throw 'count-string actual-count)
        (if (re-search-forward "planned [0-9]+ tests? but \\(only \\)?ran \\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
            (throw 'count-string (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
        (if (re-search-forward "Failed [0-9]+/\\([0-9]+\\) tests?" nil t)
            (throw 'count-string (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
        (throw 'count-string nil)))))

(defun ps/current-test-count ()
  "Return the test count of the current buffer, or nil if that couldn't be deduced."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (and (re-search-forward "tests\\s-+=>\\s-*\\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
         (string-to-number (match-string 1)))))

(defun ps/command-on-current-file-location (command &optional options)
  "Call perly_sense COMMAND with the current file and row/col,
and return the parsed result as a sexp"
  (unless options (setq options ""))
   (format "\"--file=%s\" --row=%s --col=%s %s"
           (+ 1 (current-column))

(defun ps/async-command-on-current-file-location (command callback &optional options)
  "Call perly_sense COMMAND with the current file and row/col,
call CALLBACK with the parsed result as a sexp"
  (unless options (setq options ""))
  (lexical-let ((callback-fun callback))
     (format "perly_sense %s \"--file=%s\" --row=%s --col=%s %s --width_display=%s"
             (+ 1 (current-column))
             (- (window-width) 2))
     (lambda (output)
       (funcall callback-fun (ps/parse-sexp output))

(defun ps/command (command &optional options)
  "Call 'perly_sense COMMAND OPTIONS' and some additional default
options, and return the parsed result as a sexp"
  (unless options (setq options ""))
    (format "%s %s --width_display=%s"
            (- (window-width) 2)))))

(defun ps/shell-command-to-string (command args-string)
  "Run command with args-string and return the response"

  (let* ((response
          (if (and ps/use-prepare-shell-command (string= command "perly_sense"))
               (concat command " --stdin ") args-string)
            (shell-command-to-string (concat command " " args-string))
;;    (message "Called (%s), got (%s)" command response)

(defun ps/async-shell-command-to-string (command callback)
  "Run command asynchronously and call callback with the
      ((command-string command)
       (callback-fun callback))
;;     (message "Calling (%s)" command-string)
     (lambda (response)
;;        (message "Called (%s), got (%s)" command-string response)
       (funcall callback-fun response)

(defun ps/go-to-method-new ()
  "Go to the 'new' method."
  (message "Goto the 'new' method...")
  (let ((new-location-alist
          (ps/find-method-in-buffer "new")
          (ps/find-method-in-file "new"))))
    (if new-location-alist
        (ps/go-to-location-alist new-location-alist)
      (message "Could not find any 'new' method")

(defun ps/find-method-in-buffer (method-name)
  "Find a method named METHOD-NAME in the buffer and return an
alist with (keys: row, col), or nil if no method was found."
    (if (and
         (search-forward-regexp (format "\\(^\\| \\)sub +%s\\($\\| \\)" method-name) nil t)
         (search-backward-regexp "sub")
          ("row" . ,(number-to-string (ps/current-line)))
          ("col" . ,(number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column))))

(defun ps/find-method-in-file (method-name)
  "Find a method named METHOD-NAME given the current class in the
buffer and return an alist with (keys: file, row, col), or nil if
no method was found."
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command-on-current-file-location "method_go_to" "--method_name=new"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (file (alist-value result-alist "file"))
         (row (alist-value result-alist "row"))
         (col (alist-value result-alist "col"))
    (if row
          ("file" . ,file)
          ("row" . ,row)
          ("col" . ,col)
      (when message-string
        (message "no row, message")
        (message "%s" message-string)

(defun ps/go-to-location-alist (location-alist)
  "Go to the LOCATION-ALIST which may contain the (keys: file,
row, col, class_name).

If file is specified, visit that file first.

If class_name is specified, display that class name in the echo
  (let ((file (alist-value location-alist "file"))
        (row (alist-num-value location-alist "row"))
        (col (alist-num-value location-alist "col"))
        (class-name (alist-value location-alist "class_name"))
    (ps/find-file-location file row col)
    (if class-name
        (message "Went to %s" class-name)

(defun ps/go-to-class-alist (class-alist)
  "Go to the Class class-alist (keys: class_name, file, row)"
  (let ((class-name (alist-value class-alist "class_name"))
        (class-inheritance (alist-value class-alist "class_inheritance"))
        (file (alist-value class-alist "file"))
        (row (alist-num-value class-alist "row")))
    (ps/find-file-location file row 1)
    (message "%s" class-inheritance)

(defun ps/choose-class-alist-from-class-list (what-text class-list)
  "Let the user choose a class-alist from the lass-list of Class

Return class-alist with (keys: class_name, file, row), or nil if
none was chosen."
  (ps/choose-class-alist-from-class-list-with-dropdown what-text class-list)

(defun ps/choose-class-alist-from-class-list-with-dropdown (what-text class-list)
  "Let the user choose a class-alist from the lass-list of Class
definitions using a dropdown list.

Return class-alist with (keys: class_name, file, row), or nil if
none was chosen."
  (let* ((class-description-list (mapcar (lambda (class-alist)
                                    (alist-value class-alist "class_description")
                                    ) class-list))
         (n (dropdown-list class-description-list))
    (if n
        (let ((chosen-class-description (nth n class-description-list)))
           class-list "class_description" chosen-class-description)

(defun ps/choose-class-alist-from-class-list-with-completing-read (what-text class-list)
  "Let the user choose a class-alist from the lass-list of Class
definitions using completing read.

Return class-alist with (keys: class_name, file, row)"
  (let* ((class-description-list (mapcar (lambda (class-alist)
                                    (alist-value class-alist "class_description")
                                    ) class-list))
         (chosen-class-description (completing-read
                             (format "%s: " what-text)
                             (car class-description-list)
    (ps/get-alist-from-list class-list "class-description" chosen-class-description)

(defun ps/get-alist-from-list (list-of-alist key value)
  "Return the first alist in list which aliast's key is value, or
nil if none was found"
  (catch 'found
    (dolist (alist list-of-alist)
      (let ((alist-item-value (alist-value alist key)))
        (if (string= alist-item-value value)
            (throw 'found alist)

;; todo: remove duplication between this defun and the one above
(defun ps/class-method-go-to (class-name method)
  "Go to the original symbol of 'method' in 'class-name'. Return
t on success, else nil"
  (message "Go to method (%s)..." method)
  (let ((result (ps/shell-command-to-string
                  "method_go_to --class_name=%s --method_name=%s --dir_origin=."
    (if (string-match "[\t]" result)
        (let ((value (split-string result "[\t]")))
          (let ((file (pop value)))
            (ps/find-file-location file (string-to-number (pop value)) (string-to-number (pop value)))
            (message "Went to: %s" file)
        (message "Could not find method (%s) (it may be created dynamically, or in XS, or in a subclass)" method)

(defun ps/class-overview-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class Overview for the current class"
    "--file=%s --row=%s --col=%s"
    (+ 1 (current-column)))))

(defun ps/class-overview-inheritance-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class Inheritance Overview for the current class"
  (ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point "inheritance"))

(defun ps/class-overview-api-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class API Overview for the current class"
  (ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point "api"))

(defun ps/class-overview-bookmarks-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class Bookmarks Overview for the current class"
  (ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point "bookmarks"))

(defun ps/class-overview-uses-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class Uses Overview for the current class"
  (ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point "uses"))

(defun ps/class-overview-neighbourhood-for-class-at-point ()
  "Display the Class NeighbourHood Overview for the current class"
  (ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point "neighbourhood"))

(defun ps/class-overview-x-for-class-at-point (show-what)
  "Display the Class Overview with --show=x for the current class"
    "--show=%s --file=%s --row=%s --col=%s"
    (+ 1 (current-column)))))

(defun ps/class-overview-with-argstring (argstring)
  "Call perly_sense class_overview with argstring and display Class Overview with the response"
  (message "Class Overview...")
  (let* ((result-alist (ps/command "class_overview" argstring))
         (class-name (alist-value result-alist "class_name"))
         (class-overview (alist-value result-alist "class_overview"))
         (message-string (alist-value result-alist "message"))
         (dir (alist-value result-alist "dir")))
    (if class-name
        (ps/display-class-overview class-name class-overview dir))
    (if message-string
        (message message-string))))

(defun ps/parse-sexp (result)
;;  (message "RESPONSE AS TEXT |%s|" result)
  ;; TODO: check for "Error: " and display the error message
  (if (string= result "")
    (let ((response-alist (eval (car (read-from-string result)))))

;;;(ps/parse-result-into-alist "'((\"class-overview\" . \"Hej baberiba [ Class::Accessor ]\") (\"class_name\" . \"Class::Accessor\") (\"message\" . \"Whatever\"))")
;;(ps/parse-result-into-alist "'((\"class_name\" . \"alpha\"))")

(defun ps/regex-tool ()
  "Bring up the Regex Tool"
  (setq regex-tool-backend "Perl")
  (set-buffer "*Regex*")
  (if (= (point-min) (point-max))
        (insert "//msi")
        (goto-char 2)


;; PerlySense Class major mode


(defvar ps/class-name nil "The name of the name in the current Class Overview buffer.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ps/class-name)

(defun ps/display-class-overview (class-name overview-text dir)
  (let ((buffer-name "*Class Overview*"))
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
;; (message "dir (%s)" dir)

      (setq default-directory dir)
      (toggle-read-only t)(toggle-read-only)  ; No better way?
      (insert overview-text)

      (ps/fontify-class-overview-buffer buffer-name)
      (ps/class-find-default-heading class-name)
      (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))  ;; before: display-buffer
      (toggle-read-only t)
      (setq ps/class-name class-name)  ;; Buffer local

(defun ps/class-find-default-heading (class-name)
  "Position point at the first available heading in importance
order, e.g. first Inheritance, then Api, etc."
   (ps/class-find-current-class-name class-name)

;; ;; Set point where class-name is mentioned in brackets
;; (defun ps/search-class-name (class-name)
;;   (let ((class-name-box (format "[ %s " class-name)))
;;     (goto-char (point-min))
;;     (search-forward class-name-box)
;;     (search-backward "[ ")
;;     (forward-char)
;;     )
;;   )

;; Set point where class-name is mentioned in current [< xxx >]
(defun ps/class-find-current-class-name (class-name)
  "Search from the buffer beginning for 'class-name'.

Return t if found, or nil if not"
  (let ((class-name-box (format "[<%s" class-name)))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (if (search-forward class-name-box nil t)
          (search-backward "[<" nil t)

(defun ps/fontify-class-overview-buffer (buffer-name)
  "Mark up a buffer with Class Overview text."
    (set-buffer buffer-name)

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "\\[ \\w+ +\\]" nil t)
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face ps/module-name-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "\\[<\\w+ *>\\]" nil t)
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face ps/highlighted-module-name-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "^[^:\n]+:[0-9]+:" nil t)
          ((file-beginning (match-beginning 0))
           (row-end (- (match-end 0) 1)))
        (search-backward-regexp ":[0-9]+:" nil t)
            ((file-end (match-beginning 0))
             (row-beginning (+ (match-beginning 0) 1)))
          (put-text-property file-beginning file-end 'face ps/bookmark-file-face)
          (put-text-property row-beginning row-end 'face ps/bookmark-line-number-face)

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "->\\w+" nil t)  ;; ->method
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face ps/current-class-method-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "\\\\>\\w+" nil t)  ;; \>method
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "->new\\b" nil t)  ;; ->new
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face ps/current-new-method-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "\\\\>new\\b" nil t)  ;; \>new
      (put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) 'face ps/base-new-method-face))

    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward-regexp "\\* \\w+ +\\*" nil t)
          ((heading-beginning (match-beginning 0) )
           (heading-end (match-end 0) ))
        (put-text-property heading-beginning heading-end 'face ps/heading-face)
        (add-text-properties heading-beginning (+ heading-beginning 2) '(invisible t))
        (add-text-properties (- heading-end 2) heading-end '(invisible t))

(defun ps/compile-goto-error-file-line ()
  "Go to the file + line specified on the row at point, or ask for a
text to parse for a file + line."
  (let* ((file_row (ps/compile-get-file-line-from-buffer) )
         (file (nth 0 file_row))
         (row (nth 1 file_row)))
    (if file
        (ps/find-file-location file (string-to-number row) 1)
      (let* ((file_row (ps/compile-get-file-line-from-user-input) )
             (file (nth 0 file_row))
             (row (nth 1 file_row)))
        (if file
            (ps/find-file-location file (string-to-number row) 1)
          (message "No 'FILE line N' found")

(defun ps/compile-get-file-line-from-user-input ()
  "Ask for a text to parse for a file + line, parse it using
'ps/compile-get-file-line-from-buffer'. Return what it
    (insert (read-string "FILE, line N text: " (current-kill 0 t)))

(defun ps/compile-get-file-line-from-buffer ()
  "Return a two item list with (file . row) specified on the row at
point, or an empty list () if none was found."
    (if (search-forward-regexp
         "\\(file +`\\|at +\\)\\([/a-zA-Z0-9._ ]+\\)'? +line +\\([0-9]+\\)[.,]"
         (region-end) t)
        (let* ((file (match-string 2))
               (row (match-string 3)))
          (list file row)


(defun ps/class-goto-at-point ()
  "Go to the class/method/bookmark at point"
  (message "Goto at point")
  (let* ((class-name (ps/find-class-name-at-point)))
         (if class-name
               (message (format "Going to class (%s)" class-name))
               (ps/find-source-for-module class-name)
           (if (not (ps/class-goto-method-at-point))
               (if (not (ps/class-goto-bookmark-at-point))
                   (message "No Class/Method/Bookmark at point")

(defun ps/class-goto-method-at-point ()
  "Go to the method declaration for the method at point and
return t, or return nil if no method could be found at point."
  (let* ((method (ps/class-method-at-point))
         (current-class (ps/class-current-class)))
    (if (and current-class method)
          (ps/class-method-go-to current-class method)

(defun ps/class-docs-at-point ()
  "Display docs for the class/method at point"
  (message "Docs at point")
  (let* ((class-name (ps/find-class-name-at-point)))
         (if class-name
               (message (format "Finding docs for class (%s)" class-name))
               (ps/display-pod-for-module class-name)
           (let* ((method (ps/class-method-at-point))  ;;;'
                  (current-class (ps/class-current-class)))
             (if (and current-class method)
                 (ps/class-method-docs current-class method)
               (message "No Class or Method at point")


(defun ps/class-method-at-point ()
  "Return the method name at (or very near) point, or nil if none was found."
    (if (looking-at "[ \n(]") (backward-char)) ;; if at end of method name, move into it
    (if (looking-at "[a-zA-Z0-9_]")                ;; we may be on a method name
        (while (looking-at "[a-zA-Z0-9_]") (backward-char))   ;; position at beginning of word
    (if (looking-at ">") (backward-char))
    (if (looking-at "[\\\\-]>\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)")            ;; If on -> or \>, capture method name
        (match-string 1)

(defun ps/class-goto-bookmark-at-point ()
  "Go to the bookmark at point, if there is any.
Return t if there was any, else nil"
  (message "Goto bookmark at point")
    (if (search-forward-regexp "^\\([^:\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):" (point-at-eol) t)
        (let ((file (match-string 1)) (row (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
          (message "file (%s) row (%s)" file row)
          (ps/find-file-location file row 1)

(defun ps/class-class-overview-at-point ()
  "Display Class Overview for the class/method at point"
  (message "Class Overview at point")
  (let* ((class-name (ps/find-class-name-at-point)))
    (if class-name
          (message (format "Class Overview for class (%s)" class-name))
           (format "--class_name=%s --dir_origin=." class-name)))
      (message "No Class at point")

(defun ps/class-class-overview-or-goto-at-point ()
  "Display Class Overview for the class/method at point,
or go to the Bookmark at point"
  (message "Class Overview at point")
  (let* ((class-name (ps/find-class-name-at-point)))
    (if class-name
          (message (format "Class Overview for class (%s)" class-name))
           (format "--class_name=%s --dir_origin=." class-name)))
      (if (not (ps/class-goto-method-at-point))
          (if (not (ps/class-goto-bookmark-at-point))
              (message "No Class/Method/Bookmark at point"))))))

(defun ps/class-current-class ()
  "Return the class currenlty being displayed in the Class Overview buffer.
Use the buffer ps/class-name, or find the buffer name in the
     (message "PS internal: Warning: looking for the class name in the buffer text (obsolete?)")
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (search-forward-regexp "\\[<\\(\\w+\\) *>\\]" nil t)
     (match-string 1))))

(defun ps/class-quit ()
  "Quit the Class Overview buffer"
  (message "Quit")
  (kill-buffer nil)

(defun ps/class-find-inheritance ()
  "Navigate to the * Inheritance * in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (search-forward "* Inheritance *" nil t)
  (search-forward "[<" nil t)

(defun ps/class-find-neighbourhood ()
  "Navigate to the * NeighbourHood * in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (search-forward "* NeighbourHood *" nil t)
        (search-forward "[<" nil t)

(defun ps/class-find-used ()
  "Navigate to the * Uses * in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (search-forward "* Uses *" nil t)
        (beginning-of-line 2)

(defun ps/class-find-bookmarks ()
  "Navigate to the * Bookmarks * in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (search-forward "* Bookmarks *" nil t)
        (beginning-of-line 2)
        (if (looking-at "-")
            (beginning-of-line 2))

(defun ps/class-find-structure ()
  "Navigate to the * Structure * in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (search-forward "* Structure *" nil t)
  (search-forward "-" nil t)
  (beginning-of-line 2)

(defun ps/class-find-api ()
  "Navigate to the * API * in the Class Overview.
Return t if found, else nil."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (search-forward "* API *" nil t)
        (beginning-of-line 2)

(defun ps/class-find-api-new ()
  "Navigate to the new method in the Class Overview"
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (search-forward-regexp ".>new\\b" nil t)
  (backward-char 3)

(defun ps/find-class-name-at-point ()
  "Return the class name at point, or nil if none was found"
    (if (looking-at "[\\[]")
        (forward-char) ;; So we can search backwards without fear of missing the current char
    (if (search-backward-regexp "[][]" nil t)
        (if (looking-at "[\\[]")
            (progn  ;; TODO: only match on the class name, this matches e.g. [ $blah ]
              (search-forward-regexp "\\w+" nil t)
              (match-string 0)

(defvar ps/class-mode-map nil
  "Keymap for `PerlySense Class overview major mode'.")
(if ps/class-mode-map
  (setq ps/class-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "q" 'ps/class-quit)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "I" 'ps/class-find-inheritance)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "H" 'ps/class-find-neighbourhood)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "U" 'ps/class-find-used)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "B" 'ps/class-find-bookmarks)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "S" 'ps/class-find-structure)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "A" 'ps/class-find-api)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map "N" 'ps/class-find-api-new)

(define-key ps/class-mode-map "N" 'ps/class-find-api-new)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map (format "%sgn" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-find-api-new)

(define-key ps/class-mode-map [return] 'ps/class-class-overview-or-goto-at-point)

(define-key ps/class-mode-map "d" 'ps/class-docs-at-point)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map (format "%s\C-d" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-docs-at-point)

(define-key ps/class-mode-map "g" 'ps/class-goto-at-point)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map (format "%s\C-g" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-goto-at-point)

(define-key ps/class-mode-map "o" 'ps/class-class-overview-at-point)
(define-key ps/class-mode-map (format "%s\C-o" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-class-overview-at-point)

(defvar ps/class-mode-syntax-table
  (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
    ;; Treat _ and :: as part of a word
    (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" st)
    (modify-syntax-entry ?: "w" st)
  "Syntax table for `ps/class-mode'.")

;; (Defvar ps/class-imenu-generic-expression
;;   ...)

;; (defvar ps/class-outline-regexp
;;   ...)

(define-derived-mode ps/class-mode fundamental-mode "PerlySense Class Overview"
  "A major mode for viewing PerlySense Class overview buffers."
  :syntax-table ps/class-mode-syntax-table
;;   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "# ")
;;   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "#+\\s-*")

;;   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
;;        '(ps/class-font-lock-keywords))

;;   (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'ps/class-indent-line)
;;   (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
;;        ps/class-imenu-generic-expression)
;;   (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) ps/class-outline-regexp)

;;; Indentation

;; (defun ps/class-indent-line ()
;;   "Indent current line of Ps/Class code."
;;   (interactive)
;;   (let ((savep (> (current-column) (current-indentation)))
;;         (indent (condition-case nil (max (ps/class-calculate-indentation) 0)
;;                   (error 0))))
;;     (if savep
;;         (save-excursion (indent-line-to indent))
;;       (indent-line-to indent))))

;; (defun ps/class-calculate-indentation ()
;;   "Return the column to which the current line should be indented."
;;   ...)

;; Key bindings
;;;; TODO: move some of these to cperl-mode local bindings

(global-set-key (format "%smf" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/find-source-for-module-at-point)  ;; Obsolete, change/remove
(global-set-key (format "%smp" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/display-pod-for-module-at-point)  ;; Obsolete, change

(global-set-key (format "%s\C-d" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/smart-docs-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sdi" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/inheritance-docs-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sdu" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/use-docs-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sdo" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-for-class-at-point)

(global-set-key (format "%s\C-g" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/smart-go-to-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sgb" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/go-to-base-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sgu" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/go-to-use-section)
(global-set-key (format "%sgn" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/go-to-method-new)
(global-set-key (format "%sgm" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/find-source-for-module-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sgv" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/go-to-vc-project)

(global-set-key (format "%sfa" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/find-project-ack-thing-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sfs" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/find-project-sub-declaration-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sfc" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/find-project-method-callers-at-point)

(global-set-key (format "%semu" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/edit-move-use-statement)
(global-set-key (format "%setc" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/edit-test-count)

(global-set-key (format "%sat" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/assist-sync-test-count)

(global-set-key (format "%s\C-o" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%soc" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%soi" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-inheritance-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%soa" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-api-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sob" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-bookmarks-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%sou" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-uses-for-class-at-point)
(global-set-key (format "%soh" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/class-overview-neighbourhood-for-class-at-point)

(global-set-key (format "%s\C-r" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/run-file)
(global-set-key (format "%srr" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/rerun-file)
(global-set-key (format "%srd" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/debug-file)

(global-set-key (format "%sgr" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/goto-run-buffer)
(global-set-key (format "%sge" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/compile-goto-error-file-line)
(global-set-key (format "%sgto" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/goto-test-other-files)
(global-set-key (format "%sgpo" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/goto-project-other-files)

(global-set-key (format "%sar" ps/key-prefix) 'ps/regex-tool)

(load "perly-sense-visualize-coverage" nil t)
(if ps/load-flymake (load "perly-sense-flymake" nil t))

(provide 'perly-sense)

;; EOF