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=head1 NAME

Devel::PerlySense::Config::Project - A Project's configuration



Configuration can be Project level, stored in .../.PerlySense/project.cfg


use strict;
use warnings;

package Devel::PerlySense::Config::Project;
  $Devel::PerlySense::Config::Project::VERSION = '0.0206';

use Spiffy -Base;

use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;

use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use Path::Class;
use YAML::Tiny ();
use HTTP::Date qw/ time2iso /;

use Devel::PerlySense::Util;


=head2 nameFileConfig

The config file name relative to the root dir.

Default: ./PerlySenseProject/project.cfg

field "nameFileConfig" => ".PerlySenseProject/project.yml";

=head2 textConfigDefault

The default contents of the config file

field "textConfigDefault" => q{#PerlySense Project Config

#What's this all about? See:


  #The human readable name of the Project
  moniker: 'The Project Without a Name'

  #Extra @INC directories, relative to the project root
  #These come before the default inc directories "." and "lib"
  inc_dir: []

#Bookmarks are regexes that may match against a single line.
#The "rex" is either a qr regex declaration, or an array ref of
#regexes (any of them could match to make a bookmark for the line).
#The line, or $1 if captured, is displayed.
    moniker: Todo
      - "qr/\# \s* TODO \s* : \s* (.+?) \s*$/x"


    #Emacs specific configuration

      #To enable flymake in Emacs, configure this in your .emacs file
      #(setq perly-sense-load-flymake t)
      #For more details, settings and colors, see:

        #During a flymake compilation, perly_sense can run:

        #Check Syntax (perl -c)
        #   Running perl -c on random Perl code will execute
        #   the BEGIN blocks! Any funny business in them and you're toast!
        syntax: 0

        #Perl Critic
        #PerlySense will point Critic to a .perlcritic file in this (the .PerlySense)
        #directory. A default config file with fairly lenient rules is
        critic: 0

#Run File Configuration.
#"C-o C-r" to run "command" and "C-u C-o C-r" to run alternate_command
#These are evaluated in order to find a way to run a file. First
#match is used.
    command: "prove --nocolor -v ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Test
    rex: \.t$
    run_from: source_root_directory
    command: "perl -c ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\" 2>&1| perl -ne \"/Subroutine \\w+ redefined at/ or print\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Module
    rex: \.pm$
    run_from: source_root_directory
    command: "perl ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Script
    rex: \.pl$
    run_from: file_directory

  #This is a catch-all for all other types of files
    command: "perl ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: 'Script (no .pl)'
    rex: .
    run_from: file_directory

#Run File in Debugger Configuration.
#"C-o r d" to debug "command" and "C-u C-o r d" to debug alternate_command
#These are evaluated in order to find a way to debug a file. First
#match is used.
    command: "perl -d ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Test
    rex: \.t$
    debug_from: source_root_directory
    command: "perl -d ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Script
    rex: \.pl$
    debug_from: file_directory

    command: "perl -d ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: Module
    rex: \.pm$
    debug_from: source_root_directory

  #This is a catch-all for all other types of files
    command: "perl -d ${INC} \"${SOURCE_FILE}\""
    alternate_command: ""
    moniker: 'Script (no .pl)'
    rex: .
    debug_from: file_directory


=head2 nameFileCritic

The Perl::Critic config file name relative to the root dir.

Default: ./PerlySenseProject/.perlcritic

field "nameFileCritic" => ".PerlySenseProject/.perlcritic";

=head2 textCriticDefault

The default contents of the Perl::Critic config file

field "textCriticDefault" => q{#Default Perl Critic config file
#To enable Perl::Critic highlighting in your source code,
#edit .PerlysenseProject/project.yml and set flymake/critic: 1
#Make sure you read the documentation for Perl::Critic, and especially
#the config docs.
#You can obviously replace this file with your own Perl::Critic config
#file, or a symlink to it.

severity  = 5

theme = bugs + maintenance + security + complexity

#This one must be disabled, since flymake will create temp files which
#by definition never match the specified package name



=head2 dirRoot

The root directory of the loaded config, or undef if no config is
loaded yet.

Default: undef

field "dirRoot" => undef;

=head2 rhConfig

The hash ref with the currently loaded config.

Default: { }

field "rhConfig" => { };

=head2 new()

Create new object.

sub new(@) {
    my $pkg = shift;

    my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);

    $self->dirRoot and $self->loadConfig(dirRoot => $self->dirRoot);


=head1 METHODS

=head2 loadConfig(dirRoot => DIR)

Load the file for $dirRoot and set dirDoor and rhConfig.

Return 1 if the file could be loaded, else die, e.g. if the file
contains syntax errors.

sub loadConfig {
    my ($dirRoot) = Devel::PerlySense::Util::aNamedArg(["dirRoot"], @_);

    my $fileConfig = file($dirRoot, $self->nameFileConfig);
    my $sourceConfig = slurp($fileConfig) or
            die("Could not open config file ($fileConfig)\n");
    my ($rhConfig) = eval { YAML::Tiny::Load($sourceConfig) };
    $rhConfig or die("Could not read .PerlySense Project config file ($fileConfig): " . $YAML::Tiny::errstr . "\n");


    return 1;

=head2 createFileConfigDefault(dirRoot => DIR)

Create a config file under $dirRoot with the default config and load
it. Create directories as needed.

If there is an existing config file, rename it first to end with the
current time.

Return 1, or die on errors.


sub _createFileDefault {
    my ($fileConfig, $text) = Devel::PerlySense::Util::aNamedArg(["file", "text"], @_);

    my $dirConfig = dirname($fileConfig);
    -d $dirConfig or die("Could not create config directory ($dirConfig)\n");

    if(-e $fileConfig) {
        my $textTime = time2iso( time() );
        $textTime =~ s/\W+/_/g;
        my $fileConfigBackup = $fileConfig . "." . $textTime;

        rename($fileConfig, $fileConfigBackup)
                or die("Could not rename ($fileConfig) -> ($fileConfigBackup)\n");

    spew($fileConfig, $text) or
            die("Could not create config file ($fileConfig)\n");

    return 1;

sub createFileConfigDefault {
    my ($dirRoot) = Devel::PerlySense::Util::aNamedArg(["dirRoot"], @_);

        file => file($dirRoot, $self->nameFileConfig),
        text => $self->textConfigDefault,

    $self->loadConfig(dirRoot => $dirRoot);

    return 1;

=head2 createFileCriticDefault(dirRoot => DIR)

Create a Perl::Critic config file under $dirRoot with the default
config. Create directories as needed.

If there is an existing config file, rename it first to end with the
current time.

Return 1, or die on errors.

sub createFileCriticDefault {
    my ($dirRoot) = Devel::PerlySense::Util::aNamedArg(["dirRoot"], @_);

        file => file($dirRoot, $self->nameFileCritic),
        text => $self->textCriticDefault,

    return 1;



=head1 AUTHOR

Johan Lindström, C<< <johanl[ÄT]> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.



Copyright 2005 Johan Lindström, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
