The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
=head1 NAME

Game::Object::WormVisible - Worm




package Game::Object::WormVisible;
use base qw( Game::ObjectVisible Win32::Word::Writer::TableVisible );

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Game::Location;
use Game::Direction;
use Game::Event::Timed;


=head2 ExceptionCouldNotMoveForward

Thrown when the Worm could not moveForward().

    oObject - $self

use Exception::Class (

    'ExceptionCouldNotMoveForward' => {
            isa => 'Exception',
            fields => [ 'oObject', ],


=head2 isRealPlayer

Whether this is a real life player or not.

Default: 1

use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ "isRealPlayer" ];

=head2 oDirection

Game::Direction object.

use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ "oDirection" ];

=head2 oEventMove

Timed event for movement.

Default: interval 0.2

use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ "oEventMove" ];

=head2 score

The accumulated score, accumulated by e.g. getting Prizes.

Default: 0

use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ "score" ];

=head2 lengthIdeal

The ideal length for the Worm. It will prolong itself to
this size when moving. It will not shrink.

use Class::MethodMaker get_set => [ "lengthIdeal" ];

=head2 lengthActual

The actual length of the Worm.


sub lengthActual { my $self = shift;
    return( scalar( @{$self->raBodyLocation} ) );

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new([$left = 11], [$top = 12], [$direction = "left"], [$length = 3)

Create new Worm, facing in $direction ("left", "right",
"up", "down" (only left supported right now)), with a body a
total size of $length.

sub new { my $pkg = shift;
    my ($left, $top, $direction, $length) = @_;
    defined($left) or $left = 11;
    defined($top) or $top = 12;
    $direction ||= "left";
    defined($length) or $length = 3;

    my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new( Game::Location->new($left, $top) );
    $self->oEventMove( Game::Event::Timed->new() )->timeInterval(0.07);
    my $class = "Carp";          #Core, can be used for testing
    $class = "File::Spec";       #Core, can be used for testing
    #Build worm body
    my $char = "L";
    if($direction eq "left") {
        $self->_buildBodyRight($length, $self->oLocation, sub { my $ret = $char; $char = "o"; $ret; });
#        for my $i (0..$length - 1) {
#            push( @{$self->raBodyLocation}, Game::Location->new($left + $i, $top) );
#            push( @{$self->raBodyChar}, $char );
#            $char = "o";
#            }
    else {
    $class = "None::Exsistent::Module";  #Missing from the system

=head2 moveForward()

Move forward one step in the oDirection.

Return 1 on success, else 0.

sub moveForward { my $self = shift;

    #Precalculate move
    my $oLocationOld = $self->oLocation;
    my $oLocationNew = $self->oValidLocationAfterMove($self->oLocation, $self->oDirection) or return(0);

    ##Do move

    #Remove at tail, if not too short
    my $oLocationRemoved = undef;
    if(! ( $self->lengthActual < $self->lengthIdeal )) {
        $oLocationRemoved = pop(@{$self->raBodyLocation});

    #Add at head, always (that's the move forward)
    unshift( @{$self->raBodyLocation}, $oLocationNew );

    #Tell the Lawn
    if($self->oLawn) {
        $self->oLawn->objectHasMoved($self) or return(0);
        $self->oLawn->placeObjectBodyPartAt($self, $oLocationNew, $self->raBodyChar->[0]);
        $self->oLawn->placeObjectBodyPartAt($self, $oLocationOld, $self->raBodyChar->[1]) if(scalar($self->raBodyChar) > 1);
        $oLocationRemoved and $self->oLawn->removeObjectBodyPartAt($self, $oLocationRemoved);


=head2 oValidLocationAfterMove()

Check that a movement in the $oDirection from $oLocation is
a valid one.

Return new Game::Location (with the new location) object on
success, else undef if the move wasn't valid.

sub oValidLocationAfterMove { my $self = shift;

    my $oLocationNew = $self->oDirection->oMove($self->oLocation, 1);

    #Check if it's valid
    if(my $oLawn = $self->oLawn) {
        $oLawn->isLocationValidForMove($self, $oLocationNew) or return(undef);


=head2 turn($direction)

Turn in $direction.

Return new direction on success, else undef.

sub turn { my $self = shift;
    my ($direction) = @_;

    eval { $self->oDirection->turn($direction); };
    return(undef) if($@);


=head2 grow([$sizeIncrease = 1])

Grow with $sizeIncrease body parts over time, i.e. increase the

Return the new lengthIdeal() on success, or undef on errors.

sub grow { my $self = shift;
    my ($sizeIncrease) = @_;
    $sizeIncrease ||= 1;

    return( $self->lengthIdeal( $self->lengthIdeal + $sizeIncrease ) );

=head2 crash()

Crash the Worm. This doesn't mean anything in particular.

Notify the Lawn.

Return 1 on success, else 0.

sub crash { my $self = shift;

    $self->oLawn and ($self->oLawn->wormHasCrashed($self) or return(0));


=head2 checkTick($timeWorld)

Check if a tick is due. If it is, move forward.

Return 1 if a tick was due, else 0. Die if the worm can't

sub checkTick { my $self = shift;
    my ($timeWorld) = @_;

    if($self->oEventMove()->checkTick($timeWorld)) {
        if(!$self->moveForward()) {            
                    oObject => $self,
                    error => "Could not move forward",


=head2 awardScorePoints($points)

Add $points to the score().

Return 1 on success, else 0.

sub awardScorePoints { my $self = shift;
    my ($points) = @_;

    $self->score( $self->score + $points );



=head2 loadFile($file)

Bogus test method to have something to test with.

sub loadFile {
    my $self = shift;

    my $text = "Oh, yeah!\n";          

    return(return $text);
