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package ASP4::SessionStateManager;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'Ima::DBI::Contextual';
use HTTP::Date qw( time2iso time2str str2time );
use Time::HiRes 'gettimeofday';
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Storable qw( freeze thaw );
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use ASP4::ConfigLoader;

sub new
  my ($class, $r) = @_;
  my $s = bless { }, $class;
  my $conn = context()->config->data_connections->session;
  local $^W = 0;
  my $id = $s->parse_session_id();
  unless( $id && $s->verify_session_id( $id, $conn->session_timeout ) )
    $s->{SessionID} = $s->new_session_id();
    return $s->create( $s->{SessionID} );
  }# end unless()
  return $s->retrieve( $id );
}# end new()

sub context { ASP4::HTTPContext->current }

sub is_read_only
  my ($s, $val) = @_;
  if( defined($val) )
    $s->{____is_read_only} = $val;
    return $s->{____is_read_only};
  }# end if()
}# end is_readonly()

sub parse_session_id
  my $session_config = context()->config->data_connections->session;
  my $cookie_name = $session_config->cookie_name;
  my ($id) = ($ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}||'') =~ m/\b\Q$cookie_name\E\=([a-f0-9]{32,32})/s;

  return $id;
}# end parse_session_id()

sub new_session_id { md5_hex( join ':', ( context()->config->web->www_root, $$, gettimeofday() ) ) }

sub write_session_cookie
  my ($s, $r) = @_;
  my $config = context()->config->data_connections->session;
  my $domain = "";
  unless( $config->cookie_domain eq '*' )
    $domain = "domain=" . ( $config->cookie_domain || $ENV{HTTP_HOST} ) . ";";
  }# end unless()
  my $name = $config->cookie_name;
  my @cookie = (
    'Set-Cookie' => "$name=$s->{SessionID}; path=/; $domain"
  context()->headers_out->push_header( @cookie );
}# end write_session_cookie()

sub verify_session_id
  my ($s, $id, $timeout ) = @_;
  my $is_active;
  if( $timeout eq '*' )
    local $s->db_Session->{AutoCommit} = 1;
    my $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare(<<"");
      SELECT count(*)
      FROM asp_sessions
      WHERE session_id = ?

    $sth->execute( $id );
    ($is_active) = $sth->fetchrow();
    my $range_start = time() - ( $timeout * 60 );
    local $s->db_Session->{AutoCommit} = 1;
    my $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare(<<"");
      SELECT count(*)
      FROM asp_sessions
      WHERE session_id = ?
      AND modified_on - created_on < ?

    $sth->execute( $id, $timeout );
    ($is_active) = $sth->fetchrow();
  }# end if()

  return $is_active;
}# end verify_session_id()

sub create
  my ($s, $id) = @_;
  local $s->db_Session->{AutoCommit} = 1;
  my $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare_cached(<<"");
    delete from asp_sessions
    where session_id = ?

  $sth->execute( $id );

  $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare_cached(<<"");
    INSERT INTO asp_sessions (
    VALUES (
      ?, ?, ?, ?

  my $time = time();
  my $now = time2iso($time);
  $s->{__lastMod} = $time;
  my %clone = %$s;
    freeze( \%clone ),
  return $s->retrieve( $id );
}# end create()

sub retrieve
  my ($s, $id) = @_;

  local $s->db_Session->{AutoCommit} = 1;
  my $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare_cached(<<"");
    SELECT session_data, modified_on
    FROM asp_sessions
    WHERE session_id = ?

  my $now = time2iso();
  $sth->execute( $id );
  my ($data, $modified_on) = $sth->fetchrow;
  $data = thaw($data) || { SessionID => $id };
  $s->{$_} = $data->{$_} for keys %$data;
  return $s;
}# end retrieve()

sub save
  my ($s) = @_;
  return unless $s->{SessionID};
  no warnings 'uninitialized';
#  $s->{__lastMod} = time();
  local $s->db_Session->{AutoCommit} = 1;
  my $sth = $s->db_Session->prepare_cached(<<"");
    UPDATE asp_sessions SET
      session_data = ?,
      modified_on = ?
    WHERE session_id = ?

  my %clone = %$s;
  delete $clone{____is_read_only};
  my $data = freeze( \%clone );
  $sth->execute( $data, time2iso(), $s->{SessionID} );
}# end save()

sub sign
  my $s = shift;
  $s->{__signature} = $s->_hash;
}# end sign()

sub _hash
  my $s = shift;
  no warnings 'uninitialized';
    join ":", 
      map { "$_:$s->{$_}" }
        grep { $_ ne '__signature' && $_ ne '____is_read_only' } sort keys(%$s)
}# end _hash()

sub is_changed
  my $s = shift;
  no warnings 'uninitialized';
  $s->_hash ne $s->{__signature};
}# end is_changed()

sub reset
  my $s = shift;
  delete($s->{$_}) for grep { $_ ne 'SessionID' } keys %$s;
}# end reset()

  my $s = shift;
  return undef(%$s) unless $s->{SessionID};
  unless( $s->is_read_only )
    $s->save;# if $s->is_changed;
  }# end unless()
}# end DESTROY()

1;# return true:


=head1 NAME

ASP4::SessionStateManager - Per-user state persistence


  You've seen this page <%= $Session->{counter}++ %> times before.


Web applications require session state management - and the simpler, the better.

C<ASP4::SessionStateManager> is a simple blessed hash.  When it goes out of scope,
it is saved to the database (or whatever).

If no changes were made to the session, it is not saved.


=head2 is_read_only( 1:0 )

Starting with version 1.044, setting this property to a true value will prevent
any changes made to the contents of the session during the current request from
being saved at the end of the request.

B<NOTE:> A side-effect is that calling C<< $Session->save() >> after calling C<< $Session->is_read_only(1) >>
will B<*NOT*> prevent changes from being saved B<ON PURPOSE>.  Explicitly calling C<< $Session->save() >>
will still cause the session data to be stored.  Setting C<< $Session->is_read_only(1) >> will only
prevent the default behavior of saving session state at the end of each successful request.


=head2 save( )

Causes the session data to be saved. (Unless C<< $Session->is_read_only(1) >> is set.)

=head2 reset( )

Causes the session data to be emptied.

=head1 BUGS

It's possible that some bugs have found their way into this release.

Use RT L<> to submit bug reports.


Please visit the ASP4 homepage at L<> to see examples
of ASP4 in action.
