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package AWS::S3::FileIterator;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'Iterator::Paged';
use Carp 'confess';
use AWS::S3::Owner;
use AWS::S3::File;

sub _init
  my ($s) = @_;
  foreach(qw( bucket page_size page_number ))
    confess "Required argument '$_' was not provided"
      unless $s->{$_};
  }# end foreach()
  $s->{marker} = '' unless defined($s->{marker});
  $s->{__fetched_first_page} = 0;
  $s->{data} = [ ];
  $s->{pattern} ||= qr(.*);
}# end _init()

sub marker    { shift->{marker}     }
sub pattern   { shift->{pattern}    }
sub bucket    { shift->{bucket}     }
sub page_size { shift->{page_size}  }

sub has_prev
  my $s = shift;
  return $s->page_number > 1;
}# end has_prev()

sub has_next  { shift->{has_next} }

sub page_number
  my $s = shift;
  @_ ? $s->{page_number} = $_[0] - 1 : $s->{page_number}
}# end page_number()

# S3 returns files 100 at a time.  If we want more or less than 100, we can't
# just fetch the next page over and over - that would be inefficient and likely
# to cause errors.

# If the page size is 5 and page number is 2, then we:
#   - fetch 100 items
#   - store them
#   - iterate internally until we get to 'page 2'
#   - return the result.
# If the page size is 105 and page number is 1, then we:
#   - fetch 100 items
#   - fetch the next 100 items
#   - return the first 105 items, keeping the remaining 95 items
#   - on page '2', fetch the next 100 items and return 105 items, saving 90 items.
# If the page size is 105 and page number is 3, then we:
#   - fetch items until our internal 'start' marker is 316-420
#   - return items 316-420
sub next_page
  my $s = shift;
  # Advance to page X before proceding:
  if( (!$s->{__fetched_first_page}++) && $s->page_number )
    # Advance to $s->page_number
    my $start_page = $s->page_number;
    my $to_discard = $start_page * $s->page_size;
    my $discarded = 0;
    while( 1 )
      my $item = $s->_next
        or last;
      $discarded++ if $item->{key} =~ $s->pattern;
      last if $discarded > $to_discard;
    }# end while()
  }# end if()
  my @chunk = ( );
  while( my $item = $s->_next() )
    next unless $item->{key} =~ $s->pattern;
    push @chunk, $item;
    last if @chunk == $s->page_size;
  }# end while()
  my @out = map {
    my $owner = AWS::S3::Owner->new( %{ $_->{owner} } );
    delete $_->{owner};
    AWS::S3::File->new( %$_, owner => $owner );
  } @chunk;
  return unless @out;
  wantarray ? @out : \@out;
}# end next_page()

sub _next
  my $s = shift;
  if( my $item = shift(@{$s->{data}}) )
    return $item;
    if( my @chunk = $s->_fetch() )
      push @{$s->{data}}, @chunk;
      return shift(@{$s->{data}});
    }# end if()
  }# end if()
}# end _next()

sub _fetch
  my ($s) = @_;

  my $path = $s->{bucket}->name . '/';
  my %params = ();
  $params{marker} = $s->{marker} if $s->{marker};
  $params{prefix} = $s->{prefix} if $s->{prefix};
  $params{max_keys} = 1000;
  $params{delimiter} = $s->{delimiter} if $s->{delimiter};
  my $type = 'ListBucket';
  my $request = $s->{bucket}->s3->request( $type,
    bucket  => $s->{bucket}->name
  my $response = $request->request( );

  $s->{has_next} = ($response->xpc->findvalue('//s3:IsTruncated') || '') eq 'true' ? 1 : 0;

  my @files = ( );
  foreach my $node ( $response->xpc->findnodes('//s3:Contents') )
    my ($owner_node) = $response->xpc->findnodes('.//s3:Owner', $node);
    my $owner = {
      id            => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:ID', $owner_node),
      display_name  => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:DisplayName', $owner_node)
    my $etag = $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:ETag', $node);
    push @files, {
      bucket        => $s->{bucket},
      key           => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:Key', $node),
      lastmodified  => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:LastModified', $node),
      etag          => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:ETag', $node),
      size          => $response->xpc->findvalue('.//s3:Size', $node),
      owner         => $owner,
  }# end foreach()
  if( @files )
    $s->{marker} = $files[-1]->{key};
  }# end if()
  return unless defined wantarray;
  @files ? return @files : return;
}# end _fetch()

1;# return true:


=head1 NAME

AWS::S3::FileIterator - Easily access and iterate through your S3 files.


  # Iterate through all ".txt" files, 100 at a time:
  my $iter = $bucket->files(
    # Required params:
    page_size   => 100,
    page_number => 1,
    # Optional params:
    pattern     => qr(\.txt$)
  while( my @files = $iter->next_page )
    warn $iter->page_number, "\n";
    foreach my $file ( @files )
      print "\t", $file->key, "\n";
    }# end foreach()
  }# end while()


AWS::S3::FileIterator provides a means of I<iterating> through your S3 files.

If you only have a few files it might seem odd to require an iterator, but if you
have thousands (or millions) of files, the iterator will save you a lot of effort.


=head2 has_prev

Boolean - read-only

=head2 has_next

Boolean - read-only

=head2 page_number

Integer -  read-write

=head2 marker

String - read-only

Used internally to tell Amazon S3 where the last request for a listing of files left off.

=head2 pattern

Regexp - read-only

If supplied to the constructor, only files which match the pattern will be returned.


=head2 next_page()

Returns the next page of results as an array in list context or arrayref in scalar context.

Increments C<page_number> by one.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<The Amazon S3 API Documentation|>





L<Iterator::Paged> - on which this class is built.

=head1 AUTHOR

John Drago <>


This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same
terms as any version of perl itself.

Copyright John Drago 2011 all rights reserved.
