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package Class::DBI::Lite::mysql;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'Class::DBI::Lite';
use Class::DBI::Lite::TableInfo;
use Carp 'confess';

sub set_up_table
  my $s = shift;
  # Get our columns:
  my $table = shift;
  $s->_init_meta( $table );
}# end set_up_table()

sub get_tables
  my ($s, $schema) = @_;
  ($schema) = $schema =~ m/DBI\:mysql\:([^:]+)/;
  my $sth = $s->db_Main->prepare(<<"");
select table_name
from information_schema.tables
where table_schema = ?
and table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

  $sth->execute( $schema );
  my @out = ( );
  while( my ($name) = $sth->fetchrow )
    push @out, $name;
  }# end while()
  @out ? return @out : return;
}# end get_tables()

sub get_meta_columns
  my ($s, $schema, $table) = @_;
  ($schema) = $schema =~ m/DBI\:mysql\:([^:]+)/;
  # Get our columns:
  my $sth = $s->db_Main->prepare(<<"");
    SELECT *
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = ?
    AND table_name = ?

  # Simple discovery of fields and PK:
  $sth->execute( $schema, $table );
  my @cols = ( );
  my $PK;
  while( my $rec = $sth->fetchrow_hashref )
    $rec->{ lc($_) } = delete($rec->{$_}) foreach keys(%$rec);
    # Is this the primary column?:
    $PK = $rec->{column_name}
      if  $rec->{column_key} &&
          lc($rec->{column_key}) eq 'pri';
    push @cols, $rec->{column_name};
  }# end while()
  confess "Table " . $schema . ".$table doesn't exist or has no columns"
    unless @cols;
  return {
    Primary   => [ $PK ],
    Essential => \@cols,
    All       => \@cols,
}# end get_meta_columns()

sub after_set_up_table { }

sub get_table_info
  my $s = shift;
  my $class = ref($s) || $s;
  my $cur = $class->db_Main->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $class->table);
  my $info = Class::DBI::Lite::TableInfo->new( $class->table );
  my %key_types = (
    UNI => 'unique',
    PRI => 'primary_key'
  while( my $res = $cur->fetchrow_hashref )
    $res->{lc($_)} = delete($res->{$_}) foreach keys(%$res);
    my ($type) = $res->{type} =~ m/^([^\(\)]+)/;
    my $length;
    if( $type =~ m/(text|varchar|char)/i )
      ($length) = $res->{type} =~ m/\((\d+)\)/;
    }# end if()
    # If it's an enum, we want to provide a list of possible values:
    my %enum_args = ( );
    if( lc($type) eq 'enum' )
      my $val = "$res->{type}";
      $val =~ s/^enum\(//;
      $val =~ s/\)$//;
      my @vals = grep { length($_) } map {
        $_ =~ s/^'//;
        $_ =~ s/'$//;
      } split /,\s*/, $val;
      $enum_args{enum_values} = \@vals;
    }#end if()
      name          => $res->{field},
      type          => lc($type),
      length        => $length,
      is_pk         => $res->{key} eq 'PRI' ? 1 : 0,
      is_nullable   => $res->{null} eq 'NO' ? 0 : 1,
      default_value => $res->{default},
      key           => $key_types{ $res->{key} },
  }# end while()
  return $info;
}# end get_table_info()

sub get_last_insert_id
}# end get_last_insert_id()

sub lock_table
  my ($s, $table) = @_;
  $s->db_Main->do("lock tables $table read");
}# end lock_table()

sub unlock_table
  shift->db_Main->do("unlock tables");
}# end unlock_table()

1;# return true: