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package Email::Blaster;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Carp 'confess';
use forks;
use forks::shared;
use POSIX 'ceil';
use HTTP::Date 'time2iso';
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday usleep );
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Email::Blaster::ConfigLoader;
use Email::Blaster::Event;
use Email::Blaster::Event::Type;
use Email::Blaster::Transmission;

our $VERSION = '1.0001';
our $InstanceClass = __PACKAGE__;
our $instance;
my @progress : shared = ( );

sub new
  my ($class) = @_;
  no strict 'refs';
  return ${"$InstanceClass\::instance"} if ${"$InstanceClass\::instance"};
  $class = ref($class) ? ref($class) : $class;
  my $s = ${"$InstanceClass\::instance"} = bless {
    config => Email::Blaster::ConfigLoader->load(),
    continue_running => 1,
  }, $class;
  # Load up our assembler:
  $s->_load_class( $s->config->message_assembler );
  $s->{message_assembler} = $s->config->message_assembler->new( );
  # Load up our sender:
  $s->_load_class( $s->config->mail_sender );
  $s->{mail_sender} = $s->config->mail_sender->new( );
  return $s;
}# end new()

sub run
  my ($s) = @_;
  # Wait until we get a new transmission, then process it:
  while( $s->continue_running )
    my $trans;
    warn "Waiting for a transmission...\n";
    unless( $trans = $s->find_new_transmission() )
    }# end unless();
    @progress = ( );
    warn "Processing $trans...\n";
    $trans->is_started( 1 );
    $trans->started_on( time2iso() );
    $trans->blaster_hostname( $s->config->hostname );
    # Call our initializer(s):
      type => 'init_transmission',
      transmission_id => $trans->id
    # Spread the workload across some workers:
    my @workers = ( );
    my @sendlogs = $trans->sendlogs;
    my @bulk_sendlogs = grep { ! $_->throttled_domain } @sendlogs;
    push @workers, $s->_init_throttled_workers( \@bulk_sendlogs );
    my $boss = threads->create(sub {
      while( $s->continue_running && grep { $_->is_running } @workers )
        my $running = scalar( grep { $_->is_running } @workers);
        my ( $ids, $processed );
        SCOPE: {
          $processed = scalar(@progress);
          $ids = [ @progress ];
          @progress = ( );
        $s->mark_sendlogs_as_finished( $ids ) if @$ids;
        # Also call our wait_cycle event:
        $s->wait_cycle( $running, $processed );
        warn "Waiting for $running workers - Finished $processed this round...\n";
      }# end while()
    # Call our initializer(s):
      type => 'begin_transmission',
      transmission_id => $trans->id
    # Wait for our workers to finish:
    $_->join foreach ( $boss, @workers );
    # Don't forget any straggler sendlogs:
    warn "Finished @{[ scalar(@progress) ]} in cleanup...\n";
    $s->mark_sendlogs_as_finished( [ @progress ] ) if @progress;
    # Mark it as completed:
    $trans->is_completed( 1 );
    $trans->completed_on( time2iso() );
    # Call our initializer(s):
      type => 'end_transmission',
      transmission_id => $trans->id
  }# end while()
}# end run()

sub wait_cycle
  my ($s, $running, $processed) = @_;
  # Do nothing here:
}# end wait_cycle()

sub send_message
  my ($s, $sendlog, $transmission) = @_;
  my $msg = $s->message_assembler->assemble(
    blaster       => $s,
    subject       => $msg->{subject},
    content       => $msg->{content},
    transmission  => $transmission,
    sendlog       => $sendlog,
}# end send_message()

sub _init_throttled_workers
  my ($s, $bulk_sendlogs) = @_;
  my @workers = ( );
  my $per_worker = ceil( scalar(@$bulk_sendlogs) / $s->config->max_bulk_workers );
  while( my @chunk = splice(@$bulk_sendlogs, 0, $per_worker) )
    push @workers, threads->create(sub {
      my $sendlogs = shift;
      my $trans;
      map {
        $trans ||= $_->transmission;
        my $queued_as = $s->send_message(
        lock( @progress );
        push @progress, $_->id . ':' . $queued_as;
      } @$sendlogs;
    }, \@chunk);
  }# end while()
  return @workers;
}# end _init_throttled_workers()

sub mark_sendlogs_as_finished
  my ($s, $items) = @_;
  my $sth = Email::Blaster::Model->db_Main->prepare(<<"SQL");
UPDATE sendlogs SET
  is_sent = 1,
  queued_as = ?,
  sent_on = '@{[ time2iso ]}'
WHERE sendlog_id  = ?
  foreach my $item ( @$items )
    my ($id, $queued_as) = split /:/, $item;
    $sth->execute( $queued_as, $id );
  }# end foreach()
}# end mark_sendlogs_as_finished()

sub find_new_transmission;

sub current { $instance || shift->new }
sub config  { shift->{config} }
sub message_assembler { shift->{message_assembler} }
sub mail_sender { shift->{mail_sender} }

sub continue_running
  my ($s) = shift;
  @_ ? $s->{continue_running} = shift : $s->{continue_running};
}# end continue_running()

sub handle_event
  my ($s, %args) = @_;
  my ($type) = Email::Blaster::Event::Type->search( event_type_name => delete($args{type}) );

  my $event = Email::Blaster::Event->create(
    event_type_id => $type->id,
  my $group = $type->event_type_name;
  map {
    $s->_load_class( $_ );
    $_->new->run( $event );
  } @{ $s->config->handlers->$group->handler };
}# end handle_event()

sub _load_class
  my ($s, $class) = @_;
  (my $file = "$") =~ s/::/\//g;
  eval { require $file unless $INC{$file}; 1 } or confess "Cannot load $class: $@";
}# end _load_class()

1;# return true:



=head1 NAME

Email::Blaster - Scalable Mass Email System


Generally, don't use this module from your code.  Use the supplied scripts instead.


Email::Blaster is the latest in a B<long, long> line of mass-emailer systems I
have written since 2002.

This version has many features.

=over 4

=item * Clustering Support

Uses memcached and libevent to do the heavy lifting.

=item * Testing mode.

Send a few messages to yourself before you turn on the firehose.

=item * Domain-based throttling with hourly limits.

Never get blacklisted again because of email flooding too quickly from your network.

=item * Configurable (and subclassable) behaviors and components.

If configuration alone doesn't get you what you want, you can always subclass
something (i.e. MailSender or MaillogWatcher) to get the desired behavior.

=item * Scales Out Well (Clustering).

Designed to spread the work out across many, many, many servers.  If your email
list has 1Million subscribers, you could *reliably* send your messages to them
in a matter of minutes.

Add more servers, get more capacity and throughput.

=item * Event handlers (in serial).

Handle server-level events with a simple plugin.  Events like server startup and
shutdown, the start or end of a transmission, etc.

More details to follow.



Email::Blaster offers the following events, which can be handled by one or more
subclasses of the appropriate class:

=head2 server_startup

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::ServerStartupHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head2 server_shutdown

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::ServerShutdownHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head2 init_transmission

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::TransmissionInitHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head2 begin_transmission

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::TransmissionBeginHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head2 end_transmission

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::TransmissionEndHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head2 message_bounced

Subclass L<Email::Blaster::MessageBouncedHandler> and add the following to your config:


=head1 SUPPORT

Visit L<> or email the author at <>

Commercial support and installation is available.

=head1 AUTHOR

John Drago <>

Copyright (C) 2008 by John Drago

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
