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package OpenERP::OOM::Object::Base;

use 5.010;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
use Moose;
use Try::Tiny;

extends 'Moose::Object';
with 'OpenERP::OOM::DynamicUtils';

=head1 NAME



 my $obj = $schema->class('Name')->create(\%args);
 say $obj->id;
 $obj->name('New name');


Provides a base set of properties and methods for OpenERP::OOM objects (update, delete, etc).


=head2 id

Returns the OpenERP ID of an object.

 say $obj->id;

=head2 BUILD

The BUILD method sets up the methods for the links to the attached objects.


has 'id' => (
    isa => 'Int',
    is  => 'ro',

sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;
    # Add methods to follow links
    my $links = $self->meta->link;
    while (my ($name, $link) = each %$links) {
        given ($link->{type}) {
            when ('single') {
                    sub {
                        my $obj = shift;
                        $obj->{"_$name"} //= $obj->class->schema->link($link->{class})->retrieve($link->{args}, $obj->{$link->{key}});
                        unless ($obj->{"_$name"}) {
                            # FIXME: If $obj->{"_$name"} is undefined, we have a data integrity problem.
                            # Either the linked data is missing, or the key in the OpenERP object is missing.
                            die "Error linking to OpenERP object " . $obj->id . " of class " . ref($obj);
                        # FIXME: At the moment the _source() method is created every time the linked
                        # object is accessed, which is sub-optimal to say the least.
                        # However, when adding the 'unless' line it fails so don't try and
                        # optimise it that way again JJ!
                        # Note: the _source() method is being added to the class, not the object.
                        # This is why there is occasional 'bleed-thorough' between different objects,
                        # which explains why we have to add the method each time the object is accessed.
                        #unless ($obj->{"_$name"}->can('_source')) {
                            #warn "Adding _source method to related object $name";
                                sub { return $obj }
                        return $obj->{"_$name"};
            when ('multiple') {
                    sub {
                        return $self->class->schema->link($link->{class})->retrieve_list($link->{args}, $self->{$link->{key}});


=head1 METHODS

=head2 update

Updates an object in OpenERP after its properties have been changed.

 $obj->name('New name');

Also allows a hashref to be passed to update multiple properties:

    name  => 'new name',
    ref   => 'new reference',
    price => 'new price',


sub update {
    my $self = shift;
    if (my $update = shift) {
        while (my ($param, $value) = each %$update) {
    my $object;
    foreach my $attribute ($self->dirty_attributes) {
        next if ($attribute eq 'id');
        next if ($attribute =~ '^_');

        $object->{$attribute} = $self->{$attribute};

    my $relationships = $self->meta->relationship;
    while (my ($name, $rel) = each %$relationships) {
        if ($object->{$rel->{key}}) {
            given ($rel->{type}) {
                when ('one2many') {
                    delete $object->{$rel->{key}};  # Don't update one2many relationships
                when ('many2many') {
                    $object->{$rel->{key}} = [[6,0,$object->{$rel->{key}}]];

    # Force Str parameters to be object type RPC::XML::string
    foreach my $attribute ($self->meta->get_all_attributes) {
        if (exists $object->{$attribute->name}) {
            $object->{$attribute->name} = $self->prepare_attribute_for_send($attribute->type_constraint, $object->{$attribute->name});

    $self->class->schema->client->update($self->model, $self->id, $object);
    return $self;


=head2 update_single

Updates OpenERP with a single property of an object.

 $obj->name('New name');
 $obj->update_single('name');  # Only the 'name' property is updated


sub update_single {
    my ($self, $property) = @_;
    my $value = $self->{$property};
    # Check to see if the property is the key to a many2many relationship
    my $relationships = $self->meta->relationship;
    my ($key) = grep { $relationships->{$_}->{key} eq $property } keys %$relationships;
        my $rel = $relationships->{$key};
        if ($rel->{type} eq 'many2many') {
            $value = [[6,0,$value]];

    # Force Str parameters to be object type RPC::XML::string
    foreach my $attribute ($self->meta->get_all_attributes) {
        if ($attribute->name eq $property) {
            $value = $self->prepare_attribute_for_send($attribute->type_constraint, $value);
    $self->class->schema->client->update($self->model, $self->id, {$property => $value});
    return $self;


=head2 refresh

Reloads an object's properties from OpenERP.



sub refresh {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new = $self->class->retrieve($self->id);
    foreach my $attribute ($self->meta->get_all_attributes) {
        my $name = $attribute->name;
        $self->{$name} = ($new->$name);
    $self->mark_all_clean; # reset the dirty attribute
    return $self;


=head2 delete

Deletes an object from OpenERP.

 my $obj = $schema->class('Partner')->retrieve(60);


sub delete {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->class->schema->client->delete($self->model, $self->id);


=head2 print

This is a debug method.


sub print {
    my $self = shift;
    say "Print called";


=head2 real_create_related

This actually does the create related via OpenERP.

I'm not sure in what scenarios you should use it versus the scenario's you 
shouldn't.  Suck it and see.

It will create calls like this,

# DEBUG_RPC:rpc.request:('execute', 'db', 1, '*', ('stock.partial.picking', 'write', [1], {'product_moves_out': [(0, 0, {'prodlot_id': False, 'product_id': 16, 'product_uom': 1, 'quantity': 10.0})]}, {'lang': 'en_GB', 'search_default_available': 1, 'project_id': False, 'tz': False, '__last_update': {'stock.partial.picking,1': False}, 'active_model': '', 'section_id': False, 'contact_display': 'partner_address', 'active_ids': [3], 'active_id': 316}))

Note that it will not return the object created.


sub real_create_related
    my $self = shift;
    my $relation_name = shift;
    my $object = shift;

    # find relationship class
    my $class = $self->relationship_class($relation_name);
    my $data = $class->_collapse_data_to_ids($object);

    $self->class->schema->client->update($self->model, $self->id, {$relation_name => [[ 0, 0, $data ]]});

    # FIXME: need to check what happens to existing data
    # how do you add multiple objects ?

=head2 create_related

Creates a related or linked object.

     street   => 'Drury Lane',
     postcode => 'CV21 3DE',


sub create_related {
    my ($self, $relation_name, $object) = @_;
    ### Creating related object 
    ### $relation_name
    ### with initial data:
    ### $object
    if (my $relation = $self->meta->relationship->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('one2many') {
                my $class = $self->meta->name;
                if ($class =~ m/(.*?)::(\w+)$/) {
                    my ($base, $name) = ($1, $2);
                    my $related_class = $base . "::" . $relation->{class};
                    my $related_meta = $related_class->meta->relationship;
                    my $far_end_relation;
                    REL: for my $key (keys %$related_meta) {
                        my $value = $related_meta->{$key};
                        if ($value->{class} eq $name) {
                            $far_end_relation = $key;
                            last REL;
                    if ($far_end_relation) {
                        my $foreign_key = $related_meta->{$far_end_relation}->{key};
                        ### Far end relation exists
                            $foreign_key => $self->id,
                    } else {
                        my $new_object = $self->class->schema->class($relation->{class})->create($object);
                        unless (grep {$new_object->id} @{$self->{$relation->{key}}}) {
                            push @{$self->{$relation->{key}}}, $new_object->id;
            when ('many2many') {
                say "create_related many2many";
            when ('many2one') {
                say "create_related many2one";
    } elsif ($relation = $self->meta->link->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('single') {
                ### Creating linked object
                try {
                    my $id = $self->class->schema->link($relation->{class})->create($relation->{args}, $object);
                    ### Linked object created with key $id
                    $self->{$relation->{key}} = $id;
                    undef $self->{"_$relation_name"};
                } catch {
                    die "Error creating linked object: $_[0]";
            when ('multiple') {
                say "create_linked multiple";
    else {
        croak "Can not find relation $relation_name";

sub _id
    my $val = shift;
    return ref $val ? $val->id : $val;

=head2 find_related

Finds a property related to the current object.

    my $line = $po->find_related('order_lines', [ 'id', '=', 1 ]);

This only works with relationships to OpenERP objects (i.e. not DBIC) and 
to one2many relationships where the other side of the relationship has a field
pointing back to the object you are searching from.

In any other case the method will croak.

If the search criteria return more than one result it will whine.


sub find_related {
    my ($self) = shift;
    my @results = $self->search_related(@_);
    if(scalar @results > 1)
        # should this just croak?
        carp 'find_related returned more than 1 result';
        return $results[0];

=head2 relationship_class

Returns the OpenERP::OOM::Class object for the relationship passed in.

Obviously this only works for the OpenERP relationships.  It will croak
if you ask for a relationship to a DBIC object.


sub relationship_class
    my ($self, $relationship) = @_;
    if (my $relation = $self->meta->relationship->{$relationship}) {
        my $type = $relation->{type};
        croak 'Cannot get a class for a DBIC relationship' if $type eq 'single' 
                                                            || $type eq 'multiple';
        my $class = $relation->{class};
        return $self->class->schema->class($class);
    croak "Unable to find relation $relationship";

=head2 search_related

Searches for objects of a relation associated with this object.

    my @lines = $po->search_related('order_lines', [ 'state', '=', 'draft' ]);

This only works with relationships to OpenERP objects (i.e. not DBIC) and 
to one2many relationships where the other side of the relationship has a field
pointing back to the object you are searching from.

In any other case the method will croak.


sub search_related {
    my ($self, $relation_name, @search) = @_;

    # find the relation details and add it to the search criteria.
    if (my $relation = $self->meta->relationship->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('one2many') {
                my $class = $self->meta->name;
                if ($class =~ m/(.*?)::(\w+)$/) {
                    my ($base, $name) = ($1, $2);
                    my $related_class = $self->class->schema->class($relation->{class});
                    my $related_meta = $related_class->object->meta->relationship;
                    my $far_end_relation;
                    REL: for my $key (keys %$related_meta) {
                        my $value = $related_meta->{$key};
                        if ($value->{class} eq $name) {
                            $far_end_relation = $key;
                            last REL;
                    if ($far_end_relation) {

                        my $foreign_key = $related_meta->{$far_end_relation}->{key};
                        push @search, [ $foreign_key, '=', $self->id ];
                        return $related_class->search(@search);
                    } else {
                        # well, perhaps we could fix this, but I can't be bothered at the moment.
                        croak 'Unable to search_related without relationship back';
            when ('many2many') {
                croak 'Unable to search_related many2many relationships';
            when ('many2one') {
                croak 'Unable to search_related many2one relationships';
    } elsif ($relation = $self->meta->link->{$relation_name}) {
        croak 'Unable to search_related outside NonOpenERP';

    croak 'Unable to search_related'; # beat up the lame programmer who did this.


=head2 add_related

Adds a related or linked object to a one2many, many2many, or multiple relationship.

 my $partner  = $schema->class('Partner')->find(...);
 my $category = $schema->class('PartnerCategory')->find(...);
 $partner->add_related('category', $category);


sub add_related {
    my ($self, $relation_name, $object) = @_;

    if (my $relation = $self->meta->relationship->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('one2many') {
                # FIXME - is this the same process as adding a many2many relationship?
            when ('many2many') {
                push @{$self->{$relation->{key}}}, _id($object);
                $self->{$relation->{key}} = [uniq @{$self->{$relation->{key}}}];
    } elsif ($relation = $self->meta->link->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('multiple') {
                # FIXME - handle linked as well as related objects


=head2 set_related

Like the DBIx::Class set_related.  Sets up a link to a related object.


sub set_related {
    my ($self, $relation_name, $object) = @_;
    if (my $relation = $self->meta->relationship->{$relation_name}) {
        given ($relation->{type}) {
            when ('many2one') {
                $self->{$relation->{key}} = $object ? _id($object) : undef;
            when ('many2many') {
                my @array;
                    if(ref $object eq 'ARRAY')
                        @array = map { _id($_) } @$object;
                        push @array, _id($object);
                $self->{$relation->{key}} = \@array;
            default {
                carp "Cannot use set_related() on a $_ relationship";
    } else {
        carp "Relation '$relation_name' does not exist!";

=head2 execute_workflow

Performs an exec_workflow in OpenERP.  


Is likely to translate to something like this,

    # DEBUG_RPC:rpc.request:('exec_workflow', 'db', 1, '*', ('purchase.order', 'purchase_confirm', 24))

The 24 is the id of the object.


sub execute_workflow
    my ($self, $workflow) = @_;

    $self->class->schema->client->object_exec_workflow($workflow, $self->model, $self->id);

=head2 execute

Performs an execute in OpenERP.  


Is likely to translate to something like this,

    # DEBUG_RPC:rpc.request:('execute', 'gooner', 1, '*', ('stock.picking', 'action_process', [26], {'lang': 'en_GB', 'search_default_available': 1, 'active_ids': [316], 'tz': False, 'active_model': '', 'section_id': False, 'contact_display': 'partner_address', 'project_id': False, 'active_id': 316}))

The 26 is the id of the object.


sub execute
    my ($self, $action, $context) = @_;

    return $self->class->schema->client->object_execute($action, $self->model, [$self->id], $context);

=head2 get_report

To print a purchase order we need to send a report, then get it, then display it, then print it (and you don't want to know about all the traffic behind the scenes...)

The first step looks like this:

    # DEBUG_RPC:rpc.request:('report', 'aquarius_openerp_jj_staging', 1, '*', (u'purchase.quotation', [1], {'model': u'purchase.order', 'id': 1, 'report_type': u'pdf'}, {'lang': u'en_GB', 'active_ids': [1], 'tz': False, 'active_model': u'purchase.order', 'section_id': False, 'search_default_draft': 1, 'project_id': False, 'active_id': 1}))


sub get_report
    my ($self, $report_id) = @_;

    my $id = $self->class->schema->client->report_report($report_id, $self->id,
                model       => $self->model, 
                id          => $self->id,
                report_type => 'pdf',

    # the report_report function returns only a report id, which is all we need to pass to the next function call
    # but report_report_get don't work first time (?!) so we need to call it recursively until with get an answer
    my $data;
        $data = $self->class->schema->client->report_report_get($id);
        sleep 1;
    return $data;


=head1 AUTHOR

Jon Allen (JJ) - L<>


Copyright (C) 2010 Opus Vision Limited

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

