package Workflow::Condition::LazyAND;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.43';

use base qw( Workflow::Condition::Nested );
use Workflow::Exception qw( condition_error configuration_error );
use English qw( -no_match_vars );


my ($log);

sub _init {
    my ( $self, $params ) = @_;

    # This is a tricky one. The admin may have configured this by repeating
    # the param name "condition" or by using unique names (e.g.: "condition1",
    # "condition2", etc.). We'll need to string these back together as
    # an array.
    # Yes, I know. The regex doesn't require the suffix to be numeric.
    my @conditions = ();
    foreach my $key ( sort grep {m/^condition/} keys %{$params} ) {
        push @conditions, $self->normalize_array( $params->{$key} );
    $self->conditions( [@conditions] );


sub evaluate {
    my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
    my $conditions = $self->conditions;

    my $total = 0;

    foreach my $cond ( @{$conditions} ) {
        my $result = $self->evaluate_condition( $wf, $cond );
        if ( not $result ) {
            condition_error("Condition '$cond' returned 'false'");
        $total += $result;

    return $total
        || condition_error("No condition seems to have been run in LazyAND");




=head1 NAME



Using nested conditions (See Workflow::Condition::Nested), this evaluates
the given conditions using lazy-evaluation, returning I<true> if B<all>
nested conditions are I<true>. If a nested condition evaluates to I<false>,
further evaluation is aborted and I<false> is returned.


In condition.xml:

    <condition name="cond1" ... />
    <condition name="cond2" ... />
    <condition name="cond3" ... />

    <condition name="check_prereqs" class="Workflow::Condition::LazyAND">
        <param name="condition" value="cond1" />
        <param name="condition" value="cond2" />
        <param name="condition" value="cond3" />

In workflow.xml:

    <state name="CHECK_PREREQS" autorun="yes">
        <action name="null_1" resulting_state="HAVE_PREREQS">
            <condition name="check_prereqs" />
        <action name="null_2" resulting_state="FAILURE">
            <condition name="!check_prereqs" />



The following parameters may be configured in the C<param> entity of the
condition in the XML configuration:

=head2 condition, conditionN

The condition parameter may be specified as either a list of repeating
entries B<or> with a unique integer appended to the I<condition> string:

    <param name="condition" value="first_condition_to_test" />
    <param name="condition" value="second_condition_to_test" />


    <param name="condition1" value="first_condition_to_test" />
    <param name="condition2" value="second_condition_to_test" />

=head1 AUTHORS

See L<Workflow>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
