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package Workflow::State;

use warnings;
use strict;
use base qw( Workflow::Base );
use Log::Log4perl qw( get_logger );
use Workflow::Condition::Evaluate;
use Workflow::Exception qw( workflow_error condition_error );
use Exception::Class;
use Workflow::Factory qw( FACTORY );
use English qw( -no_match_vars );

$Workflow::State::VERSION = '1.45';

my @FIELDS   = qw( state description type );
my @INTERNAL = qw( _test_condition_count _factory );
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( @FIELDS, @INTERNAL );

my ($log);


sub get_conditions {
    my ( $self, $action_name ) = @_;
    return @{ $self->{_conditions}{$action_name} };

sub contains_action {
    my ( $self, $action_name ) = @_;
    return $self->{_actions}{$action_name};

sub get_all_action_names {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return keys %{ $self->{_actions} };

sub get_available_action_names {
    my ( $self, $wf, $group ) = @_;
    my @all_actions       = $self->get_all_action_names;
    my @available_actions = ();

    # assuming that the user wants the _fresh_ list of available actions,
    # we clear the condition cache before checking which ones are available

    foreach my $action_name (@all_actions) {

        #From Ivan Paponov
        my $action_group = $self->_factory()
            ->{_action_config}{ $self->type() }{$action_name}{'group'};

        if ( defined $group && length $group ) {
            if ( $action_group ne $group ) {

        if ( $self->is_action_available( $wf, $action_name ) ) {
            push @available_actions, $action_name;
    return @available_actions;

sub is_action_available {
    my ( $self, $wf, $action_name ) = @_;
    eval { $self->evaluate_action( $wf, $action_name ) };

    # Everything is fine
    return 1 unless( $EVAL_ERROR );

    # We got an exception, check if it is a Workflow::Exception
    return 0 if (Exception::Class->caught('Workflow::Exception'));

    $EVAL_ERROR->rethrow() if (ref $EVAL_ERROR);

    croak $EVAL_ERROR;


sub clear_condition_cache {
    my ($self) = @_;
    foreach my $condition ( keys %{ $self->{'_condition_result_cache'} } ) {
        delete $self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$condition};
            && $log->debug("Deleted cached condition result for $condition");

sub evaluate_action {
    my ( $self, $wf, $action_name ) = @_;
    $log ||= get_logger();

    my $state = $self->state;

    # NOTE: this will throw an exception if C<$action_name> is not
    # contained in this state, so there's no need to do it explicitly

    my @conditions = $self->get_conditions($action_name);
    foreach my $condition (@conditions) {
        my $condition_name;
        if ( exists $condition->{name} ) {    # hash only, no object
            $condition_name = $condition->{name};
        } else {
            $condition_name = $condition->name;
        my $orig_condition = $condition_name;
        my $opposite       = 0;

            && $log->debug("Checking condition $condition_name");

        if ( $condition_name =~ m{ \A ! }xms ) {

            # this condition starts with a '!' and is thus supposed
            # to return the opposite of an original condition, whose
            # name is the same except for the '!'
            $orig_condition =~ s{ \A ! }{}xms;
            $opposite = 1;
                && $log->debug(
                "Condition starts with a !: '$condition_name'");

        if ( exists $self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$orig_condition} ) {

            # The condition has already been evaluated and the result
            # has been cached
                && $log->debug(
                "Condition has been cached: '$orig_condition', cached result: ",
            if ( !$opposite ) {
                    && $log->debug("Opposite is false.");
                if ( !$self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$orig_condition} )
                        && $log->debug("Cached condition result is false.");
                    condition_error "No access to action '$action_name' in ",
                        "state '$state' because cached ",
                        "condition '$orig_condition' already ",
                        "failed before.";
            } else {

                # we have to return an error if the original cached
                # condition did NOT fail
                    && $log->debug("Opposite is true.");
                if ( $self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$orig_condition} ) {
                        && $log->debug("Cached condition is true.");
                    condition_error "No access to action '$action_name' in ",
                        "state '$state' because cached ",
                        "condition '$orig_condition' did NOT ",
                        "fail before and we are being asked ",
                        "for the opposite.";
        } else {

            # we did not evaluate the condition yet, we have to do
            # it now
            if ($opposite) {

                # so far, the condition is just a hash containing a
                # name. As the result has not been cached, we have
                # to get the real condition with the original
                # condition name and evaluate that
                $condition = $self->_factory()
                    ->get_condition( $orig_condition, $self->type() );
                && $log->debug( q{Evaluating condition '},
                $condition->name, q{'} );
            eval { $condition->evaluate($wf) };
            if ($EVAL_ERROR) {

                # Check if this is a Workflow::Exception::Condition
                if (Exception::Class->caught('Workflow::Exception::Condition')) {
                    # TODO: We may just want to pass the error up
                    # without wrapping it...
                    $self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$orig_condition} = 0;
                    if ( !$opposite ) {
                            && $log->debug("No access to action '$action_name', condition " .
                             "'$orig_condition' failed because ' . $EVAL_ERROR");

                        condition_error "No access to action '$action_name' in ",
                            "state '$state' because: $EVAL_ERROR";
                    } else {
                            && $log->debug("opposite condition '$orig_condition' failed because ' . $EVAL_ERROR");
                } else {
                        && $log->debug("Got uncatchable exception in condition $condition_name ");

                    # if EVAL_ERROR is an execption object rethrow it
                    $EVAL_ERROR->rethrow() if (ref $EVAL_ERROR ne'');

                    # if it is a string (bubbled up from die/croak), make an Exception Object
                    # For briefness, we just send back the first line of EVAL
                    my @t = split /\n/, $EVAL_ERROR;
                    my $ee = shift @t;
                    Exception::Class::Base->throw( error
                        => "Got unknown exception while handling condition '$condition_name' / " . $ee );
            } else {
                $self->{'_condition_result_cache'}->{$orig_condition} = 1;
                if ($opposite) {

                        && $log->debug(
                            "No access to action '$action_name', condition '$orig_condition' ".
                            "did NOT failed but opposite requested");

                    condition_error "No access to action '$action_name' in ",
                        "state '$state' because condition ",
                        "$orig_condition did NOT fail and we ",
                        "are checking $condition_name.";
                } else {

                    $log->is_debug &&
                            "condition '$orig_condition' failed, because '$EVAL_ERROR', " .
                            "but opposite requested");

            && $log->debug(
            "Condition '$condition_name' evaluated successfully");

sub get_next_state {
    my ( $self, $action_name, $action_return ) = @_;
    my $resulting_state = $self->{_actions}{$action_name}{resulting_state};
    return $resulting_state unless ( ref($resulting_state) eq 'HASH' );

    if ( defined $action_return ) {

       # TODO: Throw exception if $action_return not found and no '*' defined?
        return $resulting_state->{$action_return} || $resulting_state->{'*'};
    } else {
        return %{$resulting_state};

sub get_autorun_action_name {
    my ( $self, $wf ) = @_;
    my $state = $self->state;
    unless ( $self->autorun ) {
        workflow_error "State '$state' is not marked for automatic ",
            "execution. If you want it to be run automatically ",
            "set the 'autorun' property to 'yes'.";
    $log ||= get_logger();

    my @actions   = $self->get_available_action_names($wf);
    my $pre_error = "State '$state' should be automatically executed but ";
    if ( scalar @actions > 1 ) {
        workflow_error "$pre_error there are multiple actions available ",
            "for execution. Actions are: ", join ', ', @actions;
    if ( scalar @actions == 0 ) {
            "$pre_error there are no actions available for execution.";
        && $log->debug(
        "Auto-running state '$state' with action '$actions[0]'");
    return $actions[0];

sub autorun {
    my ( $self, $setting ) = @_;
    if ( defined $setting ) {
        if ( $setting =~ /^(true|1|yes)$/i ) {
            $self->{autorun} = 'yes';
        } else {
            $self->{autorun} = 'no';
    return ( $self->{autorun} eq 'yes' );

sub may_stop {
    my ( $self, $setting ) = @_;
    if ( defined $setting ) {
        if ( $setting =~ /^(true|1|yes)$/i ) {
            $self->{may_stop} = 'yes';
        } else {
            $self->{may_stop} = 'no';
    return ( $self->{may_stop} eq 'yes' );


sub init {
    my ( $self, $config, $factory ) = @_;

    # Fallback for old style
    $factory ||= FACTORY;
    $log ||= get_logger();
    my $name = $config->{name};

    my $class = ref $self;

        && $log->debug("Constructing '$class' object for state $name");


    # Note this is the workflow type.
    $self->type( $config->{type} );
    $self->description( $config->{description} );

    if ( $config->{autorun} ) {
        $self->autorun( $config->{autorun} );
    } else {
    if ( $config->{may_stop} ) {
        $self->may_stop( $config->{may_stop} );
    } else {
    foreach my $state_action_config ( @{ $config->{action} } ) {
        my $action_name = $state_action_config->{name};
        my $resulting   = $state_action_config->{resulting_state};
        if ( my $resulting_type = ref $resulting ) {
            if ( $resulting_type eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    = $self->_assign_resulting_state_from_array( $action_name,
                    $resulting );
        $log->debug("Adding action '$action_name' to '$class' '$name'");
        $self->_add_action_config( $action_name, $state_action_config );

sub _assign_resulting_state_from_array {
    my ( $self, $action_name, $resulting ) = @_;
    my $name          = $self->state;
    my @errors        = ();
    my %new_resulting = ();
    foreach my $map ( @{$resulting} ) {
        if ( !$map->{state} or !defined $map->{return} ) {
            push @errors,
                "Must have both 'state' ($map->{state}) and 'return' "
                . "($map->{return}) keys defined.";
        } elsif ( $new_resulting{ $map->{return} } ) {
            push @errors, "The 'return' value ($map->{return}) must be "
                . "unique among the resulting states.";
        } else {
            $new_resulting{ $map->{return} } = $map->{state};
    if ( scalar @errors ) {
        workflow_error "Errors found assigning 'resulting_state' to ",
            "action '$action_name' in state '$name': ", join '; ', @errors;
        && $log->debug( "Assigned multiple resulting states in '$name' and ",
        "action '$action_name' from array ok" );
    return \%new_resulting;

sub _add_action_config {
    my ( $self, $action_name, $action_config ) = @_;
    $log ||= get_logger();
    my $state = $self->state;
    unless ( $action_config->{resulting_state} ) {
        my $no_change_value = Workflow->NO_CHANGE_VALUE;
        workflow_error "Action '$action_name' in state '$state' does not ",
            "have the key 'resulting_state' defined. This key ",
            "is required -- if you do not want the state to ",
            "change, use the value '$no_change_value'.";
        && $log->debug("Adding '$state' '$action_name' config");
    $self->{_actions}{$action_name} = $action_config;
    my @action_conditions = $self->_create_condition_objects($action_config);
    $self->{_conditions}{$action_name} = \@action_conditions;

sub _create_condition_objects {
    my ( $self, $action_config ) = @_;
    $log ||= get_logger();
    my @conditions = $self->normalize_array( $action_config->{condition} );
    my @condition_objects = ();
    foreach my $condition_info (@conditions) {

        # Special case: a 'test' denotes our 'evaluate' condition
        if ( $condition_info->{test} ) {
            my $state  = $self->state();
            my $action = $action_config->{name};
            my $count  = $self->_get_next_condition_count();
            push @condition_objects,
                {   name  => "_$state\_$action\_condition\_$count",
                    class => 'Workflow::Condition::Evaluate',
                    test  => $condition_info->{test},
        } else {
            if ( $condition_info->{name} =~ m{ \A ! }xms ) {
                    && $log->debug(
                    "Condition starts with !, pushing hash with name only");

                # push a hashref only, not a real object
                # the real object will be gotten from the factory
                # if needed in evaluate_action
                push @condition_objects,
                    { 'name' => $condition_info->{name} };
            } else {
                    && $log->info(
                    "Fetching condition '$condition_info->{name}'");
                push @condition_objects,
                    ->get_condition( $condition_info->{name}, $self->type() );
    return @condition_objects;

sub _contains_action_check {
    my ( $self, $action_name ) = @_;
    unless ( $self->contains_action($action_name) ) {
        workflow_error "State '", $self->state, "' does not contain ",
            "action '$action_name'";

sub _get_next_condition_count {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Initialize if not set.
    my $count
        = defined $self->_test_condition_count()
        ? $self->_test_condition_count() + 1
        : 1;

    return $self->_test_condition_count($count);



=head1 NAME

Workflow::State - Information about an individual state in a workflow

=head1 VERSION

This documentation describes version 1.14 of this package


 # This is an internal object...
   <state name="Start">
     <action ... resulting_state="Progress" />
   <state name="Progress" description="I am in progress">
     <action ... >
        <resulting_state return="0" state="Needs Affirmation" />
        <resulting_state return="1" state="Approved" />
        <resulting_state return="*" state="Needs More Info" />
   <state name="Approved" autorun="yes">
     <action ... resulting_state="Completed" />


Each L<Workflow::State> object represents a state in a workflow. Each
state can report its name, description and all available
actions. Given the name of an action it can also report what
conditions are attached to the action and what state will result from
the action (the 'resulting state').

=head2 Resulting State

The resulting state is action-dependent. For instance, in the
following example you can perform two actions from the state 'Ticket
Created' -- 'add comment' and 'edit issue':

  <state name="Ticket Created">
     <action name="add comment"
             resulting_state="NOCHANGE" />
     <action name="edit issue"
             resulting_state="Ticket In Progress" />

If you execute 'add comment' the new state of the workflow will be the
same ('NOCHANGE' is a special state). But if you execute 'edit issue'
the new state will be 'Ticket In Progress'.

You can also have multiple return states for a single action. The one
chosen by the workflow system will depend on what the action
returns. For instance we might have something like:

  <state name="create user">
     <action name="create">
         <resulting_state return="admin"    state="Assign as Admin" />
         <resulting_state return="helpdesk" state="Assign as Helpdesk" />
         <resulting_state return="*"        state="Assign as Luser" />

So if we execute 'create' the workflow will be in one of three states:
'Assign as Admin' if the return value of the 'create' action is
'admin', 'Assign as Helpdesk' if the return is 'helpdesk', and 'Assign
as Luser' if the return is anything else.

=head2 Autorun State

You can also indicate that the state should be automatically executed
when the workflow enters it using the 'autorun' property. Note the
slight change in terminology -- typically we talk about executing an
action, not a state. But we can use both here because an automatically
run state requires that one and only one action is available for
running. That doesn't mean a state contains only one action. It just
means that only one action is available when the state is entered. For
example, you might have two actions with mutually exclusive conditions
within the autorun state.

If no action or more than one action is available at the time the
workflow enters an autorun state, Workflow will throw an error. There
are some conditions where this might not be what you want. For example
when you have a state which contains an action that depends on some
condition. If it is true, you might be happy to move on to the next
state, but if it is not, you are fine to come back and try again later
if the action is available. This behaviour can be achived by setting the
'may_stop' property to yes, which will cause Workflow to just quietly
stop automatic execution if it does not have a single action to execute.


=head3 get_conditions( $action_name )

Returns a list of L<Workflow::Condition> objects for action
C<$action_name>. Throws exception if object does not contain
C<$action_name> at all.

=head3 contains_action( $action_name )

Returns true if this state contains action C<$action_name>, false if

=head3 is_action_available( $workflow, $action_name )

Returns true if C<$action_name> is contained within this state B<and>
it matches any conditions attached to it, using the data in the
context of the C<$workflow> to do the checks.

=head3 evaluate_action( $workflow, $action_name )

Throws exception if action C<$action_name> is either not contained in
this state or if it does not pass any of the attached conditions,
using the data in the context of C<$workflow> to do the checks.

=head3 get_all_action_names()

Returns list of all action names available in this state.

=head3 get_available_action_names( $workflow, $group )

Returns all actions names that are available given the data in
C<$workflow>. Each action name returned will return true from
$group is optional parameter. If it is set, additional check for group
membership will be performed.

=head3 get_next_state( $action_name, [ $action_return ] )

Returns the state(s) that will result if action C<$action_name>
is executed. If you've specified multiple return states in the
configuration then you need to specify the C<$action_return>,
otherwise we return a hash with action return values as the keys and
the action names as the values.

=head3 get_autorun_action_name( $workflow )

Retrieve the action name to be autorun for this state. If the state
does not have the 'autorun' property enabled this throws an
exception. It also throws an exception if there are multiple actions
available or if there are no actions available.

Returns name of action to be used for autorunning the state.

=head3 clear_condition_cache ( )

Empties the condition result cache for a given state.


All property methods act as a getter and setter. For example:

 my $state_name = $state->state;
 $state->state( 'some name' );


Name of this state (required).


Description of this state (optional).

=head3 autorun

Returns true if the state should be automatically run, false if
not. To set to true the property value should be 'yes', 'true' or 1.

=head3 may_stop

Returns true if the state may stop automatic execution silently, false
if not. To set to true the property value should be 'yes', 'true' or 1.


=head3 init( $config )

Assigns 'state', 'description', 'autorun' and 'may_stop' properties from
C<$config>. Also assigns configuration for all actions in the state,
performing some sanity checks like ensuring every action has a
'resulting_state' key.

=head1 SEE ALSO





Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHORS

Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn) E<lt>jonasbn@cpan.orgE<gt> is the current maintainer.

Chris Winters E<lt>chris@cwinters.comE<gt>
