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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

use DBIx::FileStore;
use DBIx::FileStore::UtilityFunctions qw(get_date_and_time);

# fdbtidy: cleans up stray blocks in an fdb database

my $verbose = 0;
my $clean = 0;


sub Usage {
        "fdbtidy [--verbose] [--clean]: Removes dangling FileDB blocks.\n";

sub main {
    GetOptions("verbose" => \$verbose,
                "clean" => \$clean ) || die Usage();

    my $filestore = new DBIx::FileStore();
    my $dbh = $filestore->{dbh};

    # THIS CODE SHOULD BE MOVED INTO A DBIx::FileStore method.
    $dbh->do( "lock tables files write, fileblocks write" );
    # get a list of all the files and their checksums, 
    my $files = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select name, c_len, c_md5 from files where b_num=0");
    for my $f (@$files) {
        $f->[0] =~ s/ 0+$//;
        print "fdbtidy: looking for blocks of file: $f->[0]...\n" if $verbose;

        # then delete blocks that are 'old' and not matching first block's checksum
        my $badblocks = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 
            "select name, lasttime from files 
            where name like ? and c_md5 != ?  having lasttime < ?", 
            {}, "$f->[0] %", $f->[2], get_date_and_time(time() - 60*60) );
        for my $b (@$badblocks) {
            if (!$clean) {
                warn "fdbtidy: IGNORING dangling blocks named '$b->[0]'\n";
            } else {
                warn "fdbtidy: DELETING dangling blocks named '$b->[0]'\n";
                $dbh->do("delete from files where name is ?", {}, $b->[0]);
                $dbh->do("delete from fileblocks where name is ?", {}, $b->[0]);
    $dbh->do( "unlock tables" );


=head1 NAME     
fdbtidy - Handle dangling blocks in the DBIx::FileStore filestore
=head1 SYNOPSIS     
    % fdbtidy 

shows if any rows in the fileblocks table don't have a corresponding
for in the files table.

    % fdbtidy -v

shows if any rows in the fileblocks table don't have a corresponding
for in the files table, and shows files being checked.

    % fdbtidy -clean

removes any dangling blocks found.


fdbtidy - looks for dangling blocks in the DBIx::FileStore filestore.

If --clean is used, it will clean up the dangling blocks.

If --verbose is used, it will show verbose data about what it's doing.

=head1 AUTHOR

Josh Rabinowitz <joshr>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBIx::FileStore>, L<fdbcat>,  L<fdbget>, L<fdbls>, L<fdbmv>,  L<fdbput>,  
L<fdbrm>,  L<fdbstat>