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package Sman::Util;
use Sman;	# for VERSION

#$Id:,v 1.42 2008/05/23 19:04:40 joshr Exp $

use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;	# to get perl version string
use File::Temp;	# used in RunCommand()

#  TODO: FIX THIS, to do... what?
use lib '/usr/local/lib/swish-e/perl';  # for source installs, so we can find
use lib '/usr/libexec/swish-e/perl/';   # for rpm installs, so we can find
use lib '/sw/lib/swish-e/perl';         # for fink-installed SWISH::DefaultHightlight. TODO: cleanup.

# this checks if the SWISH::API is recent enough to have 
# the features we use. returns 1 if yes, 0 otherwise
sub CheckSwisheVersion {
	#eval {	# wrap the version check in an EVAL in case of failure
	#	require SWISH::API;
	#	no strict 'vars';
	#	use vars qw( $SWISH::API::VERSION );
	#	unless ($SWISH::API::VERSION && $SWISH::API::VERSION >= 0.03) {
	#		$@ = "Can't run: need SWISH::API >= 0.03\n"; 
	#		return 0;
	#	}
	my $class = "SWISH::API";
	eval "require $class"; 	# if the class exists, this should load it
    if ($@) {
        warn "$0: Can't load $class\n";
        return 0;

	no strict 'vars';
	use vars qw( $SWISH::API::VERSION );
	unless ($SWISH::API::VERSION && $SWISH::API::VERSION >= 0.03) {
		# PAUSE namespace indexer complains about the line above:
			# " The PAUSE indexer was not able to parse the following line
			# in that file: C< unless ($SWISH::API::VERSION &&
			# $SWISH::API::VERSION >= 0.03) { > Note: the indexer is
			# running in a Safe compartement and cannot provide the full
			# functionality of perl in the VERSION line. It is trying
			# hard, but sometime it fails. As a workaround, please
			# consider writing a proper META.yml that contains a
			# 'provides' attribute (currently only supported by
			# Module::Build) or contact the CPAN admins to investigate
			# (yet another) workaround against "Safe" limitations.) "

		# I don't understand why the namespace indexer needs to parse (run) this function

        warn "$0: Can't run: need SWISH::API >= 0.03\n";
		$@ = "Can't run: need SWISH::API >= 0.03\n"; 	# SET $@ for caller, if they check
		return 0;
	return 1;  # it's OK

sub MakeXML { # output xml version of hash
   my $metas = shift;
   my $xml = join ("", 
   map { "<$_>\n" . XMLEscape($metas->{$_}) . "\n</$_>\n" }
   keys %$metas); 
   my $pre = qq{<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n\n};
   return qq{$pre<all>\n$xml\n</all>\n};

sub XMLEscape { 
   return "" unless defined($_[0]); 
	my $v = shift;
   $v =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
	$v =~ s/</&lt;/g;
	$v =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
   return $v;
sub ReadFile { 
	my $file = shift; 
	local( $/, *FFF );	# $/ is set to undef
	open(FFF, "$file") || warn "Couldn't open $file: $!" && return ""; 
	my $content = <FFF>;	# file slurped at once
	close(FFF) || warn "Error closing $file: $!";
	return $content;
sub WriteFile {
	my ($file, $contentref) = @_;
	open(FFF, ">" . "$file") || warn "Couldn't open $file: $!" && return 0;
	print FFF $$contentref;
	close(FFF) || warn "Error closing $file: $!";
	return $contentref; 

# RunCommand's block, to encapsulate @tmpfiles.
	my @tmpfiles = ();
	# given a command and optional tmpdir, returns (stdout, stderr, $?) 
	# uses the shell underneath
	sub RunCommand {
		my ($cmd, $tmpdir, $should_be_undef) = @_;
        die "$0: Internal Error: Sman::Util::RunCommand called with three arguments\n" 
            if $should_be_undef;
		$tmpdir = "/tmp" unless defined $tmpdir;
		my ($out, $err) = ("", "");
		my $r = sprintf("%04d", rand(9999));
		my ($ofh, $outfile) = File::Temp::tempfile( "cmd-out.XXXXX", DIR => $tmpdir);
		my ($efh, $errfile) = File::Temp::tempfile( "cmd-err.XXXXX", DIR => $tmpdir);
		# use two temporary filenames 
		my $torun = "$cmd 1>$outfile 2>$errfile";
		push(@tmpfiles, $outfile, $errfile);	# in case of SIG
		#print "RUNNING $torun\n";
		if ($?) {
			my $exit  = $? >> 8;
			my $signal = $? & 127;
			my $dumped = $? & 128;

			$err .= "** ERROR: $torun\n";
			$err .= "exitvalue $exit";
			$err .= ", got signal $signal" if $signal;
			$err .= ", dumped core" if $dumped;
			$err .= "\n";
		my $dollarquestionmark = $?;
		$out .= ReadFile($outfile);
		$err .= ReadFile($errfile);

		unlink($errfile) || warn "$0: couldn't unlink $errfile: $!";
		unlink($outfile) || warn "$0: couldn't unlink $outfile: $!";

		return ($out, $err, $dollarquestionmark);
	END {	# hopefully this will get triggered 
			# if RunCommand throws an exception
		for my $tmpfile (@tmpfiles) {
			unlink($tmpfile) || warn "** Couldn't unlink tmp file $tmpfile"; 

sub GetIndexDescriptionString {
	my ($index) = @_;
	my $indexmodtime = (stat($index))[9];
	return sprintf("Using index %s, %s\n", 
		$index, $indexmodtime ? "updated " . scalar(localtime( $indexmodtime ) ) : "(index not found)" );

sub GetVersionString {
	my ($prog, $swishecmd) = @_;
	require SWISH::API;	# for $VERSION
	require Sman;		# for $VERSION
	my $str = "$prog $Sman::VERSION, using SWISH::API $SWISH::API::VERSION";
	if ($swishecmd) {
		my $cmd = $swishecmd . " -V";
		my @lines = `$cmd`;
		if (defined($lines[0])) {
			($lines[0] =~ / ([\d.]+)/) && ($lines[0] = "Swish-e $1");
			$str .= ", $lines[0]";
	$str .=   ", and perl $Config{version}";
	return $str;

sub ExtractSummary {
	require SWISH::DefaultHighlight; 	# defer till now, so sman -V doesn't need SWISH::API
	my %header = (
		wordcharacters => q{0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz});
	my %highlight  = (
		show_words      => 4,    # Number of "swish words" words to show around highlighted word
		max_words       => 10,   # If no words are found to highlighted then show this many words
		occurrences     => 4,     # Limit number of occurrences of highlighted words
		highlight_on   => '*', # highlighting code
		highlight_off  => '*',

	my ($str, $termsref, $prefix, $width) = @_; 
	my $sho = new SWISH::DefaultHighlight( \%highlight, \%header );
	#my $sho = new SWISH::SimpleHighlight( \%highlight, \%header );
	my @phrases;
	for my $t (@$termsref) {
		my @list = ($t);
		push(@phrases, \@list);
	$sho->highlight(\$str, \@phrases, 'swishdescription');
	$str =~ s/&quot;/'/g;
	$str =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
	$str =~ s/&lt;/</g;
	$str =~ s/^\s+//;
	$str =~ s/\s+$//;
	$str = $prefix . $str;
	$str = substr($str, 0, $width-3) . "..." if length($str) > $width;
	return $str; 


=head1 NAME

Sman::Util - Utility functions for Sman

=head1 SYNOPSIS 

Sman::Util currently provides the following functions:

  # XMLEscape escapes XML
  my $str = Sman::Util::XMLEscape("a-fun#y&%$TRiñg");
  # MakeXML makes XML from a simple hash of names->strings
  my $xml = Sman::Util::MakeXML(\%somehash);	
  # ReadFile reads the contents of a file and returns it as a scalar
  my $content = Sman::Util::ReadFile("filename"); 
  # RunCommand uses the shell to capture stdout and stderr and $?
  # Pass command and tempdir to save its temp files in. 
  # tmpdir defaults to '/tmp'
  my ($out, $err, $dollarquestionmark) = Sman::Util::RunCommand("ls -l", "/tmp"); 

  # GetVersionString gives you a version string like 
  # 'sman v0.8.3 using SWISH::API v0.01 and Swish-e v2.4.0'
  # pass program name and the Swish-e command path
  my $vstr = Sman::Util::GetVersionString('prog', '/usr/local/bin/swish-e');

This module implements utility functions for sman-update and sman

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright Josh Rabinowitz 2004-2005 <joshr>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<sman-update>, L<sman>
