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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$ 
# ranked, enhanced 'apropos' emulator
use strict; 
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use Sman::Util; # for $VERSION
use Sman::IndexVersion;
use FindBin qw($Bin); 
use Sman::Config;
use bytes; # NOTE: swish-e won't understand UTF8/multi-byte chars

my ($max,$rankshow,$fileshow,$cnt,$help,$configfile) = (undef,0,0,0,0,"");
my $numbershow;
my $begin = 0;
my $verbose;
my $debug=0;    # undocumented, and can only be set from cmd line, for testing.
my $versionshow;
my $index = "";
my $repeatshow = 0;
my $quote = ""; # no quoting
my $extractshow;    # do we show extract of text?
my $digestshow;     # do we show the digest?
my $scheme = 1; # the default desired rankscheme


sub main {

    GetOptions( "max=i"   => \$max, 
                "index=s" => \$index,
                "config=s"=> \$configfile,
                "number!"  => \$numbershow,
                "repeats" => \$repeatshow,
                "begin=i" => \$begin,
                "rank!"    => \$rankshow,
                "file!"    => \$fileshow,
                "extract!" => \$extractshow,
                "digest!" => \$digestshow,
                "Debug!" => \$debug,
                "verbose!"=> \$verbose,
                "help!"    => \$help,
                "quote=s" => \$quote,
                "VERSION!" => \$versionshow,
                "scheme=n" => \$scheme,
    ) or ($help = 1);

    my ($width, $height) = (80, 24);
    if (-t STDIN && -t STDOUT) {    # if we're connected to a terminal, as per Perl Cookbook p.518
        eval {
            require 'Term/';     # we 'require' this so we don't require it :)
            ($width, $height) = (Term::Size::chars(*STDOUT{"IO"})); 
            # Term::Size::chars doesn't seem to work on OS X
            print "sman: Got width, height of $width, $height\n" if $debug;
            if($width && $height) { 
                $height = MAX(1, MIN(20, $height-3)); 
            } else {
                ($width, $height) = (80, 24); 

    my $smanconfig = new Sman::Config();    
    if ($configfile) {
        my $fileread = $smanconfig->ReadSingleConfigFile($configfile);
        if ($debug) { print "sman: Read config file $fileread.\n"; }
    } else {
        my $fileread = $smanconfig->ReadDefaultConfigFile($verbose);
    unless($max) {  
        # unless user set a max number of rows to show,
        # show 1/2 as many rows (because there's two lines for each hit)
        ($max) = (($extractshow) ? ($height/2) : ($height));    

    if (defined($verbose)) { $smanconfig->SetConfigData("VERBOSE", $verbose); }

    if (!$index && $smanconfig->GetConfigData("SWISHE_IndexFile")) {
        $index = $smanconfig->GetConfigData("SWISHE_IndexFile");
    unless($index) {
        $index = "sman.index";
    unless (-f $index || $index =~ m!/!) {
        $index = $Bin . "/" . $index;
    if ($help) {    # the search comes in through @ARGV
        print Usage();
    my $versionok = Sman::Util::CheckSwisheVersion();
    die "sman: swish-e not in PATH, /usr/local/lib not in ldconfig, or need newer version?: $!" unless $versionok;

    if ($versionshow) { # move this to Sman/ ?
        my $str = Sman::Util::GetVersionString("sman",
            $smanconfig->GetConfigData("SWISHECMD") || 'swish-e');
        print "$str\n";
        print Sman::Util::GetIndexDescriptionString( $index || "/dev/null");

    my $index_versions = new Sman::IndexVersion( $smanconfig );
    my $versions_hashref = $index_versions->get_versions();
    #if ($debug) { print Data::Dumper::Dumper( $versions_hashref ); }
    my ($rankscheme1_ok) = 
        (exists($versions_hashref->{SMAN_DATA_VERSION}) && 
    # will have values like 'VERSION' and 'SMAN_DATA_VERSION'

    if ($verbose) {
        print Sman::Util::GetIndexDescriptionString( $index || "/dev/null" );

    # we used to test for just "$index", but that fails on 2.6
    # "$index.prop" works for 2.4 & 2.6
    my $mtime =  sprintf("%0.1f", ((-M "$index.prop" || 0) / 30));
    if ($mtime >= 1) {
        my ($month) = ($mtime > 1 ? "months" : "month");
        warn "sman: Index $index $mtime $month old. Re-run sman-update!\n";

    my $query = join(" ", @ARGV); 
    my @parsed_query_words;
    my $handle;
    my $results;
    eval { 
        require SWISH::API; # defer to here so we can give a nicer error message
        $handle = SWISH::API->new($index); 
        if ($rankscheme1_ok) {
            print "Setting rank scheme\n" if $debug;
            $handle->RankScheme( $scheme );

        if ($query ne "") { 
            print "Setting query to '$query'\n" if $debug; 
            $results = $handle->Query( $query );    
            @parsed_query_words = $results->parsed_words( $index );

            # this aborts (uncatchably without an eval, in Swish-e 2.4.3) 
            #  if rankscheme is 1, unless index was built w/ 
            #  IgnoreTotalWordCountWhenRanking set to 0  

            print "Checking num hits\n" if $debug;
            if ( $results->Hits() <= 0 ) {
               warn "sman: No Results for '$query'.\n"; 
    if ($@) { 
            if (-e $index) {    # if  there is an index, assume it's a rankscheme error
                warn "sman: index not updated for new rankscheme.\n" if $verbose; 
                warn "sman: index not updated for new rankscheme: got error ($@)\n" if $debug; 

    exit(0) unless $query ne "";    # THERE IS NO QUERY

    my (%seen, %digests);
    my $numrepeats = 0;
    my @toshow = ();
    die "sman: Error: can't get results from swish-e. Bad index?\n" unless $results;
    while ( my $res = $results->NextResult() ) {
        next if ($begin && $cnt - $numrepeats <= $begin);
        my $isskippedrepeat = 0;
        my ($title, $sec, $desc, $digest, $manpage) = (
            $res->ResultPropertyStr( "swishtitle" ), 
            $res->ResultPropertyStr( "sec" ),
            $res->ResultPropertyStr( "desc" ),
            $res->ResultPropertyStr( "digest" ),
            $extractshow ? $res->ResultPropertyStr( "manpage" ) : "" );
        if ($digest eq "(null)") { $digest = ""; }  # fixup in case of old sman data
        $desc = "" unless defined($desc);
        chomp($desc);   # this should be done at parse time: TODO
        next unless ($title || $sec || $desc);
        unless($repeatshow) {
            my $k = "$title/$sec/$desc"; 
            $numrepeats++, $isskippedrepeat++ if (defined($seen{$k}) || defined($digests{$digest}));
            $digests{$digest}++ if $digest;
        next if ($isskippedrepeat);
        push(@toshow, [$title, $sec, $desc, $digest, $manpage, $res]);
        last if (scalar(@toshow) >= $max);
    for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@toshow) && $i < $max; $i++) {
        my ($title, $sec, $desc, $digest, $manpage, $res) = @ { $toshow[$i] };
        # this style, where we build up the output a little at a time, is very old-school
        # unixy c-ish, except we don't print the stuff immediately
        my $line = "";
        $line .= sprintf("#%d ", $i + $begin + 1) if $numbershow;
        $line .= sprintf("x%s.. ", substr($digest,0,4)) if $digestshow;
        $line .= sprintf("%4d ", $res->ResultPropertyStr( "swishrank" ))
            if $rankshow;

        $line .= sprintf("%-15s (%s) ", $quote.$title.$quote, $sec);
        my $sofarlen = length($line);
        my ($docpath) = ($fileshow ?  ($res->ResultPropertyStr( "swishdocpath" )) : ("") );
        my ($docpathlen) = ($docpath ? (length($docpath)+1) : (0) );
        my $descbytes = MAX(0, $width - $sofarlen - $docpathlen);
        if (length($desc) > $descbytes) {
            $desc = substr($desc, 0, $descbytes - 3 - 2*length($quote)) || "";
            $desc =~ s/\s+$//;  # remove trailing ws
            $desc .= "..." if (length($desc) <= $descbytes - 3 - 2*length($quote));
        $desc = $quote . $desc . $quote;    # if quote is empty this makes no change
        my $extrabytes = $descbytes - length($desc);    # how many spaces to fill?
        $desc .= " " x $extrabytes if ($extrabytes > 0);
        if ($descbytes > 0) {
           $line .= sprintf('%-' . $descbytes . 's', $desc);
        $line .= sprintf(" %s", $docpath) if $fileshow; 
        my ($nl) = (($^O =~ /cygwin/) ? "\r" : "\n");   
            #otherwise we get what looks like "\n\n" on cygwin!  Hoist this somewhere cleaner? TODO
        print "$line$nl";
        if ($extractshow) {
            my $manpage = $res->ResultPropertyStr("manpage") || "";
            if ($manpage eq "(null)") {
                $extractshow = 0;
            } else {
                $manpage =~ s/^(\s*)NAME:?\s*/$1/;  
                    # many manpages begin with NAME blah blah blah, strip that off
                    # because that data is in the other fields returned
                my $extract = Sman::Util::ExtractSummary($manpage, \@parsed_query_words, " " x 20, $width - 3);
                print $extract . "\n" if $extract;
                # strangely, on cygwin, this shows one newline, not "\n\n" like above
    if ($verbose) {
        printf "  (Total %d hits found", $results->Hits();
        print ", $numrepeats repeats not shown" if ($numrepeats);
        print ")\n";

sub check_for_swishe_error {
    my $handle = shift;
    if ( my $error = $handle->Error( ) ) {
        my $errstr = $handle->ErrorString();
        my $extra = "";
        if ($errstr =~ /is empty/) {
            $extra = "(perhaps you need to run sman-update?)";
        die "sman: Error: ",  join(": ", "'" . $handle->ErrorString() . "'", $extra) .  "\n";

sub Usage {
    return "Usage: sman [--max=#] [--rank] [--number] [--index='index'] \n" . 
          "            [--file] [--help] [--repeats] [--begin=#'] [--config=file]\n" .
          "            [--quote='\"'] [--verbose] [--VERSION] searchword [...]\n" . 
             "Ranked freetext searches on manpages.\n" . 
             "Options:\n" . 
             "  --max=#:                limit number of results, default 20\n" .
             "  --rank:                 show the rank of each hit\n" . 
             "  --number:               show the number of each hit\n" . 
             "  --index=index:          specify an index (overrides config)\n" . 
             "  --file:                 show the source man file for each hit\n" . 
             "  --help:                 this help information\n" .
             "  --repeats:              show repeat manpages\n" . 
             "  --begin=#:              start showing hits at number N\n" . 
             "  --config=my-sman.conf:  a config file (specs an index file)\n" . 
             "  --quote='\"':            specify a quoting char for output\n" . 
             "  --extract:              show extraction of manpage for each hit\n" . 
             "  --verbose:              show more output\n" .
             "  --VERSION:              show version and exit\n" .
             "  --scheme=[0|1]:         swish-e RankScheme to use. Default is 1\n";
sub MAX {
    my $max = shift;
    for (@_) { $max = $_ if $_ > $max; }
    return $max;
sub MIN {
    my $min = shift;
    for (@_) { $min = $_ if $_ < $min; }
    return $min;


=head1 NAME

sman - Perl program for searching man pages indexes built with sman-update


See 'sman --help'

  % sman -m 10 --file --rank linux kernel
    # show first 10 hits about the linux kernel
    # with the manpage's Rank and Filename

  % sman '(linux and kernel and module) or (eepro100 and ipchains)'
    # a more complex query


Sman is a Searcher for Man pages. 

=head1 AUTHOR

Josh Rabinowitz <joshr>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<sman>, L<sman-update>, L<sman.conf>
