Important things here and in code flagged with XXX


	Odd failure of test 11 under tcsh and win-bash because
	*reference* has extra trailing newline.

	Create a tee sub-class/layer?
	       recommend PerlIO::Util's :tee in the dox, but provide
	       a simplified (single file?) pure-perl implementation too,
	       via a maethod to wrap an existing IO::Pager handle? (0.32)

	       Might simplify new/open 'procedural' arg-passing mess? (0.33+)

	XXX Complete the ::less subclass to lump all non-interactive
	fallback behavior together? (See pagerless branch in git)

	"Fix" multi-pseudo-STDOUT disabled in 09-open.t implementation?

	Alter tests to cover all invocation schemes,
	and document location of each in matrix OR use table-driven tests?
		new/open each class
		scalar vs. glob vs. OO
		(non-)fully qualified subclass name

	Implement IO::Pager::Callback, just because it sounds cool?