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#!/nw/dev/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use ObjStore;
use vars qw($DB $Reset);

sub usage {
    print q"
Usage: qtposh [switches] database
  -Idirectory      specify @INC directory (may be used more than once)
  -[mM]module..    executes `use/no module...' (just like perl)
  -reset           ignore the stored cursor; start fresh
  -v               print version number and patchlevel of qtposh (and exit)


for (my $arg=0; $arg < @ARGV; $arg++) {
    my $o = $ARGV[$arg];
    if ($o =~ m/^ \- (M|m) (\w+) (\=\w+)? $/x ) {
	my ($way,$m,@im) = ($1,$2,$3?substr($3,1):());
	eval "require $m";
	warn, next if $@;
	if ($way eq 'M') {
	} else {
    } elsif ($o =~ m/^-I (\S*) $/x) {
	my $dir = $1;
	$dir = $ARGV[++$arg]
	    if !$dir;
	if ($dir =~ m{^ \/ }x) {
	    unshift(@INC, $dir);
	} else {
	    require FindBin;
	    die "qtposh: can't find myself" if ! $FindBin::Bin;
	    unshift(@INC, "$FindBin::Bin/$dir");
    } elsif ($o =~ m/^-reset$/) {
    } elsif ($o =~ m/^-panic$/) {
	warn "qtposh: panic ignored (qtposh is unflappable)\n";
    } elsif ($o =~ m/^-v$/) {
	require ObjStore;
	print("qtposh $ObjStore::VERSION (Perl $] ".ObjStore::release_name().")\n");
    } elsif ($o =~ m/^-h(elp)?$/) {
    } elsif ($o !~ m/^-/) {
	&usage if $DB;
	$DB = ObjStore::open($o,'mvcc');
    } else {
	warn "unknown option '$o' (-h for usage)\n";
&usage if !$DB;

package QtREAPER;
use Qt 2.008;
use Qt::app;
use Event 0.42 qw(unloop);
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = 'Qt::Object';
$VERSION = '1.02';

use Qt::slots 'shutdown()';
sub shutdown { 

my $reaper = QtREAPER->new;
$reaper->connect($app, 'lastWindowClosed()', 'shutdown()');

my $fd = Qt::xfd();
Event->io(fd => $fd, timeout => .25, poll => 'r',
	  cb => sub { $app->processEvents(3000); });

package QtposhAbout;
use Qt 2.00;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = 'Qt::Dialog';

sub new {
    my $o = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
    my (@w,$f,$w,$l);

    $f = $o;
    $l = Qt::BoxLayout->new($f, Qt::BoxLayout::TopToBottom, 10);
    push @w,$l;
    $w = Qt::Label->new("qtposh $ObjStore::VERSION", $f);
    $w->setFont(Qt::Font->new("times", 50, Qt::Font::Black));
    push @w,$w;

    $w = Qt::Label->new(
Copyright © 1998-1999 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin.  All rights reserved.

qtposh is part of the ObjStore perl extension.  This package is free
software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the
Perl Artistic License (see

], $f);
    push @w,$w;

    $w = Qt::PushButton->new("Ok", $f);
    $o->connect($w, 'clicked()', 'accept()');
    push @w, $w;

    $$o{widgets} = \@w;

package Editor;
use ObjStore;
use IO::File;
use Qt;
use vars qw(@ISA $USER $ABOUT);
@ISA = qw(Qt::Widget);
$USER = scalar(getpwuid($>));

sub new {
    my $o = shift->SUPER::new();
    $$o{db} = shift;
    $o->setCaption("qtposh ".$$o{db}->get_pathname);
    my @w;
    my $m = Qt::MenuBar->new($o);
    push @w, $m;

    my $file = Qt::PopupMenu->new();
    push @w, $file;
    $m->insertItem('File', $file);
    $file->insertItem('&New Window...', $o, 'opendb()');
    $file->insertItem('&Open...', $o, 'load()');
    $file->insertItem('&Save...', $o, 'save()');
    $file->insertItem('&Print...', $o, 'printer()');
    $file->insertItem('&Close Window', $o, 'closepane()');

    my $help = Qt::PopupMenu->new();
    push @w, $help;
    $m->insertItem('Help', $help);
    $help->insertItem('How Does it Work?...', $o, 'how()');
    $help->insertItem('Commands...', $o, 'simple_help()');
    $help->insertItem('About...', $o, 'about()');

    my $l = Qt::BoxLayout->new($o, Qt::BoxLayout::Down);
    push @w, $l;

    $$o{in} = Qt::MultiLineEdit->new($o);
    $$o{in}->setFrameStyle(Qt::Frame::Box | Qt::Frame::Plain);
    $$o{in}->setCursorPosition(10000, 0);
    $o->connect($$o{in}, 'returnPressed()', 'execute()');
#    $l->setRowStretch(1,2);

    $$o{out} = Qt::MultiLineEdit->new($o);
    $$o{out}->setFrameStyle(Qt::Frame::Box | Qt::Frame::Plain);
    $$o{out}->setText("connecting to ".$$o{db}->get_pathname."...");
#    $l->setRowStretch(2,3);


    $$o{gui} = \@w;
    $$o{timer} = Event->timer(interval => 1, cb => [$o,'refresh']);

use Qt::slots 'how()';
sub how {
    Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, 'How Does it Work?', "
User input is sent to an ObjStore::Posh::Cursor on the server
where it is eval'd.  Make sure you don't do anything dangerous.
An infinite loop will cause the server to hang!

use Qt::slots 'simple_help()';
sub simple_help {
    Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, 'Commands', q[
cd string        # interprets string according to $at->POSH_CD
cd $at->...      # your expression should evaluate to a persistent ref
cd ..            # what you expect
peek             # ls but more
raw              # ignore special POSH_PEEK methods
<or any perl statement!>

sub refresh {
    my ($o) = @_;
    if (!$$o{cursor}) {
	if (!$$o{db}->isa('ObjStore::ServerDB')) {
	    $$o{out}->setText($$o{db}->get_pathname. " is not an ObjStore::ServerDB");
	# check every time through XXX
	my $top = $$o{db}->hash;
	my $server = $top->{'ObjStore::ServerInfo'};
	die "Can't find ServerInfo" if !$server;
	my $d = time - ($$server{mtime} or 0);
	if (!$server or $d > 30) {
	    my $str = do {
		use integer;
		if ($d <120) {"$d secs" }
		elsif ($d < 2*60*60) { $d/60 ." minutes" }
		elsif ($d < 2*60*60*24) { $d/(60**2)." hours" }
		else { $d/(60*60*24)." days" }
	    $$o{out}->setText($$o{db}->get_pathname." has not been\nupdated since ".scalar(localtime $$server{mtime})." ($str)");
	my $myclass = 'ObjStore::Posh::Remote';
	my $remote = $top->{ $myclass };
	if (!$remote) {
	    $$o{out}->setText("creating $myclass...");
	    return warn "Can't invoke $top->boot_class"
		if !$top->can('boot_class');
	my $state = $remote->{ $USER };
	if (!$state) {
	    $$o{out}->setText("creating $ {USER}'s cursor...");
	$$o{cursor} = $state->new_ref('transient','hard');
    my $c = $$o{cursor}->focus;

    return if ($$o{mtime}||0) == ($$c{mtime}||0);
    $$o{mtime} = $$c{mtime};

    my $t;
    if ($main::Reset) {
	$main::Reset = 0;
    } else {
	begin sub { $t = $c->prompt()."\n\n"; };
	if ($@) { warn; $c->init; }
    $t .= "died: ".$$c{why} if $$c{why};
    if (ref $$c{out}) {
	$t .= join("\n", @{ $$c{out} });
    } elsif ($$c{out}) {
	$t .= $$c{out}

use Qt::slots 'execute()';
sub execute {
    my ($o) = @_;
    return if !$$o{cursor};
    my $c = $$o{cursor}->focus;
    my $in = $$o{in}->text;
    my $at = rindex($in, "\n\n");
    my $send = defined $at? substr($in, $at+2) : $in;
    my $hist = $$c{history};
    $$o{in}->setText(join("\n\n", ($hist? @$hist: ()), $send) . "\n\n");
    $$o{in}->setCursorPosition(10000, 0);
    $$o{in}->setYOffset($$o{in}->totalHeight - $$o{in}->viewHeight);

use Qt::slots ('opendb()', 'load()', 'save()', 'printer()', 'closepane()', 'about()');

sub about {
    $ABOUT ||= QtposhAbout->new();

sub load {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my $fn = Qt::FileDialog::getOpenFileName();
    return if !$fn;
    my $in = $$o{in};

    my $fh = IO::File->new();
    $fh->open($fn) or do {
	Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, 'open', "open $fn: $!");
    while (<$fh>) {


sub save {
    my ($o) = @_;
    my $fn = Qt::FileDialog::getSaveFileName();
    return if !$fn;

    my $fh = IO::File->new();
    $fh->open(">$fn") or do {
	Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, 'save', "open >$fn: $!");
    print $fh $$o{out}->text();

sub opendb {
    Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, "not yet", "Not implemented yet...");

sub printer {
    Qt::MessageBox::information(undef, "not yet", "Not implemented yet...");

sub closepane {
    my $o = shift;

sub closeEvent {
    my ($o,$e) = @_;

package main;
use Qt;


require ObjStore::Serve;
Event->add_hooks(callback => \&ObjStore::Serve::dyn_begin);