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# This file is part of Games-Pandemic
# This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Games::Pandemic::Player;
  $Games::Pandemic::Player::VERSION = '1.120510';
# ABSTRACT: pandemic game player

use File::Spec::Functions qw{ catfile };
use List::MoreUtils       qw{ any };
use Moose                 0.92;
use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor;
use UNIVERSAL::require;

with 'MooseX::Traits';

use Games::Pandemic::Utils;

# -- default builders / finishers

    my $self = shift;
    debug( "~player: " . $self->role . "\n" );

# -- accessors

has _cards => (
    traits     => ['Hash'],
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'HashRef[Games::Pandemic::Card]',
    default    => sub { {} },
    auto_deref => 1,
    handles    => {
        nb_cards   => 'count',     # my $nb = $player->nb_cards;
        _all_cards => 'values',    # my @c = $player->all_cards;
        drop_card  => 'delete',    # $player->drop_card( $card );
        _add_card  => 'set',       # $player->_add_card( $card, $card );
        owns_card  => 'exists',    # my $bool = $player->owns_card($card);

has actions_left => (
    traits  => ['Counter'],
    is      => 'rw',
    default => 0,   # just to clear moose warning
    isa     => 'Int',
    handles => { action_done => 'dec' },

has location => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Games::Pandemic::City', lazy_build => 1 );

# -- default builders

sub _build_location {
    return Games::Pandemic->instance->map->start_city;

# -- methods given by the games::pandemic::role::*

# my $name = $player->_role;
# return the internal, non-localized name of the role, used to name the
# various images associated to the role.

# -- public methods

#- default role attributes, superseded by the various roles

sub auto_clean_on_cure { 0 }
sub can_build_anywhere { 0 }
sub can_join_others    { 0 }
sub can_move_others    { 0 }
sub can_share_anywhere { 0 }
sub cards_needed       { 5 }
sub treat_all          { 0 }
sub max_cards          { 7 }

#- misc methods

sub image {
    my ($self, $what, $size) = @_;
    return catfile(
        $SHAREDIR, 'roles',
        join('-', $self->_role, $what, $size) . '.png'

sub all_cards {
    my $self = shift;

    # fetch cards
    my @cards = $self->_all_cards;
    my @cities =
        sort { $a->city->disease->name cmp $b->city->disease->name
            || $a->label cmp $b->label }
        grep { $_->isa('Games::Pandemic::Card::City') }
    my @specials =
        sort { $a->label cmp $b->label }
        grep { ! $_->isa('Games::Pandemic::Card::City') }
    return @specials, @cities;

sub owns_city_card {
    my ($self, $city) = @_;
    my ($card) =
        grep { $_->can('city') && $_->city eq $city }
    return $card;

sub gain_card {
    my ($self, $card) = @_;
    $self->_add_card( $card, $card );

#- methods to check what actions are currently possible *now*

sub is_move_possible { 1 }

sub is_flight_possible {
    my $self = shift;
    my @cards =
        grep { $_->city ne $self->location }
    return scalar @cards;

sub is_charter_possible {}

sub is_shuttle_possible {}

sub is_join_possible {}

sub is_build_possible {
    my $self = shift;
    my $city = $self->location;

    return 0 if $city->has_station;
    return 1 if $self->can_build_anywhere;
    return $self->owns_city_card( $city );

sub is_discover_possible {
    my $self = shift;

    return unless $self->location->has_station;

    # get list of city cards
    my @cards =
        grep { $_->isa('Games::Pandemic::Card::City') }

    # check if we have enough cards
    my %seen;
    foreach my $card ( @cards ) {
        my $disease = $card->city->disease;
        my $name = $disease->name;
        return $disease if $seen{$name} == $self->cards_needed && ! $disease->has_cure;

    return 0;

sub is_treat_possible {
    my $self = shift;
    my $city = $self->location;
    my $game = Games::Pandemic->instance;
    my $map  = $game->map;

    foreach my $disease ( $map->all_diseases ) {
        return 1 if $city->get_infection($disease);
    return 0;

sub is_share_possible {
    my $self = shift;
    my $city = $self->location;
    my $game = Games::Pandemic->instance;

    return 0 unless grep { $_ ne $self && $_->location eq $city } $game->all_players;
    return 1 if $self->can_share_anywhere;
    return $self->owns_city_card( $city );

sub is_pass_possible { 1 }

sub is_drop_possible {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->nb_cards;

#- methods to control whether an action (with all params) is valid

sub can_travel_to {
    my ($self, $city) = @_;
    return any { $_ eq $city } $self->location->neighbours;

sub can_shuttle_to {
    my ($self, $city) = @_;
    my $location = $self->location;
    return $city ne $location && $location->has_station && $city->has_station;

sub can_join_to {}

no Moose;



=head1 NAME

Games::Pandemic::Player - pandemic game player

=head1 VERSION

version 1.120510


    use Games::Pandemic::Player;
    my $role = 'Games::Pandemic::Role::Medic';
    my $player = Games::Pandemic::Player->new_with_traits(traits=>[$role]);


This is a class implementing a player.

Among other things, a player has a role. In fact, it is consuming one of
the C<Games::Pandemic::Role::*> roles, which is applied as a trait
during object construction.

Therefore, to create a player, use the C<new_with_traits()> method (as
is done in the synopsis section).

=head1 METHODS

=head2 my $color = $player->color;

Return the C<$color> (html notation) to be used for this player.

=head2 my $role = $player->role;

Return the (localized) name of C<$player>'s role.

=head2 my $bool = $player->auto_clean_on_cure;

Return true if the C<$player> applies automatically a cure by just being
in the city.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_build_anywhere;

Return true if the C<$player> can build a research station in a city
even if she doesn't have the city card.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_join_others;

Return true if the C<$player> can move till a city where there's
another player.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_move_others;

Return true if the C<$player> can move the other's pawns during her

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_share_anywhere;

Return true if the C<$player> can give a card to another player even if
it isn't the card of the city in which they are.

=head2 my $nb = $player->cards_needed;

Return the number of cards of the same color that the C<$player> needs
to find a cure for a disease.

=head2 my $bool = $player->treat_all;

Return true if the C<$player> treats all the disease cubes in a city in
one go, even if the cure for the disease has not been discovered yet.

=head2 my $max = $player->max_cards;

Return the maximum number of cards that a player can have in her hands.

=head2 my $path = $player->image( $what, $size );

Return the C$<path> to an image for the player role. C<$what> can be either
C<icon> or C<pawn>. C<$size> can be one of C<orig>, or 32 or 16. Note that not
all combinations are possible.

=head2 my @cards = $player->all_cards;

Return the list of cards owned by C<$player>. The list is sorted by type
of card, then by disease and by name.

=head2 my $card = $player->owns_city_card( $city );

Return the C<$card> representing C<$city> if the C<$player> owns it,
undef otherwise.

=head2 $player->gain_card( $card )

C<$player> gains a new C<$card>.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_move_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can move, starting from her current location. Always
true. Included here for the sake of completeness.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_flight_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can fly (regular flight) starting from her current
location. Flight is possible if the player has at least one city card, which is
not the card representing the city in which the player is.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_charter_possible;

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_shuttle_possible;

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_join_possible;

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_build_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can build a research station in her current
location. It is possible if she owns the card of the city, or if she is
the operation expert. Of course it is impossible if there's already a
station in the city.

=head2 my $disease = $player->is_discover_possible;

Return the C<$disease> that C<$player> can cure, that is, if she owns
enough city cards of this disease and she is in a city with a research
station. Return undef otherwise.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_treat_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can treat a disease. It is possible if her current
location is infected by one (or more) disease.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_share_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can share a card in her current location. It is
possible if she owns the card of the city, or if she is the researcher. Of
course it is impossible if player's alone in the city.

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_pass_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can pass. Always true. Included here for the sake of

=head2 my $bool = $player->is_drop_possible;

Return true if C<$player> can drop a card. True if she has at least one card.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_travel_to($city);

Return true if C<$player> can travel to C<$city> by proximity. This
means that C<$player> is in a location next to C<$city>.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_shuttle_to($city);

Return true if C<$player> can shuttle through research station to
C<$city>. This means that both current player location and remote
C<$city> have a research station. Of course, return value is false if
C<$player> is currently located in <$city>.

=head2 my $bool = $player->can_join_to($city);

=for Pod::Coverage DEMOLISH

=head1 AUTHOR

Jerome Quelin


This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991

