The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# This file is part of Games-RailRoad
# This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Games::RailRoad;
  $Games::RailRoad::VERSION = '1.101330';
# ABSTRACT: a train simulation game

use POE::Kernel { loop => 'Tk' }; # should come first

use File::Basename;
use File::HomeDir;
use File::Path;
use File::ShareDir qw{ dist_dir };
use File::Spec::Functions;
use POE;
use Readonly;
use Tk;
use Tk::PNG;
use Tk::ToolBar;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use YAML qw{ DumpFile LoadFile };

use Games::RailRoad::Node;
use Games::RailRoad::Train;
use Games::RailRoad::Vector;
use Games::RailRoad::Window::Trains;

Readonly my $HOME    => File::HomeDir->my_home;
Readonly my $GRHOME  => catfile( $HOME, qw{ .perl Games::RailRoad } );
Readonly my $SAVEDIR => catfile( $GRHOME, 'savedir' );
Readonly my $NBCOLS  => 60;
Readonly my $NBROWS  => 40;
Readonly my $TILELEN => 20;    # in pixels
Readonly my $TICK    => 0.050; # in seconds

#Readonly my @COLORS => ( [255,0,0], [0,0,255], [0,255,0], [255,255,0], [255,0,255], [0,255,255] );

our %img =
    map { $_ => $poe_main_window->Photo(
            -format => 'png',
            -file   => catfile(
    } qw{ main train };


# my $id = Games::RailRoad->spawn(%opts);
# create a new game window. refer to the embedded
# pod for an explanation of the supported options.
sub spawn {
    my ($class, %opts) = @_;

    my $session = POE::Session->create(
        inline_states => {
            # special poe events
            _start           => \&_do_start,
            # public events
            # private events
            _new             => \&_do_new,
            _open            => \&_do_open,
            _save            => \&_do_save,
            _tick            => \&_do_tick,
            # gui events
            _b_new           => \&_on_b_new,
            _b_open          => \&_on_b_open,
            _b_quit          => \&_on_b_quit,
            _b_save          => \&_on_b_save,
            _b_trains        => \&_on_b_trains,
            _c_b1_dblclick   => \&_on_c_b1_dblclick,
            _c_b1_motion     => \&_on_c_b1_motion,
            _c_b1_press      => \&_on_c_b1_press,
            _c_b2_press      => \&_on_c_b2_press,
            _c_b3_press      => \&_on_c_b3_press,
        args => \%opts,
    return $session->ID;



# _new();
# reinits the various params to start anew.
sub _do_new {
    my $h = $_[HEAP];

    # various heap initialization.
    $h->{nodes}  = {};
    $h->{trains} = [];

    # clear the canvas.
    my $canvas = $h->{w}{canvas};
    $canvas->createGrid( 0, 0, $TILELEN, $TILELEN, -lines => 0 );

# _open($file);
# load a game from $file.
sub _do_open {
    my ($h, $file) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
    my $save = LoadFile($file);

    # load node classes, to be able to bless loaded nodes.
    use Module::Pluggable search_path => 'Games::RailRoad::Node', sub_name => 'nodes';
    $_->require for __PACKAGE__->nodes;

    given ( $save->{version} ) {
        when ( $_ > __PACKAGE__->VERSION ) {
            die "uh, loading a file from the future\n"

        when ( '1.00' ) {
            warn "converting game saved in version 1.00\n";
            foreach my $node ( values %{ $save->{nodes} } ) {
                my $pos = $node->position;
                $pos->set_posx( delete $pos->{x} );
                $pos->set_posy( delete $pos->{y} );
            foreach my $train ( @{ $save->{trains} } ) {
                my $from = $train->from;
                my $to   = $train->to;
                $from->set_posx( delete $from->{x} );
                $from->set_posy( delete $from->{y} );
                $to->set_posx( delete $to->{x} );
                $to->set_posy( delete $to->{y} );

    # load nodes and draw them.
    $h->{nodes} = $save->{nodes};
    $_->draw($h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN) foreach values %{ $h->{nodes} };

    # load trains and draw them.
    $h->{trains} = $save->{trains};
    $_->draw($h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN) foreach values %{ $h->{train} };

# _save($file);
# save the current game to $file.
sub _do_save {
    my ($h, $file) = @_[HEAP, ARG0];
    return unless defined $file;

    # select what to save.
    my $save = {
        version => __PACKAGE__->VERSION,    # one never knows
        nodes   => $h->{nodes},
        trains  => $h->{trains},
    DumpFile($file, $save);

# _do_start( \%opts );
# session initialization. %opts is received from spawn();
sub _do_start {
    my ($k, $h, $s, $opts) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION, ARG0 ];

    #-- create gui

    # prettyfying tk app.
    # see
    $poe_main_window->optionAdd('*BorderWidth' => 1);

    # icon

    # menu
#    $poe_main_window->optionAdd('*tearOff', 'false'); # no tear-off menus
#    my $menuitems = [
#        [ Cascade => '~File', -menuitems => [
#            [ Button => '~Open',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_open'),
#                -accelerator => 'ctrl+o',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('fileopen16'),
#                ],
#            [ Separator => '' ],
#            [ Button => '~Quit',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_quit'),
#                -accelerator => 'ctrl+q',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('actexit16'),
#                ],
#            ],
#        ],
#        [ Cascade => '~Run', -menuitems => [
#            [ Button => '~Restart',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_restart'),
#                -accelerator => 'R',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('playstart16'),
#                ],
#            [ Button => '~Pause',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_pause'),
#                -accelerator => 'p',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('playpause16'),
#                ],
#            [ Button => '~Next',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_next'),
#                -accelerator => 'n',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('nav1rightarrow16'),
#                ],
#            [ Button => '~Continue',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_continue'),
#                -accelerator => 'c',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('nav2rightarrow16'),
#                ],
#            [ Separator => '' ],
#            [ Button => '~Breakpoints',
#                -command     => $s->postback('_b_breakpoints'),
#                #-accelerator => 'c',
#                -compound    => 'left',
#                -image       => $poe_main_window->Photo('calbell16'),
#                ],
#            ],
#        ],
#    ];
#    my $menubar = $poe_main_window->Menu( -menuitems => $menuitems );
#    $poe_main_window->configure( -menu => $menubar );
#    $h->{w}{mnu_run} = $menubar->entrycget(1, '-menu');

    # toolbar
    my @tb = (
        [ 'Button', 'actexit16',        'quit',        '<Control-q>', '_b_quit' ],
        [ 'separator' ],
        [ 'Button', 'filenew16',        'new',         '<Control-n>', '_b_new' ],
        [ 'Button', 'fileopen16',       'open',        '<Control-o>', '_b_open' ],
        [ 'Button', 'filesave16',       'save',        '<Control-s>', '_b_save' ],
        [ 'separator' ],
        [ 'Button', $img{train},        'trains',      '<F5>',        '_b_trains' ],
        #[ 'Button', 'calbell16',        'breakpoints', '<F8>',        '_b_breakpoints' ],
        #[ 'separator' ],
        #[ 'Button', 'playstart16',      'restart',     '<R>',         '_b_restart' ],
        #[ 'Button', 'playpause16',      'pause',       '<p>',         '_b_pause' ],
        #[ 'Button', 'nav1rightarrow16', 'next',        '<n>',         '_b_next' ],
        #[ 'Button', 'nav2rightarrow16', 'continue',    '<c>',         '_b_continue' ],
    my $tb = $poe_main_window->ToolBar(-movable=>0);
    foreach my $item ( @tb ) {
        my $type = shift @$item;
        $tb->separator( -movable => 0 ), next if $type eq 'separator';
        $h->{w}{$item->[3]} = $tb->$type(
            -image       => $item->[0],
            -tip         => $item->[1],
            -accelerator => $item->[2],
            -command     => $s->postback($item->[3]),

    # playfield
    #my $fh1 = $->Frame->pack(-fill=>'both', -expand=>1);
    my $c = $poe_main_window->Scrolled( 'Canvas',
        -bg         => 'white',
        -scrollbars => 'osoe',
        -width      => $NBCOLS * $TILELEN,
        -height     => $NBROWS * $TILELEN,
        #-browsecmd  => $s->postback('_tm_click'),
    )->pack(-side=>'left', -fill=>'both', -expand=>1);
    $h->{w}{canvas} = $c;

    # binding canvas events.
    my %event = (
        '<B1-Motion>'            => '_c_b1_motion',
        '<Double-ButtonPress-1>' => '_c_b1_dblclick',
        '<ButtonPress-1>'        => '_c_b1_press',
        '<ButtonPress-2>'        => '_c_b2_press',
        '<ButtonPress-3>'        => '_c_b3_press',
    $c->CanvasBind($_ , [$s->postback($event{$_}), Ev('x'), Ev('y')] )
        foreach keys %event;

    #-- finish initialization
    $k->yield( '_new' );
    $k->delay_set( '_tick', $TICK );

sub _do_tick {
    my ($k, $h) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];

    $k->delay_set( '_tick', $TICK );

    foreach my $train ( @{ $h->{trains} } ) {
        # fetch current nodes for $train
        my $from = $train->from;
        my $to   = $train->to;
        my $move = $from - $to;   # note it's from minus to
        my $dir  = $move->as_dir;

        # move the train 1/5 of rail further. of course, for diagonals we
        # need to apply a cos(pi/4) factor (equals to sqrt(2)/2), otherwise
        # the train would be moving faster in diagonals than in vertical /
        # horizontal rails.
        my $frac = $train->frac;
        $frac += $dir ~~ [ qw{ e n s w } ] ? 1/5 : sqrt(2)/10;

        if ( $frac >= 1 ) {
            # eh, changing node.
            $frac -= 1;

            # get next direction (note it's from minus to)
            my $nextdir = $h->{nodes}{"$to"}->next_dir($dir);
            next unless defined $nextdir; # dead-end

            # update current nodes for $train
            my $vec = Games::RailRoad::Vector->new_dir($nextdir);
            $train->set_from( $to );
            $train->set_to( $to + $vec );

        $train->draw( $h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN );


# _b_new();
# called when the user wants to begin a new game.
sub _on_b_new {

# _b_open();
# called when the user wants to open a saved game.
sub _on_b_open {
    my $k = $_[KERNEL];

    # create savedir if needed.
    mkpath( $SAVEDIR );

    # prompt for save file - yes, i know, it freezes poe.
    my $file = $poe_main_window->getOpenFile(
        -defaultextension => '.yaml',
		-filetypes        => [
		    ['YAML files', '.yaml' ],
		    ['All Files',  '*',    ],
        -initialdir       => $SAVEDIR,
        #-initialfile      => "getopenfile",
        #-title            => "Your customized title",
    return unless defined $file;

    # reinit & open file.
    $k->yield('_open', $file);

# _b_quit();
# called when the user wants to quit the application.
sub _on_b_quit {

# _b_save();
# called when the user wants to save the current game.
sub _on_b_save {
    # create savedir if needed.
    mkpath( $SAVEDIR );

    # prompt for save file - yes, i know, it freezes poe.
    my $file = $poe_main_window->getSaveFile(
        -defaultextension => '.yaml',
		-filetypes        => [
		    ['YAML files', '.yaml' ],
		    ['All Files',  '*',    ],
        -initialdir       => $SAVEDIR,
        #-initialfile      => "getopenfile",
        #-title            => "Your customized title",
    return unless defined $file;
    $file .= '.yaml' unless $file =~ /\.yaml$/;

    $_[KERNEL]->yield('_save', $file);

# _b_trains();
# called when the user wants to show/hide trains window.
sub _on_b_trains {
    my ($k, $h) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];

    return $k->post($h->{w}{trains}, 'visibility_toggle')
        if exists $h->{w}{trains};

    my $id = Games::RailRoad::Window::Trains->spawn(parent=>$poe_main_window);
    $h->{w}{trains} = $id;

# _c_b1_dblclick( [], [$stuff, $x, $y] );
# called when double-clicking left button on canvas. switch the node if
# possible (Games::RailRoad::Node::Switch).
sub _on_c_b1_dblclick {
    my ($k,$h, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1];
    my (undef, $x, $y) = @$args;

    # resolve column & row.
    my $vec = _resolve_coords($x,$y,0.5);
    my $node = $h->{nodes}{"$vec"};
    return unless defined $node;

    # switch the exits.
    $node->draw($h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN);

# _c_b1_motion( [], [$stuff, $x, $y] );
# called when the mouse is moving on canvas while button is down.
# creates and link rails together.
sub _on_c_b1_motion {
    my ($k,$h, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1];
    my (undef, $x, $y) = @$args;

    # resolve column & row.
    my $newvec = _resolve_coords($x,$y,2/5);
    my $oldvec = $h->{position};

    # basic checks.
    return unless defined $newvec;                     # new position is undef
    return if defined($oldvec) && $oldvec == $newvec;  # we did not move

    # we moved: store new position & create new node.
    $h->{position} = $newvec;
    $h->{nodes}{"$newvec"} = Games::RailRoad::Node->new({position=>$newvec})
        unless exists $h->{nodes}{"$newvec"};
    my $newnode = $h->{nodes}{"$newvec"};

    # try to resolve old position.
    return unless defined $oldvec;
    my $oldnode = $h->{nodes}{"$oldvec"};

    # check if the move is a single segment.
    my $move   = $newvec - $oldvec;
    my $newdir = $move->as_dir;
    if ( not defined $newdir ) {
        warn "cannot move according to $move\n";
    $move      = -$move;
    my $olddir = $move->as_dir;

    # check if we can morph the nodes with this move.
    return unless $oldnode->connectable($newdir)
        && $newnode->connectable($olddir);

    # redraw the 2 nodes.
    $oldnode->draw( $h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN );
    $newnode->draw( $h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN );

# _c_b1_press( [], [$stuff, $x, $y] );
# called when the button mouse is pressed on canvas. register position
# to create rail, to be dragged later on.
sub _on_c_b1_press {
    my ($k,$h, $args) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG1];
    my (undef, $x, $y) = @$args;

    # resolve column & row.
    my $vec = _resolve_coords($x,$y,2/5);

    # store current position - even undef.
    $h->{position} = $vec;

    # create the node if possible.
    return unless defined $vec;
    return if defined $h->{nodes}{"$vec"};
    my $node = Games::RailRoad::Node->new({position=>$vec});
    $h->{nodes}{"$vec"} = $node;

# _c_b2_press( [], [$stuff, $x, $y] );
# called when the right-button mouse is pressed on canvas. this will
# place a new train.
sub _on_c_b2_press {
    my ($h, $args) = @_[HEAP, ARG1];
    my (undef, $x, $y) = @$args;

    #return if defined $h->{train}; # only one train

    my $vec = _resolve_coords($x,$y,0.5);

    # check if there's a rail at $vec.
    if ( not exists $h->{nodes}{"$vec"} ) {
        warn "no rail at $vec\n";

    # pick a random dir at first.
    my @dirs = $h->{nodes}{"$vec"}->connections;
    if ( scalar @dirs == 0 ) {
        warn "nowhere to move on\n";
    my $dir  = $dirs[ rand @dirs ];
    my $move = Games::RailRoad::Vector->new_dir($dir);

    # create the train.
    my $train = Games::RailRoad::Train->new( {
        from => $vec,
        to   => $vec + $move,
        frac => 0,
    } );
    $train->draw( $h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN );

    # store the train
    push @{ $h->{trains} }, $train;

# _c_b3_press( [], [$stuff, $x, $y] );
# called when the right-button mouse is pressed on canvas. this will
# mark the beginning corner of the delete area.
sub _on_c_b3_press {
    my ($h, $args) = @_[HEAP, ARG1];
    my (undef, $x, $y) = @$args;
    my $vec = _resolve_coords($x,$y,0.5);

    my $node = $h->{nodes}{"$vec"};
    return unless defined $node;

    # check if we can remove connection
    my @connections = sort $node->connections;
    foreach my $dir ( @connections ) {
        my $move = Games::RailRoad::Vector->new_dir($dir);
        my $v2 = $vec + $move;
        my $n = $h->{nodes}{"$v2"};

        $move = -$move;
        my $dir2 = $move->as_dir;
        if ( ! $n->connectable("-$dir2") ) {
            warn "$v2 cannot be disconnected from ($vec) using -$dir2\n";

    # remove the connections
    foreach my $dir ( @connections ) {
        my $move = Games::RailRoad::Vector->new_dir($dir);
        my $v2 = $vec + $move;
        my $n = $h->{nodes}{"$v2"};
        $move = -$move;
        my $dir2 = $move->as_dir;
        $n->connect( "-$dir2" );
        $n->draw( $h->{w}{canvas}, $TILELEN );

    $node->delete( $h->{w}{canvas} );
    delete $h->{nodes}{"$vec"};


# my ($pos, $col, $row) = _resolve_coords($x, $y, $precision);
# the canvas deals with pixels: this sub transforms canvas coordinates
# ($x,$y) in the $col and $row of the matching node.
# if we're not close enough of a node (within a square of $TILELEN times
# $precision), precision is not enough: $pos will be undef.
# $pos is the string "$col-$row".
sub _resolve_coords {
    my ($x, $y, $prec) = @_;

    my $col = int( $x/$TILELEN );
    my $row = int( $y/$TILELEN );

    # if we're in the middle of two nodes, it's not precise enough.
    $x %= $TILELEN;
    $y %= $TILELEN;
    given ($x) {
        when( $_ >  $TILELEN * (1-$prec) ) { $col++; }
        when( $_ <= $TILELEN * $prec     ) { } # nothing to do
        default { return; }                   # not precise enough
    given ($y) {
        when( $_ >  $TILELEN * (1-$prec) ) { $row++; }
        when( $_ <= $TILELEN * $prec     ) { } # nothing to do
        default { return; }                   # not precise enough

    return Games::RailRoad::Vector->new({posx=>$col, posy=>$row});



=head1 NAME

Games::RailRoad - a train simulation game

=head1 VERSION

version 1.101330


L<Games::RailRoad> allows you to draw a railroad, create some trains and
make them move on it. What you did when you were kid, but on your computer


=head2 my $id = Games::RailRoad->spawn( %opts );

Create a new game, and return the associated POE session ID.
No option supported as of now.


The POE session accepts the following events:

=over 4

=item none yet.


=head1 TODO

Currently the module is very rough and supports very few operations:

=over 4

=item * drawing and connecting rails by left-clicking and dragging mouse
on the canvas.

=item * removing a node by right-clicking on it on the canvas.

=item * placing a train on a rail by middle-clikcing on a rail on the canvas.

=item * support for more than one train

=item * changing switch exits by double-clicking on it.

=item * saving / loading to a file


The amount of work needed is much more vast and includes (but not
limited to):

=over 4

=item * adding coaches to trains

=item * rc-file for the application

=item * better interface (what about one-button mice?)

=item * available help

=item * etc...


=head1 SEE ALSO

You can find more information on this module at:

=over 4

=item * Search CPAN


=item * See open / report bugs


=item * Git repository


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings



=head1 AUTHOR

  Jerome Quelin


This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

