The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# This file is part of Games-Risk
# This software is Copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Games::Risk::Tk::Main;
# ABSTRACT: main prisk window
$Games::Risk::Tk::Main::VERSION = '4.000';
use POE          qw{ Loop::Tk };
use Image::Magick;
use Image::Size  qw{ imgsize };
use List::Util   qw{ min };
use MIME::Base64 qw{ encode_base64 };
use Moose;
use MooseX::Has::Sugar;
use MooseX::POE;
use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor;
use Readonly;
use Tk;
use Tk::Action;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::JPEG;
use Tk::PNG;
use Tk::Role::HasWidgets 1.112070; # _del_w
use Tk::Sugar;
use Tk::ToolBar;

with 'Tk::Role::HasWidgets';

use Games::Risk::I18n   qw{ T };
use Games::Risk::Logger qw{ debug };
use Games::Risk::Utils  qw{ $SHAREDIR };

Readonly my $K  => $poe_kernel;
Readonly my $mw => $poe_main_window; # already created by poe
Readonly my $WAIT_CLEAN_AI    => 1.000;
Readonly my $WAIT_CLEAN_HUMAN => 0.250;
Readonly my $FLASHDELAY       => 0.150;

# -- attributes

# a hash with all the actions.
has _actions => (
    traits  => ['Hash'],
    isa     => 'HashRef[Tk::Action]',
    default => sub { {} },
    handles => {
        _set_action => 'set',
        _action     => 'get',

# it's not usually a good idea to retain a reference on a poe session,
# since poe is already taking care of the references for us. however, we
# need the session to call ->postback() to set the various gui callbacks
# that will be fired upon gui events.
has _session => ( rw, weak_ref, isa=>'POE::Session' );

# zoom information
has _orig_bg_size => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Point' );
has _zoom         => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Point' );

# greyscale image
has _greyscale => ( rw, isa=>'Tk::Photo' );

# the strings that will appear in the status bar
has _status => (
    rw, isa=>'Str',
    trigger => sub {
        my ($self, $newtext) = @_;
has _country_label => (
    rw, isa=>'Str',
    trigger => sub {
        my ($self, $newtext) = @_;

# the current map, player & selected country
has _curplayer => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Player',         clearer=>'_clear_curplayer' );
has _country   => ( rw, isa=>'Maybe[Games::Risk::Country]', clearer=>'_clear_country' );
has _map       => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Map',            clearer=>'_clear_map' );

# whether to re-attack automatically (do-or-die mode)
# FIXME: from config
has _auto_reattack => ( rw, isa=>'Bool', default=>0 );

# source and destination of player attack
has _src => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Country', clearer=>'_clear_src', predicate=>'_has_src' );
has _dst => ( rw, isa=>'Games::Risk::Country', clearer=>'_clear_dst', predicate=>'_has_dst' );

# number of armies to be placed at beginning of game
has _armies        => ( rw, isa=>'HashRef', default=>sub { {} } );
has _armies_backup => ( rw, isa=>'HashRef', default=>sub { {} } );
has _armies_initial => (
    isa     => 'Int',
    traits  => ['Counter'],
    default => 0,
    handles => {
        _armies_initial_dec => 'dec',


# fake armies used to draw armies before sending to controller
has _fake_armies_in  => ( rw, isa=>'HashRef', default => sub{ {} } );
has _fake_armies_out => ( rw, isa=>'HashRef', default => sub{ {} } );
has _move_armies     => ( rw, isa=>'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] }, auto_deref );

# -- initialization

# called as poe session initialization.
sub START {
    my ($self, $session) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

# -- public events


    event attack => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        # update the gui to reflect the new state.
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_attack_from') );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<3>', $s->postback('_canvas_attack_cancel') );

        if ( $self->_has_src && $self->_has_dst
            && $self->_src->owner ne $self->_dst->owner
            && $self->_src->armies > 1 ) {

            # auto-reattack?
            # FIXME: configurable threshold?
            $K->yield('_attack_redo') if $self->_auto_reattack && $self->_src->armies >= 4;

        } else {

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( T('Attacking from ...') );

    event attack_info => sub {
        my ($self, $src, $dst, $attack, $defence) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0..$#_];

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Attacking %s from %s'), $dst->name, $src->name );

        # update attack dices
        foreach my $i ( 1 .. 3 ) {
            my $d = $attack->[$i-1] // 0;
            my $img = $mw->Photo( -file => $SHAREDIR->file('images', "dice-$d.png") );

        # update defence dices
        foreach my $i ( 1 .. 2 ) {
            my $d = $defence->[$i-1] // 0;
            my $img = $mw->Photo( -file => $SHAREDIR->file('images', "dice-$d.png") );

        # draw a line on the canvas
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        state $i = 0;
        my $zoomx = $self->_zoom->coordx; my $zoomy = $self->_zoom->coordy;
        my $x1 = $src->coordx * $zoomx; my $y1 = $src->coordy * $zoomy;
        my $x2 = $dst->coordx * $zoomx; my $y2 = $dst->coordy * $zoomy;
            $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
            -arrow => 'last',
            -tags  => ['attack', "attack$i"],
            -fill  => 'yellow', #$self->_curplayer->color,
            -width => 4,
        my $srcid = $src->id;
        $c->raise('attack', 'all');
        $c->raise("country$srcid", 'attack');
        my $wait = $self->_curplayer->type eq 'ai' ? $WAIT_CLEAN_AI : $WAIT_CLEAN_HUMAN;
        $K->delay_set(_clean_attack => $wait, $i);

        # update result labels
        my $nul = $mw->Photo( -file=> $SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'empty.png') );
        my $r1 = $attack->[0] <= $defence->[0] ? 'actcross16' : 'actcheck16';
        my $r2 = scalar(@$attack) >= 2 && scalar(@$defence) == 2
            ? $attack->[1] <= $defence->[1] ? 'actcross16' : 'actcheck16'
            : $nul;
        $self->_w('lab_result_1')->configure( -image => $r1 );
        $self->_w('lab_result_2')->configure( -image => $r2 );

    event attack_move => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);

    event chnum => \&_do_country_redraw;
    event chown => \&_do_country_redraw;
    event _country_redraw => \&_do_country_redraw;
    sub _do_country_redraw {
        my ($self, $country) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');

        my $id    = $country->id;
        my $owner = $country->owner;
        my $fakein  = $self->_fake_armies_in->{$id}  // 0;
        my $fakeout = $self->_fake_armies_out->{$id} // 0;
        my $armies  = ($country->armies // 0) + $fakein - $fakeout;

        # change radius to reflect number of armies
        my ($radius, $fill_color, $text) = defined $owner
                ? (8, $owner->color, $armies)
                : (6,       'white', '');
        $radius += min(16,$armies-1)/2;

        my $zoom = $self->_zoom;
        my $x = $country->coordx * $zoom->coordx;
        my $y = $country->coordy * $zoom->coordy;
        my $x1 = $x - $radius; my $x2 = $x + $radius;
        my $y1 = $y - $radius; my $y2 = $y + $radius;

        # update canvas
        $c->delete( "country$id" );
        #  - circle
            $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
            -fill    => $fill_color,
            -outline => 'black',
            -tags    => [ "country$id", 'circle' ],

        #  - text
            $x, $y+1,
            -fill => 'white',
            -tags => [ "country$id", 'text' ],
            -text => $text,

        $c->raise("country$id&&circle", 'all');
        $c->raise("country$id&&text",   'all');

    event flash_country => sub {
        my ($self, $country, $on, $left) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0 .. $#_];
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');

        # first time that the country is flashed
        if ( not defined $on ) {
            # load greyscale image...
            my $magick = Image::Magick->new;
            $magick->Read( Games::Risk->new->map->greyscale );

            # and paint everything that isn't the country in white
            my $id = $country->id;
            my $grey = "rgb($id,$id,$id)";
            $magick->FloodfillPaint(fuzz=>0, fill=>'white', bordercolor=>$grey, invert=>1);
            $magick->Negate;                        # turn white in black
            $magick->Transparent( color=>'black' ); # mark black as transparent

            # resize the image to fit canvas zoom
            my $zoom = $self->_zoom;
            my $width  = $magick->Get('width');
            my $height = $magick->Get('height');
            $magick->Scale(width=>$width * $zoom->coordx, height=>$height * $zoom->coordy);

            # remove all the uninteresting bits around the country itself
            my $coordx = $magick->Get('page.x');
            my $coordy = $magick->Get('page.y');
            $magick->Set(page=>'0x0+0+0');          # reset the page (resize image to trimmed zone)

            # create the image and display it on the canvas
            my $img = $c->Photo( -data => encode_base64( $magick->ImageToBlob ) );
            $c->createImage($coordx, $coordy, -anchor=>'nw', -image=>$img, -tags=>["flash$country"]);

            $on   = 1;
            $left = 8;
        my $method = $on ? 'raise' : 'lower';
        $c->$method("flash$country", 'background' );
        if ( $left ) {
            $K->delay( flash_country => $FLASHDELAY => $country, !$on, $left-1 );
        } else {
            $c->delete( "flash$country" );

    event game_over => sub {
        my ($self, $winner) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];

        # update gui
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);

        # announce the winner
        require Games::Risk::Tk::GameOver;
            parent => $mw,
            winner => $self->_curplayer,

    event move_armies => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        # initialiaze moves
        $self->_set_move_armies( [] );
        $self->_set_fake_armies_in ( {} );
        $self->_set_fake_armies_out( {} );

        # update the gui to reflect the new state.
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas' );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_from') );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<3>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_cancel') );
        $self->_set_status( T('Moving armies from...') );

    event move_armies_move => sub {
        my ($self, $s, $src, $dst, $nb) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION, ARG0..$#_];

        my $srcid = $src->id;
        my $dstid = $dst->id;

        # update the countries
        $self->_fake_armies_out->{$srcid} += $nb;
        $self->_fake_armies_in->{$dstid}  += $nb;

        # save move for later
        push @{ $self->_move_armies }, [$src, $dst, $nb];

        # update the gui
        $K->yield('chnum', $src);
        $K->yield('chnum', $dst);
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_from') );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<3>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_cancel') );
        $self->_set_status( T('Moving armies from...') );

    event new_game => sub {
        my ($self, $args) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];
        my $map = $args->{map};
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        my $s = $self->_session;

        # add missing gui elements
        require Games::Risk::GUI::MoveArmies;
        require Games::Risk::Tk::Cards;
        require Games::Risk::Tk::Continents;

        # remove everything on the canvas
        $c->CanvasBind('<Configure>', undef);

        # prevent some actions

        # create background image
        # no need to actually display it: it will be done when canvas
        # will be reconfigured.
        my $bgpath = $map->background;
        my ($width, $height) = imgsize($bgpath);

        # store zoom information
        require Games::Risk::Point;
        my $orig = Games::Risk::Point->new( { coordx=>$width, coordy=>$height } );
        my $zoom = Games::Risk::Point->new( { coordx=>1, coordy=>1 } );
        $self->_set_orig_bg_size( $orig );
        $self->_set_zoom( $zoom );

        # create capitals
        $K->yield('_country_redraw', $_) foreach $map->countries;

        # load greyscale image
        $self->_set_greyscale( $c->Photo(-file=>$map->greyscale) );

        # allow the canvas to update itself & reinstall callback.
        $c->CanvasBind('<Configure>', [$s->postback('_canvas_configure'), Ev('w'), Ev('h')] );

        # store map and say we're done
        $self->_set_map( $map );
        $K->post( risk => 'map_loaded' );

    event place_armies => sub {
        my ($self, $s, $nb, $continent) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION, ARG0, ARG1];

        my $name = defined $continent ? $continent->name : 'free';
        my $armies        = $self->_armies;
        my $armies_backup = $self->_armies_backup;
        $armies->{$name}        += $nb;
        $armies_backup->{$name} += $nb;   # to allow reinforcements redo

        # update the gui to reflect the new state.
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies',  1) );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<3>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', -1) );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<4>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies',  1) );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<5>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', -1) );
        $self->_w('lab_step_place_armies')->configure( enabled );

        # update status msg
        my $count = 0;
        $count += $_ for values %$armies;
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T("%s armies left to place"), $count);

    event place_armies_initial => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies_initial') );

    event place_armies_initial_count => sub {
        my ($self, $nb) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T("%s armies left to place"), $nb );
        $self->_set_armies_initial( $nb );

    event player_active => sub {
        my ($self, $new) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];

        my $old = $self->_curplayer;
        my $empty  = $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'empty.png') );
        my $active = $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('images', 'player-active.png') );
        $self->_w( "lab_player_".$old->name )->configure(-image=>$empty) if defined $old;
        $self->_w( "lab_player_".$new->name )->configure(-image=>$active);
        $self->_set_curplayer( $new );

    event player_add => sub {
        my ($self, $player) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];

        # create label
        my $f = $self->_w('fplayers');
        my $label = $f->Label(
            -bg    => $player->color,
            -image => $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'empty.png') ),
        $self->_set_w( "lab_player_" . $player->name, $label );

        # associate tooltip
        my $tooltip = $player->name // '';
        my $type = $player->type;
        if ( $type eq 'human' ) {
            $tooltip .= ' (' . T('human') . ')';
        } elsif ( $type eq 'ai' ) {
            my $ai = $player->ai;
            my $difficulty  = $ai->difficulty;
            my $description = $ai->description;
            $tooltip .= ' (' . sprintf(T('computer - %s'), $difficulty). ")\n$description";
        } else { $tooltip = '?'; }
        $self->_w('tooltip')->attach($label, -msg=>$tooltip);

    event player_lost => sub {
        my ($self, $player) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];

        # update gui
        my $name  = $player->name;
        my $image = $mw->Photo( -file => $SHAREDIR->file( 'images', 'player-lost.png' ) );
        $self->_w("lab_player_$name")->configure( -image => $image );
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T("Player %s has lost"), $name );

# -- private events

    # event: _clean_attack( $i )
    # remove line corresponding to attack $i from canvas.
    event _clean_attack => sub {
        my ($self, $i) = @_[OBJECT, ARG0];


# -- actions

    # event: _about()
    # request about window to be shown.
    event _about => sub {
        require Games::Risk::Tk::About;
        Games::Risk::Tk::About->new( {parent=>$mw} );

    # event: _attack_done()
    # Called when all planned attacks are finished.
    event _attack_done => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        # reset src & dst

        # update gui
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);

        # signal controller
        $K->post(risk => 'attack_end');

    # event: _attack_redo()
    # attack again the same destination from the same source.
    event _attack_redo => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        # signal controller
        $K->post(risk => attack => $self->_src, $self->_dst);

    # event: _close()
    # request to close current game.
    event _close => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        # warn controller that game is finished
        $K->post('risk', 'shutdown');

        # delete everything on canvas

        # delete ui widgets
        my $tb = $self->_del_w('tbactions');
        $tb->{CONTAINER}->packForget; # FIXME: breaking encapsulation

        # unstore data

        # enable / disable actions
        my @disable = qw{ close show_cards show_continents
            place_armies_redo place_armies_done attack_redo attack_done
            move_armies_done };
        $self->_action($_)->disable for @disable;
        $K->post( $_ => "shutdown", 1 ) for qw{ cards continents };

    # event: _move_armies_done()
    # moving armies at the end of the turn is finished.
    event _move_armies_done => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        # update gui
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', undef );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<3>', undef );

        # signal controller
        foreach my $move ( $self->_move_armies ) {
            my ($src, $dst, $nb) = @$move;
            $K->post(risk => move_armies => $src, $dst, $nb);
        $K->post(risk => 'armies_moved');

        # reset internals
        $self->_set_move_armies    ( [] );
        $self->_set_fake_armies_in ( {} );
        $self->_set_fake_armies_out( {} );

    # event: _new()
    # request for a new game to be started.
    event _new => sub {
        require Games::Risk::GUI::Startup;

    # event: _help()
    # request help window to be shown.
    event _help => sub {
        require Games::Risk::Tk::Help;
        Games::Risk::Tk::Help->new( {parent=>$mw} );

    # event: _place_armies_done()
    # called when all armies are placed correctly.
    event _place_armies_done => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        # check if we're done
        my $nb = 0;
        $nb += $_ for values %{ $self->_armies };
        if ( $nb != 0 ) {
            debug( 'should not be there!' );

        # update gui
        $self->_set_status( '' );
        my $c = $self->_w('canvas');
        $c->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<4>', undef);
        $c->CanvasBind('<5>', undef);
        $self->_action( 'place_armies_redo' )->disable;
        $self->_action( 'place_armies_done' )->disable;

        # request controller to update
        my $fake_armies_in = $self->_fake_armies_in;
        foreach my $id ( keys %$fake_armies_in ) {
            next if $fake_armies_in->{$id} == 0; # don't send null reinforcements
            my $country = $self->_map->country_get($id);
            $K->post(risk => armies_placed => $country, $fake_armies_in->{$id});
        $self->_set_armies        ( {} );
        $self->_set_armies_backup ( {} );
        $self->_set_fake_armies_in( {} );

    # event: _place_armies_redo()
    # user wants to restart from scratch reinforcements placing.
    event _place_armies_redo => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        my $fake_armies_in = $self->_fake_armies_in;
        foreach my $id ( keys %$fake_armies_in ) {
            next if $fake_armies_in->{$id} == 0;
            delete $fake_armies_in->{$id};
            my $country = $self->_map->country_get($id);
            $K->yield('chnum', $country);

        # forbid button next phase to be clicked
        # allow adding armies
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', 1) );
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<4>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', 1) );

        # reset initials
        my $nb = 0;
        my $armies_backup = $self->_armies_backup;
        foreach my $k ( keys %$armies_backup ) {
            my $v = $armies_backup->{$k};
            $self->_armies->{$k} = $v; # restore initial value
            $nb += $v;
        $self->_set_fake_armies_in( {} );

        # update status
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T("%s armies left to place"), $nb );

    # event: _show_cards()
    # request card window to be shown/hidden.
    event _show_cards => sub {
        $K->post('cards', 'visibility_toggle');

    # event: _show_continents()
    # request continents window to be shown/hidden.
    event _show_continents => sub {
        $K->post('continents', 'visibility_toggle');

    # event: _quit()
    # request to quit the application.
    event _quit => sub {

# -- gui events

    # event: _canvas_attack_from()
    # user wants to select a country to attack from.
    event _canvas_attack_from => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;

        # checks...
        return unless defined $country;
        return if $country->owner->name ne $curplayer->name; # country owner
        return if $country->armies == 1;

        # record attack source
        $self->_set_src( $country );
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_attack_target') );

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Attacking ... from %s'), $country->name );

    # event: _canvas_attack_cancel()
    # user wants to deselect a country to attack from.
    event _canvas_attack_cancel => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        # cancel attack source
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_attack_from') );

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Attacking from ...') );

    # event: _canvas_attack_target()
    # user wants to select target for her attack.
    event _canvas_attack_target => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;

        # checks...
        return unless defined $country;
        if ( $country->owner->name eq $curplayer->name ) {
            # we own this country too, let's just change source of attack.
        return unless $country->is_neighbour( $self->_src );

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Attacking %s from %s'),
            $country->name, $self->_src->name );

        # store opponent
        $self->_set_dst( $country );

        # update gui to reflect new state
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);

        # signal controller
        $K->post(risk => attack => $self->_src, $country);

    # event: _canvas_configure( undef, [$canvas, $w, $h] )
    # Called when canvas is reconfigured. new width and height available
    # with ($w, $h). note that reconfigure is also window motion.
    event _canvas_configure => sub {
        my ($self, $args) = @_[OBJECT, ARG1];
        my ($c, $neww, $newh) = @$args;

        # check if we're at startup screen...
        my $map = Games::Risk->new->map;
        if ( defined $map ) {
            # in a game
            # create a new image resized to fit new dims
            my $magick = Image::Magick->new;
            $magick->Read( $map->background );
            $magick->Scale(width=>$neww, height=>$newh);

            # install this new image inplace of previous background
            my $img = $c->Photo( -data => encode_base64( $magick->ImageToBlob ) );
            $c->createImage(0, 0, -anchor=>'nw', -image=>$img, -tags=>['background']);
            $c->lower('background', 'all');

            # update zoom factors. note that we don't want to resize greyscale
            # image since a) it takes time, which is unneeded since this image
            # is not displayed and b) greyscale are quite close from country to
            # country, and resizing will blur this to the point that it's no
            # longer usable. therefore, just storing a zoom factor and using it
            # will be enough for greyscale.
            my $zoom = $self->_zoom;
            my $orig = $self->_orig_bg_size;
            $zoom->set_coordx( $neww / $orig->coordx );
            $zoom->set_coordy( $newh / $orig->coordy );

            # force country redraw, for them to be correctly placed on the new
            # map.
            $K->yield('_country_redraw', $_) foreach $map->countries;

        } else {
            # delete existing images

            # create the initial welcome screen
            my @tags = ( -tags => ['startup'] );
            # first a background image...
            $c->createImage (
                $neww/2, $newh/2,
                -anchor => 'center',
                -image  => $mw->Photo( -file=>$SHAREDIR->file( "images", "splash.jpg") ),

    # event: _canvas_motion( undef, [$canvas, $x, $y] )
    # Called when mouse is moving over the $canvas at coords ($x,$y).
    event _canvas_motion => sub {
        my ($self, $args) = @_[OBJECT, ARG1];

        my (undef, $x,$y) = @$args; # first param is canvas

        # correct with zoom factor
        my $zoom = $self->_zoom;
        $x /= defined($zoom) ? $zoom->coordx : 1;
        $y /= defined($zoom) ? $zoom->coordy : 1;

        # get greyscale pointed by mouse, this may die if moving too fast
        # outside of the canvas. we just need the 'red' component, since
        # green and blue will be the same.
        my $grey = 0;
        eval { ($grey) = $self->_greyscale->get($x,$y) };
        return unless defined $self->_map;
        my $country    = $self->_map->country_get($grey);

        # update country and country label
        $self->_set_country( $country ); # may be undef
        $self->_set_country_label( defined $country
            ? join(' - ', $country->continent->name, $country->name)
            : '' );

    # event: _canvas_move_armies_cancel();
    # user wants to deselect a country to move from.
    event _canvas_move_armies_cancel => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        # cancel attack source

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( T('Moving armies from ...') );

        # canvas click now selects the source
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_from') );

    # event: _canvas_move_armies_from();
    # user selects country to move armies from.
    event _canvas_move_armies_from => sub {
        my ($self, $s) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION];

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;

        # checks...
        return unless defined $country;
        my $id = $country->id;
        return if $country->owner->name ne $curplayer->name; # country owner
        return if $country->armies - ($self->_fake_armies_out->{$id}//0) == 1;

        # record move source
        $self->_set_src( $country );

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Moving armies from %s to ...'), $country->name );

        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_move_armies_target') );

    # event: _canvas_move_armies_target();
    # user wants to select target for her armies move.
    event _canvas_move_armies_target => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;

        # checks...
        return unless defined $country;
        return if $country->owner->name ne $curplayer->name;
        return unless $country->is_neighbour( $self->_src );

        # update status msg
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T('Moving armies from %s to %s'),
            $self->_src->name, $country->name );

        # store destination
        $self->_set_dst( $country );

        # update gui to reflect new state
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind('<3>', undef);

        # request user how many armies to move
        my $src = $self->_src;
        my $max = $src->armies - 1 - ($self->_fake_armies_out->{ $src->id }//0);
        $K->post('move-armies', 'ask_move_armies', $src, $country, $max);

    # event: _canvas_place_armies( [ $diff ] )
    # Called when mouse click on the canvas during armies placement.
    # Update "fake armies" to place $diff (may be negative) army on the
    # current country.
    event _canvas_place_armies => sub {
        my ($self, $s, $args) = @_[OBJECT, SESSION, ARG0];

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;
        return unless defined $country;
        my $id        = $country->id;
        my ($diff)    = @$args;

        # checks...
        return if $country->owner->name ne $curplayer->name; # country owner
        return if $diff + ($self->_fake_armies_in->{$id}//0) < 0;   # negative count (free army move! :-) )

        # update armies count
        my $name   = $country->continent->name;
        my $armies = $self->_armies;
        if ( exists $armies->{$name} ) {
            $armies->{$name} -= $diff;
            # FIXME: check if possible, otherwise default to free
        } else {
            $armies->{free} -= $diff;
            # FIXME: check if possible

        # redraw country.
        $self->_fake_armies_in->{ $country->id } += $diff;
        $K->yield( 'chnum', $country );

        # allow redo button

        # check if we're done
        my $nb = 0;
        my $c  = $self->_w('canvas');
        $nb += $_ for values %$armies;
        $self->_set_status( sprintf T("%s armies left to place"), $nb );
        if ( $nb == 0 ) {
            # allow button next phase to be clicked
            # forbid adding armies
            $c->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);
            $c->CanvasBind('<4>', undef);

        } else {
            # forbid button next phase to be clicked
            # allow adding armies
            $c->CanvasBind( '<1>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', 1) );
            $c->CanvasBind( '<4>', $s->postback('_canvas_place_armies', 1) );

    # event: _canvas_place_armies_initial()
    # Called when mouse click on the canvas during initial armies placement.
    # Will request controller to place one army on the current country.
    event _canvas_place_armies_initial => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        my $curplayer = $self->_curplayer;
        my $country   = $self->_country;

        # check country owner
        return unless defined $country;
        return if $country->owner->name ne $curplayer->name;

        # change canvas bindings
        $self->_w('canvas')->CanvasBind('<1>', undef);

        # update gui
        my $nb = $self->_armies_initial;
        $self->_set_status( $nb ? sprintf( T("%s armies left to place"), $nb) : '' );

        # tell controller that we've placed an army. controller will then
        # ask us to redraw the country.
        $K->post(risk => initial_armies_placed => $country, 1);

# -- gui creation


    # $main->_build_gui;
    # create the various gui elements.
    sub _build_gui {
        my $self = shift;
        my $s = $self->_session;

        # hide window during its creation to avoid flickering

        # prettyfying tk app.
        # see
        $mw->optionAdd('*BorderWidth' => 1);

        # set windowtitle
        my $icon = $SHAREDIR->file('icons', '32', 'prisk.png');
        my $mask = $SHAREDIR->file('icons', '32', 'prisk-mask.xbm');
        $mw->iconimage( $mw->Photo( -file=>$icon ) );
        $mw->iconmask ( '@' . $mask );

        # make sure window is big enough
        #my $config = Games::Pandemic::Config->instance;
        #my $width  = $config->get( 'win_width' );
        #my $height = $config->get( 'win_height' );
        #$mw->geometry($width . 'x' . $height);

        # create the actions
        my @enabled  = qw{ new quit help about };
        my @disabled = qw{ close show_cards show_continents
            place_armies_redo place_armies_done attack_redo attack_done
            move_armies_done };
        foreach my $what ( @enabled, @disabled ) {
            my $action = Tk::Action->new(
                window   => $mw,
                callback => $s->postback("_$what"),
            $self->_set_action($what, $action);

        # allow some actions
        $self->_action($_)->enable  for @enabled;
        $self->_action($_)->disable for @disabled;

        # the tooltip
        $self->_set_w('tooltip', $mw->Balloon);

        # WARNING: we need to create the toolbar object before anything
        # else. indeed, tk::toolbar loads the embedded icons in classinit,
        # that is when the first object of the class is created - and not
        # during compile time.

        # center & show the window
        # FIXME: restore last position saved?
        $mw->packPropagate(0); # prevent main window from being resized by other widgets
        $mw->minsize($mw->width, $mw->height);

    # $main->_build_action_bar;
    # create the action bar at the top of the window, with the various
    # action buttons that a player can press when it's her turn.
    sub _build_action_bar {
        my $self = shift;
        my $session = $self->_session;

        # create the toolbar
        my $tbmain = $self->_w('toolbar');
        my $tb = $mw->ToolBar(-movable => 0, -in=>$tbmain );
        $self->_set_w('tbactions', $tb);

        # the toolbar widgets
        my @actions = (
        [ T('Game state: ')                                          ],
        [ T('place armies'),     'lab_step_place_armies'             ],
        [ T('undo all'),         'place_armies_redo', 'actreload22'  ],
        [ T('ready for attack'), 'place_armies_done', 'navforward22' ],
        [ T('attack'),           'lab_step_attack'                   ],
        [ T('attack again'),     'attack_redo',       'actredo22'    ],
        [ T('consolidate'),      'attack_done',       'navforward22' ],
        [ T('move armies'),      'lab_step_move_armies'              ],
        [ T('turn finished'),    'move_armies_done',  'playstop22'   ],

        # create the widgets
        foreach my $item ( @actions ) {
            my ($label, $action, $icon) = @$item;

            if ( defined $icon ) {
                # regular toolbar widgets
                my $widget = $tb->Button(
                    -image       => $icon,
                    -tip         => $label,
                    -command     => $session->postback( "_$action" ),

            # label
            my $widget = $tb->Label( -text => $label );
            next unless $action;
            $widget->configure( disabled );
            $self->_set_w( $action => $widget );

    # $main->_build_menubar;
    # create the window's menu.
    sub _build_menubar {
        my $self = shift;
        my $s = $self->_session;

        # no tear-off menus
        $mw->optionAdd('*tearOff', 'false');

        my $menubar = $mw->Menu;
        $mw->configure(-menu => $menubar );
        $self->_set_w('menubar', $menubar);

        # menu game
        my @mnu_game = (
        [ 'new',   'filenew16',   'Ctrl+N', T('~New game')   ],
        #[ 'load',  'fileopen16',  'Ctrl+O', T('~Load game')  ],
        [ 'close', 'fileclose16', 'Ctrl+W', T('~Close game') ],
        [ '---'                                              ],
        [ 'quit',  'actexit16',   'Ctrl+Q', T('~Quit')       ],
        $self->_build_menu('game', T('~Game'), @mnu_game);

        # menu view
        my @mnu_view = (
        [ 'show_cards',      $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'cards.png')), 'F5', T('~Cards') ],
        [ 'show_continents', $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'continents.png')), 'F6', T('C~ontinents') ],
        $self->_build_menu('view', T('~View'), @mnu_view);

        # menu actions
        my @mnu_actions = (
        [ 'place_armies_redo', 'actreload16',  'u', T('~Undo all') ],
        [ 'place_armies_done', 'navforward16', 'a', T('~Attack') ],
        [ 'attack_redo',       'actredo16',    'r', T('~Re-attack') ],
        [ 'attack_done',       'navforward16', 'c', T('~Consolidate') ],
        [ 'move_armies_done',  'playstop16',   'f', T('~Finish turn') ],
        $self->_build_menu('actions', T('~Actions'), @mnu_actions);

        # menu help
        my @mnu_help = (
        [ 'help',  $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'help.png')), 'F1', T('~Help') ],
        [ 'about', $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'about.png')),  '', T('~About') ],
        $self->_build_menu('help', T('~Help'), @mnu_help);

    # $self->_build_menu( $mnuname, $mnulabel, @submenus );
    # Create the menu $label, with all the @submenus.
    # @submenus is a list of [$name, $icon, $accel, $label] items.
    # Store the menu items under the name menu_$mnuname_$name.
    sub _build_menu {
        my ($self, $mnuname, $mnulabel, @submenus) = @_;
        my $menubar = $self->_w('menubar');
        my $s = $self->_session;

        my $menu = $menubar->cascade(-label => $mnulabel);
        foreach my $item ( @submenus ) {
            my ($name, $icon, $accel, $label) = @$item;

            # separators are easier
            if ( $name eq '---' ) {

            # regular buttons
            my $action = $self->_action($name);
            my $widget = $menu->command(
                -label       => $label,
                -image       => $icon,
                -compound    => 'left',
                -accelerator => $accel,
                -command     => $action->callback,
            $self->_set_w("menu_${mnuname}_${name}", $widget);

            # create the bindings. note: we also need to bind the lowercase
            # letter too!
            if ( $accel ) {
                $accel =~ s/Ctrl\+/Control-/;
                $accel =~ s/Control-(\w)/"Control-" . lc($1)/e;

    # $main->_build_player_bar;
    # create the player bar at the right of the window.
    sub _build_player_bar {
        my $self = shift;
        my $s    = $self->_session;

        my $fright = $mw->Frame->pack(right, fill2, -before=>$self->_w('canvas'));
        $self->_set_w( player_bar => $fright );

        #-- players frame
        my $fpl = $fright->Frame->pack(top);
        my $fplist = $fpl->Frame->pack(top);
        $self->_set_w( fplayers => $fplist );

        #-- dices frame
        my $dice0   = $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('images', 'dice-0.png') );
        my $empty16 = $mw->Photo(-file=>$SHAREDIR->file('icons', '16', 'empty.png') );
        my $fdice = $fright->Frame->pack(top,fillx,pady(10));
        $fdice->Label(-text=>T('Dice arena'))->pack(top,fillx);
        my $fd1 = $fdice->Frame->pack(top,fill2);
        my $a1 = $fd1->Label(-image=>$dice0)->pack(left);
        my $a2 = $fd1->Label(-image=>$dice0)->pack(left);
        my $a3 = $fd1->Label(-image=>$dice0)->pack(left);
        my $fr = $fdice->Frame->pack(top,fill2);
        my $r1 = $fr->Label( -image=>$empty16, -width=>38)->pack(left);
        my $r2 = $fr->Label( -image=>$empty16, -width=>38)->pack(left);
        my $fd2 = $fdice->Frame->pack(top,fill2);
        my $d1 = $fd2->Label(-image=>$dice0)->pack(left);
        my $d2 = $fd2->Label(-image=>$dice0)->pack(left);
        $self->_set_w( lab_attack_1  => $a1 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_attack_2  => $a2 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_attack_3  => $a3 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_result_1  => $r1 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_result_2  => $r2 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_defence_1 => $d1 );
        $self->_set_w( lab_defence_2 => $d2 );

        #-- redo checkbox
        my $reattack_value;
        my $cb_reattack = $fright->Checkbutton(
            -text     => T('Auto-reattack'),
            -anchor   => 'w',
            -variable => \$reattack_value,
            -command  => sub { $self->_set_auto_reattack( !!$reattack_value ); },
        $cb_reattack->select if $self->_auto_reattack;
        $self->_w('tooltip')->attach($cb_reattack, -msg=>T('Automatically re-do last attack if attacker still has more than 3 armies'));

    # $main->_build_status_bar;
    # create the status bar at the bottom of the window.
    sub _build_status_bar {
        my $self = shift;

        # the status bar
        my $fbot   = $mw->Frame->pack(bottom, fillx, -before=>$self->_w('canvas'));
        $self->_set_w( status_bar => $fbot );

        # label to display status
        my $status = $fbot->Label( -anchor =>'w' )->pack(left,xfillx, pad1);
        $self->_set_w( lab_status => $status );

        # label to display country pointed by mouse
        my $clabel = $fbot->Label( -anchor => 'e' )->pack(right, xfillx, pad1);
        $self->_set_w( country_label => $clabel );

    # $main->_build_toolbar;
    # create the window toolbar (the one just below the menu).
    sub _build_toolbar {
        my $self = shift;
        my $session = $self->_session;

        # create the toolbar
        my $tb = $mw->ToolBar( -movable => 0, top );
        $self->_set_w('toolbar', $tb);

        # the toolbar widgets
        my @tb = (
            [ 'Button', 'filenew22',   'new',   T('New game')   ],
            #[ 'Button', 'fileopen22',  'load',  T('Load game')  ],
            [ 'Button', 'fileclose22', 'close', T('Close game') ],
            [ 'Button', 'actexit22',   'quit',  T('Quit')       ],

        # create the widgets
        foreach my $item ( @tb ) {
            my ($type, $image, $name, $tip) = @$item;

            # separator is a special case
            $tb->separator( -movable => 0 ), next if $type eq 'separator';
            my $action = $self->_action($name);

            # regular toolbar widgets
            my $widget = $tb->$type(
                -image       => $image,
                -tip         => $tip,
                -command     => $action->callback,
            $self->_set_w( "tbut_$name", $widget );
            $action->add_widget( $widget );

    # $main->_build_canvas;
    # create the canvas, where the map will be drawn and the action
    # take place.
    sub _build_canvas {
        my $self = shift;
        my $s = $self->_session;

        # FIXME: the following needs to be changed according to config /
        # latest values
        my $width  = 820;
        my $height = 425;

        # creating the canvas
        my $c  = $mw->Canvas(-width=>$width,-height=>$height)->pack(top, xfill2);
        $self->_set_w('canvas', $c);

        # removing class bindings
        foreach my $button ( qw{ 4 5 6 7 } ) {
            $mw->bind('Tk::Canvas', "<Button-$button>",       undef);
            $mw->bind('Tk::Canvas', "<Shift-Button-$button>", undef);
        foreach my $key ( qw{ Down End Home Left Next Prior Right Up } ) {
            $mw->bind('Tk::Canvas', "<Key-$key>", undef);
            $mw->bind('Tk::Canvas', "<Control-Key-$key>", undef);

        # initial actions
        $c->CanvasBind('<Configure>', [$s->postback('_canvas_configure'), Ev('w'), Ev('h')] );
        $c->CanvasBind( '<Motion>',   [$s->postback('_canvas_motion'),    Ev('x'), Ev('y')] );


no Moose;



=head1 NAME

Games::Risk::Tk::Main - main prisk window

=head1 VERSION

version 4.000


This class implements the whole L<Tk> graphical interface. It is a POE
session driving events, reacting to user interaction & updating the
display as game changes status.

=head1 EVENTS

=head2 attack


Request user to start attacking at will.

=head2 attack_info

    attack_info( $src, $dst, \@attack, \@defence )

Give the result of C<$dst> attack from C<$src>: C<@attack> and
C<@defence> dices.

=head2 attack_move


Prevent user to re-attack till he moved the armies.

=head2 chnum

=head2 chown

    chnum( $country )
    chown( $country )

Force C<$country> to be redrawn: owner and number of armies.

=head2 flash_country

    flash_country( $country , [ $state, $left ] )

Request C<$country> to be flashed on the map. This is done by extracting
the country from the greyscale image, and paint it in white on the

Once the image is created, the event yields itself back after
C<$FLASHDELAY>, and shows/hides the image depending on C<$state>. When
C<$left> hits 0 (decremented each state change), the image is discarded.

=head2 game_over

    game_over( $player )

Sent when C<$player> has won the game.

=head2 move_armies


Request user to move armies if she wants to.

=head2 move_armies_move

    move_armies_move($src, $dst, $nb)

Request gui to move C<$nb> armies from C<$src> to C<$dst>.

=head2 new_game


Received when the controller started a new game. Display the new map,
action & statusbar.

=head2 place_armies

    place_armies( $nb [, $continent] )

Request user to place C<$nb> armies on her countries (maybe within
C<$continent> if supplied).

=head2 place_armies_initial


Request user to place 1 armies on her countries. this is initial
reinforcement, so there's no limit on where to put the army, and armies
are put one by one.

=head2 place_armies_initial_count

    place_armies_initial_count( $nb )

request user to place $nb armies on her countries. this is initial
armies placement:
    - no restriction on where
    - armies get placed one by one

this event just allows the gui to inform user how many armies will be
placed initially.

=head2 player_active

    player_active( $player )

Change player labels so that previous player is inactive, and new
active one is C<$player>.

=head2 player_add

    player_add( $player )

Create a label for C<$player>, with tooltip information.

=head2 player_lost


Mark C<$player> as lost.

=for Pod::Coverage START

=head1 AUTHOR

Jerome Quelin


This software is Copyright (c) 2008 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007
