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# This file is part of Language-Befunge
# This software is copyright (c) 2003 by Jerome Quelin.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
use strict;
use warnings;

package Language::Befunge::Vector;
# ABSTRACT: an opaque, N-dimensional vector class
$Language::Befunge::Vector::VERSION = '5.000';
use integer;
use Carp;

use overload
    '='   => \&copy,
    '+'   => \&_add,
    '-'   => \&_substract,
    'neg' => \&_invert,
    '+='  => \&_add_inplace,
    '-='  => \&_substract_inplace,
    '<=>' => \&_compare,
    'eq'  => \&_compare_string,
    '""'  => \&as_string;

# try to load speed-up LBV
eval 'use Language::Befunge::Vector::XS';
if ( defined $Language::Befunge::Vector::XS::VERSION ) {
    my $xsversion = $Language::Befunge::Vector::XS::VERSION;
    my @subs = qw[
        new new_zeroes copy
        as_string get_dims get_component get_all_components
        clear set_component
        _add _substract _invert
        _add_inplace _substract_inplace
    foreach my $sub ( @subs ) {
        no strict 'refs';
        no warnings 'redefine';
        my $lbvxs_sub = "Language::Befunge::Vector::XS::$sub";
        *$sub = \&$lbvxs_sub;
    # LBV::XS 1.1.0 adds rasterize()
    @subs = qw[ rasterize _xs_rasterize_ptr ];
    if($xsversion gt "1.0.0") {
        # import the XS functions from LBVXS
        no strict 'refs';
        no warnings 'redefine';
        foreach my $sub (@subs) {
            my $lbvxs_sub = "Language::Befunge::Vector::XS::$sub";
            *$sub = \&$lbvxs_sub;
    } else {
        # export the pure-perl functions to LBVXS
        no strict 'refs';
        no warnings 'redefine';
        foreach my $sub (@subs) {
            my $lbvxs_sub = "Language::Befunge::Vector::XS::$sub";
            *$lbvxs_sub = \&$sub;


# my $vec = LB::Vector->new( $x [, $y, ...] );
# Create a new vector. The arguments are the actual vector data; one
# integer per dimension.
sub new {
    my $pkg = shift;

    # sanity checks
    my $usage = "Usage: $pkg->new(\$x, ...)";
    croak $usage unless scalar(@_) > 0;

    # regular LBV object
    my $self = [@_];
    bless $self, $pkg;
    return $self;

# my $vec = LB::Vector->new_zeroes($dims);
# Create a new vector of dimension $dims, set to the origin (all
# zeroes). LBV->new_zeroes(2) is exactly equivalent to LBV->new(0, 0).
sub new_zeroes {
    my ($pkg, $dims) = @_;

    # sanity checks
    my $usage = "Usage: $pkg->new_zeroes(\$dimensions)";
    croak $usage unless defined $dims;
    croak $usage unless $dims > 0;

    # regular LBV object
    my $self = [ (0) x $dims ];
    bless $self, $pkg;
    return $self;

# my $vec = $v->copy;
# Return a new LBV object, which has the same dimensions and coordinates
# as $v.
sub copy {
    my $vec = shift;
    return bless [@$vec], ref $vec;


#- accessors

# my $str = $vec->as_string;
# my $str = "$vec";
# Return the stringified form of $vec. For instance, a Befunge vector
# might look like "(1,2)".
sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;
    return "(" . join(",",@$self) . ")";

# my $dims = $vec->get_dims;
# Return the number of dimensions, an integer.
sub get_dims {
    my $self = shift;
    return scalar(@$self);

# my $val = $vec->get_component($dim);
# Get the value for dimension $dim.
sub get_component {
    my ($self, $dim) = @_;
    croak "No such dimension $dim!" unless $dim >= 0 && $self->get_dims > $dim;
    return $self->[$dim];

# my @vals = $vec->get_all_components;
# Get the values for all dimensions, in order from 0..N.
sub get_all_components {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return @$self;

# - mutators

# $vec->clear;
# Set the vector back to the origin, all 0's.
sub clear {
    my ($self) = @_;
    @$self = (0) x $self->get_dims;

# $vec->set_component($dim, $value);
# Set the value for dimension $dim to $value.
sub set_component {
    my ($self, $dim, $val) = @_;
    croak "No such dimension $dim!" unless $dim >= 0 && $self->get_dims > $dim;
    $self->[$dim] = $val;

#- other methods

# my $is_within = $vec->bounds_check($begin, $end);
# Check whether $vec is within the box defined by $begin and $end.
# Return 1 if vector is contained within the box, and 0 otherwise.
sub bounds_check {
    my ($vchk, $begin, $end) = @_;
    croak "uneven dimensions in bounds check!" unless $vchk->get_dims == $begin->get_dims;
    croak "uneven dimensions in bounds check!" unless $vchk->get_dims == $end->get_dims;
    for (my $d = 0; $d < $vchk->get_dims; $d++) {
        return 0 if $vchk->get_component($d) < $begin->get_component($d);
        return 0 if $vchk->get_component($d) >   $end->get_component($d);
    return 1;

# $vec = $vec->rasterize($min, $max);
# Return the next vector in raster order, or undef if the hypercube space
# has been fully covered.  To enumerate the entire storage area, the caller
# should call rasterize on the storage area's "min" value the first time,
# and keep looping while the return value is defined.  To enumerate a
# smaller rectangle, the caller should pass in the min and max vectors
# describing the rectangle, and keep looping while the return value is
# defined.

sub rasterize {
    my ($v, $min, $max) = @_;
    return undef unless $v->bounds_check($min, $max);
    $v = $v->copy;
    my $nd = $v->get_dims();
    for my $d (0..$nd-1) {
        if($v->get_component($d) >= $max->get_component($d)) {
            # wrap to the next highest dimension, continue loop
            $v->set_component($d, $min->get_component($d));
        } else {
            # still have farther to go in this dimension.
            $v->set_component($d, $v->get_component($d) + 1);
            return $v;
    # ran out of dimensions!
    return undef;


#- math ops

# my $vec = $v1->_add($v2);
# my $vec = $v1 + $v2;
# Return a new LBV object, which is the result of $v1 plus $v2.
sub _add {
    my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    croak "uneven dimensions in vector addition!" unless $nd == scalar @$v2;
    return ref($v1)->new(map { $$v1[$_] + $$v2[$_] } (0..$nd-1));

# my $vec = $v1->_substract($v2);
# my $vec = $v1 - $v2;
# Return a new LBV object, which is the result of $v1 minus $v2.
sub _substract {
    my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    croak "uneven dimensions in vector subtraction!" unless $nd == scalar @$v2;
    return ref($v1)->new(map { $$v1[$_] - $$v2[$_] } (0..$nd-1));

# my $v2 = $v1->_invert;
# my $v2 = -$v1;
# Subtract $v1 from the origin. Effectively, gives the inverse of the
# original vector. The new vector is the same distance from the origin,
# in the opposite direction.
sub _invert {
    my ($v1) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    return ref($v1)->new(map { -$_ } (@$v1));

#- inplace math ops

# $v1->_add_inplace($v2);
# $v1 += $v2;
sub _add_inplace {
    my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    croak "uneven dimensions in vector addition!" unless $nd == scalar @$v2;
    map { $$v1[$_] += $$v2[$_] } (0..$nd-1);
    return $v1;

# $v1->_substract_inplace($v2);
# $v1 -= $v2;
# Substract $v2 to $v1, and stores the result back into $v1.
sub _substract_inplace {
    my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    croak "uneven dimensions in vector substraction!" unless $nd == scalar @$v2;
    map { $$v1[$_] -= $$v2[$_] } (0..$nd-1);
    return $v1;

#- comparison

# my $bool = $v1->_compare($v2);
# my $bool = $v1 <=> $v2;
# Check whether the vectors both point at the same spot. Return 0 if they
# do, 1 if they don't.
sub _compare {
    my ($v1, $v2) = @_;
    my $nd = scalar @$v1;
    croak "uneven dimensions in bounds check!" unless $nd == scalar @$v2;
    for (my $d = 0; $d < $nd; $d++) {
        return 1 if $$v1[$d] != $$v2[$d];
    return 0;

# my $bool = $v->_compare($string);
# my $bool = $v eq $string;
# Check whether the vector stringifies to $string.
sub _compare_string {
    my ($self, $str) = @_;
    return $self->as_string eq $str;

#- other private methods

# my $ptr = $v1->_xs_rasterize_ptr();
# Get a pointer to the C "rasterize" function.  Returns undef if LBVXS is not
# loaded.  This is useful for external XS modules, because calling the C
# function directly is faster.
# The prototype of the C rasterize function is:
#     AV *rasterize(AV *vec_array, AV *min_array, AV *max_array);
# It operates just like the perl rasterize function, and returns NULL when the
# end of the loop has been reached.
sub _xs_rasterize_ptr { return undef }




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Language::Befunge::Vector - an opaque, N-dimensional vector class

=head1 VERSION

version 5.000


    my $v1 = Language::Befunge::Vector->new($x, $y, ...);
    my $v2 = Language::Befunge::Vector->new_zeroes($dims);


This class abstracts normal vector manipulation. It lets you pass
around one argument to your functions, rather than N arguments, one
per dimension.  This means much of your code doesn't have to care
how many dimensions you're working with.

You can do vector arithmetic, test for equality, or even stringify
the vector to a string like I<"(1,2,3)">.


=head2 my $vec = LB::Vector->new( $x [, $y, ...] )

Create a new vector. The arguments are the actual vector data; one
integer per dimension.

=head2 my $vec = LB::Vector->new_zeroes($dims);

Create a new vector of dimension C<$dims>, set to the origin (all zeroes). C<<
LBV->new_zeroes(2) >> is exactly equivalent to B<< LBV->new(0,0) >>.

=head2 my $vec = $v->copy;

Return a new LBV object, which has the same dimensions and coordinates
as $v.


=head2 my $str = $vec->as_string;

Return the stringified form of C<$vec>. For instance, a Befunge vector
might look like C<(1,2)>.

This method is also applied to stringification, ie when one forces
string context (C<"$vec">).

=head2 my $dims = $vec->get_dims;

Return the number of dimensions, an integer.

=head2 my $val = $vec->get_component($dim);

Get the value for dimension C<$dim>.

=head2 my @vals = $vec->get_all_components;

Get the values for all dimensions, in order from 0..N.

=head2 $vec->clear;

Set the vector back to the origin, all 0's.

=head2 $vec->set_component($dim, $value);

Set the value for dimension C<$dim> to C<$value>.

=head2 my $is_within = $vec->bounds_check($begin, $end);

Check whether C<$vec> is within the box defined by C<$begin> and C<$end>.
Return 1 if vector is contained within the box, and 0 otherwise.

=head2 $vec->rasterize($min, $max);

Return the next vector in raster order, or undef if the hypercube space
has been fully covered.

To enumerate the entire storage area, the caller should call rasterize
on the storage area's "min" value the first time, and keep looping while
the return value is defined.  To enumerate a smaller rectangle, the
caller should pass in the min and max vectors describing the rectangle,
and keep looping while the return value is defined.


=head2 Standard operations

One can do some maths on the vectors. Addition and substraction work as

    my $v = $v1 + $v2;
    my $v = $v1 - $v2;

Either operation return a new LBV object, which is the result of C<$v1>
plus / minus C<$v2>.

The inversion is also supported:
    my $v2 = -$v1;

will subtracts C<$v1> from the origin, and effectively, gives the
inverse of the original vector. The new vector is the same distance from
the origin, in the opposite direction.

=head2 Inplace operations

LBV objects also supports inplace mathematical operations:

    $v1 += $v2;
    $v1 -= $v2;

effectively adds / substracts C<$v2> to / from C<$v1>, and stores the
result back into C<$v1>.

=head2 Comparison

Finally, LBV objects can be tested for equality, ie whether two vectors
both point at the same spot.

    print "same"   if $v1 == $v2;
    print "differ" if $v1 != $v2;


=head2 _xs_rasterize_ptr

    my $ptr = $v1->_xs_rasterize_ptr();

Get a pointer to the C "rasterize" function.  Returns undef if LBVXS is not
loaded.  This is useful for external XS modules, to allow them to call the
C function directly for additional speed.

The prototype of the C rasterize function is:

    AV *rasterize(AV *vec_array, AV *min_array, AV *max_array);

It operates just like the perl rasterize function, and returns NULL when the
end of the loop has been reached.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jerome Quelin


This software is copyright (c) 2003 by Jerome Quelin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
