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package SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2002-2009 SQLFairy Authors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307  USA
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

=head1 NAME

SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer - MS SQLServer producer for SQL::Translator


  use SQL::Translator;

  my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => '...', producer => 'SQLServer' );


B<WARNING>B This is still fairly early code, basically a hacked version of the
Sybase Producer (thanks Sam, Paul and Ken for doing the real work ;-)

=head1 Extra Attributes

=over 4

=item field.list

List of values for an enum field.


=head1 TODO

 * !! Write some tests !!
 * Reserved words list needs updating to SQLServer.
 * Triggers, Procedures and Views DO NOT WORK


use strict;
use vars qw[ $DEBUG $WARN $VERSION ];
$VERSION = '1.59';
$DEBUG = 1 unless defined $DEBUG;

use Data::Dumper;
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug header_comment);
use SQL::Translator::ProducerUtils;

my $util = SQL::Translator::ProducerUtils->new( quote_chars => ['[', ']'] );

my %translate  = (
    date      => 'datetime',
    'time'    => 'datetime',
    # Sybase types
    #integer   => 'numeric',
    #int       => 'numeric',
    #number    => 'numeric',
    #money     => 'money',
    #varchar   => 'varchar',
    #varchar2  => 'varchar',
    #timestamp => 'datetime',
    #text      => 'varchar',
    #real      => 'double precision',
    #comment   => 'text',
    #bit       => 'bit',
    #tinyint   => 'smallint',
    #float     => 'double precision',
    #serial    => 'numeric',
    #boolean   => 'varchar',
    #char      => 'char',
    #long      => 'varchar',

# If these datatypes have size appended the sql fails.
my @no_size = qw/tinyint smallint int integer bigint text bit image datetime/;

my $max_id_length    = 128;
my %global_names;


=head1 SQLServer Create Table Syntax



# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub produce {
    my $translator     = shift;
    $DEBUG             = $translator->debug;
    $WARN              = $translator->show_warnings;
    my $no_comments    = $translator->no_comments;
    my $add_drop_table = $translator->add_drop_table;
    my $schema         = $translator->schema;

    %global_names = (); #reset

    my $output;
    $output .= header_comment."\n" unless ($no_comments);

    # Generate the DROP statements.
    if ($add_drop_table) {
        my @tables = sort { $b->order <=> $a->order } $schema->get_tables;
        $output .= "--\n-- Turn off constraints\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
        foreach my $table (@tables) {
            my $name = $table->name;
            my $q_name = unreserve($name);
            $output .= "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$name' AND type = 'U') ALTER TABLE $q_name NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all;\n"
        $output .= "\n";
        $output .= "--\n-- Drop tables\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
        foreach my $table (@tables) {
            my $name = $table->name;
            my $q_name = unreserve($name);
            $output .= "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = '$name' AND type = 'U') DROP TABLE $q_name;\n"

    # Generate the CREATE sql

    my @foreign_constraints = (); # these need to be added separately, as tables may not exist yet

    for my $table ( $schema->get_tables ) {
        my $table_name    = $table->name or next;
        my $table_name_ur = unreserve($table_name) || '';

        my ( @comments, @field_defs, @index_defs, @constraint_defs );

        push @comments, "\n\n--\n-- Table: $table_name_ur\n--"
        unless $no_comments;

        push @comments, map { "-- $_" } $table->comments;

        # Fields
        my %field_name_scope;
        for my $field ( $table->get_fields ) {
            my $field_name    = $field->name;
            my $field_name_ur = unreserve( $field_name );
            my $field_def     = qq["$field_name_ur"];
            $field_def        =~ s/\"//g;
            if ( $field_def =~ /identity/ ){
                $field_def =~ s/identity/pidentity/;

            # Datatype
            my $data_type      = lc $field->data_type;
            my $orig_data_type = $data_type;
            my %extra          = $field->extra;
            my $list           = $extra{'list'} || [];
            # \todo deal with embedded quotes
            my $commalist      = join( ', ', map { qq['$_'] } @$list );

            if ( $data_type eq 'enum' ) {
                my $check_name = mk_name( $field_name . '_chk' );
                push @constraint_defs,
                  "CONSTRAINT $check_name CHECK ($field_name IN ($commalist))";
                $data_type .= 'character varying';
            elsif ( $data_type eq 'set' ) {
                $data_type .= 'character varying';
            elsif ( grep { $data_type eq $_ } qw/bytea blob clob/ ) {
                $data_type = 'varbinary';
            else {
                if ( defined $translate{ $data_type } ) {
                    $data_type = $translate{ $data_type };
                else {
                    warn "Unknown datatype: $data_type ",
                        "($table_name.$field_name)\n" if $WARN;

            my $size = $field->size;
            if ( grep $_ eq $data_type, @no_size) {
            # SQLServer doesn't seem to like sizes on some datatypes
                $size = undef;
            elsif ( !$size ) {
                if ( $data_type =~ /numeric/ ) {
                    $size = '9,0';
                elsif ( $orig_data_type eq 'text' ) {
                    #interpret text fields as long varchars
                    $size = '255';
                elsif (
                    $data_type eq 'varchar' &&
                    $orig_data_type eq 'boolean'
                ) {
                    $size = '6';
                elsif ( $data_type eq 'varchar' ) {
                    $size = '255';

            $field_def .= " $data_type";
            $field_def .= "($size)" if $size;

            $field_def .= ' IDENTITY' if $field->is_auto_increment;

            # Not null constraint
            unless ( $field->is_nullable ) {
                $field_def .= ' NOT NULL';
            else {
                $field_def .= ' NULL' if $data_type ne 'bit';

            # Default value
                'NULL'       => \'NULL',

            push @field_defs, $field_def;

        # Constraint Declarations
        my @constraint_decs = ();
        for my $constraint ( $table->get_constraints ) {
            my $name    = $constraint->name || '';
            my $name_ur = unreserve($name);
            # Make sure we get a unique name
            my $type    = $constraint->type || NORMAL;
            my @fields  = map { unreserve( $_ ) }
            my @rfields = map { unreserve( $_ ) }
            next unless @fields;

            my $c_def;
            if ( $type eq FOREIGN_KEY ) {
                $name ||= mk_name( $table_name . '_fk' );
                my $on_delete = uc ($constraint->on_delete || '');
                my $on_update = uc ($constraint->on_update || '');

                # The default implicit constraint action in MSSQL is RESTRICT
                # but you can not specify it explicitly. Go figure :)
                for ($on_delete, $on_update) {
                  undef $_ if $_ eq 'RESTRICT'

                $c_def =
                    "ALTER TABLE $table_name_ur ADD CONSTRAINT $name_ur FOREIGN KEY".
                    ' (' . join( ', ', @fields ) . ') REFERENCES '.
                    ' (' . join( ', ', @rfields ) . ')'

                if ( $on_delete && $on_delete ne "NO ACTION") {
                  $c_def .= " ON DELETE $on_delete";
                if ( $on_update && $on_update ne "NO ACTION") {
                  $c_def .= " ON UPDATE $on_update";

                $c_def .= ";";

                push @foreign_constraints, $c_def;

            if ( $type eq PRIMARY_KEY ) {
                $name = ($name ? unreserve($name) : mk_name( $table_name . '_pk' ));
                $c_def =
                    "CONSTRAINT $name PRIMARY KEY ".
                    '(' . join( ', ', @fields ) . ')';
            elsif ( $type eq UNIQUE ) {
                $name = $name_ur || mk_name( $table_name . '_uc' );
                my @nullable = grep { $_->is_nullable } $constraint->fields;
                if (!@nullable) {
                  $c_def =
                      "CONSTRAINT $name UNIQUE " .
                      '(' . join( ', ', @fields ) . ')';
                } else {
                   push @index_defs,
                       "CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX $name_ur ON $table_name_ur (" .
                          join( ', ', @fields ) . ')' .
                          ' WHERE ' . join( ' AND ', map unreserve($_->name) . ' IS NOT NULL', @nullable ) . ';';
            push @constraint_defs, $c_def;

        # Indices
        for my $index ( $table->get_indices ) {
            my $idx_name = $index->name || mk_name($table_name . '_idx');
            my $idx_name_ur = unreserve($idx_name);
            push @index_defs,
                "CREATE INDEX $idx_name_ur ON $table_name_ur (".
                join( ', ', map unreserve($_), $index->fields ) . ");";

        my $create_statement = "";
        $create_statement .= qq[CREATE TABLE $table_name_ur (\n].
            join( ",\n",
                map { "  $_" } @field_defs, @constraint_defs

        $output .= join( "\n\n",

# Add FK constraints
    $output .= join ("\n", '', @foreign_constraints) if @foreign_constraints;

# create view/procedure are NOT prepended to the input $sql, needs
# to be filled in with the proper syntax


    # Text of view is already a 'create view' statement so no need to
    # be fancy
    foreach ( $schema->get_views ) {
        my $name = $_->name();
        $output .= "\n\n";
        $output .= "--\n-- View: $name\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
        my $text = $_->sql();
        $text =~ s/\r//g;
        $output .= "$text\nGO\n";

    # Text of procedure already has the 'create procedure' stuff
    # so there is no need to do anything fancy. However, we should
    # think about doing fancy stuff with granting permissions and
    # so on.
    foreach ( $schema->get_procedures ) {
        my $name = $_->name();
        $output .= "\n\n";
        $output .= "--\n-- Procedure: $name\n--\n\n" unless $no_comments;
        my $text = $_->sql();
      $text =~ s/\r//g;
        $output .= "$text\nGO\n";

    return $output;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub mk_name {
    my ($name, $scope, $critical) = @_;

    $scope ||= \%global_names;
    if ( my $prev = $scope->{ $name } ) {
        my $name_orig = $name;
        $name        .= sprintf( "%02d", ++$prev );
        substr($name, $max_id_length - 3) = "00"
            if length( $name ) > $max_id_length;

        warn "The name '$name_orig' has been changed to ",
             "'$name' to make it unique.\n" if $WARN;

        $scope->{ $name_orig }++;
    $name = substr( $name, 0, $max_id_length )
                        if ((length( $name ) > $max_id_length) && $critical);
    $scope->{ $name }++;
    return unreserve($name);

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sub unreserve { $util->quote($_[0]) }


# -------------------------------------------------------------------


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHORS

Mark Addison E<lt>grommit@users.sourceforge.netE<gt> - Bulk of code from
Sybase producer, I just tweaked it for SQLServer. Thanks.
