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package Rose::DB::SQLite;

use strict;

use Carp();

use Rose::DB;
use SQL::ReservedWords::SQLite();

our $VERSION = '0.765';

#our $Debug = 0;

use Rose::Class::MakeMethods::Generic
  inheritable_scalar => 'coerce_autoincrement_to_serial',


# Object methods

sub build_dsn
  my($self_or_class, %args) = @_;

  my %info;

  $info{'dbname'} = $args{'db'} || $args{'database'};

    "dbi:SQLite:" . 
    join(';', map { "$_=$info{$_}" } grep { defined $info{$_} } qw(dbname));

sub dbi_driver { 'SQLite' }

sub sqlite_unicode { shift->dbh_attribute_boolean('sqlite_unicode', @_) }

sub init_dbh
  my($self) = shift;

  my $database = $self->database;

  unless($self->auto_create || -e $database)
    Carp::croak "Refusing to create non-existent SQLite database ",
                "file: '$database'";

  my $method = ref($self)->parent_class . '::init_dbh';

  no strict 'refs';
  return $self->$method(@_);

sub last_insertid_from_sth { shift->dbh->func('last_insert_rowid') }

sub supports_multi_column_count_distinct { 0 }

sub validate_date_keyword
  no warnings;
  !ref $_[1] && (lc $_[1] eq 'current_timestamp' ||
    ($_[0]->keyword_function_calls && $_[1] =~ /^\w+\(.*\)$/));

sub validate_datetime_keyword
  no warnings;
  !ref $_[1] && (lc $_[1] eq 'current_timestamp' ||
    ($_[0]->keyword_function_calls && $_[1] =~ /^\w+\(.*\)$/));

sub validate_timestamp_keyword
  no warnings;
  !ref $_[1] && (lc $_[1] eq 'current_timestamp' ||
    ($_[0]->keyword_function_calls && $_[1] =~ /^\w+\(.*\)$/));

sub should_inline_date_keyword      { 1 }
sub should_inline_datetime_keyword  { 1 }
sub should_inline_time_keyword      { 1 }
sub should_inline_timestamp_keyword { 1 }

sub parse_date
  my($self, $value) = @_;

  if(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'DateTime') || 
    return $value;

  my($dt, $error);

    local $@;
    eval { $dt = Rose::DateTime::Util::parse_date($value) };
    $error = $@;

    $self->error("Could not parse date '$value' - $error");
    return undef;

  return $dt;

sub parse_datetime
  my($self, $value) = @_;

  if(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'DateTime') || 
    return $value;

  my($dt, $error);

    local $@;
    eval { $dt = Rose::DateTime::Util::parse_date($value) };
    $error = $@;

    $self->error("Could not parse datetime '$value' - $error");
    return undef;

  return $dt;

sub parse_timestamp
  my($self, $value) = @_;

  if(UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'DateTime') || 
    return $value;

  my($dt, $error);

    local $@;
    eval { $dt = Rose::DateTime::Util::parse_date($value) };
    $error = $@;

    $self->error("Could not parse timestamp '$value' - $error");
    return undef;

  return $dt;

sub format_bitfield 
  my($self, $vec, $size) = @_;
  $vec = Bit::Vector->new_Bin($size, $vec->to_Bin)  if($size);
  return q(b') . $vec->to_Bin . q(');

sub refine_dbi_column_info
  my($self, $col_info) = @_;

  my $method = ref($self)->parent_class . '::refine_dbi_column_info';

  no strict 'refs';

  if($col_info->{'TYPE_NAME'} eq 'bit')
    $col_info->{'TYPE_NAME'} = 'bits';

  elsif($col_info->{'TYPE_NAME'} eq 'datetime' && defined $col_info->{'COLUMN_DEF'})
    if(lc $col_info->{'COLUMN_DEF'} eq 'current_timestamp')
      # Translate "current time" value into something that our date parser
      # will understand.
      $col_info->{'COLUMN_DEF'} = 'now';

      # ...or let the database handle this?
      #$col_info->{'COLUMN_DEF'} = undef;


sub likes_implicit_joins { 1 }

*is_reserved_word = \&SQL::ReservedWords::SQLite::is_reserved;

sub quote_column_name 
  my $name = $_[1];
  $name =~ s/"/""/g;
  return qq("$name");

sub quote_table_name
  my $name = $_[1];
  $name =~ s/"/""/g;
  return qq("$name");

# Introspection

sub list_tables
  my($self, %args) = @_;

  my $types = $args{'include_views'} ? q('table', 'view') : q('table');

  my(@tables, $error);

    local $@;

      my $dbh = $self->dbh or die $self->error;

      local $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 1;

      my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN($types)");

      my $name;

        push(@tables, $name);

    $error = $@;

    Carp::croak "Could not list tables from ", $self->dsn, " - $error";

  return wantarray ? @tables : \@tables;

sub _get_primary_key_column_names
  my($self, $catalog, $schema, $table) = @_;
  my $pk_columns = ($self->_table_info($table))[1] || [];
  return $pk_columns;

sub _table_info
  my($self, $table) = @_;

  my $dbh = $self->dbh or Carp::croak $self->error;

  my $table_unquoted = $self->unquote_table_name($table);

  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = ?");
  my $sql;


  return $self->_info_from_sql($sql);

## Yay!  A Giant Wad o' Regexes "parser"!  Yeah, this is lame, but I really
## don't want to load an actual parser, or even a regex lib or helper...

our $Paren_Depth   = 15;
our $Nested_Parens = '\(' . '([^()]|\(' x $Paren_Depth . '[^()]*' . '\))*' x $Paren_Depth . '\)';

# This doesn't seem to work...
#$Nested_Parens = qr{\( (?: (?> [^()]+ ) | (??{ $Nested_Parens }) )* \)}x;

our $Quoted =   
  qr{(?: ' (?: [^'] | '' )+ '
     | " (?: [^"] | "" )+ "
     | ` (?: [^`] | `` )+ `)}six;

our $Name = qr{(?: $Quoted | \w+ )}six;

our $Type = 
  qr{\w+ (?: \s* \( \s* \d+ \s* (?: , \s* \d+ \s*)? \) )?}six;

our $Conflict_Algorithm = 

our $Conflict_Clause =
  qr{(?: ON \s+ CONFLICT \s+ $Conflict_Algorithm )}six;

our $Sort_Order = 
  qr{(?: COLLATE \s+ \S+ \s+)? (?:ASC | DESC)}six;

our $Column_Constraint = 
  qr{(?: NOT \s+ NULL (?: \s+ $Conflict_Clause)?
     | PRIMARY \s+ KEY (?: \s+ $Sort_Order)? (?: \s+ $Conflict_Clause)? (?: \s+ AUTOINCREMENT)? 
     | UNIQUE (?: \s+ $Conflict_Clause)? 
     | CHECK \s* $Nested_Parens (?: \s+ $Conflict_Clause)?
     | REFERENCES \s+ $Name \s* \( \s* $Name \s* \)
     | DEFAULT \s+ (?: $Name | \w+ \s* $Nested_Parens | [^,)]+ )
     | COLLATE \s+ \S+)}six;

our $Table_Constraint =
  qr{(?: (?: PRIMARY \s+ KEY | UNIQUE | CHECK ) \s* $Nested_Parens 
     | FOREIGN \s+ KEY \s+ (?: $Name \s+ )? $Nested_Parens \s+ REFERENCES \s+ $Name \s+ $Nested_Parens )}six;

our $Column_Def =
  qr{($Name) (?:\s+ ($Type))? ( (?: \s+ (?:CONSTRAINT \s+ $Name \s+)? $Column_Constraint )* )}six;

# SQLite allows C comments to be unterminated if they're at the end of the 
# input stream.  Crazy, but true:
our $C_Comment_Cont = qr{/\*.*$}six;
our $C_Comment      = qr{/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}six;
our $SQL_Comment    = qr{--[^\r\n]*(\r?\n)}six;
our $Comment        = qr{($Quoted)|($C_Comment|$SQL_Comment|$C_Comment_Cont)}six;

# These constants are from the DBI documentation.  Is there somewhere 
# I can load these from?
use constant SQL_NO_NULLS => 0;
use constant SQL_NULLABLE => 1;

sub _info_from_sql
  my($self, $sql) = @_;

  my(@col_info, @pk_columns, @uk_info);

  my($new_sql, $pos);

  my $class = ref($self) || $self;

  # Remove comments
  while($sql =~ /\G((.*?)$Comment)/sgix)
    $pos = pos($sql);

    if(defined $4) # caught comment
      no warnings 'uninitialized';
      $new_sql .= "$2$3";
      $new_sql .= $1;

  $sql = $new_sql . substr($sql, $pos) if(defined $new_sql);

  # Remove the start and end
  $sql =~ s/^\s* CREATE \s+ (?:TEMP(?:ORARY)? \s+)? TABLE \s+ $Name \s*\(\s*//sgix;
  $sql =~ s/\s*\)\s*$//six;

  # Remove leading space from lines
  $sql =~ s/^\s+//mg;

  my $i = 1;

  # Column definitions
  while($sql =~ s/^$Column_Def (?:\s*,\s*|\s*$)//six)
    my $col_name    = _unquote_name($1);
    my $col_type    = $2 || 'scalar';
    my $constraints = $3;

    unless(defined $col_name)
      Carp::croak "Could not extract column name from SQL: $sql";

    my %col_info =
      COLUMN_NAME      => $col_name,
      TYPE_NAME        => $col_type,
      ORDINAL_POSITION => $i++,

    if($col_type =~ /^(\w+) \s* \( \s* (\d+) \s* \)$/x)
      $col_info{'TYPE_NAME'}         = $1;
      $col_info{'COLUMN_SIZE'}       = $2;
      $col_info{'CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH'} = $2;
    elsif($col_type =~ /^\s* (\w+) \s* \( \s* (\d+) \s* , \s* (\d+) \s* \) \s*$/x)
      $col_info{'TYPE_NAME'}      = $1;
      $col_info{'DECIMAL_DIGITS'} = $2;
      $col_info{'COLUMN_SIZE'}    = $3;

    while($constraints =~ s/^\s* (?:CONSTRAINT \s+ $Name \s+)? ($Column_Constraint) \s*//six)
      local $_ = $1;

      if(/^DEFAULT \s+ ( $Name | \w+ \s* $Nested_Parens | [^,)]+ )/six)
        $col_info{'COLUMN_DEF'} = _unquote_name($1);
      elsif(/^PRIMARY (?: \s+ KEY )? \b (?: .*? (AUTOINCREMENT) )?/six)
        push(@pk_columns, $col_name);

        if($1 && $class->coerce_autoincrement_to_serial)
          $col_info{'TYPE_NAME'} = 'serial';
      elsif(/^\s* UNIQUE (?: \s+ KEY)? \b/six)
        push(@uk_info, [ $col_name ]);
      elsif(/^NOT \s+ NULL \b/six)
        $col_info{'NULLABLE'} = SQL_NO_NULLS;

    $col_info{'NULLABLE'} = SQL_NULLABLE  unless(defined $col_info{'NULLABLE'});

    push(@col_info, \%col_info);

  while($sql =~ s/^($Table_Constraint) (?:\s*,\s*|\s*$)//six)
    my $constraint = $1;

    if($constraint =~ /^\s* PRIMARY \s+ KEY \s* ($Nested_Parens)/six)
      @pk_columns = ();

      my $columns = $1;
      $columns =~ s/^\(\s*//;
      $columns =~ s/\s*\)\s*$//;

      while($columns =~ s/^\s* ($Name) (?:\s*,\s*|\s*$)//six)
        push(@pk_columns, _unquote_name($1));
    elsif($constraint =~ /^\s* UNIQUE \s* ($Nested_Parens)/six)
      my $columns = $1;
      $columns =~ s/^\(\s*//;
      $columns =~ s/\s*\)\s*$//;

      my @uk_columns;

      while($columns =~ s/^\s* ($Name) (?:\s*,\s*|\s*$)//six)
        push(@uk_columns, _unquote_name($1));

      push(@uk_info, \@uk_columns);

  return(\@col_info, \@pk_columns, \@uk_info);

sub _unquote_name
  my $name = shift;

  if($name =~ s/^(['`"]) ( (?: [^\1]+ | \1\1 )+ ) \1 $/$2/six)
    my $q = $1;
    $name =~ s/$q$q/$q/g;

  return $name;



=head1 NAME

Rose::DB::SQLite - SQLite driver class for Rose::DB.


  use Rose::DB;

    domain   => 'development',
    type     => 'main',
    driver   => 'sqlite',
    database => '/path/to/some/file.db',


  # Set max length of varchar columns used to emulate the array data type

  $db = Rose::DB->new; # $db is really a Rose::DB::SQLite-derived object


L<Rose::DB> blesses objects into a class derived from L<Rose::DB::SQLite> when the L<driver|Rose::DB/driver> is "sqlite".  This mapping of driver names to class names is configurable.  See the documentation for L<Rose::DB>'s L<new()|Rose::DB/new> and L<driver_class()|Rose::DB/driver_class> methods for more information.

This class cannot be used directly.  You must use L<Rose::DB> and let its L<new()|Rose::DB/new> method return an object blessed into the appropriate class for you, according to its L<driver_class()|Rose::DB/driver_class> mappings.

This class supports SQLite version 3 only.  See the SQLite web site for more information on the major versions of SQLite:


Only the methods that are new or have different behaviors than those in L<Rose::DB> are documented here.  See the L<Rose::DB> documentation for the full list of methods.


SQLite doesn't care what value you pass for a given column, regardless of that column's nominal data type.  L<Rose::DB> does care, however.  The following data type formats are enforced by L<Rose::DB::SQLite>'s L<parse_*|Rose::DB/"Value Parsing and Formatting"> and L<format_*|Rose::DB/"Value Parsing and Formatting"> functions.

    Type        Format
    ---------   ------------------------------
    DATE        YYYY-MM-DD


=over 4

=item B<coerce_autoincrement_to_serial [BOOL]>

Get or set a boolean value that indicates whether or not "auto-increment" columns will be considered to have the column type  "serial."  The default value is true.

This setting comes into play when L<Rose::DB::Object::Loader> is used to auto-create column metadata based on an existing database schema.

=item B<max_array_characters [INT]>

Get or set the maximum length of varchar columns used to emulate the array data type.  The default value is 255.

SQLite does not have a native "ARRAY" data type, but it can be emulated using a "VARCHAR" column and a specially formatted string.  The formatting and parsing of this string is handled by the C<format_array()> and C<parse_array()> object methods.  The maximum length limit is honored by the C<format_array()> object method.



=over 4

=item B<auto_create [BOOL]>

Get or set a boolean value indicating whether or not a new SQLite L<database|Rose::DB/database> should be created if it does not already exist.  Defaults to true.

If false, and if the specified L<database|Rose::DB/database> does not exist, then a fatal error will occur when an attempt is made to L<connect|Rose::DB/connect> to the database.

=item B<sqlite_unicode [BOOL]>

Get or set a boolean value that indicates whether or not Perl's UTF-8 flag will be set for all text strings coming out of the database.  See the L<DBD::SQLite|DBD::SQLite/sqlite_unicode> documentation for more information.


=head2 Value Parsing and Formatting

=over 4

=item B<format_array ARRAYREF | LIST>

Given a reference to an array or a list of values, return a specially formatted string.  Undef is returned if ARRAYREF points to an empty array or if LIST is not passed.  The array or list must not contain undefined values.

If the resulting string is longer than C<max_array_characters()>, a fatal error will occur.

=item B<parse_array STRING | LIST | ARRAYREF>

Parse STRING and return a reference to an array.  STRING should be formatted according to the SQLite array data type emulation format returned by C<format_array()>.  Undef is returned if STRING is undefined.

If a LIST of more than one item is passed, a reference to an array containing the values in LIST is returned.

If a an ARRAYREF is passed, it is returned as-is.

=item B<parse_date STRING>

Parse STRING and return a L<DateTime> object.  STRING should be formatted according to the Informix "DATE" data type.

If STRING is a valid date keyword (according to L<validate_date_keyword|/validate_date_keyword>) it is returned unmodified.  Returns undef if STRING could not be parsed as a valid "DATE" value.

=item B<parse_datetime STRING>

Parse STRING and return a L<DateTime> object.  STRING should be formatted according to the Informix "DATETIME" data type.

If STRING is a valid datetime keyword (according to L<validate_datetime_keyword|/validate_datetime_keyword>) it is returned unmodified.  Returns undef if STRING could not be parsed as a valid "DATETIME" value.

=item B<parse_timestamp STRING>

Parse STRING and return a L<DateTime> object.  STRING should be formatted according to the Informix "DATETIME" data type.

If STRING is a valid timestamp keyword (according to L<validate_timestamp_keyword|/validate_timestamp_keyword>) it is returned unmodified.  Returns undef if STRING could not be parsed as a valid "DATETIME" value.

=item B<validate_date_keyword STRING>

Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the "date" data type.  Valid date keywords are:


The keywords are not case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a function call (matches /^\w+\(.*\)$/) is also considered a valid date keyword if L<keyword_function_calls|Rose::DB/keyword_function_calls> is true.

=item B<validate_datetime_keyword STRING>

Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the "datetime" data type, false otherwise.  Valid datetime keywords are:


The keywords are not case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a function call (matches /^\w+\(.*\)$/) is also considered a valid datetime keyword if L<keyword_function_calls|Rose::DB/keyword_function_calls> is true.

=item B<validate_timestamp_keyword STRING>

Returns true if STRING is a valid keyword for the "timestamp" data type, false otherwise.  Valid timestamp keywords are:


The keywords are not case sensitive.  Any string that looks like a function call (matches /^\w+\(.*\)$/) is also considered a valid timestamp keyword if L<keyword_function_calls|Rose::DB/keyword_function_calls> is true.


=head1 AUTHOR

John C. Siracusa (

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2010 by John C. Siracusa.  All rights reserved.  This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.