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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Test::More tests => 69;


my $form = MyPersonAddressesForm->new;


my @fields = 
  qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start address.1.state address.1.street address.2.state address.2.street;
is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 1');

is_deeply(scalar $form->form_names, [ 'person', 'address' ], 'person addresses form names 1');

$form->params({ 'person.age' => 10, 'address.1.state' => undef, 'address.2.street' => '1 Main St.', '' => 12345 });


@fields = 
  qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start address.1.state address.1.street address.2.state address.2.street address.3.state address.3.street;

is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 2');

$form->params({ 'person.age' => 10 });


@fields = 
  qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start address.1.state address.1.street address.2.state address.2.street;

is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 3');



@fields = 
  qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start address.1.state address.1.street;

is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 4');

$form->params({ 'person.age' => 10, 'address.1.state' => undef, 'address.2.street' => '1 Main St.', '' => 12345 });


$form->params({ 'person.age' => 10 });



@fields = qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start);

is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 5');

$form->params({ 'person.age' => 10, 'address.1.state' => undef, 'address.2.street' => '1 Main St.', '' => 12345 });


@fields = 
  qw(person.age person.bday person.gender person.start address.1.state address.1.street address.2.state address.2.street address.3.state address.3.street;

is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'person address field names 6');

my $form_b = Rose::HTML::Form->new;
$form_b->add_field(b => { type => 'text' });

my $form_c = Rose::HTML::Form->new;
$form_c->add_field(c => { type => 'text' });

$form_b->add_repeatable_form(c => { form => $form_c, default_count => 2 });

$form = Rose::HTML::Form->new;
$form->add_field(a => { type => 'text' });

$form->add_form(b => $form_b);


@fields = qw(a b.b b.c.1.c b.c.2.c);
is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'two-level repeat 1');

$form->params({ a => 'a', 'b.b' => 'bb', 'b.c.3.c' => 'bc3' });
@fields = qw(a b.b b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'two-level repeat 2');

$form->params({ 'b.c.3.c' => 'bc3', 'b.c.1.c' => 'bc1' });
@fields = qw(a b.b b.c.1.c b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'two-level repeat 3');

$form->params({ 'b.c.3.c' => 'bc3', 'b.c.2.c' => undef, 'b.c.1.c' => 'bc1' });
@fields = qw(a b.b b.c.1.c b.c.2.c b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ $form->field_names ], \@fields, 'two-level repeat 4');

my $form_x = Rose::HTML::Form->new;
  'x' => { type => 'text' },
  'y' => { type => 'text' },
  'z' => { type => 'text' },

$form_x->add_repeatable_form(f => $form);

@fields = qw(x y z f.1.a f.1.b.b f.1.b.c.1.c f.1.b.c.2.c f.2.a f.2.b.b f.2.b.c.1.c f.2.b.c.2.c);
is_deeply([ map { $_->name } $form_x->fields_depth_first ], \@fields, 'three-level repeat 1');

my $new_form = $form_x->form('f')->make_form(1);
@fields = qw(f.1.a f.1.b.b f.1.b.c.1.c f.1.b.c.2.c f.1.b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ map { $_->name } $new_form->fields_depth_first ], \@fields, 'make_form 1');

$new_form = $form_x->form('f')->make_form(7);
@fields = qw(f.7.a f.7.b.b f.7.b.c.1.c f.7.b.c.2.c f.7.b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ map { $_->name } $new_form->fields_depth_first ], \@fields, 'make_form 2');

#print join(' ', map { $_->name } $form_x->fields_depth_first), "\n";

@fields = qw(x y z f.1.a f.1.b.b f.1.b.c.1.c f.1.b.c.2.c f.1.b.c.3.c f.2.a f.2.b.b f.2.b.c.1.c 
             f.2.b.c.2.c f.7.a f.7.b.b f.7.b.c.1.c f.7.b.c.2.c f.7.b.c.3.c);
is_deeply([ map { $_->name } $form_x->fields_depth_first ], \@fields, 'make_form 3');

#print join(' ', map { $_->name } $new_form->fields_depth_first), "\n";

#$DB::single = 1;
#print join(' ', map { $_->name } $form_x->fields_depth_first), "\n";
#print $form_x->xhtml_table;

$new_form = $form_x->form('f')->make_next_form;

is($new_form->rank, 8, 'make_next_form 1');

$form = Rose::HTML::Form->new;

  a =>
    form_spec     => { fields =>  [ x => { type => 'text' } ] },
    default_count => 0,
    repeatable    => 999,

$new_form = $form->form('a')->make_next_form;
is($new_form->rank, 1, 'make_next_form 2');

$form = Rose::HTML::Form->new;

  a =>
    form_spec     => { fields =>  [ x => { type => 'text' } ] },
    default_count => 0,
    repeatable    => 999,

$form->params({ 'a.1.x' => 'foo' });


ok($form->form('a.1')->field('x'), 'form spec 1');

$form = Rose::HTML::Form->new;

  a =>
    form_class => 'EmailForm',
    form_spec  => { add_fields => [ x => { type => 'text' } ] },
    repeatable => 0,

$form->params({ 'a.1.x' => 'foo' });


ok($form->form('a.1')->field('x'), 'form spec 2');
ok($form->form('a.1')->isa('EmailForm'), 'form spec 3');

# POD example

  package Person;

  use base 'Rose::Object';

  use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
    scalar => [ 'name', 'age' ],
    array  => 'emails',


  package Email;

  use base 'Rose::Object';

  use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
    scalar => 
      'type' => { check_in => [ 'home', 'work' ] },


  package EmailForm;

  use base 'Rose::HTML::Form';

  sub build_form 
    my($self) = shift;

      address     => { type => 'email', size => 50, required => 1 },
      type        => { type => 'pop-up menu', choices => [ '', 'home', 'work' ],
                       required => 1, default => '' },
      save_button => { type => 'submit', value => 'Save Email' },

  sub email_from_form { shift->object_from_form('Email') }
  sub init_with_email { shift->init_with_object(@_) }


  package PersonEmailsForm;

  use base 'Rose::HTML::Form';

  sub build_form 
    my($self) = shift;

      name        => { type => 'text',  size => 25, required => 1 },
      age         => { type => 'integer', min => 0 },
      save_button => { type => 'submit', value => 'Save Person' },

    # A person can have several emails
    $self->add_repeatable_form(emails => EmailForm->new);
    $self->repeatable_form(emails => EmailForm->new);


    Test::More::ok($self->form('emails')->prototype_form->isa('EmailForm'), 'add_repeatable_form (name/object) 1');
    Test::More::is($self->form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_repeatable_form (name/object) 2');
    Test::More::is($self->repeatable_form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_repeatable_form (name/object) 3');


      emails => 
        form_class    => 'EmailForm',
        default_count => 2,

    Test::More::ok($self->form('emails')->prototype_clone->isa('EmailForm'), 'add_repeatable_form (name/hash) 1');
    Test::More::is($self->form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_repeatable_form (name/hash) 2');
    Test::More::is($self->repeatable_form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_repeatable_form (name/hash) 3');


      emails => 
        form_class    => 'EmailForm',
        default_count => 2,
        repeatable    => undef,

    Test::More::ok($self->repeatable_form('emails')->prototype_clone->isa('EmailForm'), 'add_form (name/hash) 1');
    Test::More::is($self->form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_form (name/hash) 2');
    Test::More::is($self->repeatable_form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_form (name/hash) 3');


      emails => 
        form_class => 'EmailForm',
        repeatable => { default_count => 2 },

    Test::More::ok($self->form('emails')->prototype_form_clone->isa('EmailForm'), 'add_form (name/hash) 4');
    Test::More::is($self->form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_form (name/hash) 5');
    Test::More::is($self->repeatable_form('emails')->default_count, 2, 'add_form (name/hash) 6');


    $self->add_repeatable_form(emails => EmailForm->new);

  sub init_with_person
    my($self, $person) = @_;


    my $email_form = $self->form('emails');


    my $i = 1;

    foreach my $email ($person->emails)

  sub person_from_form
    my($self) = shift;

    my $person = $self->object_from_form(class => 'Person');

    my @emails;

    foreach my $form ($self->form('emails')->forms)
      push(@emails, $form->email_from_form);


    return $person;

  package main;

  my $form = PersonEmailsForm->new;

  my $person = Person->new(name   => 'Cate', 
                           age    => 1, 
                           emails => 


  @fields = qw(name age save_button emails.1.address emails.1.type emails.1.save_button emails.2.address emails.2.type emails.2.save_button);
  is_deeply([ map { $_->name } $form->fields_depth_first ], \@fields, 'make_form 3');

  $form->params({ name => 'Joe', age => 44, 'emails.5.address' => '', 'emails.5.type' => 'work' });

  ok($form->validate, 'validate 1');

  $person = $form->person_from_form;

  is($person->name, 'Joe', 'person_from_form 1');
  is($person->age, 44, 'person_from_form 2');
  is($person->emails->[0]->address, '', 'person_from_form 3');
  is($person->emails->[0]->type, 'work', 'person_from_form 3');
  is(@{ $person->emails }, 1, 'person_from_form 4');

  $form->params({ name => 'Joe2', age => 44, 'emails.1.address' => '', 'emails.1.type' => 'work',
                  'emails.2.address' => undef, 'emails.2.type' => 'work'});

  ok(!$form->validate, 'validate 2');

  $form->params({ name => 'Joe3', age => 44, 'emails.1.address' => '', 'emails.1.type' => 'work',
                  'emails.2.address' => '', 'emails.2.type' => 'home'});

  ok($form->validate, 'validate 3');

  $person = $form->person_from_form;

  is($person->name, 'Joe3', 'person_from_form 5');
  is($person->age, 44, 'person_from_form 6');
  is($person->emails->[0]->address, '', 'person_from_form 7');
  is($person->emails->[0]->type, 'work', 'person_from_form 8');
  is($person->emails->[1]->address, '', 'person_from_form 9');
  is($person->emails->[1]->type, 'home', 'person_from_form 10');
  is(@{ $person->emails }, 2, 'person_from_form 11');


  is($form->empty_is_ok, 1, 'empty_is_ok 1');

  ok($form->validate, 'empty_is_ok 2');

  is($form->empty_is_ok, 0, 'empty_is_ok 3');

  ok(!$form->validate, 'empty_is_ok 4');

  #print join(' ', map { $_->name } $form->fields_depth_first), "\n";

  #$DB::single = 1;
  #print join(' ', map { $_->name } $form_x->fields_depth_first), "\n";
  #print $form_x->xhtml_table;

  #print $form->xhtml_table;

$form = MyFamilyForm->new;

  'parents.1.age' => 40,
  '' => 'John',
  'parents.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.1.age' => 4,
  '' => 'Tim',
  'children.1.gender' => 'M',


ok(!$form->validate, 'nested validation 1');
ok($form->field('name')->has_errors, 'nested validation 2');

$new_form = $form->form('parents')->make_next_form;

is($new_form->rank, 2, 'make_next_form 3');

  'name' => 'The Smiths',
  'parents.1.age' => 40,
  '' => 'John',
  'parents.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.1.age' => '',
  '' => '',
  'children.1.gender' => '',


ok($form->validate, 'nested validation 3');

  'name' => 'The Smiths',
  'parents.1.age' => 40,
  '' => 'John',
  'parents.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.1.age' => 4,
  '' => 'Tim',
  'children.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.3.age' => 5,
  '' => 'Jill',
  'children.3.gender' => 'F',


ok($form->validate, 'nested validation 4');

my @forms = $form->form('children')->forms;

is(scalar @forms, 2, 'sparse repeated form 1');

is($form->form('children')->form(1)->field_value('name'), 'Tim', 'sparse repeated form 2');
is($form->form('children')->form(3)->field_value('name'), 'Jill', 'sparse repeated form 3');

  'name' => 'The Smiths',
  'parents.1.age' => 40,
  '' => 'John',
  'parents.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.1.age' => 4,
  '' => 'Tim',
  'children.1.gender' => 'M',
  'children.2.age' => '',
  '' => '',
  'children.2.gender' => '',
  'children.3.age' => 5,
  '' => 'Jill',
  'children.3.gender' => 'F',


@forms = $form->form('children')->forms;

is(scalar @forms, 3, 'sparse repeated form 4');

ok($form->form('children')->form(2)->is_empty, 'sparse repeated form 5');

  package MyPerson;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::Object);
  use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
    scalar => [ qw(name age bday gender start) ],

  package MyAddress;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::Object);
  use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
    scalar => [ qw(street city state zip) ],

  package MyPersonForm;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form);

  sub build_form 
    my($self) = shift;

      name =>
        type => 'text',
        size => 25,

      age =>
        type     => 'integer',
        positive => 1,

      gender =>
        type     => 'radio group',
        choices  => { 'm' => 'Male', 'f' => 'Female' },
        default  => 'm',

      bday =>
        type => 'datetime split mdy', 

      start =>
        type => 'datetime split mdyhms',

  sub person_from_form { shift->object_from_form('MyPerson') }

  package MyAddressForm;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form);

  sub build_form 
    my($self) = shift;

      street =>
        type => 'text',
        size => 25,

      city => 
        type => 'text',
        size => 25,

      state => 
        type => 'text',
        size => 2,

      zip => 
        type => 'text',
        size => 10,

  sub validate
    my($self) = shift;

    $self->SUPER::validate or return 0;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    return ($self->field('zip')->internal_value == 666) ? 0 : 1;

  sub address_from_form { shift->object_from_form('MyAddress') }

  package MyPersonAddressesForm;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form);

  sub build_form
    my($self) = shift;

      person  => MyPersonForm->new,
      address => 
        form       => MyAddressForm->new,
        repeatable => 2,

  package MyPersonAddressDogForm;

  our @ISA = qw(MyAddressForm MyPersonForm);

  sub build_form 
    my($self) = shift;

    my %fields;

    $fields{'dog'} = 
        name => 'dog',
        size => 50);


      person_addresses => MyPersonAddressesForm->new,

  package MyPersonForm2;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form);

  sub build_form
    my ($self) = shift;

      name => 
        type     => 'text',
        label    => 'Name',
        required => 1,

      age => 
        type     => 'integer',
        min      => 0,
        max      => 200,
        label    => 'Age',
        size     => 3,
        required => 1,

      gender => 
        type    => 'pop-up menu',
        options => ['', qw(M F)],
        labels  => 
          '' => '',
          M  => 'Male',
          F  => 'Female',
        default  => '',
        required => 1,
        label    => 'Gender',

      create_button => 
        type  => 'submit',
        value => 'Create Person',

  package MyFamilyForm;

  our @ISA = qw(Rose::HTML::Form);

  sub build_form
    my ($self) = shift;

      parents => 
        form       => MyPersonForm2->new,
        repeatable => 1,

      children => 
        form        => MyPersonForm2->new,
        repeatable  => 1,
        empty_is_ok => 1,

      name => 
        type     => 'text',
        label    => 'Family Name',
        required => 1,

      add_child_button => 
        type  => 'submit',
        value => 'Add Child',
        id    => 'add-child-button',

      add_parent_button => 
        type  => 'submit',
        value => 'Add Parent',
        id    => 'add-parent-button',

      create_button => 
        type  => 'submit',
        value => 'Create Family',

#   sub validate
#   {
#     my ($self) = shift;
#     my $ok = $self->SUPER::validate(cascade => 0);
#     return $ok unless ($ok);
#     foreach my $parentform ( $self->form('parents')->forms )
#     {
#       next if ( $parentform->is_empty );
#       unless ( $parentform->validate )
#       {
#         $self->add_error( 'Invalid parent: ' . $parentform->error );
#         $ok = 0;
#       }
#     }
#     foreach my $childform ( $self->form('children')->forms )
#     {
#       next if ( $childform->is_empty );
#       unless ( $childform->validate )
#       {
#         $self->add_error( 'Invalid child: ' . $childform->error );
#         $ok = 0;
#       }
#     }
#     return $ok;
#   }