The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by Jonathan Swartz. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Mason::Compilation;
  $Mason::Compilation::VERSION = '2.20';
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use Guard;
use Mason::Component::ClassMeta;
use Mason::Util qw(dump_one_line json_encode read_file taint_is_on trim);
use Mason::Moose;

# Passed attributes
has 'interp'      => ( required => 1, weak_ref => 1 );
has 'path'        => ( required => 1 );
has 'source_file' => ( required => 1 );

# Derived attributes - most of these should be class attributes :(
has 'bad_attribute_hash'  => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'bad_method_hash'     => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'dir_path'            => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'named_block_regex'   => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'unnamed_block_regex' => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'valid_flags_hash'    => ( lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );

# Valid Perl identifier
my $identifier = qr/[[:alpha:]_]\w*/;


method BUILD () {

    # Initialize state
    $self->{blocks}          = {};
    $self->{blocks}->{class} = '';
    $self->{source}          = read_file( $self->source_file );
    $self->{source} =~ s/\r\n?/\n/g;
    $self->{line_number}    = 1;
    $self->{methods}        = { main => $self->_new_method_hash( name => 'main' ) };
    $self->{current_method} = $self->{methods}->{main};
    $self->{is_pure_perl}   = $self->interp->is_pure_perl_comp_path( $self->path );

method _build_bad_attribute_hash () {
    return { map { ( $_, 1 ) } @{ $self->bad_attribute_names } };

method _build_bad_method_hash () {
    return { map { ( $_, 1 ) } @{ $self->bad_method_names } };

method _build_dir_path () {
    return dirname( $self->path );

method _build_named_block_regex () {
    my $re = join '|', @{ $self->named_block_types };
    return qr/$re/i;

method _build_unnamed_block_regex () {
    my $re = join '|', @{ $self->unnamed_block_types };
    return qr/$re/i;

method _build_valid_flags_hash () {
    return { map { ( $_, 1 ) } @{ $self->valid_flags } };


method bad_attribute_names () {
    return [qw(args m cmeta handle render wrap main)];

method bad_method_names () {
    return [qw(args m cmeta)];

method compile () {
    return $self->_output_compiled_component();

method named_block_types () {
    return [qw(after augment around before filter method override)];

method output_class_footer () {
    return "";

method output_class_header () {
    return "";

method parse () {

    # We need to untaint the component source or else the regexes may fail.
    ( $self->{source} ) = ( ( delete $self->{source} ) =~ /(.*)/s )
      if taint_is_on();

    if ( $self->{is_pure_perl} ) {
        $self->{source} = "<%class> " . $self->{source} . " </%class>";
        delete( $self->{methods}->{main} );

    my $lm   = '';
    my $iter = 0;
    while (1) {
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("parse loop iterated >1000 times - infinite loop?")
          if ++$iter > 1000;
        $self->{last_match} = $lm;
        $self->_match_end              && last;
        $self->_match_apply_filter_end && last;
        $self->_match_unnamed_block    && ( $lm = 'unnamed_block' ) && next;
        $self->_match_named_block      && ( $lm = 'named_block' ) && next;
        $self->_match_unknown_block    && ( $lm = 'unknown_block' ) && next;
        $self->_match_apply_filter     && ( $lm = 'apply_filter' ) && next;
        $self->_match_substitution     && ( $lm = 'substitution' ) && next;
        $self->_match_component_call   && ( $lm = 'component_call' ) && next;
        $self->_match_perl_line        && ( $lm = 'perl_line' ) && next;
        $self->_match_bad_close_tag    && ( $lm = 'bad_close_tag' ) && next;
        $self->_match_plain_text       && ( $lm = 'plain_text' ) && next;

            "could not parse next element at position " . pos( $self->{source} ) );

method process_perl_code ($coderef) {
    return $coderef;

method unnamed_block_types () {
    return [qw(args class doc flags init perl shared text)];

method valid_flags () {
    return [qw(extends)];


method _add_to_class_block ($text) {

    # Don't add a line number comment when following a perl-line.
    # We know a perl-line is always _one_ line, so we know that the
    # line numbers are going to match up as long as the first line in
    # a series has a line number comment before it.  Adding a comment
    # can break certain constructs like qw() list that spans multiple
    # perl-lines.
    if ( $self->{last_match} ne 'perl_line' ) {
        $text = $self->_output_line_number_comment . $text;
    $self->{blocks}->{class} .= $text;

method _add_to_current_method ($text) {
    if ( $self->{last_match} ne 'perl_line' ) {
        $text = $self->_output_line_number_comment . $text;

    $self->{current_method}->{body} .= $text;

method _assert_not_nested ($block_type) {
        "Cannot nest <%$block_type> block inside <%$self->{in_recursive_parse}> block")
      if $self->{in_recursive_parse};

method _attribute_declaration ($name, $params, $line_number) {
    $self->_throw_syntax_error("'$name' is reserved and cannot be used as an attribute name")
      if $self->bad_attribute_hash->{$name};
    return $self->_processed_perl_code(
            "%shas '%s' => %s",
            $name, $params

method _handle_after_block ()    { $self->_handle_method_modifier_block( 'after',    @_ ) }
method _handle_around_block ()   { $self->_handle_method_modifier_block( 'around',   @_ ) }
method _handle_augment_block ()  { $self->_handle_method_modifier_block( 'augment',  @_ ) }
method _handle_before_block ()   { $self->_handle_method_modifier_block( 'before',   @_ ) }
method _handle_override_block () { $self->_handle_method_modifier_block( 'override', @_ ) }

method _handle_method_modifier_block ( $block_type, $contents, $name ) {
    my $modifier = $block_type;

    $self->_throw_syntax_error("Invalid method modifier name '$name'")
      if $name !~ /^$identifier$/;


    my $method_key = "$block_type $name";

    $self->_throw_syntax_error("Duplicate definition of method modifier '$method_key'")
      if exists $self->{methods}->{"$method_key"};

    my $method =
      $self->_new_method_hash( name => $name, type => 'modifier', modifier => $modifier );
    $self->{methods}->{"$method_key"} = $method;

    $self->_recursive_parse( $block_type, $contents, $method );

method _handle_apply_filter ($filter_expr) {
    my $rest = substr( $self->{source}, pos( $self->{source} ) );
    my $method = $self->_new_method_hash( type => 'apply_filter' );
    local $self->{end_parse} = undef;
    $self->_recursive_parse( 'filter', $rest, $method );
    if ( my $incr = $self->{end_parse} ) {
        pos( $self->{source} ) += $incr;
    else {
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("'{{' without matching '}}'");
    my $code = sprintf(
        "\$self->m->_apply_filters_to_output(%s, %s);\n",

method _handle_args_block ($contents) {
    $self->_handle_attributes_list( $contents, 'args' );

method _handle_attributes_list ($contents, $attr_type) {
    my @lines = split( "\n", $contents );
    my @attributes;
    my $line_number = $self->{line_number} - 1;
    foreach my $line (@lines) {
        next if $line =~ /^\#/ || $line !~ /\S/;
        if (
            my ( $name, $rest ) = (
                $line =~ /
                          \s*               # optional whitespace
                          (?: \$\.)?        # optional $. prefix
                          ([^\W\d]\w*)      # valid Perl variable name
                          (?:\s*=>\s*(.*))? # optional arrow then default or attribute params
            my ($params);
            if ( defined($rest) && length($rest) ) {
                if ( $rest =~ /^\s*\(/ ) {
                    $params = "$rest\n;";
                else {
                    $params = sprintf( "(default => %s\n);", $rest );
            else {
                $params = '();';
            if ( $attr_type eq 'shared' ) {
                $params = '(' . 'init_arg => undef, ' . substr( $params, 1 );
            push( @attributes, $self->_attribute_declaration( $name, $params, $line_number ) );
        else {
            $self->{line_number} = $line_number;
            $self->_throw_syntax_error("Invalid attribute line '$line'");
    $self->{blocks}->{attributes} .= join( "\n", @attributes ) . "\n";

method _handle_class_block ($contents) {
    $self->{blocks}->{class} .=
      $self->_output_line_number_comment . $self->_processed_perl_code($contents);

method _handle_component_call ($contents) {
    my ( $prespace, $call, $postspace ) = ( $contents =~ /(\s*)(.*)(\s*)/s );
    if ( $call =~ m,^[\w/.], ) {
        my $comma = index( $call, ',' );
        $comma = length $call if $comma == -1;
        ( my $comp = substr( $call, 0, $comma ) ) =~ s/\s+$//;
        $call = "'$comp'" . substr( $call, $comma );
    $call = $self->_processed_perl_code($call);
    my $code = "\$m->comp( $prespace $call $postspace \n); ";


method _handle_doc_block () {

    # Don't do anything - just discard the comment.

method _handle_filter_block ($contents, $name, $arglist) {
    my $new_contents = join( '',
        'return Mason::DynamicFilter->new(',
        'filter => sub {',
        'my $yield = shift;',
        '$m->capture(sub {',
        '</%perl>', $contents, '<%perl>}); });</%perl>',
    $self->_handle_method_block( $new_contents, $name, $arglist );

method _handle_flags_block ($contents) {
    my $ending = qr, (?: \n |           # newline or
                         (?= </%flags> ) )   # end of block (don't consume it)

    while (
        $contents =~ /
                      [ \t]*
                      ([\w_]+)          # identifier
                      [ \t]*=>[ \t]*    # separator
                      (\S[^\n]*?)       # value ( must start with a non-space char)
                      \G\n              # a plain empty line
                      [ \t]*            # an optional comment
                      \G[ \t]+?
        my ( $flag, $value ) = ( $1, $2 );
        if ( defined $flag && defined $value && length $flag && length $value ) {
            if ( $self->valid_flags_hash->{$flag} ) {
                $self->{blocks}->{flags}->{$flag} = eval($value);
                die $@ if $@;
            else {
                $self->_throw_syntax_error("Invalid flag '$flag'");

method _handle_init_block ($contents) {
    $self->{current_method}->{init} =
      $self->_output_line_number_comment . $self->_processed_perl_code($contents);

method _handle_method_block ( $contents, $name, $arglist ) {
    $self->_throw_syntax_error("Invalid method name '$name'")
      if $name !~ /^$identifier$/;

    $self->_throw_syntax_error("'$name' is reserved and cannot be used as a method name")
      if $self->bad_method_hash->{$name};

    $self->_throw_syntax_error("Duplicate definition of method '$name'")
      if exists $self->{methods}->{$name};


    my $method = $self->_new_method_hash( name => $name, arglist => $arglist );
    $self->{methods}->{$name} = $method;

    $self->_recursive_parse( 'method', $contents, $method );

method _handle_perl_block ($contents) {
    $self->_add_to_current_method( $self->_processed_perl_code($contents) );

method _handle_perl_line ($type, $contents) {
    my $code = $self->_processed_perl_code( $contents . "\n" );

    if ( $type eq 'perl' ) {
    else {

method _handle_plain_text ($text) {

    # Escape single quotes and backslashes
    $text =~ s,([\'\\]),\\$1,g;

    my $code = "\$\$_m_buffer .= '$text';\n";

method _handle_shared_block ($contents) {
    $self->_handle_attributes_list( $contents, 'shared' );

method _handle_substitution ( $text, $filter_list ) {

    # This is a comment tag if all lines of text contain only whitespace
    # or start with whitespace and a comment marker, e.g.
    #   <%
    #     #
    #     # foo
    #   %>
    my @lines = split( /\n/, $text );
    unless ( grep { /^\s*[^\s\#]/ } @lines ) {

    $text = $self->_processed_perl_code($text);

    if ($filter_list) {
        if ( my @filters = grep { /\S/ } split( /\s*,\s*/, $filter_list ) ) {
            my $filter_call_list = join( ", ", map { "\$self->$_()" } @filters );
            $text =
              sprintf( '$self->m->_apply_filters(%s, sub { local $_ = %s; defined($_) ? $_ : "" })',
                $filter_call_list, $text );

    my $code = "for (scalar($text)) { \$\$_m_buffer .= \$_ if defined }\n";


method _handle_text_block ($contents) {
    $contents =~ s/^\n//;
    $contents =~ s,([\'\\]),\\$1,g;

    $self->_add_to_current_method("\$\$_m_buffer .= '$contents';\n");

method _match_apply_filter () {
    my $pos = pos( $self->{source} );

    # Match % ... {{ at beginning of line
    if ( $self->{source} =~ / \G (?<=^) % ([^\n]*) \{\{ [^\S\n]* (?:\#.*)? \n /gcmx ) {
        my ($filter_expr) = ($1);
        return 1;

    # Old syntax, for backward compatibility
    # Match <% ... { %>
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /\G(\n)? <% (.+?) (\s*\{\s*) %>(\n)?/xcgs ) {
        my ( $preceding_newline, $filter_expr, $opening_brace, $following_newline ) =
          ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );

        # and make sure we didn't go through a %>
        if ( $filter_expr !~ /%>/ ) {
            for ( $preceding_newline, $filter_expr, $following_newline ) {
                $self->{line_number} += tr/\n// if defined($_);

            return 1;
        else {
            pos( $self->{source} ) = $pos;

    return 0;

method _match_apply_filter_end () {
    if ( $self->{source} =~ / \G (?<=^) % [ \t]+ \}\} [^\S\n]* (?:\#.*)? (?:\n\n?|\z) /gmcx ) {
        if ( $self->{current_method}->{type} eq 'apply_filter' ) {
            $self->{end_parse} = pos( $self->{source} );
            return 1;
        else {
            $self->_throw_syntax_error("'}}' without matching '{{'");

    # Old syntax - <% } %> and </%> - for backward compatibility
    if (   $self->{current_method}->{type} eq 'apply_filter'
        && $self->{source} =~ /\G (?: (?: <% [ \t]* \} [ \t]* %> ) | (?: <\/%> ) ) (\n?\n?)/gcx )
        $self->{end_parse} = pos( $self->{source} );
        return 1;

    return 0;

method _match_block ($block_regex, $named) {
    my $regex = qr/
               <% ($block_regex)
               (?: \s+ ([^\s\(>]+) ([^>]*) )?
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /$regex/gcs ) {
        my ( $preceding_newline, $block_type, $name, $arglist ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );

        $self->_throw_syntax_error("<%$block_type> block requires a name")
          if ( $named && !defined($name) );

        $self->_throw_syntax_error("<%$block_type> block does not take a name")
          if ( !$named && defined($name) );

        my $block_method = "_handle_${block_type}_block";

        $self->{line_number}++ if $preceding_newline;

        my ( $block_contents, $nl ) = $self->_match_block_end($block_type);

        $self->$block_method( $block_contents, $name, $arglist );

        $self->{line_number} += $block_contents =~ tr/\n//;
        $self->{line_number} += length($nl) if $nl;

        return 1;
    return 0;

method _match_block_end ($block_type) {
    my $re = qr,\G(.*?)</%\Q$block_type\E>(\n?\n?),is;
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /$re/gc ) {
        return ( $1, $2 );
    else {
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("<%$block_type> without matching </%$block_type>");

method _match_component_call () {
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /\G<&(?!\|)/gcs ) {
        if ( $self->{source} =~ /\G(.*?)&>/gcs ) {
            my $body = $1;
            $self->{line_number} += $body =~ tr/\n//;

            return 1;
        else {
            $self->_throw_syntax_error("'<&' without matching '&>'");

method _match_end () {
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /(\G\z)/gcs ) {
        $self->{line_number} += $1 =~ tr/\n//;
        return defined $1 && length $1 ? $1 : 1;
    return 0;

method _match_named_block () {
    $self->_match_block( $self->named_block_regex, 1 );

method _match_perl_line () {
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /\G(?<=^)(%%?)([^\n]*)(?:\n|\z)/gcm ) {
        my ( $percents, $line ) = ( $1, $2 );
        if ( length($line) && $line !~ /^\s/ ) {
            $self->_throw_syntax_error("$percents must be followed by whitespace or EOL");
        if ( $percents eq '%%' ) {
            if ( $line =~ /\{\s*$/ && $self->{source} =~ /\G(?!%%)/gcm ) {
                $self->_throw_syntax_error("%%-lines cannot be used to surround content");
        $self->_handle_perl_line( ( $percents eq '%' ? 'perl' : 'class' ), $line );

        return 1;
    return 0;

method _match_plain_text () {

    # Most of these terminator patterns actually belong to the next
    # lexeme in the source, so we use a lookahead if we don't want to
    # consume them.  We use a lookbehind when we want to consume
    # something in the matched text, like the newline before a '%'.

    if (
        $self->{source} =~ m{
                                (.*?)         # anything, followed by:
                                 (?<=\n)(?=%) # an eval line - consume the \n
                                 (?=<%\s)     # a substitution tag
                                 (?=[%&]>)    # an end substitution or component call
                                 (?=</?[%&])  # a block or call start or end
                                              # - don't consume
                                 \\\n         # an escaped newline  - throw away
                                 \z           # end of string
        my ( $orig_text, $swallowed ) = ( $1, $2 );
        my $text = $orig_text;

        # Chomp newline before block start
        if ( substr( $self->{source}, pos( $self->{source} ), 3 ) =~ /<%[a-z]/ ) {
        $self->_handle_plain_text($text) if length $text;

        # Not checking definedness seems to cause extra lines to be
        # counted with Perl 5.00503.  I'm not sure why - dave
        $self->{line_number} += tr/\n// foreach grep defined, ( $orig_text, $swallowed );

        return 1;

    return 0;

method _match_substitution () {

    return 0 unless $self->{source} =~ /\G<%/gcs;

    if (
        $self->{source} =~ m{
           (\s*)                # Initial whitespace
           (.+?)                # Substitution body ($1)
            (?<!\|)             # Not preceded by a '|'
            \|                  # A '|'
            (                   # (Start $3)
             $identifier            # A filter name
             (?:\s*,\s*$identifier)*  # More filter names, with comma separators
           (\s*)                # Final whitespace
           %>                   # Closing tag
        my ( $start_ws, $body, $after_body, $filters, $end_ws ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("whitespace required after '<%'") unless length($start_ws);
        $self->{line_number} += tr/\n//
          foreach grep defined, ( $start_ws, $body, $after_body, $end_ws );
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("whitespace required before '%>'") unless length($end_ws);

        $self->_handle_substitution( $body, $filters );

        return 1;
    else {
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("'<%' without matching '%>'");

method _match_unknown_block () {
    if ( $self->{source} =~ /\G(?:\n?)<%([A-Za-z_]+)>/gc ) {
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("unknown block '<%$1>'");

method _match_unnamed_block () {
    $self->_match_block( $self->unnamed_block_regex, 0 );

method _match_bad_close_tag () {
    if ( my ($end_tag) = ( $self->{source} =~ /\G\s*(%>|&>)/gc ) ) {
        ( my $begin_tag = reverse($end_tag) ) =~ s/>/</;
        $self->_throw_syntax_error("'$end_tag' without matching '$begin_tag'");

method _new_method_hash () {
    return { body => '', init => '', type => 'method', @_ };

method _output_attributes () {
    return $self->{blocks}->{attributes} || '';

method _output_class_block () {
    return $self->{blocks}->{class} || '';

method _output_class_initialization () {
    return join(
        "our (\$_class_cmeta, \$m, \$_m_buffer, \$_interp);",
        "BEGIN { ",
        "local \$_interp = Mason::Interp->current_load_interp;",
        "*m = \\\$Mason::Request::current_request;",
        "*_m_buffer = \\\$Mason::Request::current_buffer;",

        # Must be defined here since inner relies on caller()
        "sub _inner { inner() }"

method _output_cmeta () {
    my $q = sub { "'$_[0]'" };
    my %cmeta_info = (
        dir_path     => $q->( $self->dir_path ),
        is_top_level => $q->( $self->interp->is_top_level_comp_path( $self->path ) ),
        path         => $q->( $self->path ),
        source_file  => $q->( $self->source_file ),
        object_file  => '__FILE__',
        class        => 'CLASS',
        interp       => '$interp',
    return join(
        "method _set_class_cmeta (\$interp) {",
        "\$_class_cmeta = \$interp->component_class_meta_class->new(",
            map { sprintf( "'%s' => %s,", $_, $cmeta_info{$_} ) }
            sort( keys(%cmeta_info) )
        ');', '}',
        'sub _unset_class_cmeta { undef $_class_cmeta }',
        'sub _class_cmeta { $_class_cmeta }'

method _output_compiled_component () {
    return join(
        map { trim($_) } grep { defined($_) && length($_) } (
            $self->_output_flag_comment, $self->_output_class_initialization,
            $self->output_class_header,  $self->_output_global_declarations,
            $self->_output_cmeta,        $self->_output_attributes,
            $self->_output_class_block,  $self->_output_methods,
    ) . "\n";

method _output_flag_comment () {
    if ( my $flags = $self->{blocks}->{flags} ) {
        if (%$flags) {
            ( my $json = json_encode($flags) ) =~ s/\n//g;
            return "# FLAGS: $json\n\n";

method _output_global_declaration ($spec) {
    my ( $sigil, $name ) = $self->interp->_parse_global_spec($spec);
    return sprintf( 'our %s%s; *%s = \%s%s::%s;' . "\n",
        $sigil, $name, $name, $sigil, $self->interp->globals_package, $name );

method _output_global_declarations () {
      join( "\n", map { $self->_output_global_declaration($_) } @{ $self->interp->allow_globals } );

method _output_line_number_comment ($line_number) {
    if ( !$self->interp->no_source_line_numbers ) {
        $line_number ||= $self->{line_number};
        if ($line_number) {
            my $comment = sprintf( qq{#line %s "%s"\n}, $line_number, $self->source_file );
            return $comment;
    return "";

method _output_method ($method) {
    my $path = $self->path;

    my $name     = $method->{name};
    my $type     = $method->{type};
    my $modifier = $method->{modifier} || '';
    my $arglist  = $method->{arglist} || '';
    my $contents = join( "\n", grep { /\S/ } ( $method->{init}, $method->{body} ) );

    my $start =
        $type eq 'apply_filter' ? "sub {"
      : $modifier eq 'around'   ? "around '$name' => sub {\nmy \$orig = shift; my \$self = shift;"
      : $type     eq 'modifier' ? "$modifier '$name' => sub {\nmy \$self = shift;"
      :                           "method $name $arglist {";
    my $end = $modifier ? "};" : "}";

    return join(

        # do not add a block around this, it introduces
        # a separate scope and might break cleanup
        # blocks (or all sort of other things!)

        # don't return values explicitly. semi before return will help catch
        # syntax errors in component body.

method _output_methods () {

    # Sort methods so that modifiers come after
    my @sorted_methods_keys =
      sort { ( index( $a, ' ' ) <=> index( $b, ' ' ) ) || $a cmp $b } keys( %{ $self->{methods} } );
      join( "\n", map { $self->_output_method( $self->{methods}->{$_} ) } @sorted_methods_keys );

method _processed_perl_code ($code) {
    my $coderef = \$code;
    return $$coderef;

method _recursive_parse ($block_type, $contents, $method) {

    # Save current regex position, then locally set source to the contents and
    # recursively parse.
    local $self->{in_recursive_parse} = $block_type;

    my $save_pos = pos( $self->{source} );
    scope_guard { pos( $self->{source} ) = $save_pos };
        local $self->{source}         = $contents;
        local $self->{current_method} = $method;
        local $self->{line_number}    = $self->{line_number};

method _throw_syntax_error ($msg) {
    die sprintf( "%s at %s line %d\n", $msg, $self->source_file, $self->{line_number} );




=head1 NAME

Mason::Compilation - Performs compilation of a single component


A new C<Mason::Compilation> object is created by L<Mason::Interp> to compile
each component.

This class has no public API at this time.


These methods are not intended to be called externally, but may be useful to
modify with method modifiers in L<plugins|Mason::Manual::Plugins> and
L<subclasses|Mason::Manual::Subclasses>. Their APIs will be kept as stable as


=item bad_attribute_names ()

A list of attribute names that should not be used because they are reserved for
built-in attributes or methods: C<args>, C<m>, C<cmeta>, C<render>, C<main>,

=item bad_method_names ()

A list of method names that should not be used because they are reserved for
built-in attributes: C<args>, C<m>, C<cmeta>, etc. Not as extensive as
bad_attribute_names above because methods like C<render> and C<main> can be
overridden but make no sense as attributes.

=item compile ()

The top-level method called to compile the component. Returns the generated
component class.

=item named_block_types ()

An arrayref of valid named block types: C<after>, C<filter>, C<method>, etc.
Add to this list if you want to create your own named blocks (i.e. blocks that
take a name argument).

=item output_class_footer ()

Perl code to be added at the bottom of the class. Empty by default.

=item output_class_header ()

Perl code to be added at the top of the class, just after initialization of
Moose, C<$m> and other required pieces. Empty by default.

    # Add to the top of every component class:
    #   use Foo;
    #   use Bar qw(baz);
    override 'output_class_header' => sub {
        return join("\n", super(), 'use Foo;', 'use Bar qw(baz);');

=item process_perl_code ($coderef)

This method is called on each distinct piece of Perl code in the component.
I<$coderef> is a reference to a string containing the code; the method can
modify the code as desired. See L<Mason::Plugin::DollarDot> for a sample usage.

=item unnamed_block_types ()

An arrayref of valid unnamed block types: C<args>, C<class>, C<init>, etc. Add
to this list if you want to create your own unnamed blocks.

=item valid_flags ()

An arrayref of valid flags: contains only C<extends> at time of writing. Add to
this list if you want to create your own flags.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Jonathan Swartz <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Jonathan Swartz.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

