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package Server::Control::Apache;
  $Server::Control::Apache::VERSION = '0.20';
use Apache::ConfigParser;
use Capture::Tiny;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile);
use File::Which qw(which);
use IPC::System::Simple qw(run);
use Log::Any qw($log);
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
use strict;
use warnings;

extends 'Server::Control';

has '+binary_name'    => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'httpd' );
has 'conf_file'       => ( is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1, required => 1 );
has 'no_parse_config' => ( is => 'ro' );
has 'parsed_config'   => ( is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1, init_arg => undef );
has 'restart_method'  => ( is => 'ro', isa => enum( [qw(graceful hup stopstart)] ), default => 'stopstart' );
has 'server_root'     => ( is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1 );
has 'stop_cmd'        => ( is => 'rw', init_arg => undef, default => 'stop' );

sub _cli_option_pairs {
    my $class = shift;
    return (
        'f|conf-file=s'   => 'conf_file',
        'no-parse-config' => 'no_parse_config',

around 'new_from_cli' => sub {
    my $orig   = shift;
    my $class  = shift;
    my %params = @_;

    if (   !defined( $params{server_root} )
        && !defined( $params{conf_file} ) )
        $class->_cli_usage("must specify one of -d or -f");
    return $class->$orig(@_);

override 'valid_cli_actions' => sub {
    return ( super(), qw(graceful graceful-stop) );

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;


# Alias old httpd_binary to binary_path
around BUILDARGS => sub {
    my $orig   = shift;
    my $class  = shift;
    my $params = $class->$orig(@_);

    if ( my $binary_path = delete( $params->{httpd_binary} ) ) {
        $params->{binary_path} = $binary_path;
    return $params;
*httpd_binary = *binary_path;

sub _validate_conf_file {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Ensure that we have an existent conf_file after object is built. It
    # can come from the conf_file or server_root parameter.
    if ( my $conf_file = $self->{conf_file} ) {
        die "no such conf file '$conf_file'" unless -f $conf_file;
        $self->{conf_file} = realpath($conf_file);
    elsif ( my $server_root = $self->{server_root} ) {
        die "no such server root '$server_root'" unless -d $server_root;
        $self->{server_root} = realpath($server_root);
        my $default_conf_file =
          catfile( $self->{server_root}, "conf", "httpd.conf" );
        if ( -f $default_conf_file ) {
            $self->{conf_file} = $default_conf_file;
            $log->debugf( "defaulting conf file to '%s'", $default_conf_file )
              if $log->is_debug;
        else {
              "no conf_file specified and cannot find at '$default_conf_file'";
    else {
        die "no conf_file or server_root specified";

sub _build_parsed_config {
    my $self = shift;
    return {} if $self->no_parse_config;

    my $cp        = Apache::ConfigParser->new;
    my $conf_file = $self->conf_file;
      or die "problem parsing conf file '$conf_file': " . $cp->errstr;

    my %parsed_config = map {
        my ($directive) = ( $cp->find_down_directive_names($_) );
        defined($directive) ? ( $_, $directive->value ) : ()
    } qw(ServerRoot Listen PidFile ErrorLog);
    $log->debugf( "found these values in parsed '%s': %s",
        $conf_file, \%parsed_config )
      if $log->is_debug;

    return \%parsed_config;

sub _build_server_root {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( my $server_root = $self->parsed_config->{ServerRoot} ) {
        return $server_root;
    else {
        die "no server_root specified and cannot determine from conf file";

sub _build_pid_file {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( my $pid_file = $self->parsed_config->{PidFile} ) {
        return $self->_rel2abs($pid_file);
    else {
        $log->debugf( "defaulting pid_file to %s/%s",
            $self->log_dir, "" )
          if $log->is_debug;
        return catdir( $self->log_dir, "" );

sub _build_bind_addr {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( defined( my $listen = $self->parsed_config->{Listen} ) ) {
        if ( my ($bind_addr) = ( $listen =~ /([^:]+):/ ) ) {
            return $bind_addr;
    $log->debugf("defaulting bind_addr to localhost") if $log->is_debug;
    return 'localhost';

sub _build_port {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( defined( my $listen = $self->parsed_config->{Listen} ) ) {
        ( my $port = $listen ) =~ s/^.*://;
        return $port;
    else {
        die "no port specified and cannot determine from Listen directive";

sub _build_error_log {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( defined( my $error_log = $self->parsed_config->{ErrorLog} ) ) {
        return $self->_rel2abs($error_log);
    else {
        my $error_log = catdir( $self->log_dir, "error_log" );
        $log->debug("defaulting error_log to '$error_log'") if $log->is_debug;
        return $error_log;

sub do_start {
    my $self = shift;


sub do_stop {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->run_httpd_command( $self->stop_cmd() );

override 'hup' => sub {
    my $self = shift;

sub check_conf_syntax {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $binary_path = $self->binary_path();
    my $conf_file   = $self->conf_file();
    my $cmd         = "$binary_path -t -f $conf_file";

    # To avoid printing 'syntax ok', use system() with output captured
    # first; if error result, then use run() for error processing
    my $result;
    Capture::Tiny::capture_merged { $result = system($cmd) };
    if ($result) {

sub graceful_stop {
    my $self = shift;


sub graceful {
    my $self = shift;

    my $proc = $self->is_running()
      || return $self->start();

    my $error_size_start = $self->_start_error_log_watch();

    eval { $self->run_httpd_command('graceful') };
    if ( my $err = $@ ) {
        $log->errorf( "error during graceful restart of %s: %s",
            $self->description(), $err );

    if (
            Server::Control::ACTIVE(), 'graceful restart'
        $log->info( $self->status_as_string() );
        if ( $self->validate_server() ) {
            return 1;
    return 0;

sub run_httpd_command {
    my ( $self, $command ) = @_;

    my $binary_path = $self->binary_path();
    my $conf_file   = $self->conf_file();

    my $cmd = "$binary_path -k $command -f $conf_file";

sub _rel2abs {
    my ( $self, $path ) = @_;

    if ( substr( $path, 0, 1 ) ne '/' ) {
        $path = join( '/', $self->server_root, $path );
    return $path;




=head1 NAME

Server::Control::Apache -- Control Apache ala apachtctl

=head1 VERSION

version 0.20


    use Server::Control::Apache;

    my $apache = Server::Control::Apache->new(
        server_root  => '/my/apache/dir'
       # OR    
        conf_file => '/my/apache/dir/conf/httpd.conf'
    if ( !$apache->is_running() ) {


Server::Control::Apache is a subclass of L<Server::Control|Server::Control> for
L<Apache httpd|> processes. It has the same basic
function as
L<apachectl|>, only
with a richer feature set.

This module has an associated script, L<apachectlp|apachectlp>, which you may
want to use instead.


In addition to the constructor options described in


=item httpd_binary

An alias for L<Server::Control/binary_path>, left in for backward

=item conf_file

Path to conf file. Will try to use
L<Server::Control/server_root>/conf/httpd.conf if C<server_root> was specified
and C<conf_file> was not. Throws an error if it cannot be determined.

=item no_parse_config

Don't attempt to parse the httpd.conf; only look at values passed in the usual


This module can usually determine L<Server::Control/bind_addr>,
L<Server::Control/error_log>, L<Server::Control/pid_file>, and
L<Server::Control/port> by parsing the conf file. However, if the parsing
doesn't work or you wish to override certain values, you can pass them in

=head1 METHODS

The following methods are supported in addition to those described in


=item graceful

If server is not running, then start it. Otherwise,  gracefully restart the
server - see You can assign
this to L<Server::Control/restart_method>.

=item graceful-stop

Gracefully stop the server - see


=head1 TO DO


=item *

Improve exit code from apachectlp - at least 0 for success, 1 for error

=item *

Add configtest action, and test config before apache restart, like apachectl


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<apachectlp|apachectlp>, L<Server::Control|Server::Control>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Swartz.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

