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;; epl.el -- Perl interpreter in a separate process
;; Copyright (C) 2001 by John Tobey.  All rights reserved.

;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

(defconst epl-version "0.7" "Version numbers of EPL.")

;; Gawd this would be so much easier in Perl.  :-)
(defconst epl-major-version
  (progn (string-match "^[0-9]+" epl-version)
	 (string-to-int (match-string 0 epl-version)))
  "Major version number of this version of EPL.")

(defconst epl-minor-version
  (progn (string-match "^[0-9]+\\.\\([0-9]+\\)" epl-version)
	 (string-to-int (match-string 1 epl-version)))
  "Minor version number of this version of EPL.")

(defvar epl-debugging nil
  "If true, log messages in buffers \"*epl-debug*\" and \"*perl*\".
If `stderr', send them to the standard error stream instead.")

(defun epl-do-debug (list)
  (mapcar (lambda (object)
	    (if (eq epl-debugging 'stderr)
		(if (stringp object)
		    (princ object 'external-debugging-output)
		  (prin1 object 'external-debugging-output))
	      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*epl-debug*")
		(insert (if (stringp object) object
			  (prin1-to-string object)))
		(sit-for 0))))

(defsubst epl-debug (&rest objects)
  "If `epl-debug' is true, send OBJECTS to the debugging output stream."
  (and epl-debugging (epl-do-debug objects)))

(require 'epl-compat)

(put 'perl-error 'error-conditions '(perl-error error))
(put 'perl-error 'error-message "Perl error")

(defvar perl-interpreter nil
  "The current Perl interpreter object.
Functions like `perl-eval' and `perl-call' act implicitly on this value
and initialize it by starting Perl if it is nil.  To use a private
interpreter instance in Lisp code, set it locally with `let'.")

(defvar perl-interpreter-program "perl"
  "Default program name for external Perl interpreters.")

(defvar perl-interpreter-args '("-MEmacs" "-MEmacs::Lisp")
  "Default command line arguments for initializing a Perl interpreter.
This should be a list of strings, not including the program name or
script name.

See `make-perl-interpreter'.")

(defvar epl-interp nil
  "Copy of `perl-interpreter' used internally.  Don't alter this.")

(defvar epl-interp-map (make-hash-table ':test 'eq ':size 5)
  "Hash table mapping process object to Perl interpreter object.")

(defvar epl-post-gc-flag nil
  "Set by epl-post-gc-hook, reset by epl-gc.")

(defun epl-post-gc-hook ()
  (setq epl-post-gc-flag t))

(defun epl-gc ()
  (maphash epl-interp-map
  (setq epl-post-gc-flag nil))

(defvar epl-cookies (epl-make-cookies-hash-table)
  "Key-weak hash table mapping Lisp objects to cookies for Perl.")

(defvar epl-next-cookie 1
  "Cookie to assign to the next item added to `epl-gcpro'.")

;; Serialization state for converting cyclic data to Perl.
(defvar epl-seen (make-hash-table ':test 'eq ':size 1))
(defvar epl-pos)       ;; description of position in structure
(defvar epl-fixup)     ;; list of fixup clauses

;; epl-value type:
;; INTERPRETER  == owner perl-interpreter
;; HANDLE       == integer id, unique per interpreter

(defun epl-value-p (object)
  (and (vectorp object)
       (= (length object) 3)
       (eq (aref object 0) 'epl-value-tag)))

(defsubst epl-value-interpreter (value) (aref value 1))
(defsubst epl-value-handle      (value) (aref value 2))

;; XXX Need a perl-coderef-p function for users.
;; Should it return t for non-lambdaized objects?
(defun epl-coderef-p (object)
  (and (functionp object)
       (eq (car-safe (cdr-safe (car-safe (cdr-safe object))))

(defun epl-coderef-value (object)  (nth 2 (nth 2 object)))

;; epl-interp type:
;; IN          == input stream
;; OUT         == output stream or process object
;; BUFFER      == buffer for process output
;; REFS        == weak hash table mapping handle to epl-value object
;; NREFS       == last count of REFS
;; STATUS      == nil, ready, destroyed, exit, signal
;; DEPTH       == how many requests we are currently handling
;; GCPRO       == hash table mapping cookies to (object . refcount)
;; CHILD-P     == t if Perl is our child, nil if Perl is our parent

(defun epl-interp-p (object)
  (and (vectorp object)
       (= (length object) 10)
       (eq (aref object 0) 'epl-interp-tag)))

(defsubst epl-interp-in           ()  (aref epl-interp 1))
(defsubst epl-interp-out          ()  (aref epl-interp 2))
(defsubst epl-interp-buffer       ()  (aref epl-interp 3))
(defsubst epl-interp-refs         ()  (aref epl-interp 4))
(defsubst epl-interp-nrefs        ()  (aref epl-interp 5))
(defsubst epl-interp-status       ()  (aref epl-interp 6))
(defsubst epl-interp-depth        ()  (aref epl-interp 7))
(defsubst epl-interp-gcpro        ()  (aref epl-interp 8))
(defsubst epl-interp-child-p      ()  (aref epl-interp 9))

(defsubst epl-interp-set-in           (x)  (aset epl-interp 1 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-out          (x)  (aset epl-interp 2 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-buffer       (x)  (aset epl-interp 3 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-refs         (x)  (aset epl-interp 4 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-nrefs        (x)  (aset epl-interp 5 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-status       (x)  (aset epl-interp 6 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-depth        (x)  (aset epl-interp 7 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-gcpro        (x)  (aset epl-interp 8 x))
(defsubst epl-interp-set-child-p      (x)  (aset epl-interp 9 x))

(defun make-epl-interp (&rest named-args)
  (let ((epl-interp (make-vector 10 nil))
	name value)
    (aset epl-interp 0 'epl-interp-tag)
    (while named-args
      (setq name (car named-args)
	    value (car-safe (cdr named-args))
	    named-args (cdr-safe (cdr named-args)))
      (cond ((eq name ':in)          (epl-interp-set-in value))
	    ((eq name ':out)         (epl-interp-set-out value))
	    ((eq name ':child-p)     (epl-interp-set-child-p value))
	    (t (signal 'error (list "Invalid argument list" name)))))
    (epl-interp-set-buffer (generate-new-buffer
			    (if (processp (epl-interp-out))
				(process-name (epl-interp-out))
    (or (epl-interp-in) (epl-interp-set-in 'epl-read-char))
    (epl-interp-set-depth 0)
    (epl-interp-set-refs (epl-make-refs-hash-table))
    (epl-interp-set-nrefs 0)
    (epl-interp-set-gcpro (make-hash-table ':test 'eq ':size 20))
    (process-kill-without-query (epl-interp-out))
    (set-process-filter (epl-interp-out) 'epl-filter)
    (set-process-sentinel (epl-interp-out) 'epl-sentinel)  ;; XXX doesn't seem to help.
    (epl-puthash (epl-interp-out) epl-interp epl-interp-map)

(defun perl-interpreter-new (&rest cmdline)
  "Used internally by `make-perl-interpreter'.
Create and return a new Perl interpreter object."
  (let* ((process-connection-type nil)  ; Use a pipe.
	 (out (apply 'start-process "perl" nil
		     (or cmdline
			  (list perl-interpreter-program)
			  (mapcar (lambda (dir) (concat "-I" dir))
			  (list (format "-MEmacs::EPL=%d.%03d,:server"
					epl-major-version epl-minor-version))
	 (epl-interp (make-epl-interp ':out out
				      ':child-p t)))
    ;; Wait for the handshake message.
    (condition-case err
      (error (epl-destroy)
	     (signal (car err) (cdr err))))
    (epl-interp-set-status 'ready)

(defun perl-interpreter-p (object)
  "Return t if OBJECT is a Perl interpreter"
  (and (epl-interp-p object) t))

(defun epl-destroy ()
  (let ((status (epl-interp-status)))
    (or (epl-interp-child-p)
	(error "Use `(perl-eval \"exit()\")' to stop a parent Perl"))
    (if (processp (epl-interp-out))
	(set-process-sentinel (epl-interp-out) nil))
    (when (or (eq status 'ready)
	      (eq status nil))
      (if (> (epl-interp-depth) 0)
	  (throw 'epl-reply '(exit)))
      (epl-send-message "exit()"))
    (when (not (eq status 'destroyed))
      (remhash (epl-interp-out) epl-interp-map)
      (epl-interp-set-gcpro nil)
      (kill-buffer (epl-interp-buffer))
      (if (processp (epl-interp-out))
	  (delete-process (epl-interp-out)))
      (epl-interp-set-status 'destroyed))))

(defun perl-destruct (&optional interpreter)
  "Attempt to shut down the specified Perl interpreter.
If no arg is given, shut down the current Perl interpreter."
  (or interpreter (setq interpreter perl-interpreter))
  (if (epl-interp-p interpreter)
      (let ((epl-interp interpreter))
  (if (eq perl-interpreter interpreter)
      (setq perl-interpreter nil)))

(defun epl-kill-emacs-hook ()
  "Tell all Perl subprocesses to exit."
  (maphash (lambda (proc epl-interp)  ;; ugly? games with dynamic scope
	     (when (epl-interp-child-p)
	       ;; Ignore '(exit) throws resulting from leaving Perl
	       ;; in a function call.
	       (catch 'epl-reply

(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'epl-kill-emacs-hook)

(defun epl-check ()
  (if (perl-interpreter-p perl-interpreter)
    (signal 'wrong-type-argument 'perl-interpreter-p perl-interpreter)))

(defun epl-init ()
  (if perl-interpreter
    (setq perl-interpreter (perl-interpreter-new))))

;; Return a search list of possible Perl module directories.
(defun epl-perllib ()
  (let (dirs)
    (mapcar (lambda (elt)
	      (when (stringp elt)
		(setq elt (concat elt "perllib"))
		(if (file-directory-p elt)
		    (setq dirs (cons elt dirs)))))
	    (if (boundp 'data-directory-list)
	      (if (boundp 'data-directory)
		  (list data-directory))))
    (nreverse dirs)))

(defun epl-filter (proc string)
  (epl-debug "epl-filter(" string ")")
    (let ((epl-interp (gethash proc epl-interp-map)))
      (when (epl-interp-p epl-interp)
	(set-buffer (epl-interp-buffer))
	;; Insert the text, advancing the process marker.
	(goto-char (point-max))
	(insert string)
	(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))))))

(defun epl-sentinel (proc string)
  (let* ((old-interp epl-interp)
	 (epl-interp (gethash proc epl-interp-map nil)))
    (if epl-interp
	(epl-interp-set-status (process-status proc))
	(if (eq old-interp epl-interp)
	    ;; XXX newline
	    (error "Perl subprocess died unexpectedly (%s)" string)
	  (message "Perl subprocess died unexpectedly (%s)" string)))))

(defun epl-read-char (&optional ch)
  (let* ((out (epl-interp-out)))
    (with-current-buffer (epl-interp-buffer)
      (if ch
	    (unless (eq ch (preceding-char))
	      (insert-char ch))
	(when (eobp)
	  (accept-process-output out)
	  (if (eobp) (error "No output from Perl")))

(defun perl-eval (string &optional context)
  "Evaluate STRING as Perl code, returning the value of the last expression.
If specified, CONTEXT must be either `scalar-context', `list-context', or
`void-context'.  By default, a scalar context is supplied."
  (epl-eval (epl-init) nil context
	    "do { package main; " string " }"))

(defun perl-eval-raw (string &optional context)
  "Evaluate STRING as Perl code, returning its value as Perl data.
This function is exactly the same as `perl-eval' except in that it does not
convert its result to Lisp."
  (epl-eval (epl-init) t context
	    "do { package main; " string " }"))

;; XXX "context-and-args" appears in describe-function.
(defun perl-call (sub &rest context-and-args)
  "Call a Perl sub or coderef with arguments.

SUB may be a string containing a sub name, a Perl coderef, or a Lisp
function.  The behavior when SUB is a Lisp function is the same as
that of `funcall'.

The second argument specifies the calling context if it is one of the
symbols `scalar-context', `list-context', or `void-context'.  If the
second argument to `perl-call' is none of these, a scalar context is
used, and the second argument, if present, is prepended to the list of
remaining args.  The remaining args are converted to Perl and passed
to the sub or coderef.

(perl-call SUB &optional CONTEXT &rest ARGS)"
  (epl-subcall nil sub context-and-args))

;; XXX "context-and-args" appears in describe-function.
(defun perl-call-raw (sub &rest context-and-args)
  "Call a Perl sub or coderef and return its result as Perl data.
This function is exactly the same as `perl-call' except in that it does not
convert its result to Lisp.

(perl-call-raw SUB &optional CONTEXT &rest ARGS)"
  (epl-subcall t sub context-and-args))

;; XXX "context-and-args" appears in describe-function.
(defun perl-eval-and-call (string &rest context-and-args)
  "Same as `perl-call' but evaluate the first arg to get the coderef.

The first argument should be a string of Perl code which evaluates to a
sub name or coderef.  The remaining arguments are treated the same as in

(perl-eval-and-call STRING &optional CONTEXT &rest ARGS)"
  ;; XXX can be more efficient
  (apply 'perl-call (perl-eval string) context-and-args))

(defun epl-subcall (rawp sub args)
  (let* ((perl-interpreter (if (epl-value-p sub)
			       (epl-value-interpreter sub)
	 (epl-interp perl-interpreter)
	 context quoted-p)
    ;; Accommodate the calling signature of perl-call and perl-call-raw
    ;; (first element of args is actually context if it is recognizable
    ;; as such, else it is really the first arg).
    (if args
	  (setq context (car args)
		args (cdr args))
	  (cond ((eq context 'scalar-context) nil)
		((eq context 'list-context) nil)
		((eq context 'void-context) nil)
		(t (progn (setq args (cons context args))
			  (setq context 'scalar-context))))))
    (if (functionp sub)
	(apply 'funcall sub args)
      (if (stringp sub)
	  (let* ((simple-p (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\'" sub))
		 (qualified-p (and (not simple-p)
				   (string-match "'\\|::" sub))))
	    (if (not simple-p)
		;; See if we have to use &{"SUB"}() instead of &SUB().
		(let ((split (split-string sub "'\\|::")))
		  (and split (= (length (car split)) 0)
		       (setq split (cdr split)))
		   (lambda (name)
		     (or (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\'" name)
			 (setq quoted-p t)))
	    ;; Make an unqualified name refer to package main, even though
	    ;; the eval will be in a private package.
	    (if (not qualified-p)
		(setq sub (concat "::" sub))))
	;; If not a string, quoted-p is t.  (Need {} after &)
	(setq quoted-p t))
       perl-interpreter rawp context
       (if quoted-p
	   (list "&{" (epl-serialize-simple sub) "}(")
	 (list "&" sub "("))
       (and args
	    (list "@{+" (epl-serialize args) "}")) ")"))))

(defun epl-eval (interp rawp context &rest text)
  (let ((epl-interp interp)
	text-begin text-end)
    (cond ((eq context 'list-context)
	   (setq text-begin "[do {" text-end "}]"))
	  ((eq context 'void-context)
	   (setq text-begin "do { " text-end "; undef }"))
	  ((or (eq context 'scalar-context)
	       (null context)) nil)
	  (t (error "Unknown context for perl-eval" context)))
    (if rawp
	(epl-send-and-receive "&cb_conv_protect("
			      text-begin text text-end
      (epl-send-and-receive text-begin text text-end))))

;; Messaging support.

(defun epl-send-string (out string)
  (epl-debug string)
  (if (processp out)
      (process-send-string out string)
    (princ string out)))

;; Send all the strings in a structure of lists and strings to a process.
;; Implement buffering to avoid a write(2) call per string.  *sigh*
(defconst epl-big-string-size 8192)
(defun epl-send-strings (out strings stack)
  (if (stringp strings)
	(let ((olen (cdr stack))
	      (nlen (epl-string-bytes strings)))
	  (if (< (+ olen nlen) epl-big-string-size)
		(setcar stack (cons strings (car stack)))
		(setcdr stack (+ olen nlen)))
	    (epl-flush out stack)
	    (if (< nlen epl-big-string-size)
		  (setcar stack (cons strings nil))
		  (setcdr stack nlen))
	      (epl-send-string out strings)
	      (setcar stack nil)
	      (setcdr stack 0)))))
    (while strings
      (epl-send-strings out (car strings) stack)
      (setq strings (cdr strings)))))

(defun epl-flush (out stack)
  (if (car stack)
      (epl-send-string out (apply 'concat (nreverse (car stack))))))

;; Return the total byte length of all strings in a structure of lists
;; and strings.
(defun epl-measure-strings (strings)
  (if (stringp strings)
      (epl-string-bytes strings)
    (apply '+ (mapcar 'epl-measure-strings strings))))

(defun epl-send-message (&rest text)
  (or (eq (epl-interp-status) 'ready)
      (eq (epl-interp-status) nil)
      (progn (perl-destruct epl-interp)
	     (error "Perl has exited")))
  (epl-debug (format "Emacs(%d)>>> " (emacs-pid)))
  (let ((stack (cons nil 0)))
    (epl-send-strings (epl-interp-out)
		      (cons (format "%d\n"
				    (epl-measure-strings text))
    (epl-flush (epl-interp-out) stack))
  (epl-debug "\n"))

(defun epl-send-and-receive (&rest text)
  (let ((inhibit-quit t))
    (apply 'epl-send-message text)

;; Answer requests until we get our result or an error.
(defun epl-loop ()
  (let ((depth (epl-interp-depth)))
	(catch 'return
	  (epl-debug "+++ " depth "\n")
	  (epl-interp-set-depth (1+ depth))
	  (while t
	    (let ((form (read (epl-interp-in)))
		  reply done msg)
	      (epl-debug (format "Emacs(%d)<<< " (emacs-pid)) form "\n")
		  (setq reply
			(catch 'epl-reply
			  (condition-case err
			      (throw 'epl-reply
				     (cons 'return-to-perl (eval form)))
			    (error (cons 'raise err))))
			done t)
		(when (not done)
		  ;; Oops, exiting abnormally via `throw'.
		  (if (and (eq depth 0)
			   (not (epl-interp-child-p)))
		      ;; Protocol error if we don't trap this.
		      (throw 'return nil))
		  ;; All sorts of things can happen during this reentry.
		  (epl-send-and-receive "&cb_pop()")))
	      (epl-debug "Reply: " reply " (" (epl-interp-depth) ")\n")
	      (setq msg (car reply) reply (cdr reply))
	      (cond ((eq msg 'return) (throw 'return reply))
		    ((eq msg 'pop)
		     (if (eq depth 0)
			 (throw 'return nil))
		     (epl-send-message "&cb_return()")
		     (throw 'epl-reply '(skip)))
		    ((eq msg 'skip) nil)
		    ((eq msg 'exit)
		     (when (eq depth 0)
		       (epl-interp-set-depth 0)
		       (error "Exiting a calling Perl"))
		     (epl-send-and-receive "&cb_pop()")
		     (throw 'epl-reply '(exit)))
		    ((eq msg 'propagate) (signal (car reply) (cdr reply)))
		    ((eq msg 'raise)
		     (epl-send-message "&cb_raise("
				       (epl-serialize-exception reply)
		    ((eq msg 'return-to-perl)
		     (epl-send-message "&cb_return(" reply ")"))
		    (t (error "huh? %s" msg))))
	    ;; Erase the message buffer if not debugging.
	    (or epl-debugging
		(with-current-buffer (epl-interp-buffer)
      (epl-debug "--- " depth "\n")
      (epl-interp-set-depth depth))))

;; "epl-cb-" functions are called by evalled messages.

;; Control flow.

(defun epl-cb-return (ret)
  (throw 'epl-reply (cons 'return ret)))

(defun epl-cb-call (args)
  (epl-serialize (apply 'funcall args)))

(defun epl-cb-call-void (args)
  (apply 'funcall args)

(defun epl-cb-call-raw (args)
  (epl-serialize-opaque (apply 'funcall args)))

(defun epl-cb-raise (err)
  (throw 'epl-reply (list 'propagate 'perl-error err)))

(defun epl-cb-propagate (err)
  (throw 'epl-reply (cons 'propagate err)))

(defun epl-cb-pop (unused)
  (throw 'epl-reply '(pop)))

;; Lisp data referenced by Perl.

(defun epl-serialize-opaque (value)
  (remhash value epl-seen)
  (format "&cb_wrapped(%d)"
	  (epl-protect value)))

;; Give Perl a reference to OBJECT.
(defun epl-protect (object)
  (let* ((cookie (epl-object-to-cookie object))
	 (refcount-cons (gethash cookie (epl-interp-gcpro))))
    (if refcount-cons
	(setcdr refcount-cons (1+ (cdr refcount-cons)))
      (epl-puthash cookie (cons object 1) (epl-interp-gcpro)))

(defun epl-cb-unwrap (cookie)
  (car (gethash cookie (epl-interp-gcpro))))

(defun epl-cb-convert (cookie)
  (epl-serialize (epl-cb-unwrap cookie)))

(defun epl-cb-unref (&rest cookies)
  (while cookies
    (let* ((cookie (car cookies))
	   (refcount-cons (gethash cookie (epl-interp-gcpro)))
	   (old-count (cdr-safe refcount-cons)))
      (if (= 0 (setcdr refcount-cons (1- old-count)))
	  (remhash cookie (epl-interp-gcpro))))
    (setq cookies (cdr cookies)))

(defun epl-object-to-cookie (object)
  (or (gethash object epl-cookies)
	(epl-puthash object epl-next-cookie epl-cookies)
	(setq epl-next-cookie (1+ epl-next-cookie)))))

(defun perl-wrap (object)
  "Return an object that can be used to pass OBJECT to Perl unconverted.
For example `(perl-call \"doit\" '(a list))' calls `doit' with an arrayref
of two globrefs, but `(perl-call \"doit\" (perl-wrap '(a list)))' calls
`doit' with an Emacs::Lisp::Object referencing the original argument given
to `perl-wrap'."
  (epl-object-to-cookie object)  ;; Make sure object is in epl-cookies.
  (cons 'epl-wrapper-tag object))

;; Perl data referenced by us.

(defun epl-cb-wrapped (handle)
  (let ((refs (epl-interp-refs)))
    (or (gethash handle refs)
	;; XXX They should document the return value of puthash.
	(let (obj)
	      (setq obj (vector 'epl-value-tag epl-interp handle))
	    (epl-puthash handle obj refs)
	    (epl-interp-set-nrefs (1+ (epl-interp-nrefs)))
	    (epl-update-nrefs-maybe-gc refs))))))

(defun epl-update-nrefs-maybe-gc (refs)
  (let ((old-nrefs (epl-interp-nrefs))
	(new-nrefs (hash-table-count refs)))
    (when (> old-nrefs new-nrefs)
      (let (elts)
	(maphash (lambda (handle value)
		   (setq elts (cons (format "%d," handle) elts)))
	(epl-send-and-receive "&cb_free_refs_except(" elts ")"))
      (epl-interp-set-nrefs new-nrefs)
      (- old-nrefs new-nrefs))))

;; Send an UNREF message promising never again to refer to this handle.
(defun epl-free-handle (handle)
  (when (not (eq (gethash handle (epl-interp-refs) 'epl-nope)
    (epl-interp-set-nrefs (1- (epl-interp-nrefs)))
    (remhash handle (epl-interp-refs))
    (epl-send-and-receive (format "&cb_unref(%d)" handle))))

(defun perl-free-refs (&rest refs)
  "Release references to Perl data.
This happens automatically if Emacs supports weak hash tables, as XEmacs
21 and GNU Emacs 21 do."
  (while refs
    (let ((ref (car refs)))
      (if (epl-value-p ref)
	  (let ((epl-interp (epl-value-interpreter ref)))
	    (epl-free-handle (epl-value-handle ref)))))))

(defun perl-gc (&optional purge)
  "Release any Perl references that have been garbage-collected.
This happens automatically if Emacs supports weak hash tables, as XEmacs
21 and GNU Emacs 21 do.  See `perl-free-refs'.

If PURGE is true (interactively, with prefix arg), repeatedly call
`garbage-collect' and release Perl references until all reference chains
are freed."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((epl-interp perl-interpreter)
	 (refs (epl-interp-refs)))
    (if purge
	(while (progn
		 (epl-update-nrefs-maybe-gc refs)))
      (epl-update-nrefs-maybe-gc refs))))

(defun perl-value-p (object)
  "Return t if OBJECT is a Perl scalar value or reference."
  (and (or (epl-value-p object)
	   (epl-coderef-p object))

(defun perl-to-lisp (object)
  "Return a deep copy of OBJECT if it is a Perl structure.
Replace Perl data with Lisp equivalents.  Arrayrefs are converted to
lists.  References to arrayrefs become vectors.  Coderefs become
lambda expressions.  See the Emacs::Lisp documentation for information
about how other types are converted.

If the object is not Perl data, it is returned unchanged.  See
  (if (epl-value-p object)
      (let ((epl-interp (epl-value-interpreter object)))
	(epl-send-and-receive (format "&cb_unwrap(%d)"
				      (epl-value-handle object))))

(defun epl-cb-coderef (handle)
  `(lambda (&rest perl-coderef-tag)
     (apply 'perl-call
	    ,(epl-cb-wrapped handle)

;; perl-ref: [perl-ref-tag VALUE]

;; A SCALAR ref.
(defun perl-ref-p (object)
  "Return t if OBJECT is an ordinary Perl scalar reference.
The perl-ref type in Lisp does not hold a live Perl value; it merely
indicates that a piece of converted Perl data was a SCALAR ref and not
one of the special kinds that have other conversion rules, such as an
arrayref ref (which would have become a vector).

Use `perl-ref' to get the referenced value and `perl-ref-set' or
`make-perl-ref' to set it for conversion back to Perl."
  (and (vectorp object)
       (= (length object) 2)
       (eq (aref object 0) 'perl-ref-tag)))

(defsubst perl-ref (ref)
  "Return the scalar inside a Perl SCALAR ref.  See `perl-ref-p'."
  (aref ref 1))

(defsubst perl-ref-set (ref value)
  "Set the scalar inside a Perl SCALAR ref.  See `perl-ref-p'."
  (aset ref 1 value))

(defsubst make-perl-ref (value)
  "Create a Lisp object that becomes a SCALAR ref when converted to Perl.
See `perl-ref-p'."
  (vector 'perl-ref-tag value))

;; Data conversion.

;; Given any Lisp object, return a structure of conses and strings whose
;; strings when concatenated yield a Perl expression that evaluates to
;; the converted data.
(defun epl-serialize (value)
  (let ((epl-seen (make-hash-table ':test 'eq))
	(epl-pos t)
	(epl-fixup nil))
    (let ((ret (epl-recursive-serialize value)))
      (if epl-fixup
	  (list "do { my $EPL_x = " ret "; " (nreverse epl-fixup) " $EPL_x }")

;; Like epl-serialize, but assume that value contains no cycles.
(defun epl-serialize-simple (value)
  (if epl-debugging
      (let ((epl-fixup nil)
	    (ret (epl-serialize value)))
	(if epl-fixup
	    (error "Bad assumption about non-circularity of %s" value))
    (epl-recursive-serialize value)))

;; Support for cyclic data fixups.

(defun epl-serialize-nth-pos (n pos car-or-cdr)
  ;; XXX This assumes knowledge of Emacs::Lisp::Cons representation.
  ;; Alternative would be to use lvalue subs (breaks older Perls)
  ;; or complicate the code with the kind of setf-emulation done
  ;; in Emacs::EPL::fixup.  And of course it would be slower.
  (let ((ret (list car-or-cdr)))
    (while (> n 0)
      (setq ret (cons "->[0]" ret)
	    n (1- n)))
    (cons (epl-serialize-pos pos) ret)))

;; XXX could do some cacheing and iterating here.
(defun epl-serialize-pos (pos)
  (if (eq pos t)
    (let (index kind)
      (setq index (car pos) pos (cdr pos))
      (if (integerp index)
	  (setq kind (car pos) pos (cdr pos))
	(setq kind index))
      (cond ((eq kind 'rvsv)
	     (list "${" (epl-serialize-pos pos) "}"))
	    ((eq kind 'aelem)
	     (list (epl-serialize-pos pos) (format "->[%d]" index)))
	    ((eq kind 'nth)
	     (epl-serialize-nth-pos index pos "->[0]"))
	    ((eq kind 'nthcdr)
	     (epl-serialize-nth-pos (1- index) pos "->[1]"))))))

(defun epl-fixup (from to)
  (list (epl-serialize-pos to) "=" (epl-serialize-pos from) ";"))

;; Central conversion routine.

(defun epl-recursive-serialize (value)
  (cond ((stringp value) (epl-serialize-string value))
	((numberp value) (number-to-string value))
	((null value)    "undef")
	((symbolp value) (epl-serialize-symbol value))
	((and (or (epl-value-p value)
		  (and (epl-coderef-p value)
		       (setq value (epl-coderef-value value))))
	      (eq (epl-value-interpreter value) epl-interp))
	 (format "&cb_unwrap(%d)" (epl-value-handle value)))
	((and (consp value) (eq (car value) 'epl-wrapper-tag))
	 (format "&cb_wrapped(%d)" (epl-protect (cdr value))))
	 (let ((seen (gethash value epl-seen)))
	   (if seen
		 (setq epl-fixup (cons (epl-fixup seen epl-pos) epl-fixup))
		 "do{my $o}")
	     (epl-puthash value epl-pos epl-seen)
	     (cond ((consp value)        (epl-serialize-cons value))
		   ((perl-ref-p value)   (epl-serialize-ref value))
		   ((vectorp value)      (epl-serialize-vector value))
		   ((hash-table-p value) (epl-serialize-hash value))
		   (t (epl-serialize-opaque value))))))))

;; This function is a good place to set a breakpoint.
(defun epl-serialize-exception (err)
  ;; If the error originated from Perl, strip off our outer wrappings.
  (if (eq (car err) 'perl-error)
      (epl-serialize (car (cdr err)))
    ;; Supposing it is a Java error (for instance).  Let's say Java called
    ;; Perl, Perl called us, we called Java, and Java threw us err.
    ;; We would like to give it to Perl in a form that Perl will recognize
    ;; as Javonic and be able to unwrap for Java just as we unwrap Perlish
    ;; exceptions for Perl.
    ;; Answer: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
    ;; Assume err was signaled by Lisp.
    (list (epl-serialize (error-message-string err)) ","
	  (epl-serialize err))))

;; Perform the Lisp equivalent of C<$string =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; "'$string\'">.
(defun epl-serialize-string (string)
  (format "'%s'"
	  (if (string-match "['\\]" string)
		(insert string)
		(goto-char (point-min))
		(while (re-search-forward "['\\]" nil t)
		  (replace-match "\\\\\\&"))

;; Perform the Lisp equivalent of tr/-_/_-/ and handle funny names specially.
;; XXX What if name contains :: or ' ?
(defun epl-serialize-symbol (sym)
  (let* ((name (copy-sequence (symbol-name sym)))
	 (pos (length name)))
    (while (> pos 0)
      (setq pos (1- pos))
      (let ((ch (aref name pos)))
	(cond ((= ch ?-) (aset name pos ?_))
	      ((= ch ?_) (aset name pos ?-)))))
    (if (string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\'" name)
	(concat "\\*::" name)
      (format "\\*{%s}" (epl-serialize-string (concat "::" name))))))

(defun epl-serialize-ref (ref)
  (list "\\do{"
	(let ((epl-pos (cons 'rvsv epl-pos)))
	  (epl-recursive-serialize (perl-ref ref)))

(defun epl-serialize-vector (value)
  (let ((epl-pos (append '(0 aelem rvsv) epl-pos)))
    (list "\\["
	  (mapcar (lambda (elt)
			(list (epl-recursive-serialize elt) ",")
		      (setq epl-pos (cons (1+ (car epl-pos))
					  (cdr epl-pos)))))

;; XXX How to serialize hashes?
(defun epl-serialize-hash (value)
  (epl-serialize-opaque value))

;; Serialize something that might be a true list and might be a pseudo-list.
(defun epl-serialize-cons (value)
  (let ((tail value) head (len 0))
    ;; This could be optimized to a single pass, but it may require
    ;; postponing all epl-fixup calls until the end of epl-serialize.
    ;; (which might not be a bad idea...)
    (while (consp tail)
      (setq len (1+ len)
	    head (cons (car tail) head)
	    tail (cdr tail)))
    (if (null tail)
	;; a true list
	(let ((epl-pos (append '(0 aelem) epl-pos)))
	  (list "["
		(mapcar (lambda (elt)
			      (list (epl-recursive-serialize elt) ",")
			    (setq epl-pos (cons (1+ (car epl-pos))
						(cdr epl-pos)))))
      ;; pseudo-list
      (let ((epl-pos (cons len (cons 'nthcdr epl-pos))))
	(setq tail (epl-recursive-serialize tail)))
      (if head
	  (let ((epl-pos (cons 'nth epl-pos)))
	    (while head
	      (setq len (1- len)
		    epl-pos (cons len epl-pos)
		    tail (list "&cb_cons("
			       (epl-recursive-serialize (car head)) ","
			       tail ")")
		    head (cdr head)
		    epl-pos (cdr epl-pos)))))

(defun epl-cb-make-hash-table (&rest namevals)
  "Create a hash table and initialize it with alternating keys and values.
The new table uses `equal' as its test."
  (let ((h (make-hash-table ':test 'equal)))
    (while namevals
      (epl-puthash (car namevals) (car (cdr namevals)) h)
      (setq namevals (cdr (cdr namevals))))

(provide 'perl-core)
(provide 'epl)

;; end of epl.el