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package Games::SolarConflict::Controller::MainGame;
  $Games::SolarConflict::Controller::MainGame::VERSION = '0.000001';

# ABSTRACT: Main game controller

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mouse;
use SDL::Event;
use SDL::Events;
use Games::SolarConflict::Roles::Player;
use Games::SolarConflict::Roles::Physical;

with 'Games::SolarConflict::Roles::Controller';

has players => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Int',
    required => 1,

has player1 => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Games::SolarConflict::HumanPlayer',
    required => 1,

has player2 => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Games::SolarConflict::Roles::Player',
    required => 1,

has background => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'SDLx::Surface',
    required => 1,

has sun => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Games::SolarConflict::Sun',
    required => 1,

has objects => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    isa     => 'ArrayRef[Games::SolarConflict::Roles::Physical]',
    default => sub { [] },

sub add_object {
    my ( $self, $obj ) = @_;
    push @{ $self->objects }, $obj;

has controls => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub {
        [   {   down => {
                    q => sub { $_[1]->fire_torpedo() },
                    w => sub { $_[1]->d_a(10) },
                    a => sub { $_[1]->ang_a(-10) },
                    s => sub { $_[0]->_warp_ship( $_[1] ) },
                    d => sub { $_[1]->ang_a(10) },
                up => {
                    w => sub { $_[1]->d_a(0) },
                    a => sub { $_[1]->ang_a(0) },
                    d => sub { $_[1]->ang_a(0) },
            {   down => {
                    u => sub { $_[2]->fire_torpedo() },
                    i => sub { $_[2]->d_a(10) },
                    j => sub { $_[2]->ang_a(-10) },
                    k => sub { $_[0]->_warp_ship( $_[2] ) },
                    l => sub { $_[2]->ang_a(10) },
                up => {
                    i => sub { $_[2]->d_a(0) },
                    j => sub { $_[2]->ang_a(0) },
                    l => sub { $_[2]->ang_a(0) },

around BUILDARGS => sub {
    my ( $orig, $class, %args ) = @_;

    my $game = $args{game};

    my $player1 = $game->get_player( number => 1, type => 'human' );
    my $player2 = $game->get_player(
        number => 2,
        type   => ( $args{players} == 1 ? 'computer' : 'human' )

    return $class->$orig(
        background => $game->background,
        sun        => $game->sun,
        player1    => $player1,
        player2    => $player2,

sub BUILD {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $app = $self->game->app;

    my $sun = $self->sun;
    $sun->x( $app->w / 2 );
    $sun->y( $app->h / 2 );

    my $s1 = $self->player1->spaceship;
    $s1->x( $app->w / 4 );
    $s1->y( $app->h / 2 );

    my $s2 = $self->player2->spaceship;
    $s2->x( 3 * $app->w / 4 );
    $s2->y( $app->h / 2 );

    $s1->interface->attach( $app, sub { } );
    $s2->interface->attach( $app, sub { } );
    $_->interface->attach( $app, sub { } )
        foreach ( @{ $s1->torpedos }, @{ $s2->torpedos } );

    $self->add_object($_) foreach ( @{ $s1->torpedos }, @{ $s2->torpedos } );

    $_->peers( $self->objects ) foreach @{ $self->objects };

    $app->draw_rect( undef, 0x000000FF );
    $self->background->blit( $app, [ 0, 0, $app->w, $app->h ] );

sub handle_show {
    my ( $self, $delta, $app ) = @_;

    # XXX this prevents trails on darwin
    $app->draw_rect( undef, 0x000000FF );

    $self->background->blit( $app, [ 0, 0, $app->w, $app->h ] );

    my $p1 = $self->player1->spaceship->power * 3;
    my $p2 = $self->player2->spaceship->power * 3;
    $p1 = 0 if $p1 < 0;
    $p2 = 0 if $p2 < 0;

    my ( $x, $y, $h ) = ( 20, $app->h - 40, 5 );
    $app->draw_rect( [ $x, $y, $p1, $h ], 0xFFFFFFFF );
    $app->draw_rect( [ -$x + $app->w - $p2, $y, $p2, $h ], 0xFFFFFFFF );

    my @rects = ( [ 0, $y, $app->w, $h ] );

    push @rects, $_->draw($app) foreach @{ $self->objects };

    # XXX need to cache rects at this level, not in the drawable role
    #$app->update( \@rects );


sub handle_event {
    my ( $self, $event, $app ) = @_;

    if ( $event->type == SDL_QUIT ) {
    elsif ( $event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
        my $key = SDL::Events::get_key_name( $event->key_sym );
        $self->_handle_key( $key, 'down' );
    elsif ( $event->type == SDL_KEYUP ) {
        my $key = SDL::Events::get_key_name( $event->key_sym );
        $self->_handle_key( $key, 'up' );

sub handle_move {
    my ( $self, $step, $app, $t ) = @_;

    $self->player2->handle_move( $step, $app, $t ) if $self->players == 1;

    my @active = grep { $_->active } @{ $self->objects };
    my $max = $#active;
    foreach my $obj_id ( 0 .. $max ) {
        my $obj = $active[$obj_id];
        foreach my $other_id ( $obj_id + 1 .. $max ) {
            my $other = $active[$other_id];
            next if $obj == $other;
            if ( $obj->intersects($other) ) {

    my $s1 = $self->player1->spaceship;
    my $s2 = $self->player2->spaceship;
    if ( !$s1->visible && !$s2->visible ) {
            players => $self->players,
            message => 'Tie Game'
    elsif ( !$s1->visible ) {
            players => $self->players,
            message => 'Player 2 Wins'
    elsif ( !$s2->visible ) {
            players => $self->players,
            message => 'Player 1 Wins'

    my $w = $app->w;
    my $h = $app->h;

    foreach my $obj ( @{ $self->objects } ) {
        next unless $obj->visible;
        $obj->x( $obj->x - $w ) if $obj->x > $w;
        $obj->x( $obj->x + $w ) if $obj->x < 0;
        $obj->y( $obj->y - $h ) if $obj->y > $h;
        $obj->y( $obj->y + $h ) if $obj->y < 0;

sub _handle_key {
    my ( $self, $key, $state ) = @_;

    foreach my $control ( @{ $self->controls }[ 0 .. $self->players - 1 ] ) {
        if ( defined $control->{$state}{$key} ) {
                $self, $self->player1->spaceship, $self->player2->spaceship

sub _warp_ship {
    my ( $self, $ship ) = @_;

    $ship->warp( rand( $self->game->app->w ), rand( $self->game->app->h ) );


no Mouse;



=head1 NAME

Games::SolarConflict::Controller::MainGame - Main game controller

=head1 VERSION

version 0.000001

=for Pod::Coverage add_object handle_event handle_move handle_show

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<Games::SolarConflict>


=head1 AUTHOR

Jeffrey T. Palmer <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Jeffrey T. Palmer.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The MIT (X11) License

