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#!perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2009 kthakore
# Spec tests for SDL::Surface

	unshift @INC, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch';

use strict;
use warnings;
use SDL;
use SDL::Config;
use SDL::Surface;
use SDLx::App;
use SDL::Rect;
use SDL::Color;
use SDL::Video;
use SDL::PixelFormat;
use Test::More;

use lib 't/lib';
use SDL::TestTool;

my $videodriver = $ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER};

if ( !SDL::TestTool->init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) ) {
	plan( skip_all => 'Failed to init video' );
} else {
	plan( tests => 41 );

my $surface = SDL::Surface->new( SDL_ANYFORMAT, 640, 320, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
isa_ok( $surface, 'SDL::Surface' );
is( $surface->w,     640, 'surface has width' );
is( $surface->h,     320, 'surface has height' );
is( $surface->pitch, 640, 'surface has pitch' );
my $clip_rect = SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
SDL::Video::get_clip_rect( $surface, $clip_rect );
isa_ok( $clip_rect, 'SDL::Rect' );
is( $clip_rect->x, 0,   'clip_rect has x' );
is( $clip_rect->y, 0,   'clip_rect has y' );
is( $clip_rect->w, 640, 'clip_rect has width' );
is( $clip_rect->h, 320, 'clip_rect has height' );

my $image = SDL::Video::load_BMP('test/data/icon.bmp');
is( $image->w, 32, 'image has width' );
is( $image->h, 32, 'image has height' );

my $pixel_format = $image->format;
isa_ok( $pixel_format, 'SDL::PixelFormat' );
is( $pixel_format->BitsPerPixel,  8,   ' BitsPerPixel' );
is( $pixel_format->BytesPerPixel, 1,   ' BytesPerPixel' );
is( $pixel_format->Rloss,         8,   ' Rloss' );
is( $pixel_format->Gloss,         8,   ' Gloss' );
is( $pixel_format->Bloss,         8,   ' Bloss' );
is( $pixel_format->Aloss,         8,   ' Aloss' );
is( $pixel_format->Rshift,        0,   ' Rshift' );
is( $pixel_format->Gshift,        0,   ' Gshift' );
is( $pixel_format->Bshift,        0,   ' Bshift' );
is( $pixel_format->Ashift,        0,   ' Ashift' );
is( $pixel_format->Rmask,         0,   ' Rmask' );
is( $pixel_format->Gmask,         0,   ' Gmask' );
is( $pixel_format->Bmask,         0,   ' Bmask' );
is( $pixel_format->Amask,         0,   ' Amask' );
is( $pixel_format->colorkey,      0,   ' colorkey' );
is( $pixel_format->alpha,         255, ' alpha' );

my $pixel = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $pixel_format, 255, 127, 0 );
is( $pixel, 2, 'maping RGB to surface' );
SDL::Video::fill_rect( $surface, SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 32, 32 ), $pixel );
ok( 1, 'Managed to fill_rect' );

my $small_rect = SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 64, 64 );
SDL::Video::blit_surface( $image, $small_rect, $surface, $small_rect );
ok( 1, 'Managed to blit' );

#my $image_format = $surface->display;
#$surface->update_rect( 0, 0, 32, 32 );
#ok( 1, 'Managed to update_rect' );
#$surface->update_rects( SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, 32, 32 ) );
#ok( 1, 'Managed to update_rects' );

my $app = SDLx::App->new(
	title  => "Test",
	width  => 640,
	height => 480,
	init   => SDL_INIT_VIDEO

pass 'did this pass';

my $image_format = SDL::Video::display_format($image);
isa_ok( $image_format, 'SDL::Surface' );

my $image_format_alpha = SDL::Video::display_format_alpha($image);
isa_ok( $image_format_alpha, 'SDL::Surface' );

my $app_pixel_format = $app->format;

my $rect = SDL::Rect->new( 0, 0, $app->w, $app->h );

my $blue_pixel = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $app_pixel_format, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff );

SDL::Video::fill_rect( $app, $rect, $blue_pixel );

SDL::Video::update_rect( $app, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

SDL::Video::update_rects( $app, $small_rect );

my $ref           = $surface->get_pixels_ptr;
my $other_surface = SDL::Surface->new_from( $ref, 640, 320, 8, $surface->pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
my $get_pixel     = $surface->get_pixel(0);
ok( $get_pixel >= 0, "[get_pixel] returns integer ($get_pixel)" );
$surface->set_pixels( 0, 42 );
pass '[set_pixel] first pixel to 42';
is( $surface->get_pixel(0), 42, '[get_pixel] returns integer (42)' );

isa_ok( $other_surface, 'SDL::Surface' );
is( $other_surface->w, $surface->w, '[new_form] have same w' );
is( $other_surface->h, $surface->h, '[neh_form] have same h' );

#TODO: Added more comparison stuff

if ($videodriver) {
	$ENV{SDL_VIDEODRIVER} = $videodriver;
} else {

pass 'Final SegFault test';
