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package WWW::AUR::Package::File;

use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all';
use strict;

use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Archive::Tar   qw();
use File::Spec     qw();
use File::Path     qw(make_path);
use Carp           qw();
use Cwd            qw(getcwd);

use WWW::AUR::PKGBUILD qw();
use WWW::AUR           qw(_path_params);

sub new
    my $class  = shift;
    my ($path) = @_;

    Carp::croak "$path does not exist or is not readable"
        unless -r $path;

    bless { 'srcpkg_path' => $path,
            _path_params( @_ ) }, $class;

sub pkgbuild
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->{pkgbuild}
        if $self->{pkgbuild};

    $self->extract() unless $self->src_dir_path();
    my $pbpath = $self->make_src_path( 'PKGBUILD' );
    open my $pbfile, '<', $pbpath or die "open: $!";
    my $pbtext = do { local $/; <$pbfile> };
    close $pbfile;

    $self->{pkgbuild} = WWW::AUR::PKGBUILD->new( $pbtext );
    return $self->{pkgbuild}

sub name
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Only use the PKGBUILD if it is extracted already...
    return $self->pkgbuild->pkgname if $self->{'pkgbuild'};

    # Otherwise parse the filename of the source package.
    my $name = basename( $self->src_pkg_path(), '.src.tar.gz' )
        or die 'Failed to extract package name from filename: '
            . $self->src_pkg_path;

    return $name;

sub extract
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $pkgpath = $self->src_pkg_path();
    my $destdir = $self->{extpath};

    make_path( $destdir );
    my $olddir = getcwd();

    eval {
        my $tarball = Archive::Tar->new( $pkgpath )
            or die 'Failed to create Archive::Tar object';

        chdir $destdir or Carp::confess "Failed to chdir to $destdir";

            or Carp::croak "Failed to extract source package file\nerror:"
                . $tarball->error;

    # ALWAYS chdir back...
    { local $@; chdir $olddir; }

    # Propogates an error if one exists...
    die if $@;

    my $srcpkg_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $destdir, $self->name );
    return $self->{srcpkg_dir} = $srcpkg_dir;

sub src_pkg_path
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{srcpkg_path};

sub src_dir_path
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{srcpkg_dir};

sub make_src_path
    my ($self, $relpath) = @_;

    Carp::croak 'You must call extract() before make_src_path()'
        unless $self->src_dir_path;

    $relpath =~ s{\A/+}{};
    return File::Spec->catfile( $self->src_dir_path,
                                $relpath );

sub _builtpkg_path
    my ($self, $pkgdest) = @_;
    my $pkgbuild = $self->pkgbuild;
    my $arch     = $pkgbuild->arch;

    if ( eval { $arch->[0] eq 'any' } ) {
        $arch = 'any';

    unless ( $arch eq 'any' ) {
        chomp ( $arch = `uname -m` );

    my $pkgfile = sprintf '%s-%s-%d-%s.pkg.tar',
        $pkgbuild->pkgname, $pkgbuild->pkgver, $pkgbuild->pkgrel, $arch;

    ($pkgfile) = ( grep { -f $_ }
                   map { File::Spec->catfile( $pkgdest, $_ ) }
                   glob( $pkgfile . '{,.xz,.gz}' ));

    return $pkgfile

sub build
    my ($self, %params) = @_;

    return $self->bin_pkg_path()
        if $self->bin_pkg_path();

    my $srcdir  = $self->src_dir_path || $self->extract();
    my $pkgdest = $params{ pkgdest };
    if ( $pkgdest ) { $pkgdest =~ s{/+\z}{};        }
    else            { $pkgdest = $self->{destpath}; }
    $pkgdest = File::Spec->rel2abs( $pkgdest );

    make_path( $pkgdest );
    my $oldcwd = getcwd();
    chdir $srcdir;

    my $cmd = 'makepkg -f';
    $cmd = "$params{prefix} $cmd" if $params{prefix};
    $cmd = "$cmd $params{args}"   if $params{args};

    if ( $params{quiet} ) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1 >/dev/null'; }

    local $ENV{PKGDEST} = $pkgdest;
    system $cmd;
    unless ( $? == 0 ) {
        my $errmsg = sprintf "makepkg failed to run: %s.\nError",
            ( $? & 127
              ? sprintf 'signal %d',     $?  & 127
              : sprintf 'error code %d', $? >> 8 );
        die $errmsg;

    chdir $oldcwd;

    my $built_path = $self->_builtpkg_path( $pkgdest )
        or die "makepkg succeeded but the package file is missing.\nError";
    return $self->{builtpkg_path} = $built_path;

sub bin_pkg_path
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{builtpkg_path};



=head1 NAME

WWW::AUR::Package::File - Load, extract, and build a source package file


  use WWW::AUR::Package::File;
  my $fileobj = WWW::AUR::Package::File->new( 'package.src.tar.gz' );
  my $pbobj    = $fileobj->pkgbuild
  my %pbfields = $pbobj->fields();
  print "Package file path  : %s\n", $fileobj->src_pkg_path;
  print "Extracted dir      : %s\n", $fileobj->src_dir_path;
  print "Built package path : %s\n", $fileobj->bin_pkg_path;


  $OBJ = WWW::AUR::Package::File->new( $PATH, %PATH_PARAMS? );

=over 4

=item C<$PATH>

The path to a source package file. These typically end with the
.src.tar.gz suffix.

=item C<%PATH_PARAMS> B<(Optional)>

Optional path parameters. See L<WWW::AUR/PATH PARAMETERS>.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 extract

  $SRCPKGDIR = $OBJ->extract;

=over 4


The absolute path to the directory where the source package was
extracted. (This is the directory that is contained in the source
package file, extracted)


=head2 build


Builds the AUR package, using the makepkg utility.

=over 4

=item C<%BUILD_PARAMS> B<(Optional)>

Path parameters can be mixed with build parameters. Several build
parameters can be used to provide arguments to makepkg. Build
parameter keys:

=over 4

=item B<pkgdest>

Overrides where to store the built binary package file.

=item B<quiet>

If set to a true value the makepkg output is redirected to I</dev/null>.

=item B<prefix>

A string to prefix before the makepkg command.

=item B<args>

A string to append to the makepkg command as arguments.



The absolute path to the binary package that was created by running

=item B<Errors>

=over 4

=item * I<makepkg failed to run: signal %d.>

=item * I<makepkg failed to run: error code %d.>

=item * I<makepkg succeeded but the package file is missing.>



=head2 pkgbuild

  $PKGBUILD_OBJ = $OBJ->pkgbuild;

Create an object representing the PKGBUILD file of a source package.
A PKGBUILD is the main component of a source package. If the
source package archive has not been extracted yet, L</extract>
will be called automatically.

=over 4


A L<WWW::AUR::PKGBUILD> object representing the PKGBUILD in the
extracted source package directory.


=head2 src_pkg_path

  undef | $PATH = $OBJ->src_pkg_path;

If L</download> has been called, then the path of the downloaded source
package file is returned. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.

=head2 src_dir_path

  undef | $PATH = $OBJ->src_dir_path;

If L</extract> has been called, then the path of the extract source
package dir is returned. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.

=head2 bin_pkg_path

  undef | $PATH = $OBJ->bin_pkg_path;

If L</build> has been called, then the path of the built binary package
is returned. Otherwise C<undef> is returned.

=head2 make_src_path

  $PATH = $OBJ->make_src_path( $RELPATH )

Helper function to easily lookup the absolute path to a file inside
the source directory. This just builds the path it does not guarantee
the file exists!

=over 4

=item C<$RELPATH>

The relative path to a file I<inside> the extracted source
directory. This is allowed to have a leading forward-slash.

=item C<$PATH>

The absolute path to the file inside the source directory.


=head3 Errors

=over 4

=item I<You must call extract() before make_src_path()>


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * L<WWW::AUR::Package>


=item * L<>


=head1 AUTHOR

Justin Davis, C<< <juster at cpan dot org> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please email me any bugs you find. I will try to fix them as quick as I can.

=head1 SUPPORT

Send me an email if you have any questions or need help.


Copyright 2014 Justin Davis.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.