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# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Created On      : Sun Jun 30 21:15:32 2013
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Tue Jul  2 20:07:14 2013
# Update Count    : 40
# Status          : Unknown, Use with caution!

################ Common stuff ################

use strict;
use warnings;
use App::Module::Setup;

################ Setup  ################

# Process command line options, config files, and such.
my $options = app_setup( "module-setup", $App::Module::Setup::VERSION );

################ Presets ################

$options->{trace} = 1 if $options->{debug} || $options->{test};

################ Activate ################


################ Options and Configuration ################

use Getopt::Long 2.13;

# Package name.
my $my_package;
# Program name and version.
my ($my_name, $my_version);

sub app_setup {
    my $help = 0;		# handled locally
    my $ident = 0;		# handled locally

    # Package name.
    $my_package = 'Sciurix';
    # Program name and version.
    ($my_name, $my_version) = @_;

    my @configs = ( $ENV{HOME} . "/.config/module-setup/",
		    $ENV{HOME} . "/.module-setup/",

    my $options =
       verbose		=> 0,		# verbose processing

       template 	=> "default",

       # Development options (not shown with -help).
       debug		=> 0,		# debugging
       trace		=> 0,		# trace (show process)
       test		=> 0,		# test mode

       # Service.
       _configs		=> \@configs,
       _package		=> $my_package,
       _name		=> $my_name,
       _version		=> $my_version,
       _stdin		=> \*STDIN,
       _stdout		=> \*STDOUT,
       _stderr		=> \*STDERR,
       _argv		=> [ @ARGV ],

    # Process standard config, if present.
    for my $cfg ( @configs ) {
	if ( -f "$cfg/config" ) {
	    app_config($options, "<default>", "$cfg/config" );

    # Return defaults if no options to process.
    return $options unless @ARGV;

    # Sorry, layout is a bit ugly...
    if ( !GetOptions


	  # Configuration handling.
	  'config=s'		=> sub { app_config($options, $_[0], $_[1]) },

	  # Standard options.
	  'ident'		=> \$ident,
	  'help|?'		=> \$help,
	 ) )
	# GNU convention: message to STDERR upon failure.
	app_usage(\*STDERR, 2);

    # GNU convention: message to STDOUT upon request.
    app_usage(\*STDOUT, 0) if $help;

    unless ( $options->{'install-templates'} ) {
	# Take module name from command line if not specified with --module.
	$options->{module} ||= shift(@ARGV);
	# Bail out if none.
	app_usage(\*STDERR, 3) unless $options->{module};

    # Bail out if command line arguments remain.
    app_usage(\*STDERR, 2) if @ARGV;

    app_ident(\*STDOUT) if $ident;


sub app_ident {
    my ($fh) = @_;
    print {$fh} ("This is $my_package [$my_name $my_version]\n");

sub app_usage {
    my ($fh, $exit) = @_;
    print ${fh} <<EndOfUsage;
Usage: $0 [options] [ module ]
    --author=NAME	full name of author*
    --email=EMAIL	email address of author*
    --module=MMM	the new module
    --cpanid=XXX	author's CPAN Id*
    --template=XXX	select a set of templates*
    --install-templates	install the default templates
    --config=CFG	load options from config file
    --help		this message
    --ident		show identification
    --verbose		verbose information

The module name must be specified either with --module option, or as
the single remaining argument on the command line.

Options marked with * can be preset in an optional configuration file.
First tried is \$HOME/.config/module-setup/config, if this is missing,
\$HOME/.module-setup/config .

    exit $exit if defined $exit;

sub app_config {
    my ($options, $optname, $config) = @_;
    croak("$config: $!\n") unless -e $config;
    push(@{$options->{_config}}, $config);

    open( my $fd, '<', $config )
      or croak( "Error opening $config: $!" );

    while ( <$fd> ) {
	next unless /\S/;
	next if /^\s*[;#]/;

	if ( /^(.*?)\s*[:=]\s*(.*)/ ) {
	    $options->{$1} = $2;
	else {
	    carp( "Invalid content in $config, line $." );


=head1 NAME

module-setup - Generate boilerplate files for a new module


    module-setup --author="A.U.Thor" Foo::Bar


B<module-setup> is a boilerplate generator for new Perl modules.

Why, yet another one?

All existing boilerplate generators suit many users, but abhor others.
They can do too much, or too little, or use conventions that not
everyone agrees with.

B<module-setup> uses a set of customisable templates so everyone can
tailor it to whatever needs may arise. Its design goal is to be
extremely simple for unexperienced users, while still being useful for
more advanced module writing.


=over 4

=item B<--author=>I<name>

Specifies the name of the author of the module.

If this option is not given, the name will be taken from the system
account information.

This option can be preset in an optional configuration file.

=item B<--email=>I<mailaddr>

Specifies the email address of the author of the module.

This option can be preset in an optional configuration file.

=item B<--cpanid=>I<id>

Specifies the CPAN id of the author of the module.

If this option is not given, the id will be inferred from the email
address if possible.

This option can be preset in an optional configuration file.

=item B<--template=>I<set>

Specifies the set of templates to use for this module.
See L</"TEMPLATES">. Default set is C<default>.

This option can be preset in an optional configuration file.

=item B<--module=>I<name>

Specifies the name of the new module to be created.

Alternatively, the module name can also be specified as a command line
argument, e.g.

    module-setup Foo::Bar

=item B<--config=>I<config>

Specifies the name of an alternate config file to be loaded.

Note that the config file is processed at the point it appears on the
command line, possibly overwriting values already specified.

=item B<--install-templates>

Installs the default set of templates to the local disk, suitable for
tailoring to one's needs. No further processing is done.

The templates are installed in subdirectory C<templates/default> under
the current directory, and will be used instead of the built-in
templates for subsequent runs of B<module-setup> in the same

You can move the templates to the config location if you want to use
them for other module projects.

=item B<--help>

Shows a help message, and exits.

=item B<--verbose>

Shows verbose information during the process.



Some information can be preset in a config file. This is particulary
useful for global information that is not likely to change, like the
author's name and email address.

B<module-setup> tries to find a config file in two locations.
First it tries C<$HOME/.config/module-setup/config>, if this is missing,
it tries C<$HOME/.module-setup/config>.

The config file should contain settings like:

    name = A.U. Thor
    cpanid = thorax
    template = default

Empty lines and lines starting with C<;> or C<#> are ignored.


B<module-setup> creates the distribution directory and populates it with
boilerplate files. The name of the distribution directory is the same
as the name of the module, with all C<::> replaced with C<->. E.g.,
the directory name for module C<Foo::Bar> would be C<Foo-Bar>.

After creating this directory, B<module-setup> copies all files from the
templates directory into the distribution directory.

The source directory for the templates can be selected with a
B<--template> option or B<template> setting in the config file. For
example, if the selected template set is C<modstart>, then the
following locations are tried:


The default template set is named C<default>. If no suitable templates
can be found in any of the locations, a default set is provided by

=head2 Variable substitution

While copying the templates, variable substitution is performed on the
contents. Variables can be specified in the templates in Template
Toolkit notation, e.g.,

    ... in some text the occurrence of [% foobar %] will be replaced ...

In the above example, C<[% foobar %]> will be replaced with the value
of the variable C<foobar>.

The following variables are currently supported:

=over 12


The name of the author, e.g., C<A.U. Thor>.


The author's email address, e.g., C<>,

=item author.cpanid

The author's CPAN id, e.g., C<THORAX>.


The name of the module to be created, e.g., C<Foo::Bar>.

=item module.version

The initial version of the module, e.g., C<0.01>.

=item module.distname

The distribution name for the module, e.g., C<Foo-Bar>.

=item module.distnamelc

Same, but all lowercase. E.g., C<foo-bar>.

=item module.filename

The file name for the module, e.g., C<Foo/>.

=item current.year

The current year, for copyrights and such. E.g., C<2013>.


=head2 Default templates

The default set of templates consists of the following files:


Note that the filename C<> is magic, this template will be
copied under the filename of the new module.

=head1 AUTHOR

Johan Vromans, C<< <jv at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-app-module-setup at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc module-setup

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN




David Golden, for giving me the final incentive to write this module.

Sawyer X, for writing Module::Starter where I borrowed many ideas from.


Copyright 2013 Johan Vromans, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
