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# Bookings for administration EekBoek Sample Administration
# Created by EekBoek 2.01.03 on 2012-01-16
# Content-Type: text/plain; charset = UTF-8

# Date notation is dd-mm-yyyy
# When no year is specified, the current year is assumed.

# Purchases (Daybook: Inkoop)

# General syntax for the purchase commands:
#  daybook [ date ] arguments
#  Arguments purchase: "Description" creditorcode bookingline
#  Booking line: "Description" amount [ ledger account ]
# By default the ledger account associated with this creditor is used 
# (see relaties.eb).
# By default the VAT tariff associated with the ledger account is used.
# This can be changed by adding one of the following to the amount:
#     @0         do not apply VAT
#     @H         apply the upper VAT tariff
#     @L         apply the lower VAT tariff
#     @n         apply VAT code n (this is not recommended)
# A credit booking can be specified when the amount is negative.

# Singular booking all on one line.
purchase 05-01 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

# Multiple bookings; the ledger account is mandatory in this case.
# The total is optional, but strongly recommended to prevent mistakes.
purchase 15-01 "ADSL + Telephone" KPN --total=104,65 \
        "ADSL"                        24,20  6905  \
        "Telephone"                   80,45  6900

purchase 09-02 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

purchase 08-03 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80
purchase 18-03 "Telephone" KPN "ADSL + Telephone" 101,52

purchase 05-04 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

purchase 10-05 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80
purchase 20-05 "Telephone" KPN "ADSL + Telephone" 102,22

purchase 07-06 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

purchase 05-07 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80
purchase 15-07 "Telephone" KPN "ADSL + Telephone" 104,66

purchase 09-08 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

purchase 06-09 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80
purchase 16-09 "Telephone" KPN "ADSL + Telephone" 108,72

purchase 11-10 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

purchase 07-11 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 2*11+0,80
purchase 17-11 "Telephone" KPN "ADSL + Telephone" 109,67

purchase 06-12 "Internet" XS4ALL "ÁDSL" 22,80

# Explicit booking number:
purchase:20 07-12 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80

# Adding VAT tariffs:
purchase:22 31-08 KPN --total=131,68 \ 
        "Telephone VAT high" 110,73-0,48@H- 6900 \ 
        "Telephone VAT exempt" 0,48@0 6900

# Removal of booking:
purchase:23 07-12 "Internet" XS4ALL "ADSL" 22,80
remove purchase:23

# Sales (Daybook: Verkoop)
#  Arguments verkoop: "Description" debitorcode bookingline
#  Boekstukregel: "Description" amount [ generalledgeraccount ]
# By default the ledger account associated with this debtor is used 
# (see relaties.eb).
# See the description at Purchases for the sample bookings when 
# specifying the applicable VAT tariff.
# Multiple booking lines are possible too: the general ledger account
# is mandatory in that case. See with Purchases for an example.
# A debit-booking can be specified when the amount is negative.

sales 18-02 "Perl Course" ACME "Perl Course first installment" 3570.00 8400

sales 18-03 "Perl Course" ACME "Perl Course second installment" 3570.00 8400

sales 18-04 "Perl Course" ACME "Perl Course remainder" 600.00 8400

sales 12-04 "Perl Course" ACME "Perl Course remainder" -5.00 8400

sales 14-05 "Support" ACME "Consultancy" 714.00 8100

sales 16-07 "Support" ACME "Consultancy" 714.00 8100

sales 19-08 "Pocket Reference" ORA "Preparation book" 1000.00 8300

# Bank (Dagboek: Postbank)
#  Arguments bankbooking: "Description" bookingline
#  Bookingline:
#    std "Description" amount generalledgeraccount
#    crd "Description" creditorcode amount (negative!)
#    deb "Description" debtorcode amount
# By default the first applicable open booking, which is either purchase 
# or sales, associated with the creditor or debtor is used to deduct
# the specified amount.
# Standaard wordt het eerste met deze crediteur/debiteur geassocieerde
# open inkoop/verkoop-boekstuk afgeboekt.
# For these bookings a negative amount deducts from the banking balance
# and a positive amounts adds to the banking balance.
# 'std' bookings with VAT are uncommon.
# Therefore, in applicable cases, the VAT tariff must be explicitly
# specified with the "@" addition:
#     @0         do not apply VAT
#     @H         apply the upper VAT tariff
#     @L         apply the lower VAT tariff
#     @n         apply VAT code n (this is not recommended)
# VAT is booked on the VAT sales account for positive amounts,
# and on the VAT purchase account for negative amounts. 
# ####CHECK#### This can be changed by adding a code "I" (Purchase) or "V" (Sales).
# By supplying the ending balance this can be verified.

postbank 31-01 "Notice 1" --init-balance=1131.92 --balance=1001.77 \
        std 06-01 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 19-01 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        crd 31-01 KPN                    -104.65

postbank 28-02 "Notice 2" --balance=976.27 \
        std 10-02 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 23-02 XS4ALL                  -22.80

postbank 31-03 "Notice 3" --balance=4419.25 \
        std 09-03 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        deb 18-03 ACME                   3570.00 \
        crd XS4ALL                        -22.80 \
        crd 31-03 KPN                    -101.52

postbank 30-04 "Notice 4" --balance=7963.75 \
        std 06-04 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 06-04 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        deb 12-04 ACME                   3570.00

postbank 31-05 "Notice 5" --balance=8436.03 \
        std 11-05 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 31-05 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        deb 31-05 ACME                    600.00 \
        crd 31-05 KPN                    -102.22

postbank 30-06 "Notice 6" --balance=9119.53 \
        std 08-06 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        deb 08-06 ACME                    714.00 \
        deb 12-06 ACME                     -5.00 \
        crd 21-06 XS4ALL                  -22.80

postbank 31-07 "Notice 7" --balance=8989.37 \
        std 06-07 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 30-07 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        crd 31-07 KPN                    -104.66

postbank 31-08 "Notice 8" --balance=10677.87 \
        std 10-08 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        deb 10-08 ACME                    714.00 \
        crd 10-08 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        deb 19-08 ORA                    1000.00

postbank 30-09 "Notice 9" --balance=10543.65 \
        std 17-09 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 30-09 XS4ALL                  -22.80 \
        crd 30-09 KPN                    -108.72

postbank 31-10 "Notice 10" --balance=10518.15 \
        std 12-10 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 13-10 XS4ALL                  -22.80

postbank 30-11 "Notice 11" --balance=10382.98 \
        std 08-11 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd XS4ALL                        -22.80 \
        crd 30-11 KPN                    -109.67

# With explicit booking number.
postbank:12 07-12 "Notice 12" --balance=10357.48 \
        std 06-12 "Girotel"                -2.70 6980 \
        crd 07-12 XS4ALL                  -22.80

# Partial payments by supplying the booking number instead of the 
# debtor/creditor:
postbank 09-12 "First installment ADSL" --balance=10,347.48 \
         crd 09-12 Purchase:20            -10.00

# The remainder of the payment can be done by supplying the booking
# number, but also the easy way by supplying the relation code.
postbank 10-12 "Second installment ADSL" --balance=10334,68 \
         crd 10-12 XS4ALL                 -12.80

# Depreciation
# Memorial is like a bank booking, but without an implicit general
# ledger account from which the total is booked. The booking must 
# therefore be exactly balanced.
# Also here, a positive amount credits the associated account (adds to) 
# and a negative amount debits the account (deducts).
# Also equally applicable are the 'std' bookings with VAT, equivalent 
# to the section on Bank bookings.

memorial 31-12 "Depreciation inventory" \
          std "Depreciation"          -411,26 6800 \
          std "Depreciation"           411,26 1101 

memorial 31-12 "Depreciation computers" \
          std "Depreciation"          -396,82 6810 \
          std "Depreciation"           396,82 1111

# End of Bookings