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# RCS Status      : $Id:,v 1.23 2005-06-10 22:56:37+02 jv Exp jv $
# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Created On      : December 1998
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Wed Dec  6 13:38:31 2006
# Update Count    : 466
# Status          : Released

################ Module Preamble ################

package PostScript::Font;

use strict;

BEGIN { require 5.005; }

use IO qw(File);
use File::Spec;
use PostScript::StandardEncoding;
use PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "1.04";

# If you have the t1disasm program, have $t1disasm point to it.
# This speeds up the glyph fetching.
use vars qw($t1disasm);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $font = shift;
    my (%atts) = (error => 'die',
		  format => 'ascii',
		  verbose => 0, trace => 0, debug => 0,
    my $self = { file => $font };
    bless $self, $class;

    return $self unless defined $font;

    $self->{debug}   = $atts{debug};
    $self->{trace}   = $self->{debug} || $atts{trace};
    $self->{verbose} = $self->{trace} || $atts{verbose};

    my $error = lc($atts{error});
    $self->{die} = sub {
	die(@_)     if $error eq "die";
	warn(@_)    if $error eq "warn";

    $atts{format} = "ascii" if lc($atts{format}) eq "pfa";
    $atts{format} = "binary" if lc($atts{format}) eq "pfb";

    $t1disasm = $self->_getexec ("t1disasm") unless defined $t1disasm;

    eval {

	$self->_loadfont ();

	# Reformat if needed.
	$self->{format} = "ascii";
	if ( lc($atts{format}) eq "asm" ) {
	    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Converting to ASM format\n")
	      if $self->{verbose};
	    $self->{data} = $self->_pfa2asm;
	    $self->{format} = "asm";
	elsif ( lc($atts{format}) eq "binary" ) {
	    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Converting to Binary format\n")
	      if $self->{verbose};
	    $self->{data} = $self->_pfa2pfb;
	    $self->{format} = "binary";


    if ( $@ ) {
	return undef;


sub FileName	{ $_[0]->{file};      }
sub FontName	{ $_[0]->{name};      }
sub FamilyName	{ $_[0]->{family};    }
sub FontType	{ $_[0]->{type};      }
sub Version	{ $_[0]->{version};   }
sub ItalicAngle	{ $_[0]->{italic};    }
sub isFixedPitch{ $_[0]->{fixed};     }
sub Weight	{ $_[0]->{weight};    }
sub FontMatrix	{ $_[0]->{fontmatrix};}
sub FontBBox	{ $_[0]->{fontbbox};  }
sub DataFormat  { $_[0]->{dataformat} }

sub FontData	{
    my ($self, $format) = @_;
    if ( defined $format ) {
	# Not yet supported!
	return ${$self->_cvtinternal($format)};
    $self->{data} = $self->_cvtinternal unless exists $self->{data};

sub FontGlyphs {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{glyphs} = $self->_getglyphnames unless exists $self->{glyphs};

sub Encoding {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{encoding} = $self->_getencoding unless exists $self->{encoding};

sub EncodingVector {
    my $self = shift;
    my $enc = $self->{encoding};
    return $enc if ref($enc) eq "ARRAY";
    # Return private copy for the standard encodings.
    if ( $enc eq "StandardEncoding" ) {
	return scalar PostScript::StandardEncoding->array;
    elsif ( $enc eq "ISOLatin1Encoding" ) {
	return scalar PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding->array;

sub StandardEncoding {
    return scalar PostScript::StandardEncoding->array;

sub ISOLatin1Encoding {
    return scalar PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding->array;

sub _loadfont ($) {

    my $self = shift;
    my $data;			# font data
    my $type;

    my $fn = $self->{file};
    my $fh = new IO::File;	# font file
    my $sz = -s $fn;	# file size

    $fh->open ($fn) || $self->_die("$fn: $!\n");
    print STDERR ("$fn: Loading font file\n") if $self->{verbose};

    # Read in the font data.
    binmode($fh);		# (Some?) Windows need this
    my $len = 0;
    while ( $fh->sysread ($data, 32768, $len) > 0 ) {
	$len = length ($data);
    $self->_die("$fn: Expecting at least 4 bytes, got ",
		length($data), " bytes\n")
      unless length($data) >= 4;

    $self->{dataformat} = 'ps';
    if ( substr($data,0,4) eq "\0\1\0\0" || substr($data, 0, 4) eq "OTTO" ) {
	# For the time being, Font::TTF is optional. Be careful.
	eval {
	    require PostScript::Font::TTtoType42;
	if ( $@ ) {
	    $self->_die("$fn: Cannot convert True Type font\n");
	    return undef;
	my $wrapper =
	  new PostScript::Font::TTtoType42:: ($fn,
					      verbose => $self->{verbose},
					      trace   => $self->{trace},
					      debug   => $self->{debug},
	$type = "t";
	$data = $wrapper->as_string;
	$self->{t42wrapper} = $wrapper;
	$self->{dataformat} = "type42";
	$self->{encoding} = "StandardEncoding";
    else {
	# Make ref.
	$data = \"$data";		#";

    print STDERR ("Read $len bytes from $fn\n") if $self->{trace};
    $self->_die("$fn: Expecting $sz bytes, got $len bytes\n")
      if $sz > 0 && $sz != $len;

    # Convert .pfb encoded font data.
    if ( $$data =~ /^\200[\001-\003]/ ) {
	print STDERR ("$fn: Converting to ASCII format\n") if $self->{verbose};
	$data = $self->_pfb2pfa ($data);
	$self->{dataformat} = 'pfa';
    # Otherwise, must be straight PostScript.
    elsif ( $$data !~ /^%!/ ) {
	$self->_die("$fn: Not a recognizable font file\n");
	return undef;

    # Normalise line endings.
    $$data =~ s/\015\012?/\n/g;

    $self->{data} = $data;
    $self->{type} = $type if defined $type;

    if ( $$data =~ /^%!FontType(\d+)\n\/(\S+)\n/ ) {
	$self->{type} = $1 unless defined $self->{type};
	$self->{name} = $2;
    elsif ( $$data =~ /\/FontName\s*\/(\S+)/ ) {
	$self->{name} = $1;
    elsif ( $$data =~ /\/FontName\s*\(([^\051]+)\)/ ) {
	$self->{name} = $1;
    if ( $$data =~ /\/FamilyName\s*\/(\S+)/ ) {
	$self->{family} = $1;
    elsif ( $$data =~ /\/FamilyName\s*\(([^\051]+)\)/ ) {
	$self->{family} = $1;
    unless ( defined $self->{type} ) {
	$self->{type} = $1 if $$data =~ /\/FontType\s+(\d+)/;
    $self->{version} = $1 if $$data =~ /\/version\s*\(([^\051]+)\)/;
    $self->{italic} = $1 if $$data =~ /\/ItalicAngle\s+([-+]?\d+)/;
    $self->{fixed} = $1 eq "true"
      if $$data =~ /\/isFixedPitch\s+(true|false)/;
    if ( $$data =~ /\/Weight\s*\/(\S+)/ ) {
	$self->{weight} = $1;
    elsif ( $$data =~ /\/Weight\s*\(([^\051]+)\)/ ) {
	$self->{weight} = $1;
    if ( $$data =~ /\/FontMatrix\s*\[\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*\]/ ) {
	$self->{fontmatrix} = [$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6];
    if ( $$data =~ /\/FontBBox\s*\{\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s+(-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)\s*\}/ ) {
	$self->{fontbbox} = [$1,$2,$3,$4];

sub _qtfn ($) {
    my $f = shift;
    $f =~ s/([\\'])/'\\$1'/g;

sub _cvtinternal {
    my ($self, $format) = @_;
    return $self->{data} if $format eq $self->{format};

sub _pfb2pfa ($;$) {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;	# NOTE: data is a ref!
    my $newdata = "";		# NOTE: will return a ref

    $data = $self->{data} unless defined $data;

    # Structure of .pfb font data:
    #	( ASCII-segment | Binary-segment )+ EOF-indicator
    #	ASCII-segment: \200 \001 length data
    #	Binary-sement: \200 \002 length data
    #	EOF-indicator: \200 \003
    #	length is a 4-byte little endian 'long'.
    #	data   are length bytes of data.

    my $bin = "";		# accumulated unprocessed binary segments
    my $addbin = sub {		# binary segment processor
	print STDERR ("Processing binary segment, ",
		      length($bin), " bytes\n") if $self->{trace};
	($bin = uc (unpack ("H*", $bin))) =~ s/(.{64})/$1\n/g;
	$newdata .= $bin;
	$newdata .= "\n" unless $newdata =~ /\n$/;
	$bin = "";

    while ( length($$data) > 0 ) {
	my ($type, $info, $seg);

	last if $$data =~ /^\200\003/; # EOF indicator

	# Get font segment.
	$self->_die($self->{file}, ": Invalid font segment format\n")
	  unless ($type, $info) = $$data =~ /^\200([\001-\002])(....)/s;

	my $len = unpack ("V", $info);
	# Can't use next statement since $len may be > 32766.
	# ($seg, $$data) = $$data =~ /^......(.{$len})(.*)/s;
	$seg = substr ($$data, 6, $len);
	$$data = substr ($$data, $len+6);

	if ( ord($type) == 1 ) {	# ASCII segment
	    $addbin->() if $bin ne "";
	    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": ASCII segment, $len bytes\n")
	      if $self->{trace};
	    $newdata .= $seg;
	else { # ord($type) == 2	# Binary segment
	    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Binary segment, $len bytes\n")
	      if $self->{trace};
	    $bin .= $seg;
    $addbin->() if $bin ne "";
    return \$newdata;

sub _pfa2pfb ($;$) {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;	# NOTE: data is a ref!

    $data = $self->{data} unless defined $data;

    return \do{"\200\001".pack("V",length($$data)).$$data."\200\003"}
      unless $$data =~ m{(^.*\beexec\s*\n+)

    my ($pre, $bin, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
    $bin =~ tr/A-Fa-f0-9//cd;
    $bin = pack ("H*", $bin);
    my $nulls;
    ($bin, $nulls) = $bin =~ /(.*[^\0])(\0+)?$/s;
    $nulls = defined $nulls ? length($nulls) : 0;
    while ( $nulls > 0 ) {
	$post = ("00" x ($nulls > 32 ? 32 : $nulls)) . "\n" . $post;
	$nulls -= 32;

    return \do{"\200\001".pack("V",length($pre)).$pre.
	       "\200\003" };

sub _pfa2asm ($;$) {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;	# NOTE: data is a ref!

    $data = $self->{data} unless defined $data;

    if ( $t1disasm ) {
	my $fn = _qtfn($self->{file});
	#### WARNING: This is Unix specific! ####
	my $cmd = "$t1disasm $fn";
	if ( $self->{type} eq 't' ) {
			": Logic error -- Cannot convert True Type font\n");

	print STDERR ("+ $cmd |\n") if $self->{trace};
	my $fh = new IO::File ("$cmd |");
	local ($/);
	my $newdata = <$fh>;
	$fh->close or warn ($cmd, ": return ". sprintf("%x", $?), "\n");
	$newdata =~ s/\015\012?/\n/g;
	return \$newdata;

    return $data
      unless $$data =~ m{(^.*\beexec\s*\n+)

    my ($pre, $bin, $post) = ($1, $2, $3);
    $bin =~ tr/A-Fa-f0-9//cd;
    $bin = pack ("H*", $bin);
    my $nulls;
    ($bin, $nulls) = $bin =~ /(.*[^\0])(\0+)?$/s;
    $nulls = defined $nulls ? length($nulls) : 0;
    while ( $nulls > 0 ) {
	$post = ("00" x ($nulls > 32 ? 32 : $nulls)) . "\n" . $post;
	$nulls -= 32;

    my $newdata = "";

    # Conversion based on an C-program marked as follows:
    # /* Written by Carsten Wiethoff 1989 */
    # /* You may do what you want with this code,
    #    as long as this notice stays in it */

    my $input;
    my $output;
    my $ignore = 4;
    my $buffer = 0xd971;

    while ( length($bin) > 0 ) {
	($input, $bin) = $bin =~ /^(.)(.*)$/s;
	$input = ord ($input);
	$output = $input ^ ($buffer >> 8);
	$buffer = (($input + $buffer) * 0xce6d + 0x58bf) & 0xffff;
	next if $ignore-- > 0;
	$newdata .= pack ("C", $output);

    # End conversion.

    # Cleanup (for display only).
    $newdata =~ s/ \-\| (.+?) (\|-?)\n/" -| <".unpack("H*",$1)."> $2\n"/ges;

    # Concatenate and return.
    $newdata = $pre . $newdata . $post;
    return \$newdata;

sub _getglyphnames ($;$) {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    my @glyphs = ();

    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Getting glyph info\n") if $self->{verbose};

    $data = $self->{data} unless defined $data;

    if ( $self->{dataformat} eq "type42" ) {
	my $g = $self->{t42wrapper}->glyphnames;
	print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Number of glyphs = ",
		      scalar(@$g), "\n")
	  if $self->{verbose};
	return $g;

    if ( $self->{format} eq "binary" ) {
	$data = $self->_pfb2pfa ($data);

    if ( $$data =~ m|/CharStrings\s.*\n((?s)(.*))| ) {
	$data = $2;
    else {
	$data = $self->_pfa2asm ($data);
	if ( $$data =~ m|/CharStrings\s.*\n((?s)(.*))| ) {
	    $data = $2;
	else {
	    return undef;

#    while ( $data =~ m;((^\d*\s*/([.\w]+))|(\bend\b)).*\n;mg ) {
    while ( $data =~ m;(/([.\w]+)\b|\bend\b);mg ) {
	last if $1 eq "end";
	push (@glyphs, $2);

    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Number of glyphs = ",
		  scalar(@glyphs), "\n")
      if $self->{verbose};


sub _getencoding ($;$) {
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    my @glyphs = ();

    print STDERR ($self->{file}, ": Getting encoding info\n")
      if $self->{verbose};

    $data = $self->{data} unless defined $data;
    $data = $$data;		# deref
    $data =~ s/\n\s*%.*$//mg;	# strip comments

    # Name -> standard encoding.
    return $1 if $data =~ m|/Encoding\s+(\S+)\s+def|;

    # Array -> explicit encoding.
    if ( $data =~ m;/Encoding[\n\s]+\[([^\]]+)\][\n\s]+def;m ) {
	my $enc = $1;
	$enc =~ s|\s*/| |g;
	$enc =~ s/^\s+//;
	$enc =~ s/\s+$//;
	$enc =~ s/\s+/ /g;
	if ( $enc eq PostScript::StandardEncoding->string ) {
	    $enc = "StandardEncoding"
	elsif ( $enc eq PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding->string ) {
	    $enc = "ISOLatin1Encoding"
	else {
	    $enc = [split (' ', $enc)];
	return $enc;

    # Sparse array, probably custom encoding.
#    if ( $data =~ m;/Encoding \d+ array\n(0 1 .*for\n)?((dup \d+\s*/\S+ put(\s*%.*)?\n)+); ) {
    if ( $data =~ m;/Encoding \d+ array\n(0 1 .*for\n)?((dup \d+\s*/\S+ put(.*)\n)+); ) {
	my $enc = $2;
	my @enc = (".notdef") x 256;
	while ( $enc =~ m;dup (\d+)\s*/(\S+) put;g ) {
	    $enc[$1] = $2;
	if ( "@enc" eq PostScript::StandardEncoding->string ) {
	    $enc = "StandardEncoding"
	elsif ( "@enc" eq PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding->string ) {
	    $enc = "ISOLatin1Encoding"
	else {
	    $enc = \@enc;
	return $enc;


sub _getexec ($) {
    my ($self, $exec) = @_;
    foreach ( File::Spec->path ) {
	if ( -x "$_/$exec" ) {
	    print STDERR ("Using $_/$exec\n") if $self->{verbose};
	    return "$_/$exec";
	elsif ( -x "$_/$exec.exe" ) {
	    print STDERR ("Using $_/$exec.exe\n") if $self->{verbose};
	    return "$_/$exec.exe";

sub _die {
    my ($self, @msg) = @_;

# PostScript::TTtoType42 is actually an Font::TTF::Font object.
# Font::TTF::Font uses cyclic structures, so we need this.
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{t42wrapper}->DESTROY if $self->{t42wrapper};



################ Documentation ################

=head1 NAME

PostScript::Font - module to fetch data from PostScript fonts


  my $info = new PostScript::Font (filename, options);
  print STDOUT ("Name = ", $info->FontName, "\n");


This package reads PostScript font files and stores the information in memory.

Most font file formats that are in use are recognised, especially the
Type 1 and Type 42 font formats. Other formats that usually parse okay
are Type 5 and Type 3, although Type 3 can sometimes fail depending on
how weird the font information is stored.

The input font file can be encoded in ASCII (so-called C<.pfa>
format), or binary (so-called C<.pfb> format).

If you have Martin Hosken's Font::TTF package installed,
PostScript::Font can also handle True Type fonts. They are converted
internally to Type 42 format.


=over 4

=item new ( FILENAME [ , OPTIONS ] )

The constructor will read the file and parse its contents.


=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item error => [ 'die' | 'warn' | 'ignore' ]

B<DEPRECATED>. Please use 'eval { ... }' to intercept errors.

How errors must be handled. Default is to call die().
In any case, new() returns a undefined result.
Setting 'error' to 'ignore' may cause surprising results.

=item format => [ 'ascii' | 'pfa' | 'binary' | 'pfb' ]

The format in which the font data is stored.
Default is C<'ascii'>, suitable to be downloaded to a PostScript printer.

=item verbose => I<value>

Prints verbose info if I<value> is true.

=item trace => I<value>

Prints tracing info if I<value> is true.

=item debug => I<value>

Prints debugging info if I<value> is true.
Implies 'trace' and 'verbose'.



Each of these methods can return C<undef> if the corresponding
information could not be found in the file.

=over 4

=item FileName

The name of the file, e.g. 'tir_____.pfb'.

=item FontName

The name of the font, e.g. 'Times-Roman'.

=item FamilyName

The family name of the font, e.g. 'Times'.

=item Version

The version of the font, e.g. '001.007'.

=item ItalicAngle

The italicity of the font, e.g. 0 (normal upright fonts) or -16 (italic font).

=item isFixedPitch

Indicates if this font has fixed pitch.

=item Weight

This font weight.

=item FontType

The font type, e.g. '1' for a Type 1 PostScript font, or 't' for a
True Type font.

True Type fonts will be converted to Type 42 internally, but still
have 't' as FontType.

=item FontMatrix

The font matrix as a reference to an anonymous array with the 6 values.
To find the font scale, use


=item FontBBox

The font bounding box as a reference to an anonymous array with the 4 values.

=item DataFormat

The format in which the data is kept internally. See the B<format> option.

=item FontData

The complete contents of the file, normalised to Unix-style line endings.
It is in the format as returned by the I<DataFormat> method.

=item Encoding

This is either one of the strings C<'StandardEncoding'> or
C<'ISOLatin1Encoding'>, or a reference to an array that holds the
encoding. In this case, the array will contain a glyph name (a string)
for each element that is encoded.

B<NOTE:> Getting the encoding information can fail if the way it was
stored in the font is not recognized by the parser. This is most
likely to happen with manually constructed fonts.

=item EncodingVector

Like I<encoding>, but always returns a reference to the encoding
array. In other words, the standard encodings are returned as arrays
as well.

=item FontGlyphs

This returns a reference to an array holding all the names of the
glyphs this font defines, in the order the definitions occur in the
font data.

B<NOTE:> Getting the glyphs information can fail if the way it was
stored in the font is not recognized by the parser. This is most
likely to happen with manually constructed fonts.

Extracting the glyphs can be slow. It can be speeded up by using the
external program I<t1disasm>. This program will be used automatically,
if it can be found in the execution C<PATH>. Alternatively, you can
set the variable C<$PostScript::Font::t1disasm> to point to the
I<t1disasm> program. This does not apply to type 42 fonts, since these
fonts do not require disassembly to get at the glyph list.


=over 4

=item StandardEncoding

Returns a reference to an array that contains all the glyphs names for
Adobe's Standard Encoding.

If this is the only thing you want from this module, use
C<PostScript::StandardEncoding> instead.

=item ISOLatin1Encoding

Returns a reference to an array that contains all the glyphs names for
ISO-8859-1 (ISO Latin-1) encoding.

If this is the only thing you want from this module, use
C<PostScript::ISOLatin1Encoding> instead.



I<t1disasm> can be used to speed up the fetching of the list of font
glyphs from Type 1 fonts. It is called as follows:

    t1disasm filename

This invocation will write the disassembled version of the Type 1 font
to standard output. I<t1disasm> is part of the I<t1utils> package that
can be found at and several other


Invoking external programs (like I<t1disasm>) is guaranteed to work on
Unix only.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4


The specification of the Type 1 font format.


The specification of the Type 42 font format.


The True Type reference manual.


The specification of the Adobe font metrics file format.


=head1 AUTHOR

Johan Vromans, Squirrel Consultancy <>


This program is Copyright 2000,1998 by Squirrel Consultancy. All
rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at
your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which
comes with Perl.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.
