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my $RCS_Id = '$Id:,v 1.18 2010/06/05 15:56:04 jv Exp $ ';

# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Created On      : December 1998
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Wed Apr 12 17:51:54 2006
# Update Count    : 467
# Status          : Released

################ Common stuff ################

# $LIBDIR = $ENV{'LIBDIR'} || '/usr/local/lib/sample';
# unshift (@INC, $LIBDIR);
# require '';
use strict;
my $my_package = 'Sciurix';
my ($my_name, $my_version) = $RCS_Id =~ /: (.+).pl,v ([\d.]+)/;
$my_version .= '*' if length('$Locker:  $ ') > 12;

################ Program parameters ################

use Getopt::Long 2.00;

my $details = 0;
my $align;
my $include = 1;
my $vector = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $manualfeed = 0;
my $duplex = 0;
my $tumble;
my $famskip = 1;
my $altshow = 0;		# use alternative glyph show
my $title = "Font Samples";
my ($debug, $trace, $test) = (0, 0, 0);

options ();

$align = $align ? 2 : 1;
$title = ps_str ($title);

################ Presets ################

use PostScript::Font 1.01;

my $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/usr/tmp';

my $stdglyphs = PostScript::Font::StandardEncoding() if $details;

################ The Process ################

my $date = scalar(localtime());
my $page = 0;
my $samples = $details ? 0 : 999;
my $lastfam = "" unless $details;

my %f_required = ( "Times-Roman" => 1 ); # fonts %%Included-d
my %f_supplied = ();			 # fonts supplied

# PostScript preamble.
preamble ();

# Attributes for PostScript::Font.
my %atts = ( trace => $trace, verbose => $verbose, error => 'warn' );

# Insert font definitions, extracting the font names on the fly.
foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {

    # Read the font into memory.
    my $font = new PostScript::Font ($file, %atts);
    next unless defined $font;

    # Must have a name.
    unless ( $font->FontName ) {
	warn ("$file: No FontName found, skipped\n");

    if ( $details ) {

	# Get the glyphs.
	my $glyphs = $font->FontGlyphs;

	if ( !defined $glyphs or @$glyphs == 0 ) {
	    print STDERR ($font->FileName, ": No glyphs found, skipped\n");

	# Register the glyph names.
	my %glyphtbl = map { $_ => 1 } @$glyphs;
	if ( !$altshow && join("",keys %glyphtbl) eq ".notdef" ) {
	    print STDERR ($font->FileName, 
			  ": Only '.notdef' glyphs found, skipped\n");

	# For fonts with 256 or less glyphs, there is no need to provide
	# an explicit encoding vector. PostScript can work it out.
	my $enc;
	if ( @$glyphs <= 256 && !$vector ) {
	    print STDERR ($font->FileName, ": ", scalar(@$glyphs),
			  " glyphs, 1 page\n") if $verbose;

	# For the larger fonts, construct the vector.
	else {
	    print STDERR ($font->FileName, ": ", scalar(@$glyphs),
			  " glyphs, ",
			  " pages\n") if $verbose;

	    # Build encoding vector.
	    # First the elements from the standard encoding.
	    $enc = [];
	    foreach ( @$stdglyphs ) {
		if ( exists $glyphtbl{$_} ) {
		    push (@$enc, $_);
		    delete $glyphtbl{$_};
	    # Then the remaining glyph names.
	    foreach ( sort keys %glyphtbl ) {
		push (@$enc, $_);

	dofont ($font->FontName, $enc, $font);
    else {
	if ( $samples >= 76 ) {
	    finishpage () if $page;
	    setuppage ();
	    $samples = 0;
	if ( $famskip ) {
	    if ( $samples == 0 ) {
		$lastfam = $font->FamilyName;
	    elsif ( $font->FamilyName ne $lastfam ) {
		$lastfam = $font->FamilyName;
		if ( $lastfam and $page > 0 ) {

	print STDOUT ("save\n");
	include_font ($font);
	print STDOUT ("(", $font->FontName, ") ",
		      "(", $font->FileName, ") ",
		      " FontSample restore\n");
	$samples += 2;

wrapup ();

exit 0;

################ Subroutines ################

sub setuppage {
    print STDOUT ("%%Page: $page $page\n",
		  "save FontSamplerDict begin\n",
		  "($date) $title (Page $page) Header\n");
    print STDOUT ("0 0 moveto 0 900 rlineto 550 0 rlineto ",
		  "0 -900 rlineto closepath clip\n") unless $details;

sub finishpage {
    print STDOUT ("end restore showpage\n");

sub preamble {
    print STDOUT ("%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n",
		  "%\%Creator: $my_name $my_version by ",
		  "Johan Vromans <jvromans\>\n",
		  "%\%Title: $title\n",
		  "%\%CreationDate: ".localtime()."\n");
    my $select = 1;
    while ( <DATA> ) {
	$select = 1, next if /^%-/;
	if ( /^\%\+\s+(\S+)/ ) {
	    $select = 0;
	    $select = 1 if $details    && $1 eq "details";
	    $select = 1 if !$details   && $1 eq "samples";
	    $select = 1 if $manualfeed && $1 eq "manualfeed";
	    $select = 1 if $duplex     && $1 eq "duplex";
	    $select = 1 if !$duplex    && $1 eq "noduplex";
	    $select = 1 if $tumble     && $1 eq "tumble";
	    $select = 1 if !$tumble    && $1 eq "notumble";
	    $select = 1 if $altshow    && $1 eq "altshow";
	next unless $select;
	next if /^\s*%[^%!]/;
	next unless /\S/;
	print STDOUT ($_);

sub dofont {
    # Detailed font page.

    my ($name, $enc, $font) = @_;
    my $start = $page;

    if ( $altshow ) {
	setuppage ();
	include_font ($font);
	print STDOUT ("/$name     FontShow1 showpage\n");
	print STDOUT ("/$name   0 FontShow2 showpage\n");
	print STDOUT ("/$name 256 FontShow2 showpage\n");
	print STDOUT ("/$name 512 FontShow2 showpage\n");
	finishpage ();
    elsif ( !defined $enc ) {	# 1-page report
	setuppage ();
	include_font ($font);
	print STDOUT ("/$name FontShow0\n");
	finishpage ();
    else {			# multi-page report
	# Chop the encoding vector in slices of max. 256 each.
	for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$enc; $i++ ) {
	    if ( $i % 256 == 0 ) {
		print STDOUT ("]\n/$name FontShowV\n\n") if $i;
		finishpage () if $i;
		setuppage ();
		include_font ($font);
		print STDOUT ("[");
	    print STDOUT ("/", $enc->[$i], "\n");
	print STDOUT ("]\n/$name FontShowV\n");
	finishpage ();

    while ( ($page - $start) % $align ) {
	print STDOUT ("%%Page: $page $page\n",

sub include_font {
    my ($font) = @_;
    if ( $include ) {
	print STDOUT ("%%BeginResource: font ", $font->FontName, "\n",
	$f_supplied{$font->FontName} = 1;
    else {
	print STDOUT ("%%IncludeResource: font ", $font->FontName, "\n");
	$f_required{$font->FontName} = 1;

sub wrapup {
    finishpage () if $samples;
    print STDOUT ("%%Trailer\n");
    print STDOUT ("%%Pages: $page\n");

    my @fonts = keys %f_required;
    fmtline ("%%DocumentNeededResources:", "font", @fonts) if @fonts;
    @fonts = keys %f_supplied;
    print STDOUT ("%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset FontSampler 0 0\n");
    fmtline ("%%+", "font", @fonts) if @fonts;
    print ("%%EOF\n");

sub fmtline {
    my ($tag, $type, @list) = @_;
    my $line = "$tag $type";
    foreach ( @list ) {
	if ( length($line) + length($_) > 78 ) {
	    print STDOUT ($line, "\n");
	    $line = "%%+ $type";
	$line .= " " . $_;
    print STDOUT ($line, "\n");

sub ps_str ($) {
    # Form a string suitable for PostScript.

    my ($line) = @_;
    $line =~ s/([\000-\037\200-\377()\\])/sprintf("\\%03o",$1)/e;


sub options {
    my $help = 0;		# handled locally
    my $ident = 0;		# handled locally

    # Process options.
    if ( @ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^[-+]/ ) {
	usage ()
	    unless GetOptions (ident => \$ident,
			       'details!' => \$details,
			       'align!' => \$align,
			       manualfeed => \$manualfeed,
			       'duplex!' => \$duplex,
			       'tumble!' => \$tumble,
			       forcevector => \$vector,
			       'title=s' => \$title,
			       'include!' => \$include,
			       'famskip!' => \$famskip,
#			       altshow => \$altshow,
			       verbose => \$verbose,
			       trace => \$trace,
			       help => \$help,
			       debug => \$debug)
	      && !$help;
    usage () unless @ARGV > 0;	# need arguments!

    if ( $duplex ) {
	$tumble = 1 unless defined $tumble;
	$align = 1 unless defined $align;

    print STDERR ("This is $my_package [$my_name $my_version]\n")
	if $ident;

sub usage {
    print STDERR <<EndOfUsage;
This is $my_package [$my_name $my_version]
Usage: $0 [options] fontfile [...]
    -details		show font details instead of samples
    -[no]align		align to double page (only with -details)
    -manualfeed		manual feed paper
    -[no]duplex		duplex printing
    -[no]tumble		tumble
    -title XXX		descriptive title
    -[no]famskip	extra space between different families
    -[no]include	include the font definition (default)
    -help		this message
    -ident		show identification
    -verbose		verbose information

Option -duplex will automatically set -tumble and -align.
    exit 1;

=head1 NAME

fontsampler - make sample pages from PostScript fonts


fontsampler [options] [PostScript font files ...]

   -details		show font details instead of samples
   -[no]align		align to even page (default with -duplex)
   -manualfeed		manual feed paper
   -[no]duplex		duplex printing
   -[no]tumble		tumble (default with -duplex)
   -title XXX		descriptive title
   -[no]include		include the font definition (default)
   -[no]famskip		add extra space between different families
   -ident		show identification
   -help		brief help message
   -man                 full documentation
   -verbose		verbose information


B<fontsampler> writes a PostScript document to standard output to make
sample pages of PostScript and True Type fonts.

The program takes, as command line arguments, font files. For
PostScript files, these should contain an ASCII encoded font (a so
called C<.pfa> file), or a binary encoded font (a so called C<.pfb>

The resultant PostScript document conforms to Adobe's Document
Structuring Conventions (DSC), version 3.0.

The program can run in one of two modes, depending on the B<-details>
option. Without this option, from every font the name and a small
sample of characters is printed, up to 38 font samples per page.

With the B<-details> option, every font gets at least one page of
output. These pages contain detailed information about all the glyphs
that are present in the font, starting with the glyphs as defined in
the ISO Latin1 encoding, and followed by the glyphs are not part of
this encoding. Each page can take up to 256 glyphs.

B<fontsampler> depends on the capabilities of the C<PostScript::Font>
module. If your version supports True Type fonts, B<fontsampler> will
happily process True Type fonts as well.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-details>

Enable detailed output.

=item B<->[B<no>]B<align>

With B<-details>, start every new font on an even page. Useful for
n-up processing and duplex printing.

This option is automatically enabled with duplex printing.

=item B<->[B<no>]B<duplex>

Insert PostScript code to enable or disable duplex printing. This need
to be supported by the printer.

This options will also enable B<-align> and B<-tumble>.

=item B<->[B<no>]B<tumble>

Insert PostScript code to enable or disable tumble. Only relevant with
duplex printing.

=item B<-manualfeed>

Manual feed is requested when the job is printed. Requires a printer
that can handle PostScript Level 2 of above.

=item B<-title> I<XXX>

A descriptive title that is printed on top of each page.

=item B<->[B<no>]B<include>

When enabled, the font definitions are inserted in the PostScript
output. This results in a self-contained PostScript document that can
be printed directly.

When disabled, DSC comments are inserted in the output that need to be
processed by a suitable print manager (unless all fonts are resident
in the printer).

B<-include> is enabled by default.

=item B<->[B<no>]B<famskip>

Add some extra space between entries of different families. This is on
by default. In the worst case, when all the fonts are of different
families (or unsorted!) this reduces the number of samples per page to
about 25.

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-ident>

Prints program identification.

=item B<-verbose>

More verbose information.



This program uses the PostScript::Font package to get at the fonts
info. The cababilities of this program, especially when dealing with
weird fonts or True Type fonts, depend on this package. See
L<PostScript::Font> for details.

If a font is shown in a one-page detail page, and it gets substituted
by a multi-page font, the PostScript engine will crash.
This usually happens if the font cannot be found, and the PostScript
engine substitutes the (multi-page) Courier font.

Contrary to popular belief, lots of buggy and erroneous fonts exist.
Caveat emptor!

=head1 AUTHOR

Johan Vromans, Squirrel Consultancy <>


This program is Copyright 2000,1998 by Squirrel Consultancy. All
rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at
your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which
comes with Perl.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.


%%Pages: (atend)
%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
%%DocumentPaperSizes: A4
%%BeginResource: procset FontSampler 0 0
/FontSamplerDict 40 dict def
FontSamplerDict begin
%+ details
% This piece of PostScript program prints all character entries in a
% font.
% It is based on Ghostscript's program.
/min { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def
% do single character of page
% output to rectangle ll=(0,-24) ur=(36,24)
/DoChar {
  /C exch def
  /S (_) dup 0 C put def
  /N F /Encoding get C get def

  % print code name, width and char name
  /W F setfont S stringwidth pop def
  T6 setfont
  % N /.notdef ne {0 -20 moveto N Temp cvs show} if
  0 -20 moveto N Temp cvs show
  0 -12 moveto
  % C Base Temp cvrs show (  ) show
  W 0.0005 add Temp cvs 0 5 getinterval show

  % print char with reference lines
  N /.notdef ne {
    3 0 translate
    0 0 moveto F24 setfont S show
    /W S stringwidth pop def
    0 -6 moveto 0 24 lineto
    W -6 moveto W 24 lineto
    -3 0 moveto W 3 add 0 lineto
    0 setlinewidth stroke
  } if
} def

% print page title
/DoTitle {
  /Times-Roman findfont 18 scalefont setfont
  18 10.5 Inch moveto FName Temp cvs show
} def

% print one block of characters
/DoBlock {	% firstcode lastcode
  /FirstCode 2 index def
  1 exch {
    /I exch def
    /Xn I FirstCode sub 16 mod def /Yn I FirstCode sub 16 idiv def
    Xn 36 mul 9 add Yn -56 mul 9.5 Inch add translate
    I DoChar
  } for
} def

% print sample page -- font with max. 256 glyphs
/FontShow0 {
  /FName exch def	% font name
  /F FName findfont def
  % Construct a new encoding vector, consisting of all the ISO Latin1
  % glyphs this font knows, followed by the unencoded glyphs.
  /Done 256 dict def
  /NewEncoding [
      ISOLatin1Encoding {
        dup F /CharStrings get exch known {
	  dup Done exch known { pop } { dup Done exch true put } ifelse
	} { pop } ifelse
      } forall
      F /CharStrings get {
        pop dup ISOLatin1Dict exch known { pop } if
      } forall
  ] def
  F length dict F {
    1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { 2 index 3 1 roll put } ifelse
  } forall
  dup /Encoding NewEncoding put
  /* exch definefont
  /F exch def
  /F24 F 24 scalefont def
  70 190 translate
  0.80 dup scale
  DoTitle () show
  0 NewEncoding length 1 sub DoBlock
} def

% print sample page -- font with explicit vector
/FontShowV {
  /FName exch def	% font name
  /NewEncoding exch def
  /F FName findfont def
  F length dict F {
    1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { 2 index 3 1 roll put } ifelse
  } forall
  dup /Encoding NewEncoding put
  /* exch definefont
  /F exch def
  /F24 F 24 scalefont def
  70 190 translate
  0.80 dup scale
  DoTitle () show
  0 NewEncoding length 1 sub DoBlock
} def
%+ altshow
% print font sample page1 -- encoded characters
/FontShow1 {
  /FName exch def	% font name
  /F FName findfont def
  /F24 F 24 scalefont def
  70 190 translate
  0.80 dup scale
  DoTitle (, characters 0-255) show
  0 255 DoBlock
} def
% print font sample page2 -- section of unenecoded characters
/FontShow2 {
  /Sect exch def
  /FName exch def	% font name
  /F FName findfont def
  F /CharStrings known {
    % Find and display the unencoded characters.
    /Encoded F /Encoding get length dict def
    F /Encoding get { true Encoded 3 1 roll put } forall
    /Unencoded [ 
      F /CharStrings get { pop dup Encoded exch known { pop } if } forall
    ] def
    %/Count Unencoded length def
    %Count 0 gt {
    %  (%%[) print FName 40 string cvs print
    %  Count (: ) print 10 string cvs print ( unencoded characters]%%\n) print
    %} if
    % Print 256 block section of the unencoded characters.
    Sect 256 Unencoded length 1 sub Sect 255 add min {
      dup 256 add Unencoded length min 1 index sub
      Unencoded 3 1 roll getinterval TempEncoding copy
      /BlockEncoding exch def
      /BlockCount BlockEncoding length def
      F length dict F {
        1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { 2 index 3 1 roll put } ifelse }
      forall dup /Encoding TempEncoding put
      /* exch definefont
      /F exch def
      /F24 F 24 scalefont def

      70 190 translate
      0.80 dup scale
      DoTitle (, unencoded characters) show
      0 BlockCount 1 sub DoBlock
    } for
  } if
} def
%+ samples
/languagelevel where
  {pop languagelevel}
2 ge
  {/x {{e exch get dup /.notdef eq {pop} {glyphshow} ifelse} forall} def}
  {/x {show} def}
/FontSample {
  /y exch def
  /FFile exch def
  dup /FName exch def
  findfont dup /Encoding get /e exch def 14 scalefont /F14 exch def
  x0 y moveto
  T setfont FName Temp cvs show
  x0 y 8 sub moveto
  T6 setfont FFile show
  x0 160 add y moveto
  { F14 setfont
    ( !"#$%&'\(\)*+-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\377)x
  stopped {
    x0 160 add y moveto
    T setfont (Error: ) show
    $error /errorname get Temp cvs show
    ( [) show
    $error /command get Temp cvs show
    (] ) show
  } if
} def
/Header {
  x0 500 add y0 20 add moveto T setfont dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show
  x0  50 add y0 20 add moveto T setfont show
  x0 500 add 20        moveto T setfont dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto show
} def
%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman
%+ manualfeed
%%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Manual feed
<< /ManualFeed true >> setpagedevice
FontSamplerDict begin
/T /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont def
/T6 /Times-Roman findfont 6 scalefont def
%+ details
/Temp 64 string def
/Inch {72 mul} def
/Base 16 def	% char code output base
/TempEncoding [ 256 { /.notdef } repeat ] def
/ISOLatin1Dict 256 dict def
ISOLatin1Encoding { ISOLatin1Dict exch true put } forall
%+ samples
/Temp 64 string def
/x0 50 def
/y0  800 def
%+ duplex
statusdict /setduplexmode known { statusdict begin true setduplexmode end } if
%+ noduplex
statusdict /setduplexmode known { statusdict begin false setduplexmode end } if
%+ tumble
statusdict /settumble known { statusdict begin true settumble end } if
%+ notumble
statusdict /settumble known { statusdict begin false settumble end } if