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package Text::Filter;

# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Thu Jan 17 13:26:07 2013
# Update Count    : 169
# Status          : Released

=head1 NAME

Text::Filter - base class for objects that can read and write text lines


A plethora of tools exist that operate as filters: they get data from
a source, operate on this data, and write possibly modified data to a
destination. In the Unix world, these tools can be chained using a
technique called pipelining, where the output of one filter is
connected to the input of another filter. Some non-Unix worlds are
reported to have similar provisions.

To create Perl modules for filter functionality seems trivial at
first. Just open the input file, read and process it, and write output
to a destination file. But for really reusable modules this approach
is too simple. A reusable module should not read and write files
itself, but rely on the calling program to provide input as well as to
handle the output.

C<Text::Filter> is a base class for modules that have in common
that they process text lines by reading from some source (usually a
file), manipulating the contents and writing something back to some
destination (usually some other file).

This module can be used on itself, but it is most powerfull when used
to derive modules from it. See section EXAMPLES for an extensive


The main purpose of the C<Text::Filter> class is to abstract out the
details out how input and output must be done. Although in most cases
input will come from a file, and output will be written to a file,
advanced modules require more detailed control over the input and
output. For example, the module could be called from another module,
in this case the callee could be allowed to process only a part of the
input. Or, a program could have prepared data in an array and wants to
call the module to process this data as if it were read from a file.
Also, the input stream provides a pushback functionality to make
peeking at the input easy.

C<Text::Filter> can be used on its own as a convenient input/output
handler. For example:

    use Text::Filter;
    my $filter = Text::Filter->(input => *STDIN, output => *STDOUT);
    my $line;
    while ( defined($line = $filter->readline) ) {

Or, even simpler:

    use Text::Filter;
    Text::Filter->run(input => *STDIN, output => *STDOUT);

Its real power shows when such a program is turned into a module for
optimal reuse.

When creating a module that is to process lines of text, it can be
derived from C<Text::Filter>, for example:

    package MyFilter;
    use base 'Text::Filter';

The constructor method must then call the new() method of the
C<Text::Filter> class to set up the base class. This is conveniently
done by calling SUPER::new(). A hash containing attributes must be
passed to this method, some of these attributes will be used by the
base class setup.

    sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	# ... fetch non-attribute arguments from @_ ...
	# Create the instance, using the attribute arguments.
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

Finally, the newly created object must be re-blessed into the desired
class, and returned:

        # Rebless into the desired class.
	bless($self, $class);

When creating new instances for this class, attributes C<input> and
C<output> can be used to specify how input and output is to be
handled. Several possible values can be supplied for these attributes.

For C<input>:


=item *

A scalar, containing a file name.
The named file will be opened,
input lines will be read using C<<>>.

=item *

A file handle (glob).
Lines will be read using C<<>>.

=item *

An instance of class C<IO::File>.
Lines will be read using C<<>>.

=item *

A reference to an array.
Input lines will be shift()ed from the array.

=item *

A reference to a scalar.
Input lines will be taken from the contents of the scalar (which will
be modified). When exhausted, it will be set to undefined.

=item *

A reference to an anonymous subroutine.
This routine will be called to get the next line of data.


The default is to read input using de C<< <> >> operator.

For C<output>:


=item *

A scalar, containing a file name.
The named file will be created automatically,
output lines will be written using print().

=item *

A file handle (glob).
Lines will be written using print().

=item *

An instance of class C<IO::File>.
Lines will be written using print().

=item *

A reference to an array.
Output lines will be push()ed into the array.
The array will be initialised to C<()> if necessary.

=item *

A reference to a scalar.
Output lines will be appended to the scalar.
The scalar will be initialised to C<""> if necessary.

=item *

A reference to an anonymous subroutine.
This routine will be called to append a line of text to the destination.


The default is to write output to STDOUT.

Additional attributes can be used to specify actions to be performed
after the data is fetched, or prior to being written. For example, to
strip line endings upon input, and add them upon output.


The constructor is called new() and takes a hash with attributes as
its parameter.

The following attributes are recognized and used by the constructor,
all others are ignored.

The constructor will return a blessed hash containing all the original
attributes, plus some new attributes. The names of the new attributes
all start with C<_filter_>, the new attributes should I<not> be touched.

=over 4

=item input

This designates the input source. The value must be a scalar
(containing a file name), a file handle (either a glob or an instance
of class C<IO::File>), an array reference, or a reference to a
subroutine, as described above.

If a subroutine is specified, it must return the next line to be
processed, and C<undef> at end.

=item input_postread

This attribute can be used to select an action to be performed after
the data has been read.
Its prime purpose is to handle line endings (e.g. remove a trailing newline).

The value can be 'none' or 0 (no action), 'chomp' or 1 (standard
chomp() operation), or a reference to a subroutine. Default value is 0
(no chomping).

If the value is a reference to a subroutine, this will be called with
the text line that was just read as its only argument, and it must
return the new contents of the text line..
If it returns undef, this line will be skipped.

=item filter

If specified, a reference to a subroutine that performs filtering. It
will be called after input_postread, with the text line that was just
read as its only argument, and it must return the new contents of the
text line.
If it returns undef, this line will be skipped.

=item output

This designates the output. The value must be a scalar
(containing a file name), a file handle (either a glob or an instance
of class C<IO::File>), or a reference to a subroutine, as described

Note: when a file name is passed, a C<< > >> will be prepended if necessary.

=item output_prewrite

This attribute can be used to select an action to be performed just
before the data is added to the output.
Its prime purpose is to handle line endings (e.g. add a trailing newline).
The value can be 'none' or 0 (no action) , 'newline' or 1 (append the
value of C<$/> to the line), or a reference to a subroutine. Default
value is 0 (no action).

If the value is 'newline' or 1, and the value of C<$/> is C<"">
(paragraph mode), two newlines will be added.

If the value is a reference to a subroutine, this will be called with
the text line as its only argument, and it must return the new
contents of the line to be output.
If it returns undef, no output occurs.



=over 4

=item Text::Filter->run([ I<attributes> ])

This creates a temporary filter object using the attibutes as in
C<new>, and runs its C<run> method.



=over 4

=item $filter->readline

If there is anything in the pushback buffer, this is returned and the
pushback buffer is marked empty.

Otherwise, returns the next line from the input stream, or C<undef> if
there is no more input.

=item $filter->pushback($line)

Pushes a line of text back to the input stream.
Returns the line.

=item $filter->peek

Peeks at the input.
Short for pushback(readline()).

=item $filter->writeline ($line)

Adds C<$line> to the output stream.

=item $filter->set_input($input [ , $postread ])

Sets the input method to C<$input>.
If the optional argument C<$postread> is defined, sets the input line
postprocessing strategy as well.

=item $filter->set_output($output, [ $prewrite ])

Sets the output method to C<$output>.
If the optional argument C<$prewrite> is defined, sets the output line
preprocessing strategy as well.

=item $filter->run( [ I<filter> ])

This will run the readline/writeline loop. Optionally a filter
argument (see CONSTRUCTOR, above) can be passed if filtering is
desired and not yet otherwise designated.


=head1 EXAMPLE

This example shows how to filter empty and whitespace lines.

    use Text::Filter;
    Text::Filter->run(filter => sub { my $line = shift;
				      return unless $line =~ /\S/;
				      return $line;

This is an example of how to use C<Text::Filter> as a base class.

It implements a module that provides a single instance method: grep(),
that performs some kind of grep(1)-style function (how surprising!).

A class method grepper() is also provided for easy access to do 'the
right thing' in the most common case.

    package Grepper;

    use strict;
    use base qw(Exporter Text::Filter);
    our @EXPORT;

    # Setup.
    BEGIN {
	@EXPORT = qw(grepper);

    # Constructor. Major part of the job is done by the superclass.
    sub new {
	my $class = shift;

	# Create a new instance by calling the superclass constructor.
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
	# The superclass constructor will take care of handling
	# the input and output attributes, and setup everything for
	# handling the IO.

	# Bless the object into the desired class.
	bless ($self, $class);

	# And return it.

    # Instance method, just an example. No magic.
    sub grep {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pat = shift;
	my $line;
	while ( defined($line = $self->readline) ) {
	    $self->writeline($line) if $line =~ $pat;

    # Class method, for convenience.
    # Usage: grepper (<input file>, <output file>, <pattern>);
    sub grepper {
	my ($input, $output, $pat) = @_;

	# Create a Grepper object.
	my $grepper = Grepper->new(input => $input, output => $output);

	# Call its grep method.
	$grepper->grep ($pat);


Johan Vromans ( wrote this module.


This program is Copyright 1998,2013 by Squirrel Consultancy. All
rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at
your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which
comes with Perl.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details.


use 5.8.8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;

our $VERSION = "1.10";

use IO::File;
use Carp;

################ Attribute Controls ################

my %_attributes =
  ( input		 => sub { scalar <> },
    output		 => *STDOUT,
    input_postread	 => 0,
    output_prewrite	 => 0,
    filter		 => undef,

sub _standard_atts {
    my $self = shift;
    return keys %_attributes;
    # In derived class:
    # return ($self->SUPER::_standard_atts, keys %_attributes);

sub _attr_default {
    my ($self, $attr) = @_;
    return $_attributes{$attr} if exists $_attributes{$attr};
    # In derived class:
    # return $_attributes{$attr} if exists $_attributes{$attr};
    # return $self->SUPER::_attr_default;

################ Constructor ################

sub new {
    my ($class, %atts) = @_;
    croak("Constructor 'new' cannot be called as an object method")
      if ref $class;

    # Create the object out of the attributes.
    # API: All original attributes are published in the hash.
    # (Unfortunately)
    my $self = bless { %atts }, $class;

    # Fill in initial attribute values.
    foreach my $attr ( $self->_standard_atts ) {
	my $op = $attr =~ /^_/ ? "_set$attr" : "set_$attr";
	my $value;

	if ( exists $atts{$attr} ) {
	    $value = delete $atts{$attr};
	else {
	    $value = $self->_attr_default($attr);

    if ( %atts ) {
	warnings::warnif("Unprocessed $class attributes: " .
			 join(" ", sort keys %atts));

    # Customization.

    # Return the object.
    return $self;

# Stub for customization. Subclasses can override this.
sub init { }

################ Attributes ################

sub set_input {
    my ($self, $handler, $postread) = @_;
    my $input;

    if ( ref($handler) ) {
	if ( $handler =~ /=/ && $handler->isa("IO::File") ) {
	    $input = sub { scalar <$handler> };
	    $self->{_filter_input_fd} = $handler;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'CODE' ) {
	    $input = $handler;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
	    $input = sub {
		return unless defined $$handler;
		if ( (my $i = index($$handler, "\n")) >= 0 ) {
		    return substr($$handler, 0, $i+1, "");
		else {
		    my $res = $$handler;
		    $$handler = undef;
		    return $res;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	    $input = sub { shift (@$handler) };
	    $self->{_filter_input_fd} = $handler;
    elsif ( $handler =~ /^\*/ ) {
	$input = sub { scalar <$handler> };
    else {
	my $fd;
	$fd = IO::File->new($handler)
	  or croak("Error opening $handler: $!");
	$input = sub { scalar <$fd> };
	$self->{_filter_input_fd} = $fd;

    croak("Unrecognized value for 'input' attribute: ".
	   $handler) unless defined $input;

    $self->{_filter_input} = $input;

      if defined ($postread);

    $self->{_filter_pushback} = [];

    return $self;

sub set_output {
    my ($self, $handler, $prewrite) = @_;
    my $output;

    if ( ref($handler) ) {
	if ( $handler =~ /=/ && $handler->isa("IO::File") ) {
	    $output = sub { print { $handler } (shift) };
	    $self->{_filter_output_fd} = $handler;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
	    $output = sub { push (@$handler, shift) };
	    @$handler = () unless @$handler;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
	    $output = sub { $$handler .= shift };
	    $$handler = "" unless defined $$handler;
	elsif ( ref($handler) eq 'CODE' ) {
	    $output = $handler;
    elsif ( $handler =~ /^\*/ ) {
	$output = sub { print { $handler } (shift) };
	$self->{_filter_output_fd} = $handler;
    else {
	$handler = ">" . $handler unless $handler =~ /^>/;
	my $fd;
	$fd = IO::File->new($handler)
	  or croak("Error opening $handler: $!");
	$output = sub { print { $fd } (shift) };
	$self->{_filter_output_fd} = $fd;

    croak("Unrecognized value for 'output' attribute: " . $handler)
      unless defined $output;

    $self->{_filter_output} = $output;

      if defined $prewrite;

    return $self;

sub set_input_postread {
    my ($self, $postread) = @_;

    my $posthandler;
    if ( ref($postread) && ref($postread) eq 'CODE' ) {
	$posthandler = $postread;
    elsif ( $postread eq 'none' || $postread eq '0' ) {
    elsif ( $postread eq 'chomp' || $postread eq '1' ) {
	$posthandler = '';
    else {
	croak("Unrecognized value for 'input_postread' attribute: ".

    $self->{_filter_postread} = $posthandler;


sub set_output_prewrite {
    my ($self, $prewrite) = @_;

    my $prehandler;
    if ( ref($prewrite) && ref($prewrite) eq 'CODE' ) {
	$prehandler = $prewrite;
    elsif ( $prewrite eq 'none' || $prewrite eq '0' ) {
    elsif ( $prewrite eq 'newline' || $prewrite eq '1' ) {
	$prehandler = '';
    else {
	croak("Unrecognized value for 'output_prewrite' attribute: ".

    $self->{_filter_prewrite} = $prehandler;


sub set_filter_filter {
    my ($self, $filter) = @_;
    return unless defined($filter);
    croak("filter must be a subroutine (CODE ref)")
      unless ref($filter) eq "CODE";
    $self->{_filter_filter} = $filter;

sub get_filter_filter {
    return shift->{_filter_filter};

sub get_filter_pushback {
    return shift->{_filter_pushback};

sub get_filter_input {
    return shift->{_filter_input};

sub get_filter_postread {
    return shift->{_filter_postread};

sub get_filter_output {
    return shift->{_filter_output};

sub get_filter_prewrite {
    return shift->{_filter_prewrite};

sub get_filter_input_fd {
    return shift->{_filter_input_fd};

sub get_filter_output_fd {
    return shift->{_filter_output_fd};

################ Methods ################

sub readline {
    my ($self) = shift;

    while ( 1 ) {

	return shift(@{$self->get_filter_pushback})
	  if @{$self->get_filter_pushback} > 0;

	my $line;
	my $input = $self->get_filter_input;
	return undef unless defined($line = $input->());

	if ( defined(my $postread = $self->get_filter_postread) ) {
	    if ( $postread ne '' ) {
		next unless defined($line = $postread->($line));
	    else {
		chomp $line;

	if ( defined(my $filter = $self->get_filter_filter) ) {
	    next unless defined($line = $filter->($line));

	return $line;

sub pushback {
    my ($self, $line) = @_;
    push (@{$self->get_filter_pushback}, $line);

    return $line;

sub peek {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->get_filter_pushback->[0]
      if @{$self->get_filter_pushback} > 0;

    return $self->pushback($self->readline);

sub get_input {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->get_filter_input;

sub writeline {
    my ($self, $line) = @_;
    my $prewrite = $self->get_filter_prewrite;
    if ( defined $prewrite ) {
	if ( $prewrite ne '' ) {
	    $line = $prewrite->($line);
	    return unless defined $line;
	elsif ( defined $/ ) {
	    # Add the line terminator.
	    # In paragraph mode, just add two newlines.
	    $line .= ($/ eq '' ? "\n\n" : $/);
    return $self->get_filter_output->($line);

sub get_output {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->get_filter_output;

sub run {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( ref($self) ) {
	croak("Usage: \$f->run( [ filterproc ] )") if @_ > 1;
	$self->set_filter(shift) if @_;
    else {
	$self = $self->new(@_);

    my $line;
    while ( $line = $self->readline ) {

sub set_filter {

sub get_filter {
    return $_[0]->get_filter_filter($_[1]);
