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# Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Helpers

=head1 NAME



This just has some shared functions in its own namespace

=over 4

=item B<check_requires PARAMS>

requires the following key-value pairs:

=over 8

=item kw_args__ref

a reference to a hash of kw_args

=item requires_array__ref

a reference to an array of required fields

=item error_message

an error message


check_requires will check the fields of kw_args__ref to ensure all items in requires_array__ref are present.   if any are missing, it will die with the error message.



Set the Following envelope variables for debugging


debug messages are sent to STDERR via the ErrorLoggingObject package


use strict;

package Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Helpers;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
$VERSION= '0.01';


use constant DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME=> $ENV{'Authen::PluggableCaptcha::Helpers-DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME'} || 0;



This class stores shared helper methods.

It should be a mix-in eventually, with exported methods.  For now, call directly.


sub check_requires {
	my 	( %kw_args )= @_;
	DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME && Authen::PluggableCaptcha::ErrorLoggingObject::log_function_name('check_requires');

	# make sure we were called with the requisite args
	my 	@check_requireds= qw( kw_args__ref requires_array__ref error_message );
	foreach my $check_required ( @check_requireds ) {
		if ( !defined $kw_args{ $check_required } ) {
			die "Missing required element in _check_requires [ " . ( join ',' , caller(1) ) . ' ]';

	# then check to make sure we have the right args
	foreach my $required ( @{$kw_args{'requires_array__ref'}} ) {
		if ( ! defined $kw_args{'kw_args__ref'}{$required} ) {
			die ( 
				sprintf( $kw_args{'error_message'} ,  $required ) 
				( ' [' . ( join ',' , caller(1) ) . ' ]' ) 
	return 1;
