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package Bio::Gonzales::Matrix::IO;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Slurp qw/slurp/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
use Bio::Gonzales::Util qw/flatten/;

use Bio::Gonzales::Matrix::Util qw/uniq_rows/;

use 5.010;

use List::Util qw/max/;
use Bio::Gonzales::Util::File qw/open_on_demand slurpc/;

use base 'Exporter';
our $VERSION = '0.0547'; # VERSION

@EXPORT      = qw(mslurp mspew lslurp miterate lspew dict_slurp dict_spew);
@EXPORT_OK   = qw(lspew xlsx_slurp xlsx_spew);

sub dict_slurp {
  my ( $src, $cc ) = @_;
  croak "you have not specified key_idx and val_idx"
    unless ( $cc && exists( $cc->{key_idx} ) && exists( $cc->{val_idx} ) );

  $cc //= {};
  my %c = (
    sep              => qr/\t/,
    header           => undef,
    skip             => -1,
    comment          => qr/^#/,
    key_idx          => 0,
    record_filter    => undef,
    commented_header => undef,
    concat_keys      => 1,
    sort_keys      => 0,

  $c{header} //= $c{commented_header};

  my $record_filter = $c{record_filter};

  # concatenate keys to a big string
  my @kidcs;
  if ( $c{concat_keys} || !ref( $c{key_idx} ) ) {
    @kidcs = ( $c{key_idx} );
  } else {
    # or treat them separately
    @kidcs = @{ $c{key_idx} };

  my $vidx = $c{val_idx};
  # make an array from it

  my $uniq = $c{uniq} // $c{uniq_vals} // $c{unique} // 0;

  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $src, '<' );

  my @header;
  if ( $c{header} ) {
    while ( my $raw_row = <$fh> ) {
      if ( $c{comment} && $raw_row =~ /$c{comment}/ ) {
        if ( $c{commented_header} ) {
          $raw_row =~ s/$c{comment}//;
        } else {
      $raw_row =~ s/\r\n/\n/;
      chomp $raw_row;
      @header = split /$c{sep}/, $raw_row;

  my %map;
  my $lnum = 0;
  while (<$fh>) {
    next if ( $lnum++ <= $c{skip} );
    next if ( $c{comment} && /$c{comment}/ );
    next if (/^\s*$/);

    next if ( $record_filter && !$record_filter->($_) );

    my @r = split /$c{sep}/;

    for my $kidx (@kidcs) {

      my @k = ( ref $kidx ? map { $_ // '' } @r[@$kidx] : $r[$kidx] );
      @k = sort @k if ( $c{sort_keys} );
      my $k = join( $;, @k ) // '';

      if ( $uniq && !defined($vidx) ) {
        $map{$k} = 1;
      } elsif ( not defined $vidx ) {
      } elsif ($uniq) {
        $map{$k} = ( ref $vidx ? [ @r[@$vidx] ] : $r[$vidx] );
      } else {
        $map{$k} //= [];
        push @{ $map{$k} }, ( ref $vidx ? [ @r[@$vidx] ] : $r[$vidx] );

  $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);
  return wantarray ? ( \%map, \@header ) : \%map;

sub dict_spew {
  my ( $dest, $m, $c ) = @_;

  my $uniq = $c->{uniq} // $c->{uniq_vals} // 0;

  my @flat;
  while ( my ( $k, $vv ) = each %$m ) {
    # $v => [ a, b, c] or $v => a or $v => [ [ a, b ], [c, d], ...]
    $vv = [$vv] unless ( ref $vv );
    my $vals = [ map { ref $_ ? $_ : [$_] } @$vv ];
    $vals = uniq_rows($vals) if ($uniq);
    for my $v (@$vals) {
      push @flat, [ $k, @$v ];
  return mspew( $dest, \@flat, $c );

sub mslurp {
  my ( $src, $cc ) = @_;
  my @m;

  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $src, '<' );

  $cc //= {};
  my %c = (
    sep              => qr/\t/,
    header           => 0,
    skip             => -1,
    row_names        => 0,
    comment          => qr/^#/,
    commented_header => undef,
    record_filter    => undef,
    col_idx => undef,

  my $record_filter = $c{record_filter};

  my @col_idx;
  @col_idx = @{$c{col_idx}} if($c{col_idx} && ref $c{col_idx} eq 'ARRAY');
  my @header;
  my @row_names;

  if ( $c{header} ) {
    while ( my $raw_row = <$fh> ) {
      if ( $c{comment} && $raw_row =~ /$c{comment}/ ) {
        if ( $c{commented_header} ) {
          $raw_row =~ s/$c{comment}//;
        } else {

      $raw_row =~ s/\r\n/\n/;
      chomp $raw_row;
      @header = split /$c{sep}/, $raw_row;

  my $lnum = 0;
  while (<$fh>) {
    next if ( $lnum++ <= $c{skip} );
    next if ( $c{comment} && /$c{comment}/ );
    next if (/^\s*$/);

    next if ( $record_filter && !$record_filter->($_) );

    my @row = split /$c{sep}/;

    push @row_names, shift @row if ( $c{row_names} );

    push @m, (@col_idx ? [ @row[@col_idx] ] : \@row);
  $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);

  #remove first empty element of a header if same number of elements as first matrix element.
  shift @header if ( $c{header} && @m > 0 && @{ $m[0] } == @header && !$header[0] );

  if (wantarray) {
    return ( \@m, ( @header ? \@header : undef ), ( @row_names ? \@row_names : undef ) );
  } else {
    return \@m;

sub miterate {
  my ( $src, $cc ) = @_;
  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $src, '<' );

  $cc //= {};
  my %c = (
    sep           => qr/\t/,
    skip          => 0,
    comment       => qr/^#/,
    record_filter => undef,

  my $record_filter = $c{record_filter};

  return sub {
    while (<$fh>) {

      next if ( --$c{skip} >= 0 );

      next if ( $c{comment} && /$c{comment}/ );
      next if (/^\s*$/);
      next if ( $record_filter && !$record_filter->($_) );

      my @row = split /$c{sep}/;
      return \@row;

    $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);

sub lspew {
  my ( $dest, $l, $c ) = @_;
  my $delim = $c->{sep} // $c->{delim} // "\t";
  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $dest, '>' );

  if ( ref $l eq 'HASH' ) {
    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %$l ) {
      if ( ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        say $fh join $delim, ( $k, @$v );
      } else {
        say $fh join $delim, ( $k, $v );
  } elsif ( ref $l eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    for my $v (@$l) {
      if ( ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        say $fh join $delim, @$v;
      } else {
        say $fh $v;

  } else {
    confess "need a reference for the list argument";
  $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);


sub lslurp {
  my ($file) = @_;

  my @lines = slurpc($file);
  return \@lines;

sub mspew {
  my ( $dest, $m, $c ) = @_;

  confess "no matrix, you need to supply a matrix of the form [ [ 1,2,3 ], [ 4,5,6 ], ... ]"
    unless ($m);

  my $header    = $c->{header}    // $c->{ids};
  my $rownames  = $c->{row_names} // $c->{rownames};
  my $square    = $c->{square};
  my $fill_rows = $c->{fill_rows} // 1;
  my $sep       = $c->{sep}       // "\t";
  my $na_value  = $c->{missing}   // $c->{na_value} // 'NA';
  my $quote_is_on = $c->{quote};

  # get the number of rows
  my $num_rows = scalar @$m;
  # find the longest column
  my $num_cols = max - 1, map { defined $_ ? scalar @$_ : -1 } @$m;

  # if the header is longer, it defines the number of cols
  $num_cols = max $num_cols, scalar @$header if ( $header && @$header > 0 );

  $rownames = $header
    if ( $header && @$header > 0 && $rownames && !ref $rownames && @$header >= @$m );

  # adjust num rows if rownames are longer than the
  $num_rows = scalar @$rownames if ( ref $rownames eq 'ARRAY' && @$rownames > $num_rows );

  if ($square) {
    $num_rows = $num_cols if ( $num_cols > $num_rows );
    $num_cols = $num_rows if ( $num_rows > $num_cols );
    #add one for the id in the first row
    $num_cols++ if ($rownames);

  confess "error with rownames: not an array"
    if ( $rownames && !( ref $rownames eq 'ARRAY' && @$rownames >= @$m ) );
  confess "no matrix" unless ( defined $m );

  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $dest, '>' );

  #print header if we have header
  say $fh join $sep, @{ _quote( $header, $quote_is_on, $na_value ) } if ($header);

  #iterate through rows
  for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++ ) {
    my @r;
    #add rowname as first column if desired
    push @r, ( $rownames->[$i] // "no_name" ) if ($rownames);
    #add the values
    push @r, @{ $m->[$i] // [] } if ( $i < @$m );
    #fill the square if desired
    if ($square) {
      my $missing = $num_cols - @r;
      push @r, (undef) x $missing;
    #print row
    say $fh join $sep, @{ _quote( \@r, $quote_is_on, $na_value ) };
  $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);

sub _quote {
  my ( $f, $q, $na ) = @_;
  $na = "$na" if ( $q && defined $na );
  my @fields = map {
    if ( !defined )
    } elsif ( !$q || /^\d+$/ ) {
    } else {
      ( my $str = $_ ) =~ s/"/""/g;
  } @$f;
  return \@fields;

sub xlsx_spew {
  my ( $dest, $m, $c ) = @_;
  #eval "use Excel::Writer::XLSX";
  #die "could not load Excel::Writer::XLSX $@" if ($@);
  eval "use Excel::Writer::XLSX; 1" or confess "could not load Excel::Writer::XLSX";

  my $header   = $c->{header}    // $c->{ids};
  my $rownames = $c->{row_names} // $c->{rownames};
  my $sep      = $c->{sep}       // "\t";
  my $na_value = $c->{missing}   // $c->{na_value} // 'NA';

  $rownames = $header
    if ( $header && @$header > 0 && $rownames && !ref $rownames && @$header == @$m );

  my @table;
  #print header if we have header
  push @table, $header if ($header);

  #iterate through rows
  for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$m; $i++ ) {
    my @r;
    #add rowname as first column if desired
    push @r, $rownames->[$i] if ($rownames);
    #add the values
    push @r, @{ $m->[$i] };
    #fill the square if desired

    #print row
    push @table, [ map { $_ // $na_value } @r ];

  my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $dest, '>' );

  my $workbook  = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new($fh);
  my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
  $worksheet->write_col( 'A1', \@table );
  $fh->close unless ($fh_was_open);

sub xlsx_slurp {
  my ( $src, $cc ) = @_;
  #my @m;
  #my ( $fh, $fh_was_open ) = open_on_demand( $src, '<' );

  eval "use Spreadsheet::XLSX; 1" or confess "could not load Spreadsheet::XLSX";

  my $excel = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($src);

  my %ms;

  for my $sheet ( @{ $excel->{Worksheet} } ) {

    my $sname = $sheet->{Name};

    my @m;
    my $cells = $sheet->{Cells};
    for my $r (@$cells) {
      my @e;
      for my $cell (@$r) { push @e, $cell->{Val}; }
      push @m, \@e;
    $ms{$sname} = \@m;
  return \%ms;



=head1 NAME

Bio::Gonzales::Matrix::IO - Library for simple matrix IO


    use Bio::Gonzales::Matrix::IO qw(lspew mslurp lslurp mspew);


Provides functions for common matrix/list IO.


=over 4

=item B<< dict_slurp($filename, \%options) >>

  %options = (
    sep     => qr/\t/,
    header  => 0,
    skip    => -1,
    comment => qr/^#/,
    key_idx => 0,
    val_idx => undef,
    uniq    => 0,
    record_filter => undef,
    concat_keys => 1,


=over 4

=item uniq = 1 && no val_idx => read in key_idx as hash and set values to 1

=item uniq = 0 && no val_idx => read in key_idx as hash and set values to the count of keys

=item uniq = 1 && val_idx    =>  read into ( key => [ @values ], ...)

=item uniq = 0 && val_idx    =>  read into ( key => [ [ @values ], [ @more_values ] ], ...)

=item concat_keys

Concatenate the keys by C<< $; >>. If set to 0, key columns are taken in a
serial fashion and are merged to one big column.


If key_idx is an array, the keys columns are joined by C<$;> to build the hash key.

=item B<< mspew($filename, \@matrix, \%options) >>

=item B<< mspew($filehandle, \@matrix, \%options) >>

Save the values in C<@matrix> to a C<$filename> or C<$filehandle>. C<@matrix>
is an array of arrayrefs:

    @matrix = (
        [ l11, l12, l13 ],
        [ l21, l22, l23 ],
        [ l31, l32, l33 ]


=over 4

=item header / ids

Supply a header. Same as 

     mspew($file, [ \@header, @matrix ])

=item row_names

Supply row names or if not an array but true, use the header as row names

    mspew( $file, $matrix, { row_names => 1 } );                            #use header
    mspew( $file, $matrix, { row_names => [ 'row1', '...', 'rown' ] } );    #use supplied row names

=item fill_missing_cols

If a row has less columns than the longest row of the matrix, fill it up with empty strings.

=item na_value

Use this value in case undefined values are found. Default is 'NA'.

=item sep

Set a separator for the output file

=item square (default 1)

Add empty columns to fill up to a square.


=item B<< $matrix_ref = mslurp($file, \%config) >>

=item B<< ($matrix_ref, $header_ref, $row_names_ref) = mslurp($file, \%config) >>

Reads in the contents of C<$file> and puts it in a array of arrayrefs.

You can set the delimiter via the configuration by supplying C<< { sep => qr/\t/ } >> as config hash.

Further options with defaults:

    %config = (
        sep => qr/\t/, # set column separator
        header => 0, # parse header
        skip => 0, # skip the first N lines (without header)
        row_names => 0, # parse row names
        comment => qr/^#/ # the comment character
        record_filter => undef # set a function to filter records
=item B<< lspew($fh_or_filename, $list, $config_options) >>

spews out a list of values to a file. It can handle filenames and filehandles,
but if you supply a handle, you have to close it on your own. The C<$list> can
be a 

=over 4

=item hash ref of array refs

results in
    keya    avalue0 avalue1
    keyb    bvalue0 bvalue1

=item hash ref

results in
    keya    valuea
    keyb    valueb

=item array ref

results in


C<$config_options> is a hash ref. It can take the options:

    $config_options = {
        delim => "\t",


=head1 SEE ALSO

=head1 AUTHOR

jw bargsten, C<< <joachim.bargsten at> >>
