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#!/usr/bin/env perl
#Copyright (c) 2010 Joachim Bargsten <code at bargsten dot org>. All rights reserved.

use warnings;
use strict;

use 5.010;
use Carp;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
use Bio::Gonzales::Seq::Filter::DuplicateSeqs;
use Bio::Gonzales::Seq::IO qw(faiterate);

our ( $help, $filter, $eval );
GetOptions( "help|h|?" => \$help, "filter|f" => \$filter, "eval|e=s" => \$eval )
  or pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
pod2usage( -verbose => 2, -noperldoc => 1 ) if $help;

our @files = @ARGV;
die "no fasta files supplied, try '$0 --help' for help" unless ( @files > 0 );
for (@files) {
  die "this is not a file, try '$0 --help' for help" unless ( -f $_ );

#flush output text imediately
local $| = 1;

my $counter = 0;

print STDERR "Finding duplicates";

our $dup_seq = Bio::Gonzales::Seq::Filter::DuplicateSeqs->new;

  sub {
    local $_ = $_[0]->seq;
    eval $eval;
    return $_;
) if ( defined $eval );

for my $file (@files) {
  $dup_seq->namespace($file) if ( @files > 1 );
  my $fit = faiterate($file);

  while ( my $so = $fit->() ) {

    print STDERR "." if $counter++ % 100 == 0;

print STDERR "\n";

#filter out unique seqs
#my @deleted_seqs = map { delete $eq{$_} if ( @{ $eq{$_} } < 2 ) } keys %eq;
my @deleted_seqs = @{ $dup_seq->seq_groups_wo_duplicates };

print STDERR "Writing to stdout";

#print unique ids if filter is active
if ($filter) {
  for my $del_seq_objs (@deleted_seqs) {
    print STDERR "." if $counter++ % 100 == 0;

#calculate also some statistics
my $num_identical_seqs = $dup_seq->num_duplicate_seqs;
my $num_unique_seqs    = $dup_seq->num_groups_w_duplicates;

#my %stats;
#update_stats($seq_objs, ...)
for my $seq_objs ( @{ $dup_seq->seq_groups_w_duplicates } ) {
  if ($filter) {
  } else {
  print STDERR "." if $counter++ % 100 == 0;

print STDERR "\n";

#init only if needed
our $seq_writer;

sub print_filtered {
  my ($seq_objs) = @_;

  $seq_writer = Bio::SeqIO->new(
    -format => 'fasta',
    -fh     => \*STDOUT,
  ) unless ($seq_writer);

  return unless ($seq_objs);

  $seq_writer->write_seq($seq_objs->[0] );

#FIXME better statistics
#sub update_stats {
  #my ($seq_objs, $stats, $is_duplicated) = @_;

  #my %tmp_stat;
  #if($is_duplicated) {
    ## count number of duplicated sequences per namespace

  #for my $so ( @{$seq_objs} ) {
    #$stats{$so->info->{namespace}} //= { };
    #if($is_duplicated) {

    #print "\t" if ( not $first );
    #say stringify_seq_obj($seq_obj);
    #undef $first;


sub print_ids {
  my ($seq_objs) = @_;

  my $first = 1;
  for my $seq_obj ( @{$seq_objs} ) {
    print "\t" if ( not $first );
    say stringify_seq_obj($seq_obj);
    undef $first;

sub stringify_seq_obj {
  my ($so) = @_;

  return join "\t", ( $so->id, ( $so->desc // "" ), ( $so->info->{namespace} // "" ) );

  "Found a total number of $num_identical_seqs identical sequences, which can be reduced to $num_unique_seqs. ";
say STDERR ( $num_identical_seqs - $num_unique_seqs ) . " sequences redundant.";


=head1 NAME

fafind-eq-seq - find equal sequences


    ./fafind-eq-seq [--help] [--eval 'perlcode'] <file1> [<file2> ... <fileN>] >file_with_results.txt

    ./fafind-eq-seq [--help] [--eval 'perlcode'] --filter <file1> [<file2> ... <fileN>] >file_with_only_unique_seqs.fasta


Find identical / equal sequences in a given set of fasta files. Info messages
go to standard error (stderr), results to standard output (stdout).

The result output of F<file_with_results.txt> consists of lines following the pattern


whereas each unindented line and the following <TAB>-indented lines mark one
group of identical sequences.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--filter>

Do not print the groups but the sequences in fasta format instead. Duplicated
sequences are omitted. The resulting fasta output is not checked for identical
ids, etc.

I<Synonyms:> B<-f>

=item B<--help>

Display this message.

I<Synonyms:> B<-?>, B<-h>

=item B<--eval>

Manipulate input sequences on the fly. The current sequence string is set to

This doesn't change the actual output sequence, e.g. on filtering.

Can be very handy for comparing aa-sequences from two different files, at
which one file uses * as stop codon and the other file not:

    ./fafind-eq-seq --eval 's/\*$//' <file1> <file2> >file_with_results.txt

I<Synonyms:> B<-e>


=head1 AUTHOR

jw bargsten, C<< <joachim.bargsten at> >>
