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# -*- perl -*-
#   Net::Nessus - a set of Perl modules for working with the
#                 nessus program
#   The Net::Nessus package is
#	Copyright (C) 1998	Jochen Wiedmann
#               		Am Eisteich 9
#				72555 Metzingen
#				Germany
#				Phone: +49 7123 14887
#				Email:
#   All rights reserved.
#   You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
#   License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
#   $Id:,v 1.4 1999/01/29 20:15:45 joe Exp $

require 5.004;
use strict;

require Carp;

package Net::Nessus::Message;

# We are a subclass of Net::Cmd.
$Net::Nessus::Message::VERSION = '0.03';


=head1 NAME

    Net::Nessus::Message - An implementation of Nessus Messages.


    # Read a message from a socket
    my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message->new('socket' => $sock,
                                        'sender' => 'SERVER');


The Nessus client and server are communicating with each other by
sending and receiving messages. The message format is described in
the files F<ntp_white_paper.txt> (Protocol version 1.0) and
F<ntp_white_paper_11.txt> (Protocol version 1.1) of the Nessus
distribution. In short messages consist of field lists, the
fields being separated by the string ' <|> ' (including the spaces,
not including the quotes). The first and the last lines are the
words I<SERVER> or I<CLIENT>, depending on who's sending a message.

However, there are not only single line messages: Some messages, in
particular the plugin and rule lists or the nessus preference lists do
contain of multiple lines.

The Net::Nessus::Message class is abstract: Constructors never return
instances of this class, but instances of subclasses. For example,
if the server is sending a list of plugins, then an instance of
Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGIN_LIST is returned.


=head2 Reading a message from a socket

  my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message->new(%attr);

(Class Method) This method is reading a message from a socket,
given by the I<socket> attribute of the hash array %attr.
The message is expected to be introduced and terminated by either
B<SERVER> or B<CLIENT>, a specific sender is forced by setting the
attribute I<sender>, both are accepted otherwise. Likewise you may
force a specific message type by setting the attribute I<type>.


  my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message->new('socket' => $sock,
                                      'sender' => 'SERVER',
                                      'type' => 'PLUGIN_LIST');

=head2 Creating a message by supplying attributes

While the socket constructor is good for reading messages, you need
another constructor for writing messages. The main difference is that
you call the appropriate classes constructor this time and not a
generic constroctur, unlike above.


  my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES->new(\%attr);


sub new {
    my $self = shift; my %attr = @_;
    my @timeout;
    @timeout = ('Timeout' => $attr{'timeout'}) if defined($attr{'timeout'});
    my $sock = $attr{'socket'};
    if (!$sock  and  ref($self)) {
	$sock = $self->{'socket'};
    die "Missing socket definition" unless $sock;
    my $line = $sock->getline(@timeout);
    die "Missing NTP message" unless defined($line);
    $line =~ s/\015?\012$//; # Remove CRLF
    my @fields = split(/ \<\|\> /, $line);
    my $sender = shift @fields;
    if (!defined($sender)  or
	($sender ne 'CLIENT'  and  $sender ne 'SERVER')) {
	die "Bad user name or password" if $line =~ /bad\s+login/i;
	die "Unknown message sender, expected 'SERVER' or 'CLIENT'";
    my $type = shift @fields;
    if (!@fields) {
	$type =~ s/\s+\<\|\>$//;
    die "Unknown message type" unless defined($type);
    die "Wrong message type, expected $attr{'type'}"
	if defined($attr{'type'}) and $attr{'type'} ne $type;

    my $class = (ref($self) or $self);
    $class =~ s/^\b(Client|Server)\b/Message/;
    $class .= "::$type";
    $class->new($sock, $sender, $type, \@fields);

package Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine;

@Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self;
    if (@_ == 1) {
	$self = shift;
    } else {
	my($sock, $sender, $type, $fields) = @_;
	my $terminator = pop @$fields;
	die "Invalid message terminator "
	    . (defined($terminator) ? $terminator : "'undef'")
		unless defined($terminator) and $terminator eq $sender;
	$self = $fields;
    bless($self, (ref($class) or $class));

sub print {
    my($self, $sender, $socket, $fields) = @_;
    $fields ||= $self;
    my $class = ref($self);
    $class =~ s/.*\:\://;
    die ("Error while writing message: " . $socket->error())
	unless $socket->print(join(" <|> ", $sender, $class, @$fields, $sender)
			      . "\n");

package Net::Nessus::Message::MultiLine;

@Net::Nessus::Message::MultiLine::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self;
    if (@_ == 1) {
	$self = { 'lines' => shift };
    } else {
	my($sock, $sender, $type, $fields) = @_;
	my @lines;
	while (defined(my $line = $sock->getline())) {
	    $line =~ s/\015?\012$//; # Remove CRLF
	    if ($line =~ /^\<\|\>\s+$sender$/) {
		$self = { 'lines' => \@lines,
			  'fields' => $fields };
	    push(@lines, [split(/ \<\|\> /, $line)]);
	die "Unexpected end of multiline message"
	    unless $self;
    bless $self, (ref($class) or $class);

sub print {
    my($self, $sender, $socket, $lines) = @_;
    $lines ||= $self->{'lines'};
    my $success = 1;
    my $class = ref($self);
    $class =~ s/.*\:\://;
    if ($socket->print("$sender <|> $class <|>")) {
	foreach my $line (@$lines) {
	    if (!$socket->print("$line")) {
		$success = 0;
    } else {
	$success = 0;
    $success &&= $socket->print("<|> $sender");
    die ("Error while writing message: " . $socket->error())
	unless $success;


Available messages are:

=over 8


  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGIN_LIST(\@plugins);
  $msg->print($sender, $socket);

Plugin lists are sent by the server as soon as the client connects
The client may present the list to the user and let him select the
plugins being called. The message has a single method


that returns an array ref of hash refs, each of them having the
attributes I<id>, I<name>, I<category>, I<copyright>, I<description>
I<summary> and I<family>.


package Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGIN_LIST;

@Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGIN_LIST::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::MultiLine);

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = $proto->SUPER::new(@_);
    if (@_ > 1) {
	my $lines = $self->{'lines'};
	for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$lines; $i++) {
	    my $line = $lines->[$i];
	    $lines->[$i] = { 'id' => $line->[0],
			     'name' => $line->[1],
			     'category' => $line->[2],
			     'copyright' => $line->[3],
			     'description' => $line->[4],
			     'summary' => $line->[5],
			     'family' => $line->[6],
sub print {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->SUPER::print(@_, [map {join(" <|> ",
				      ) } @{$self->{'lines'}}])
sub Plugins { shift->{'lines'} }




  my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES->new(\%attr);
  my $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES_ERRORS->new(\%attr);

Similar to the PLUGIN_LIST, the PREFERENCES are sent to the client if he
has connected. The client may reply with another list of own preferences.
Its method


returns the preferences hash ref. The PREFERENCES message is available
beginning with protocol version 1.1 and obsoletes the old NEW_ATTACK
message in favour of the shorter version.

If the client has sent a PREFERENCES message, the server will respond
a PREFERENCES_ERROR message. This is almost the same, except that only
those values appear that had illegal values in the PREFERENCES message.
The values in the reply will be the servers default values.


package Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES;

@Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::MultiLine);

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = $proto->SUPER::new(@_);
    if (@_ == 1) {
	$self->{'prefs'} = delete $self->{'lines'};
    } else {
	my %prefs;
	my $lines = $self->{'lines'};
	for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$lines; $i++) {
	    my $line = $lines->[$i];
	    $prefs{$line->[0]} = $line->[1];
	$self->{'prefs'} = \%prefs;
sub print {
    my $self = shift;
    my $lines = [];
    while (my($var, $val) = each %{$self->{'prefs'}}) {
	push(@$lines, "$var <|> $val");
    $self->SUPER::print(@_, $lines);
sub Prefs { shift->{'prefs'} }

package Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES_ERRORS;

@Net::Nessus::Message::PREFERENCES_ERRORS::ISA =


=item RULES

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::RULES(\@rules);

This is the third message sent to the client upon connect. Its only
method is


returning an array ref of rules, each rule consisting of a single


package Net::Nessus::Message::RULES;

@Net::Nessus::Message::RULES::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::MultiLine);

sub new {
    my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
    my $lines = $self->{'lines'};
    for (my $i = 0;  $i < @$lines;  $i++) {
	if (ref($lines->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') {
	    $lines->[$i] = $lines->[$i]->[0];

sub Rules { shift->{'lines'} }


=item HOLE

=item INFO

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::HOLE->new
      ([$host, $port, $description, $service, $proto]);

The HOLE and INFO messages are used by the server for reporting security
problems. INFO messages are considered warnings, HOLE messages are expected
to be more serious. You may use the following methods for retrieving more


The methods I<Service> and I<Description> are valid as of NTP 1.1 only,
they return B<undef> in NTP 1.0. The I<Proto> and I<Port> methods may
return B<undef> even with NTP 1.1, in which case the I<Service> method
returns "general". Thus the I<Service> method is used best to distinguish
between NTP 1.0 and 1.1. The method I<ScanID>, available with our
proposed NTP 1.2 enhancements returns the scans ID, as presented in the
plugin list.


package Net::Nessus::Message::HOLE;

@Net::Nessus::Message::HOLE::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
    my ($host, $port, $description, $service, $proto, $scan_id);
    $host = shift @$self;
    if (@$self == 1) {
	# NTP 1.0
	$description = shift @$self;
	die "Cannot parse hole or info description: $description"
	    unless $description =~ /(.*?):(.*)/;
	$port = $1;
	$description = $2;
    } else {
	$service = shift @$self;
	$description = shift @$self;
	$scan_id = shift @$self;
	if ($service =~ /^\s*general\/(.*?)\s*$/) {
	    $service = $1;
	    $port = 0;
	    $proto = $2;
	} elsif ($service =~ /\s*(.*?)\s*\((\d+)\/(\S+)\)/) {
	    $service = $1;
	    $port = $2;
	    $proto = $3;
	} else {
	    die "Cannot parse hole or info service: $service";
    $description =~ s/\;/\n/g;
    @$self = ($host, $port, $description, $service, $proto, $scan_id);
sub print {
    my $self = shift;
    my $host = $self->Host();
    my $port = $self->Port();
    my $description = $self->Description();
    $description =~ s/\n/;/sg;
    if (defined(my $service = $self->Service())) {
	if (defined($port)) {
	    my $proto = $self->Proto();
	    $self->SUPER::print(@_, [$host, "$service ($port/$proto)",
	} else {
	    $self->SUPER::print(@_, [$host, $service, $description]);
    } else {
	$self->SUPER::print(@_, [$host, "$port:$description"]);
sub Host { shift->[0] }
sub Port { shift->[1] }
sub Description { shift->[2] }
sub Service { shift->[3] }
sub Proto { shift->[4] }
sub ScanID { shift->[5] }

package Net::Nessus::Message::INFO;

@Net::Nessus::Message::INFO::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::HOLE);


=item PORT

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PORT->new([$host, $port]);

The PORT message is sent, if the server finds an open port without known
security problems. Thus the methods are similar to the HOLE and INFO
messages, except that a I<Description> method is missing.



package Net::Nessus::Message::PORT;

@Net::Nessus::Message::PORT::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub Host { shift->[0] }
sub Port { shift->[1] }


=item ERROR

The ERROR message is used by the Nessus server to report problems.
Its attributes are:    



package Net::Nessus::Message::ERROR;

@Net::Nessus::Message::ERROR::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub ErrMsg { shift->[0] }



  # NTP 1.0
  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::NEW_ATTACI->new
      ([$host, $pluginlist, $maxhosts, $recursive, $portrange]);
  # NTP 1.1
  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::NEW_ATTACI->new([$host]);

NEW_ATTACK messages are sent by the client for launching new scans.
Its attributes are:


Except for the I<Host> method, these are valid with NTP 1.0 only.
They return the value B<undef> in later versions.


package Net::Nessus::Message::NEW_ATTACK;

@Net::Nessus::Message::NEW_ATTACK::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = $proto->SUPER::new(@_);
    if (@$self == 1) {
	# NTP 1.1
	my $host = shift @$self;
	@$self = (undef, undef, undef, undef, $host);

sub print {
    my($self, $sender, $socket, $fields) = @_;
    $fields ||= $self;
    $self->SUPER::print($sender, $socket,
			defined($fields->[0]) ? $fields : [$fields->[4]]);

sub PluginList { split(/;/, shift->[0]) };
sub MaxHosts { shift->[1] }
sub Recursive { shift->[2] }
sub PortRange { shift->[3] }
sub Host { shift->[4] }


=item STAT

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::STAT->new([$host, $port]);

The STAT message is sent by the server as an indicator for the port scanning
status. Its attributes are:


As of NTP 1.1, this message is obsoleted by the STATUS message.


package Net::Nessus::Message::STAT;

@Net::Nessus::Message::STAT::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::PORT);



  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_ATTACK->new([$host]);

The STOP_ATTACK message is sent by the client. It forces the server to
stop attacking the given host:



package Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_ATTACK;

@Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_ATTACK::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub Host { shift->[0] }



  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGINS_ORDER->new([$plugins]);

This message is sent by the server before he starts scanning. It will
contain the same list of plugins that the client requested with the
NEW_ATTACK message (NTP 1.0) or the PREFERENCES message (NTP 1.1), but
in the order they will be executed. The message has a method


which returns an array of plugin ID's.


package Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGINS_ORDER;

@Net::Nessus::Message::PLUGINS_ORDER::ISA =

sub Plugins { split(/;/, shift->[0]) }


=item STATUS

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::STATUS->new([$host, $action, $status]);

This message is sent from an NTP 1.1 server as a progress indicator.
It's attributes are:


where the I<Host> method returns a host being scanned, the I<Action>
method returns either B<portscan> or B<attack> and the I<Status>
method returns a string in the form "23/80" to indicate that 23 of

80 actions have been executed.


package Net::Nessus::Message::STATUS;

@Net::Nessus::Message::STATUS::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);

sub Host { shift->[0] }
sub Action { shift->[1] }
sub Status { shift->[2] }



  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_WHOLE_TEST->new([]);

This message, available with NTP 1.1 only, can be used to stop the
whole test, unlike the STOP_ATTACK message which is stopping a single
host only.

The message has no attributes, thus no methods for fetching attributes
are available.


package Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_WHOLE_TEST;

@Net::Nessus::Message::STOP_WHOLE_TEST::ISA =


=item BYE

  $msg = Net::Nessus::Message::BYE->new([]);

This message is sent by the server to indicate that a scan is done.



package Net::Nessus::Message::BYE;

@Net::Nessus::Message::BYE::ISA = qw(Net::Nessus::Message::SingleLine);


The Net::Nessus package is

  Copyright (C) 1998	Jochen Wiedmann
			Am Eisteich 9
			72555 Metzingen

			Phone: +49 7123 14887
  All rights reserved.

You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.

=head1 SEE ALSO

