Jabber-PubSub-JEAI version 0.03

PERL interfaces to Erlang's J-EAI server 1.0


J-EAI (http://www.erlang.org/) is an Enterprise Integration Platform. The acronym stands for Jabber-based 
Enterprise Application Integration. J-EAI is the first EAI built above free standard-based EAI solution:

	. XMPP is a standard XML protocol for data exchange between client and server. It is highly
	  extensible and fits perfectly the EAI domain.

	. Jabber is an instant messaging platform build upon the XMPP protocol that as proven the
	  scalability and the robustness of the XMPP protocol.
	  Jabber is becoming an instant messaging standard and J-EAI is getting huge benefits from the
	  Jabber dynamic and expension. Many tools are already available for Jabber (Clients, servers,
	  libraries, plugins, extensions, dedicated transports, ...) and J-EAI can take advantage of 
	  the wealth of existing code in the XMPP area.
Also, relying on the Jabber/XMPP implementation gives you two main features :

	. Message queueing: When a client is offline, message are queued and can be retrieved later. No
	  messages are lost.                                                                              

	. Presence and status of connected application is handled. This is an unprecedented EAI feature
	  allowing application to take decision based on presence or status change of other applications. 
	  The use of XMPP for developing an integration platform turns J-EAI into the most open, dynamic  
	  and fast growing integration platform.  

To install this module type the following:     
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:



Put the correct copyright and licence information here.

Copyright (C) 2005 by Kai Li

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.