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use strict;
use warnings;

package WebService::Nestoria::Search::MetadataResponse;
$WebService::Nestoria::Search::MetadataResponse::VERSION = '1.022010';
=head1 NAME

WebService::Nestoria::Search::MetadataResponse - Container object for the result of a metadata query to the Nestoria Search API.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.022010

This package is used by WebService::Nestoria::Search and a WebService::Nestoria::Search::MetadataResponse object should never need to be explicitly created by the user.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self;

    $self->{data} = shift;

    my $metadata = $self->{data}{response}{metadata};
    foreach my $stat (@$metadata) {
        my $name = $stat->{metadata_name};
        $self->{metadata}{$name} = $stat;
    return bless $self, $class;

=head1 Functions

=head2 get_hashref

Returns a reference to a hash that contains exactly what the response from the Nestoria API gave, converted from JSON into a hashref with JSON::from_json()


sub get_hashref {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{data};

=head2 get_metadata

Returns a reference to a hash that maps metadata names to the statistics associated with it.


sub get_metadata {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{metadata};

=head2 get_average_price

Returns the average for properties which match the number of rooms or bedrooms (come countries use rooms, some countries bedrooms), property type and listing type, for the given month.

    my %options = (
        # required
        listing_type => 'rent',
        range => 'monthly',             # 'monthly' ('quarterly' is deprecated, and has no data.)
        # optional depending on 'range'
        year => 2007,                   # 4 digit date
        month => 'January',             # eg. '1', 'Jan' or 'January'

        # optional
        num_beds  => 3,                 # integer
        num_rooms => 2,                 # integer 
        per_sqm   => 1,                 # price returned per square metre
    my $average_price = $metadata->get_average_price(%options);

Rent prices are monthly. Prices are in local currency (EUR, GBP, INR, etc) 
See to see from when data is available for each country

If year and month are not supplied data for the most recent month available will be returned.


sub get_average_price {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_get_info('avg_price', @_);

=head2 get_num_datapoints

Called the same way as get_average_price, but instead returns the number of datapoints used to calculate the average.


sub get_num_datapoints {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->_get_info('datapoints', @_);

sub _get_info{
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = shift;

    if ( @_ % 2 != 0 ) {
        warn "wrong arg count to get_average_price";
    my %params = @_;
    foreach my $required ( qw(listing_type range) ) {
        if ( ! exists $params{$required} ) {
            warn "required paramter $required not given\n";

    my $metadata_name = $self->_get_metadata_name(%params);
    my $metadata_date = $self->_get_metadata_date($metadata_name, %params);

    if (defined $metadata_name && defined $metadata_date) {
        return $self->{'metadata'}{$metadata_name}{'data'}{$metadata_date}{$id};

sub _get_metadata_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my %params = @_;

    ## avg_5bed_property_buy_monthly_per_sqm

    my $name = "avg_";

    if ($params{'num_beds'}) {
        $name .= $params{'num_beds'} . "bed_";
    elsif ($params{'num_rooms'}) {
        $name .= $params{'num_rooms'} . "room_";

    $name .= "property_";
    $name .= $params{'listing_type'} . "_";
    $name .= $params{'range'};

    if ($params{'per_sqm'}) {
        $name .= "_per_sqm";

    return $name;

my %short_months = (
    Jan => 1, 
    Feb => 2, 
    Mar => 3, 
    Apr => 4,
    May => 5, 
    Jun => 6, 
    Jul => 7, 
    Aug => 8,
    Sep => 9, 
    Sept => 9, 
    Oct => 10, 
    Nov => 11, 
    Dec => 12

my %long_months = (
    January   => 1, 
    February  => 2, 
    March     => 3, 
    April     => 4,
    May       => 5, 
    June      => 6, 
    July      => 7, 
    August    => 8,
    September => 9, 
    October   => 10, 
    November  => 11, 
    December  => 12

sub _get_metadata_date {
    my $self = shift;
    my $metadata_name = shift;
    my %params = @_;

    my ($mm, $year) = @params{'month', 'year'};
    ## If $year & $month are not specified, we assume the user wants the most recent month that 
    ## we have metadata for...
    if (!defined $year && !defined $mm) {
        my $ra_metadata = $self->{'metadata'}->{$metadata_name};
        my @a_found_months = ();
        foreach my $item ($ra_metadata){
            ## can be 2007_q4 or 2007_m10
            my @a_dates_this_item = keys %{$item->{'data'}};        
            push(@a_found_months, grep { m!\d_m\d! } @a_dates_this_item);
        my ($date) = sort { _month_to_yyyymmdd($b) <=> _month_to_yyyymmdd($a) } @a_found_months;
        return $date;
    elsif ($params{'range'} eq 'monthly') {
        my $month = exists $short_months{$mm}
                         ? $short_months{$mm}
                         : exists $long_months{$mm}
                                ? $long_months{$mm}
                                : $mm;
        if ($month == 0) {
            $month = 12;

        return sprintf '%d_m%d', $year, $month;


sub _month_to_yyyymmdd {
    my $month = shift;
    if ( $month =~ m/(\d\d\d\d)_m(\d+)/ ){
        return sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $1, $2, 1 );

=head1 Copyright

Copyright (C) 2014 Lokku Ltd.

=head1 Author

Alex Balhatchet (

Patches supplied by Yoav Felberbaum, Alistair Francis, Ed Freyfogle.

