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# $Id:,v 1.7 2009/11/30 13:25:06 dk Exp $
package IO::Lambda::Poll;
use vars qw(

$DEBUG = $IO::Lambda::DEBUG{poll} || 0;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK  = qw(poll_event poll_cancel poller);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK);

use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use IO::Lambda qw(:all :dev set_frame get_frame);

$MASTER = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;

# register yield handler
	@RECORDS = ();

# There'll also be a single timer as we need timeouts
$TIMER[WATCH_OBJ] = bless {}, "IO::Lambda::Poll::Timer";
sub IO::Lambda::Poll::Timer::io_handler
	warn "poll.timer < expired\n" if $DEBUG;

sub empty { 0 == @RECORDS }

sub remove
	my $lambda = $_[1];
	my $n = @RECORDS;
	@RECORDS = grep { $_-> {this} ne $lambda } @RECORDS;
	return if $n == @RECORDS;
	warn "poll.remove $lambda\n" if $DEBUG;

sub yield
	warn "poll.yield\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
	my $time = time;

	my @new;
	my @frame = get_frame;
	for my $rec ( @RECORDS) {
		my ( $ok, @result) = $rec-> {poller}-> (
			defined($rec->{deadline}) && $rec->{deadline} <= $time,
			@{ $rec-> {param}}
		unless ($ok) {
			push @new, $rec;
		warn "poll.resolve($rec)\n" if $DEBUG;
		my $this = $rec-> {this};
		$this-> set_frame($rec-> {method}, $rec->{callback}, @{ $rec->{context} });
		$this-> callout( $rec-> {callback}, @result);
		$this-> resolve( $rec-> {bind});
	return if @RECORDS == @new;

	@RECORDS = @new;

sub reset_timer
	my ( $expires, $frequency);
	for my $rec (@RECORDS) {
		my ($f,$d) = @{$rec}{qw(frequency deadline)};
		$frequency = $f if not defined($frequency) or (defined($f) and $frequency > $f);
		$expires   = $d if not defined($expires)   or (defined($d) and $expires   > $d); 

	if ( defined $frequency) {
		$frequency += time;
		if ( defined $expires) {
			$expires = $frequency if $expires > $frequency;
		} elsif ( @RECORDS) {
			$expires = $frequency;

	if ( defined $expires) {
		if ( $TIMER_ACTIVE) {
			if ( abs( $expires - $TIMER[WATCH_DEADLINE]) > 0.001) {
				# restart the active timer
				warn "poll.timer > restart $expires/$TIMER[WATCH_DEADLINE]\n"
					if $DEBUG;
				$IO::Lambda::LOOP-> remove_event( \@TIMER);
				$TIMER[WATCH_DEADLINE] = $expires;
				$IO::Lambda::LOOP-> after( \@TIMER);
			# else, same timeout, on already active timer - do nothing
		} else {
			# resubmit
			warn "poll.timer > submit $expires\n" if $DEBUG;
			$TIMER[WATCH_DEADLINE] = $expires;
			$IO::Lambda::LOOP-> after( \@TIMER);
	} elsif ( $TIMER_ACTIVE) {
		warn "poll.timer > stop\n" if $DEBUG;
		# stop timer
		$IO::Lambda::LOOP-> remove_event( \@TIMER);

sub poll_event
	my ( $cb, $method, $poller, $deadline, $frequency, @param ) = @_;

	$deadline += time if defined($deadline) and $deadline < 1_000_000_000;
	push @RECORDS, {
		this      => this,
		bind      => this-> bind,
		method    => $method,
		callback  => $cb,
		context   => [ context ],
		poller    => $poller,
		deadline  => $deadline,
		param     => \@param,
		frequency => $frequency,

	warn "$RECORDS[-1]) on ", this, "\n" if $DEBUG;

	return $RECORDS[-1];

# don't call this, use lambda-> cancel_event( $record->{bind} )
sub poll_cancel
	my $rec = shift;
	my $n = @RECORDS;
	@RECORDS = grep { $rec != $_ } @RECORDS;
	return if $n == @RECORDS;
	warn "poll.cancel($rec)\n" if $DEBUG;

sub poll_handler
	my ( $expired, $cb, @opt) = @_;
	my @res = $cb->(@opt);
	return 1,@res if $res[0];
	return 1,0 if $expired;
	return 0;

sub poller(&)
	my $cb = _subname poller => shift;

	lambda {
		my %opt = @_;
			undef, undef, \&poll_handler, 
			exists($opt{timeout}) ? $opt{timeout} : $opt{deadline},
			$cb, %opt




=head1 NAME

IO::Lambda::Poll - emulate asynchronous behavior by polling


The module wraps functions, that can only be used in the polling mode, and
provides a layer between them and the lambda framework.


    use IO::Lambda qw(:lambda);
    use IO::Lambda::Poll qw(poller);

    lambda {
          poller { check_if_ready }, 
	  timeout   => 5,
	  frequency => 0.1;
    tail {
       print shift() ? "ok\n" : "timeout\n";

=head1 API


=item poller (polling_function :: (%opt -> @list))) :: (%opt) -> @list

Accepts a code reference, that returns a list of results, where the first
scalar is a boolean value that indicates whether a single-shot polling
succeeded or not. Returns a new lambda, that accepts C<'timeout'>,
C<'deadline'>, and C<'frequency'> options ( see C<poll_event> below for the
options description).  The lambda returns C<@list> if polling
succeeds within a given time span, or empty list otherwise.  The options passed to the
lambda are also passed to the polling function. 

=item poll_event $callback, $method, $poller, $deadline, $frequency, @param

Registers a polling event on the current lambda. C<$poller> will be called with
first parameter as the expiration flag, so it will be up to the programmer how
to respond if both polling succeeded and timeout occured. C<$poller> must
return first parameter the success flag, which means, if true, that the event
must not be watched anymore, and the associated lambda must be notified of the
event. Other parameters are passed to C<$callback>, in free form, according to
the API that the caller of C<poll_event> implements.

C<$frequency> sets up the polling frequency. If undef, then polling occurs
during the idle time, when other events are passing.

Returns the newly created event record.

Example of use:

    use IO::Lambda qw(:all :dev);
    use IO::Lambda::Poll qw(poll_event);

    sub check_status(&)
        return this-> override_handler('check_status', \&check_status, shift)
            if this-> {override}->{check_status};
        my $cb = _subname check_status => shift;
        my ($status_entity, $deadline, @some_params) = context;
        poll_event( $cb, \&check_status, \&poll_status, $deadline, $status_entity, @some_params);

    sub poll_status
        my ( $expired, $status_entity, @some_params) = @_;

	# poll, and return more info (in free form) to the callback on success
	return 1, MyLibrary::some_status if MyLibrary::check($status_entity);

	# return timeout flag to the callback (again, in free form)
	return 1, undef if $expired;             

	# nothing happened yet
	return 0;

=item poll_cancel $rec

Brutally removes the polling record from the watching queue. Not for direct use.
For the graceful event removal use one of the following:

    $lambda-> cancel_event( $rec-> {bind} )


    $lambda-> cancel_all_events;


=head1 AUTHOR

Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
