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#include "img.h"
#include "img_conv.h"
#include "Icon.h"

#if PRIMA_PLATFORM == apcUnix
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

static Bool initialized = false;   

apc_img_init( void)
   if ( initialized) croak("Attempt to initialize image subsystem twice");
   list_create( &imgCodecs, 8, 8);
   initialized = true;

#define CHK if ( !initialized) croak("Image subsystem is not initialized");

apc_img_done( void)
   int i;
   for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
      PImgCodec c = ( PImgCodec)( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
      if ( c-> instance)
         c-> vmt-> done( c); 
      free( c);
   list_destroy( &imgCodecs);
   initialized = false;

apc_img_register( PImgCodecVMT codec, void * initParam)
   PImgCodec c; 

   if ( !codec) return false;
   c = ( PImgCodec) malloc( sizeof( struct ImgCodec) + codec-> size);
   if ( !c) return false;
   memset( c, 0, sizeof( struct ImgCodec));
   c-> vmt = ( PImgCodecVMT) ((( Byte *) c) + sizeof( struct ImgCodec));
   c-> initParam = initParam;
   memcpy( c-> vmt, codec, codec-> size);
   list_add( &imgCodecs, ( Handle) c);
   return true;

static void * 
init( PImgCodecInfo * info, void * param)
   return nil;

static void
done( PImgCodec instance) 

static HV *   
defaults(  PImgCodec instance)
   return newHV();

static void   
check_in(  PImgCodec instance, HV * system, HV * user)

static void * 
open_load(  PImgCodec instance, PImgLoadFileInstance fi)
   return nil;

static Bool   
load( PImgCodec instance, PImgLoadFileInstance fi)
   return false;

static void
close_load( PImgCodec instance, PImgLoadFileInstance fi)
   free( fi-> instance);  

static void * 
open_save( PImgCodec instance, PImgSaveFileInstance fi)
   return nil;

static Bool   
save( PImgCodec instance, PImgSaveFileInstance fi)
   return false;

static void 
close_save( PImgCodec instance, PImgSaveFileInstance fi)
   free( fi-> instance);

List imgCodecs;
struct ImgCodecVMT CNullImgCodecVMT = {
  sizeof( struct ImgCodecVMT),

apc_img_profile_add( HV * to, HV * from, HV * keys)
   HE *he;
   hv_iterinit(( HV*) keys);
   for (;;)
      char *key;
      int  keyLen;
      SV ** holder;
      if (( he = hv_iternext( keys)) == nil)
      key    = (char*) HeKEY( he);
      keyLen = HeKLEN( he);
      if ( !hv_exists( from, key, keyLen))
      holder = hv_fetch( from, key, keyLen, 0);
      if ( holder) 
         (void) hv_store( to, key, keyLen, newSVsv( *holder), 0);

static ssize_t 
stdio_read( void * f, size_t bufsize, void * buffer)
    return fread( buffer, 1, bufsize, ( FILE*) f);

static ssize_t 
stdio_write( void * f, size_t bufsize, void * buffer)
    return fwrite( buffer, 1, bufsize, ( FILE*) f);

static int
stdio_seek( void * f, long offset, int whence)
    return fseek( ( FILE*) f, offset, whence);

static long
stdio_tell( void * f)
    return ftell( ( FILE*) f);

static ImgIORequest std_ioreq = {
      (void*) fflush,
      (void*) ferror

apc_img_load( Handle self, char * fileName, PImgIORequest ioreq,  HV * profile, char * error)
   int i, profiles_len = 0, lastFrame = -2, codecID = -1;
   PList ret;
   PImgCodec c = nil;
   ImgLoadFileInstance fi;
   AV * profiles = nil;
   HV * def = nil, * firstObjectExtras = nil, * commonHV = nil;
   Bool err = false;
   Bool loadExtras = false, noImageData = false;
   Bool incrementalLoad = false;
   Bool iconUnmask = false;
   Bool noIncomplete = false;
   char * baseClassName = "Prima::Image";
   ImgIORequest sioreq;
   int  load_mask;

#define out(x){ err = true;\
   strncpy( error, x, 256);\
   goto EXIT_NOW;}

#define outd(x,d){ err = true;\
   snprintf( error, 256, x, d);\
   goto EXIT_NOW;}   
   memset( &fi, 0, sizeof( fi));
   ret = plist_create( 8, 8);
   if ( !ret) out("Not enough memory")

   strcpy( error, "Internal error");
   fi. errbuf = error;

   /* open file */
   if ( ioreq == NULL) {
      memcpy( &sioreq, &std_ioreq, sizeof( sioreq));
      if (( sioreq. handle = fopen( fileName, "rb")) == NULL)
         out( strerror( errno));
      fi. req = &sioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = true;
      load_mask = IMG_LOAD_FROM_FILE;
   } else {
      fi. req = ioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = false;
      load_mask = IMG_LOAD_FROM_STREAM;
   fi. fileName = fileName;
   fi. stop = false;

   /* assigning user file profile */
   if ( pexist( index)) {
      fi. frameMapSize = 1;
      if ( !( fi. frameMap  = (int*) malloc( sizeof( int))))
         out("Not enough memory");
      if ((*fi. frameMap = pget_i( index)) < 0)
         out("Invalid index");
   } else if ( pexist( map)) {
      SV * sv = pget_sv( map);
      if ( SvOK( sv)) {
         if ( SvROK( sv) && SvTYPE( SvRV( sv)) == SVt_PVAV) {
            AV * av = ( AV*) SvRV( sv);
            int len = av_len( av) + 1;
            if ( !( fi. frameMap = ( int *) malloc( sizeof( int) * len)))
               out("Not enough memory");
            for ( i = 0; i < len; i++) {
               SV ** holder = av_fetch( av, i, 0);
               if ( !holder) out("Array panic on 'map' property");
               if (( fi. frameMap[ i] = SvIV( *holder)) < 0)
                  out("Invalid index on 'map' property");
            fi. frameMapSize = len;
         } else 
            out("Not an array passed to 'map' property");
   } else if ( pexist( loadAll) && pget_B( loadAll)) {
      fi. loadAll = true;
   } else {
      fi. frameMapSize = 1;
      if ( ! (fi. frameMap = ( int*) malloc( sizeof( int))))
         out("Not enough memory");
     *fi. frameMap = 0;

   if ( pexist( loadExtras) && pget_B( loadExtras))
      fi. loadExtras = loadExtras = true;

   if ( pexist( noImageData) && pget_B( noImageData))
      fi. noImageData = noImageData = true;
   if ( pexist( iconUnmask) && pget_B( iconUnmask))
      fi. iconUnmask = iconUnmask = true;
   if ( pexist( noIncomplete) && pget_B( noIncomplete))
      fi. noIncomplete = noIncomplete = true;
   if ( pexist( eventMask))
      fi. eventMask = pget_i( eventMask);
   if ( pexist( eventDelay))
      fi. eventDelay = 1000.0 * pget_f( eventDelay);
   if ( fi. eventDelay <= 0)
      fi. eventDelay = 100; /* 100 ms. reasonable? */
   if ( pexist( profiles)) {
      SV * sv = pget_sv( profiles);
      if ( SvOK( sv) && SvROK( sv) && SvTYPE( SvRV( sv)) == SVt_PVAV) {
         profiles = ( AV *) SvRV( sv);
         profiles_len = av_len( profiles);
      } else 
         out("Not an array passed to 'profiles' property");

   if ( pexist( className)) {
      PVMT vmt;
      baseClassName = pget_c( className);
      vmt = gimme_the_vmt( baseClassName);
      while ( vmt && vmt != (PVMT)CImage) 
         vmt = vmt-> base;
      if ( !vmt) 
         outd("class '%s' is not a Prima::Image descendant", baseClassName);

   /* all other properties to be parsed by codec */
   fi. extras = profile;

   fi. fileProperties = newHV(); 
   fi. frameCount = -1;

   /* finding codec */
      Bool * loadmap = ( Bool *) malloc( sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);

      if ( !loadmap) 
         out("Not enough memory");
      memset( loadmap, 0, sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);
      for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
         c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
         if ( !c-> instance)
            c-> instance = c-> vmt-> init( &c->info, c-> initParam);
         if ( !c-> instance) { /* failed to initialize, retry next time */
            loadmap[ i] = true;
      c = nil;
      /* finding by extension first */
      if ( fileName) {
         int fileNameLen = strlen( fileName);
         for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
            int j = 0, found = false;
            if ( loadmap[ i]) continue;
            c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
            while ( c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j]) {
               char * ext = c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j];
               int extLen = strlen( ext);
               if ( extLen < fileNameLen && stricmp( fileName + fileNameLen - extLen, ext) == 0) {
                  found = true;
            if ( found) {
               loadmap[ i] = true;

               if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & load_mask)) {
	          c = nil;
               if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_load( c, &fi)) != NULL) {
                  codecID = i;

               if ( fi. stop) { 
                  err = true; 
                  free( loadmap);
                  goto EXIT_NOW; 
            c = nil;
      /* use first suitable codec */
      if ( c == nil) {
         for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
            if ( loadmap[ i]) continue;
            c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
            if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & load_mask)) {
	          c = nil;
            if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_load( c, &fi)) != NULL) {
               codecID = i;
            if ( fi. stop) { 
               err = true; 
               free( loadmap);
               goto EXIT_NOW; 
            c = nil;
      free( loadmap);
      if ( !c) out("No appropriate codec found");

   if ( fi. loadAll) {
      if ( fi. frameCount >= 0) {
         fi. frameMapSize = fi. frameCount;
         if ( !( fi. frameMap  = (int*) malloc( fi. frameCount * sizeof(int))))
            out("Not enough memory");
         for ( i = 0; i < fi. frameCount; i++)
            fi. frameMap[i] = i;
      } else {
         fi. frameMapSize = INT_MAX;
         incrementalLoad = true;

   /* use common profile */
   def = c-> vmt-> load_defaults( c); 
   commonHV = newHV();
   if ( profile) {
      c-> vmt-> load_check_in( c, commonHV, profile);
      apc_img_profile_add( commonHV, profile, def);

   if ( fi. loadExtras && c-> info-> fileType) 
      (void) hv_store( fi. fileProperties, "codecID", 7, newSViv( codecID), 0);

   /* loading */
   for ( i = 0; i < fi. frameMapSize; i++) {
      HV * profile = commonHV;
      char * className = baseClassName;

      fi. frame = incrementalLoad ? i : fi. frameMap[ i];
      if (( fi. frameCount >= 0 && fi. frame >= fi. frameCount) || 
          ( !(c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME) && fi. frame > 0)) { 
         if ( !(c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME) && fi. frameCount < 0)
            fi. frameCount = i; 
         if ( incrementalLoad) 
            /* that means, codec bothered to set frameCount at last - report no error then */
            goto EXIT_NOW;
         c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
         out("Frame index out of range");

      fi. loadExtras   = loadExtras;
      fi. noImageData  = noImageData;
      fi. iconUnmask   = iconUnmask;
      fi. noIncomplete = noIncomplete;
      fi. wasTruncated = false;

      /* query profile */
      if ( profiles && ( i <= profiles_len)) {
         HV * hv;
         SV ** holder = av_fetch( profiles, i, 0);
         if ( !holder) outd("Array panic on 'profiles[%d]' property", i);
         if ( SvOK( *holder)) {
            if ( SvROK( *holder) && SvTYPE( SvRV( *holder)) == SVt_PVHV) 
               hv = ( HV*) SvRV( *holder);
               outd("Not a hash passed to 'profiles[%d]' property", i); 
            profile = newHV();
            apc_img_profile_add( profile, commonHV, commonHV);
            c-> vmt-> load_check_in( c, profile, hv);
            apc_img_profile_add( profile, hv, def);
               HV * profile = hv;
               if ( pexist( loadExtras))
                 fi. loadExtras  = pget_B( loadExtras);
               if ( pexist( noImageData))
                 fi. noImageData = pget_B( noImageData);
               if ( pexist( iconUnmask))
                 fi. iconUnmask = pget_B( iconUnmask);

      fi. jointFrame = ( fi. frame == lastFrame + 1);
      fi. profile    = profile;
      lastFrame = fi. frame;
      /* query className */
      if ( pexist( className)) {
         PVMT vmt;
         className = pget_c( className);
         vmt = gimme_the_vmt( className);
         while ( vmt && vmt != (PVMT)CImage) 
            vmt = vmt-> base;
         if ( !vmt) {
            if ( fi. profile != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. profile);      
            outd("class '%s' is not a Prima::Image descendant", className);

      /* create storage */
      if (( i > 0) || ( self == nilHandle)) {
         HV * profile = newHV();
         fi. object = Object_create( className, profile);
         sv_free(( SV *) profile); 
         if ( !fi. object) {
            if ( fi. profile != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. profile);
            outd("Failed to create object '%s'", className);
      } else
         fi. object = self;

      if ( fi. iconUnmask && kind_of( fi. object, CIcon))
         PIcon( fi. object)-> autoMasking = amNone;

      fi. frameProperties = newHV();
      if ( fi. loadExtras && c-> info-> fileType) 
         (void) hv_store( fi. frameProperties, "codecID", 7, newSViv( codecID), 0);

      /* loading image */
      if ( !c-> vmt-> load( c, &fi)) {
         c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
         sv_free(( SV *) fi. frameProperties);
         if ( fi. object != self)
            Object_destroy( fi. object);
         if ( fi. profile != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. profile);
         if ( incrementalLoad) {
            if ( fi. frameCount < 0) fi. frameCount = fi. frame;
            goto EXIT_NOW; /* EOF, report no error */
         err = true;
	 goto EXIT_NOW;
      if ( fi. loadExtras && fi. wasTruncated)
          (void) hv_store( fi. frameProperties, "truncated", 9, newSViv(1), 0);

      /* checking for grayscale */
         PImage i = ( PImage) fi. object;
         if ( !( i-> type & imGrayScale)) 
            switch ( i-> type & imBPP) {
            case imbpp1:
               if ( i-> palSize == 2 && memcmp( i-> palette, stdmono_palette, sizeof( stdmono_palette)) == 0)
                  i-> type |= imGrayScale;
            case imbpp4:
               if ( i-> palSize == 16 && memcmp( i-> palette, std16gray_palette, sizeof( std16gray_palette)) == 0)
                  i-> type |= imGrayScale;
            case imbpp8:
               if ( i-> palSize == 256 && memcmp( i-> palette, std256gray_palette, sizeof( std256gray_palette)) == 0)
                  i-> type |= imGrayScale;

      /* updating image */
      if ( !fi. noImageData)
         CImage( fi. object)-> update_change( fi. object);

      /* applying extras */
      if ( fi. loadExtras) {
         HV * extras = newHV();
         SV * sv = newRV_noinc(( SV *) extras);
         apc_img_profile_add( extras, fi. fileProperties,  fi. fileProperties);
         apc_img_profile_add( extras, fi. frameProperties, fi. frameProperties);
         if ( i == 0) firstObjectExtras = extras; 
         (void) hv_store(( HV* )SvRV((( PAnyObject) fi. object)-> mate), "extras", 6, newSVsv( sv), 0);
         sv_free( sv);
      } else if ( fi. noImageData) { /* no extras, report dimensions only */
         HV * extras = newHV();
         SV * sv = newRV_noinc(( SV *) extras), **item;
         if (( item = hv_fetch( fi. frameProperties, "width", 5, 0)) && SvOK( *item)) 
            (void) hv_store( extras, "width", 5, newSVsv( *item), 0);
            (void) hv_store( extras, "width", 5, newSViv(PImage(fi.object)-> w), 0);
         if (( item = hv_fetch( fi. frameProperties, "height", 6, 0)) && SvOK( *item)) 
            (void) hv_store( extras, "height", 6, newSVsv( *item), 0);
            (void) hv_store( extras, "height", 6, newSViv(PImage(fi.object)-> h), 0);
         (void) hv_store(( HV* )SvRV((( PAnyObject) fi. object)-> mate), "extras", 6, newSVsv( sv), 0);
         sv_free( sv);

      sv_free(( SV *) fi. frameProperties);
      if ( fi. profile != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. profile);

      list_add( ret, fi. object);

   c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);

   /* returning info for null load request  */
   if ( self && loadExtras && fi. frameMapSize == 0) {
      HV * extras = newHV();
      SV * sv = newRV_noinc(( SV *) extras);
      apc_img_profile_add( extras, fi. fileProperties,  fi. fileProperties);
      firstObjectExtras = extras; 
      (void) hv_store(( HV* )SvRV((( PAnyObject) self)-> mate), "extras", 6, newSVsv( sv), 0);
      sv_free( sv);
   if ( fi. frameCount < 0 && pexist( wantFrames) && pget_i( wantFrames)) {
      if ( ioreq != NULL) 
         req_seek( ioreq, 0, SEEK_SET);
      fi. frameCount = apc_img_frame_count( fileName, ioreq);
   if ( firstObjectExtras)
      (void) hv_store( firstObjectExtras, "frames", 6, newSViv( fi. frameCount), 0);
   if ( err && ret)
      list_add( ret, nilHandle); /* indicate the error */
   if ( def)
      sv_free(( SV *) def);
   if ( commonHV)
      sv_free(( SV *) commonHV);
   if ( fi. fileProperties) 
      sv_free((SV *) fi. fileProperties); 
   if ( ioreq == NULL && fi.req != NULL && fi. req-> handle != NULL) 
      fclose(( FILE*) fi. req-> handle);
   free( fi. frameMap);
   return ret;
#undef out   
#undef outd

apc_img_frame_count( char * fileName, PImgIORequest ioreq )
   PImgCodec c = nil;
   ImgLoadFileInstance fi;
   int i, frameMap, ret = 0;
   char error[256];
   ImgIORequest sioreq;
   int load_mask;

   memset( &fi, 0, sizeof( fi));
   /* open file */
   if ( ioreq == NULL) {
      memcpy( &sioreq, &std_ioreq, sizeof( sioreq));
      if (( sioreq. handle = fopen( fileName, "rb")) == NULL)
         goto EXIT_NOW;
      fi. req = &sioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = true;
      load_mask = IMG_LOAD_FROM_FILE;
   } else {
      fi. req = ioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = false;
      load_mask = IMG_LOAD_FROM_STREAM;
   /* assigning request */
   fi. fileName = fileName;
   fi. frameMapSize   = frameMap = 0;
   fi. frameMap       = &frameMap;
   fi. loadExtras     = true;
   fi. noImageData    = true;
   fi. iconUnmask     = false;
   fi. noIncomplete   = false;
   fi. extras         = newHV();
   fi. fileProperties = newHV(); 
   fi. frameCount = -1;
   fi. errbuf     = error;
   fi. stop       = false;

   /* finding codec */
      Bool * loadmap = ( Bool*) malloc( sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);

      if ( !loadmap) 
         return 0;
      memset( loadmap, 0, sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);
      for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
         c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
         if ( !c-> instance)
            c-> instance = c-> vmt-> init( &c->info, c-> initParam);
         if ( !c-> instance) { /* failed to initialize, retry next time */
            loadmap[ i] = true;
      c = nil;

      /* finding by extension first */
      if ( fileName) {
         int fileNameLen = strlen( fileName);
         for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
            int j = 0, found = false;
            if ( loadmap[ i]) continue;
            c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
            while ( c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j]) {
               char * ext = c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j];
               int extLen = strlen( ext);
               if ( extLen < fileNameLen && stricmp( fileName + fileNameLen - extLen, ext) == 0) {
                  found = true;
            if ( found) {
               loadmap[ i] = true;

               if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & load_mask)) {
	          c = nil;
               if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_load( c, &fi)) != NULL)
               if ( fi. stop) { 
                  free( loadmap);
                  goto EXIT_NOW; 
            c = nil;
      if ( c == nil) {
         for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {        
            if ( loadmap[ i]) continue;
            c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
            if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & load_mask)) {
	          c = nil;
            if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_load( c, &fi)) != NULL)
            if ( fi. stop) { 
               free( loadmap);
               goto EXIT_NOW; 
            c = nil;
      free( loadmap);
      if ( !c) goto EXIT_NOW;
   /* can tell now? */
   if ( fi. frameCount >= 0) {
      c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
      ret = fi. frameCount;
      goto EXIT_NOW;

   if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME)) {
      c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
      ret = 1; /* single-framed file. what else? */
      goto EXIT_NOW;

   /* if can't, trying to load huge index, hoping that if */
   /* codec have a sequential access, it eventually meet the  */
   /* EOF and report the frame count */
      HV * profile = newHV();
      fi. object = Object_create( "Prima::Image", profile);
      sv_free(( SV *) profile); 
      frameMap = fi. frame = INT_MAX;
      fi. frameProperties = newHV();
   /* loading image */
   if ( c-> vmt-> load( c, &fi) || fi. frameCount >= 0) {
      /* well, INT_MAX frame is ok, and maybe more, but can't report more anyway */
      c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
      ret = ( fi. frameCount < 0) ? INT_MAX : fi. frameCount;
      goto EXIT_NOW;

   /* can't report again - so loading as may as we can */
   fi. loadAll = true;
   for ( i = 0; i < INT_MAX; i++) {
      fi. jointFrame = i > 0;
      frameMap = fi. frame = i;
      if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME)) {
         c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
         if ( !( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_load( c, &fi))) {
            ret = i;
            goto EXIT_NOW;
      if ( !c-> vmt-> load( c, &fi) || fi. frameCount >= 0) {
         c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);   
         ret = ( fi. frameCount < 0) ? i : fi. frameCount;
         goto EXIT_NOW;

   c-> vmt-> close_load( c, &fi);
   if ( fi. object)
      Object_destroy( fi. object);
   if ( fi. extras)
      sv_free(( SV *) fi. extras);
   if ( fi. frameProperties)
      sv_free(( SV *) fi. frameProperties);
   if ( fi. fileProperties)
      sv_free(( SV *) fi. fileProperties);
   if ( ioreq == NULL && fi.req != NULL && fi. req-> handle != NULL)
      fclose(( FILE*) fi. req-> handle);
   return ret;

apc_img_save( Handle self, char * fileName, PImgIORequest ioreq, HV * profile, char * error)
   int i;
   PImgCodec c = nil;
   ImgSaveFileInstance fi;
   AV * images = nil;
   HV * def = nil, * commonHV = nil;
   Bool err = false;
   int codecID = -1;
   int xself = self ? 1 : 0;
   int ret = 0;
   Bool autoConvert = true;
   ImgIORequest sioreq;
   int save_mask;

#define out(x){ err = true;\
   strncpy( error, x, 256);\
   goto EXIT_NOW;}

#define outd(x,d){ err = true;\
   snprintf( error, 256, x, d);\
   goto EXIT_NOW;}   
   memset( &fi, 0, sizeof( fi));

   if ( pexist( append) && pget_B( append))
      fi. append = true;

   if ( pexist( autoConvert))
      autoConvert = pget_B( autoConvert);

   /* open file */
   if ( fi. append && ioreq == NULL) {
      FILE * f = ( FILE *) fopen( fileName, "rb");
      if ( !f)
         fi. append = false;
         fclose( f);
   fi. errbuf = error;
   if ( ioreq == NULL) {
      memcpy( &sioreq, &std_ioreq, sizeof( sioreq));
      if (( sioreq. handle = fopen( fileName, fi. append ? "rb+" : "wb+" )) == NULL)
         out( strerror( errno));
      fi. req = &sioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = true;
      save_mask = IMG_SAVE_TO_FILE;
   } else {
      fi. req = ioreq;
      fi. req_is_stdio = false;
      save_mask = IMG_SAVE_TO_STREAM;

   fi. fileName     = fileName;
   fi. frameMapSize = xself;
   if ( pexist( images)) {
      SV * sv = pget_sv( images);
      if ( SvOK( sv) && SvROK( sv) && SvTYPE( SvRV( sv)) == SVt_PVAV) {
         images = ( AV *) SvRV( sv);
         fi. frameMapSize += av_len( images) + 1;
      } else 
         out("Not an array passed to 'images' property");
   if ( fi. frameMapSize == 0)
      out("Nothing to save");

   /* fill array of objects */
   if ( !( fi. frameMap = ( Handle *) malloc( sizeof( Handle) * fi. frameMapSize)))
      out("Not enough memory");
   memset( fi. frameMap, 0, sizeof( Handle) * fi. frameMapSize);
   for ( i = 0; i < fi. frameMapSize; i++) {
      Handle obj = nilHandle;

      /* query profile */
      if ( self && (i == 0)) {
         obj = self;
         if ( !kind_of( obj, CImage))
            out("Not a Prima::Image descendant passed"); 
	 if ( PImage(obj)-> w == 0 || PImage(obj)-> h == 0)
            out("Cannot save a null image"); 
      } else if ( images) {
         SV ** holder = av_fetch( images, i - xself, 0);
         if ( !holder) outd("Array panic on 'images[%d]' property", i - xself);
         obj = gimme_the_mate( *holder);
         if ( !obj) 
            outd("Invalid object reference passed in 'images[%d]'", i - xself);
         if ( !kind_of( obj, CImage))
            outd("Not a Prima::Image descendant passed in 'images[%d]'", i - xself);
	 if ( PImage(obj)-> w == 0 || PImage(obj)-> h == 0)
            out("Cannot save a null image"); 
      } else
         out("Logic error");
      fi. frameMap[ i] = obj;

   /* all other properties to be parsed by codec */
   fi. extras = profile;

   /* finding codec */
   strcpy( error, "No appropriate codec found");
      Bool * savemap = ( Bool*) malloc( sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);

      if ( !savemap)
         out("Not enough memory");
      memset( savemap, 0, sizeof( Bool) * imgCodecs. count);
      for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
         c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
         if ( !c-> instance)
            c-> instance = c-> vmt-> init( &c->info, c-> initParam);
         if ( !c-> instance) { /* failed to initialize, retry next time */
            savemap[ i] = true;

      /* checking 'codecID', if available */
         SV * c = nil;
         if ( pexist( codecID))
            c = pget_sv( codecID);
         else if ( self && 
                   hv_exists(( HV*)SvRV((( PAnyObject) self)-> mate), 
                              "extras", 6)) {
            SV ** sv = hv_fetch(( HV*)SvRV((( PAnyObject) self)-> mate), "extras", 6, 0);
            if ( sv && SvOK( *sv) && SvROK( *sv) && SvTYPE( SvRV( *sv)) == SVt_PVHV) {
               HV * profile = ( HV *) SvRV( *sv);
               if ( pexist( codecID)) 
                  c = pget_sv( codecID);
         if ( c && SvOK( c)) { /* accept undef */
            codecID = SvIV( c);
            if ( codecID < 0) codecID = imgCodecs. count - codecID;
      /* find codec */
      c = nil;
      if ( codecID >= 0) {
         if ( codecID >= imgCodecs. count) 
             out("Codec index out of range");

         c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ codecID]);
         if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & save_mask))
               out( ioreq ? 
	          "Codec cannot save images to streams" : 
		  "Codec cannot save images");
         if ( fi. frameMapSize > 1 && 
               !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_MULTIFRAME))
            out("Codec cannot save mutiframe images");
         if ( fi. append && 
               !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_APPEND))
            out("Codec cannot append frames");
         if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_save( c, &fi)) == NULL) 
            out("Codec cannot handle this file");

         if ( !autoConvert) {
            int j, *k = c-> info-> saveTypes, ok = 0;
            for ( j = 0; j < fi. frameMapSize; j++) {
               int type = PImage( fi. frameMap[j])-> type;
               while ( *k) {
                  if ( type == *k) {
                     ok = 1;
            if ( !ok) 
               out("Image type(s) not supported by the codec specified");
      if ( !c && fileName) {
         int fileNameLen = strlen( fileName);
         /* finding codec by extension  */
         for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
            int j = 0, found = false;
            if ( savemap[ i]) continue;
            c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
            while ( c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j]) {
	       char * ext = c-> info-> fileExtensions[ j];
	       int extLen = strlen( ext);
	       if ( extLen < fileNameLen && stricmp( fileName + fileNameLen - extLen, ext) == 0) {
                  found = true;

            if ( found) {
               savemap[ i] = true;
               if ( !( c-> info-> IOFlags & save_mask)) {
	          c = nil;
               if ( fi. frameMapSize > 1
                   && !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_MULTIFRAME)) {
	          c = nil;
               if ( fi. append 
                   && !( c-> info-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_APPEND)) {
	          c = nil;
               if ( !autoConvert) {
                  int j, *k = c-> info-> saveTypes, ok = 0;
                  for ( j = 0; j < fi. frameMapSize; j++) {
                     int type = PImage( fi. frameMap[j])-> type;
                     while ( *k) {
                        if ( type == *k) {
                           ok = 1;
                  if ( !ok) {
	             c = nil;
               if (( fi. instance = c-> vmt-> open_save( c, &fi)) != NULL)
            c = nil;
      free( savemap);
      if ( !c) { /* use pre-formatted error string */
         err = true;
         goto EXIT_NOW;

   snprintf( error, 256, "Error saving %s", fileName ? fileName : "to stream");

   /* use common profile */
   def = c-> vmt-> save_defaults( c); 
   commonHV = newHV();
   if ( profile) {
      c-> vmt-> save_check_in( c, commonHV, profile);
      apc_img_profile_add( commonHV, profile, def);
   /* saving */
   for ( i = 0; i < fi. frameMapSize; i++) {
      HV * profile = commonHV;
      PImage im;

      im = ( PImage) fi. frameMap[ i];
      if ( hv_exists(( HV*)SvRV( im-> mate), "extras", 6)) {
         SV ** sv = hv_fetch(( HV*)SvRV( im-> mate), "extras", 6, 0);
         if ( sv && SvOK( *sv) && SvROK( *sv) && SvTYPE( SvRV( *sv)) == SVt_PVHV) {
            HV * hv = ( HV *) SvRV( *sv);
            profile = newHV();
            apc_img_profile_add( profile, commonHV, commonHV);
            c-> vmt-> save_check_in( c, profile, hv); 
            apc_img_profile_add( profile, hv, def);
      fi. frame  = i;
      fi. object = fi. frameMap[ i];
      fi. objectExtras = profile;

      /* converting image to format with maximum bit depth and category flags match */
      if ( autoConvert) {
         int *k = c-> info-> saveTypes;
         int max = *k & imBPP, best = *k, supported = false;
         int flags = im-> type & imCategory, bestflags = *k & imCategory, bestmatch;
#define dBITS(a) int i = 0x80, match = ( flags & (a)) >> 8
#define CALCBITS(x) { \
   x = 0;\
   while ( i >>= 1 ) if ( match & i ) x++; \
            dBITS( bestflags );
            CALCBITS( bestmatch )
         while ( *k) {
            if ( im-> type == *k) {
               supported = true;
            if ( max < ( *k & imBPP)) {
               dBITS( bestflags = ( *k & imCategory));
               max       = *k & imBPP;
               best      = *k;
               CALCBITS( bestmatch );
            } else if ( max == ( *k & imBPP)) {
               dBITS( *k );
               int testmatch;
               CALCBITS( testmatch );
               if ( testmatch > bestmatch ) {
                  best      = *k;
                  bestflags = *k & imCategory;
                  bestmatch = testmatch;
         if ( !supported) {
            im-> self-> set_type(( Handle) im, best);
            if ( best != im-> type) outd("Failed converting image to type '%04x'", best);
      /* saving image */
      if ( !c-> vmt-> save( c, &fi)) {
         c-> vmt-> close_save( c, &fi);
         if ( fi. objectExtras != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. objectExtras);
	 err = true;
	 goto EXIT_NOW;

      if ( fi. objectExtras != commonHV) sv_free(( SV *) fi. objectExtras);

   c-> vmt-> close_save( c, &fi);
   free( fi. frameMap);
   if ( ioreq == NULL && fi. req != NULL && fi. req-> handle != NULL)
      fclose(( FILE*) fi. req-> handle);
   if ( err && fileName)
      unlink( fileName);
   if ( def)
      sv_free(( SV *) def);
   if ( commonHV)
      sv_free(( SV *) commonHV);
   return err ? -ret : ret;
#undef out   
#undef outd
apc_img_codecs( PList ret)
   int i;
   PImgCodec c;
   for ( i = 0; i < imgCodecs. count; i++) {
      c = ( PImgCodec ) ( imgCodecs. items[ i]);
      if ( !c-> instance)
         c-> instance = c-> vmt-> init( &c->info, c-> initParam);
      if ( !c-> instance)  /* failed to initialize, retry next time */
      list_add( ret, ( Handle) c);

apc_img_read_palette( PRGBColor palBuf, SV * palette, Bool triplets)
   AV * av;
   int i, count;
   Byte buf[768];

   if ( !SvROK( palette) || ( SvTYPE( SvRV( palette)) != SVt_PVAV))
      return 0;
   av = (AV *) SvRV( palette);
   count = av_len( av) + 1;

   if ( triplets) {
      if ( count > 768) count = 768;
      count -= count % 3;

      for ( i = 0; i < count; i++)
         SV **itemHolder = av_fetch( av, i, 0);
         if ( itemHolder == nil) return 0;
         buf[ i] = SvIV( *itemHolder);
      memcpy( palBuf, buf, count);
      return count/3;
   } else {
      int j;
      if ( count > 256) count = 256;

      for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < count; i++)
	 Color c;
         SV **itemHolder = av_fetch( av, i, 0);
         if ( itemHolder == nil) return 0;
         c = (Color)(SvIV( *itemHolder));
	 buf[j++] = c & 0xFF;
	 buf[j++] = (c >> 8) & 0xFF;
	 buf[j++] = (c >> 16) & 0xFF;
      memcpy( palBuf, buf, j);
      return count;

static AV * fill_plist( char * key, char ** list, HV * profile)
   AV * av = newAV();
   if ( !list) list = imgPVEmptySet;
   while ( *list) {
      av_push( av, newSVpv( *list, 0));
   (void) hv_store( profile, key, strlen( key), newRV_noinc(( SV *) av), 0);
   return av;

static void fill_ilist( char * key, int * list, HV * profile)
   AV * av = newAV();
   if ( !list) list = imgIVEmptySet;
   while ( *list) {
      av_push( av, newSViv( *list));
   (void) hv_store( profile, key, strlen( key), newRV_noinc(( SV *) av), 0);

HV *  
apc_img_info2hash( PImgCodec codec)
   HV * profile, * hv;
   AV * av;
   PImgCodecInfo c;

   profile = newHV();
   if ( !codec) return profile;

   if ( !codec-> instance)
      codec-> instance = codec-> vmt-> init( &codec->info, codec-> initParam);
   if ( !codec-> instance) 
      return profile;
   c = codec-> info;
   pset_c( name,   c-> name);
   pset_c( vendor, c-> vendor);
   pset_i( versionMajor, c-> versionMaj);
   pset_i( versionMinor, c-> versionMin);
   fill_plist( "fileExtensions", c-> fileExtensions, profile);
   pset_c( fileType, c-> fileType);
   pset_c( fileShortType, c-> fileShortType);
   fill_plist( "featuresSupported", c-> featuresSupported, profile);
   pset_c( module,  c-> primaModule);
   pset_c( package, c-> primaPackage);
   pset_i( canLoad,         c-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_FROM_FILE);
   pset_i( canLoadStream  , c-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_FROM_STREAM);
   pset_i( canLoadMultiple, c-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME);
   pset_i( canSave        , c-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_TO_FILE);
   pset_i( canSaveStream  , c-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_TO_STREAM);
   pset_i( canSaveMultiple, c-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_MULTIFRAME);
   pset_i( canAppend,       c-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_APPEND);
   fill_ilist( "types",  c-> saveTypes, profile);

      hv = codec-> vmt-> load_defaults( codec);
      if ( c-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME) {
         (void) hv_store( hv, "index",        5, newSViv(0),     0);
         (void) hv_store( hv, "map",          3, newSVsv(nilSV), 0);
         (void) hv_store( hv, "loadAll",      7, newSViv(0),     0);
         (void) hv_store( hv, "wantFrames",  10, newSViv(0),     0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "loadExtras",   10, newSViv(0),     0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "noImageData",  11, newSViv(0),     0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "iconUnmask",   10, newSViv(0),     0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "noIncomplete", 12, newSViv(0),     0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "className",     9, newSVpv("Prima::Image", 0), 0);
   } else
      hv = newHV();
   pset_sv_noinc( loadInput, newRV_noinc(( SV *) hv));
   av = fill_plist( "loadOutput", c-> loadOutput, profile);
      if ( c-> IOFlags & IMG_LOAD_MULTIFRAME) 
         av_push( av, newSVpv( "frames", 0));
      av_push( av, newSVpv( "height", 0));
      av_push( av, newSVpv( "width",  0));
      av_push( av, newSVpv( "codecID", 0));
      av_push( av, newSVpv( "truncated", 0));
   if ( c-> IOFlags & ( IMG_SAVE_TO_FILE|IMG_SAVE_TO_STREAM)) {
      hv = codec-> vmt-> save_defaults( codec);
      if ( c-> IOFlags & IMG_SAVE_MULTIFRAME) 
         (void) hv_store( hv, "append",       6, newSViv(0), 0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "autoConvert", 11, newSViv(1), 0);
      (void) hv_store( hv, "codecID",     7,  newSVsv( nilSV), 0);
   } else
      hv = newHV();
   pset_sv_noinc( saveInput, newRV_noinc(( SV *) hv));
   return profile;

char * imgPVEmptySet[] = { nil };
int    imgIVEmptySet[] = { 0 };

apc_img_notify_header_ready( PImgLoadFileInstance fi)
      Event e = { cmImageHeaderReady };
      e. gen. p = fi-> frameProperties;
      CImage( fi-> object)-> message( fi-> object, &e);

apc_img_notify_scanlines_ready( PImgLoadFileInstance fi, int scanlines, int direction)
      Event e;
      int height, width;
      unsigned int dt;
      struct timeval t;

      fi-> lastCachedScanline += scanlines;
      gettimeofday( &t, nil);
      dt = 
         t.tv_sec * 1000 + t.tv_usec / 1000 -
         fi-> lastEventTime.tv_sec * 1000 - fi-> lastEventTime.tv_usec / 1000;

      if ( dt < fi-> eventDelay) return;
      if ( fi-> lastEventScanline == fi-> lastCachedScanline) return;

      e. cmd = cmImageDataReady;
      height = PImage( fi-> object)-> h;
      width  = PImage( fi-> object)-> w;

      switch ( direction ) {
         e. gen. R. left   = 0;
         e. gen. R. right  = width - 1;
         e. gen. R. bottom = height - fi-> lastCachedScanline;
         e. gen. R. top    = height - fi-> lastEventScanline  - 1;
         e. gen. R. left   = 0;
         e. gen. R. right  = width - 1;
         e. gen. R. bottom = fi-> lastEventScanline;
         e. gen. R. top    = fi-> lastCachedScanline - 1;
         e. gen. R. left   = fi-> lastEventScanline;
         e. gen. R. right  = fi-> lastCachedScanline - 1;
         e. gen. R. bottom = 0;
         e. gen. R. top    = height - 1;
         e. gen. R. left    = width - fi-> lastCachedScanline;
         e. gen. R. right   = width - fi-> lastEventScanline - 1;
         e. gen. R. bottom  = 0;
         e. gen. R. top     = height - 1;
      CImage( fi-> object)-> message( fi-> object, &e);

      gettimeofday( &fi-> lastEventTime, nil);
      fi-> lastEventScanline = fi-> lastCachedScanline;
#ifdef __cplusplus